ravetjej · 4 years
“Jag har fel på hjärnan Inget händer när jag tänker”
— Fel på Hjärnan
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ravetjej · 4 years
Vi borde vara det perfekta paret
Om det är sant att minus minus blir plus
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ravetjej · 4 years
Allting har en början
Allt har ett slut
Känns som om både och håller på att hända nu
Så också i Finspång
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ravetjej · 4 years
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ravetjej · 4 years
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ravetjej · 4 years
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ravetjej · 4 years
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Och det är förjävla jobbigt
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ravetjej · 4 years
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Det vill jag också
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ravetjej · 4 years
Figured I would share my favorite quick and easy safe food:
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Microwave egg white omelettes!
All you gotta do is crack two egg whites in a mug
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Add whatever veggies you want
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And microwave for around 90 seconds or until done!
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I love this. It’s so good and is only around 35 calories! Such a great staple for breakfast
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ravetjej · 5 years
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ravetjej · 5 years
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via weheartit
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ravetjej · 7 years
hello, it’s friday night and i have a reach for you:
mcdonald’s & coke, best buddies
mcdonald’s and coke have had a commercial partnership since 1955. i always knew that mcdonald’s only served coke (though never on a conscious level), and finally bothered to look up their connected history thanks to whatever theory this is trying to be. they’ve both been major players in brand globalization, and i think this is what the mcdonald’s sign in sana’s header is referring to.
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i don’t think skam plays with product placement the way american shows do; they mention brands and shows and places the way real people would, prioritizing reality over indirect endorsements. so i thought it was…strange that we saw the mcdonald’s brand balloons featured so prominently. why these? why not plain balloons? and why did the logo get so much screen time?  
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but then people pointed out that this was a reference to the balloon boys’ connection to even, because of where he tried to go in 3x08.
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i wanted to believe those two small references were meant to bind the two squads together, but i was also able to brush them off as coincidences. mcdonald’s is pop culture, so you cannot erase its existence from a show dedicated to depicting teenagers in that context.
but then we got another reference, shortly after even confirms his connection to the rest of the balloon squad in 4x03.
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(side note: i am glad that mcdonald’s is not a negative memory for either isak or even, that it’s still part of their lives and isak is actually quite excited about it)
(okay was that a side note or foreshadowing…?)
anyway, i could leave it at that, a solid connection between even and the balloon squad. but then today’s clip of the pepsi max gang at sana’s, with their ridiculously prominent placement of the drink they are supposedly not named after anymore, reminded me of the coke vs. pepsi war that is also a pop culture cornerstone. and where have we seen coke? hei briskeby.
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this could be a coincidence too, they’re just boys, casually drinking preferred beverages while they’re having fun recording their videos. but at this point i am way too sensitive to branding and the small hints that julie leaves for us to let it slide.
we’re seeing the tensions ramp up with pepsi max, but i’m hoping, on the coca-cola side, we’re going to see a reunion. mcdonalds & coke, best buddies. those balloons were the first bridge back to even, and no matter the rough times coming, we’ll see more clues that will bring them together. if i see the balloon squad eating mcdonald’s or even taking a swig of coke, then i just might actually die.
oh my god did i just try to write a corporate marketing headcanon
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ravetjej · 7 years
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— First, we need to get more girls. Cool girls.  — How do we do that? Ask them? — Wrong. We ask nothing. The cool girls ask us.
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ravetjej · 7 years
Tänk att jag blev den som blev kvar i staden där vi växte upp. Jag som längtade bort, spenderade tusenlappar på tågbiljetter bort, bort, bort. Att jag går på samma gator och känner mig mer hemma än någonsin. Tack vare honom. <3
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ravetjej · 7 years
Han håller om mig och säger att jag är det bästa som hänt honom. Jag älskar den här människan till döds.
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ravetjej · 7 years
That side of depression
Why do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore? Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell, when you cry, when you cut, when you take drugs, when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room, with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill, and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it’s horrible because you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. 
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ravetjej · 8 years
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min bild.
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