rawrevive · 5 years
Don’t let this recipe intimidate you! It’s actually a really easy recipe that I just plated and decorated nicely. If you love chocolate then you will love this chocolate ganache cake flavored with raspberry and paired with a raspberry coconut ice cream!
Yes, this delightful recipe is vegan, gluten-free and no-bake! I used an ice cream maker which is optional and I also include instructions on how to make it without.
Here is a recipe for the dark chocolate for enrobing. 
If you make this recipe, I would love to see your version of plating! Tag me at @crystal_dawn_culinary on instagram!
Raspberry Chocolate Ganache with Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream
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Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free and no-bake dessert
Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream
1 cup cashews (soaked 2 hours and rinsed )
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup young coconut meat
1/2 cup coconut nectar (or maple syrup or agave )
2 tsp beet powder (for color )
6 drops raspberry flavor (I use medicine flower essence)
5 drops vanilla essence (or 1 tsp vanilla extract )
1/4 tsp himalayan salt
1/4 cup coconut oil ( melted )
1/4 cup freeze-dried raspberries (chopped )
Raspberry Chocolate Ganache
3/4 cup cacao powder
1/4 cup cacao butter (melted )
1/4 cup coconut oil (melted )
1/2 cup coconut nectar (or maple syrup or agave )
4 drops vanilla essence (or 3/4 tsp vanilla extract )
6 drops raspberry essence
1/2 cup warm water
Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream
Blend all ingredients except coconut oil and freeze-dried raspberries until smooth. 
Add coconut oil and blend again until well combined.
Transfer to an ice-cream maker and process as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Add freeze-dried raspberries at the end and mix until combined.
Transfer to a container and set in freezer overnight.
If you are not using an ice-cream maker, transfer to a shallow container and place in freezer for 1 hour.
Remove from freezer and hand whisk ice-cream mixture to remove air bubbles and eliminate crystals from forming.
Repeat process every 45 minutes until ice-cream is frozen (takes approximately 4 to 6 hours).
Raspberry Chocolate Ganache
Blend all ingredients except warm water in a high-speed blender until smooth.
While blender is running on low, add warm water and blend only for a few seconds.
Place the silicone mold you are using on top of a tray or cutting board.
Pour chocolate ganache in silicone mold and pat on counter to remove air bubbles.
Set in freezer for minimum 4 hours.
Garnish and Assembly
Remove chocolate ganache from silicone mold.
Enrobe in melted dark chocolate
Dust with cacao powder or freeze-dried raspberry powder.
Serve with raspberry coconut ice cream.
  Raspberry Chocolate Ganache with Coconut Ice Cream Don't let this recipe intimidate you! It's actually a really easy recipe that I just plated and decorated nicely.
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rawrevive · 5 years
I recently moved and this raw, vegan Double Chocolate Fudge Cake was the first dish I made in the new kitchen. This cake is a combination and modification of two recipe components in my online Raw Desserts Chef Certification Course. 
I love how recipes are so versatile and you can switch them up and make something new! The crust is modified from an Ice Cream Cake (yes, all raw and vegan) I teach in my online course.
And the filling is a modified chocolate truffle recipe from my online course. I topped it off with a double chocolate frosting I had leftover from a private training I recently did.
This cake is raw, vegan, gluten-free and packed full of nutrition. Raw cacao contains a lot of healing nutrients such as magnesium and iron.
Here are just some health benefits of this wonderful superfood called Cacao:
Improves Mood: Cacao contains anandamide – known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria.
Aphrodisiac: Cacao contains phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasurable opium-like neurochemicals. These often release naturally when we fall in love and during sexual activity
Prevents Cardiovascular Disease: Flavanols an anti-inflammatory and heart protective antioxidant found in raw cacao may protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation.
Prevents aging: Polyphenol antioxidants found in cacao belong to the same group of antioxidants as green tea and red wine. These anthocyanins (found in dark-colored fruits) and catechins (found in green tea) protect our cells from premature oxidation or destruction and can keep us looking and feeling younger longer.
Combat Fatigue: With one of the highest concentrations of magnesium found in this natural food source. Magnesium also helps to protect against osteoporosis, reduces type II diabetes, and lowers blood pressure.
Healthy fats: Your body needs fat contrary to what some health practitioners preach. Fats are the helpers that create chemical reactions for: growth, immune function, and metabolic function. Healthy fats found in raw cacao are similar to the monounsaturated fat found in olive oil.
Read more: here
See, as far as I’m concerned, the health benefits are FAR way too good not to consume raw cacao!
Enjoy this raw ,vegan Double Chocolate Fudge Cake and drop me a comment to let me know how you liked it!
Double Chocolate Fudge Cake
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Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Fudge Cake.
Chocolate Cake Crust
3/4 cup almonds (soaked and dehydrated )
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp desiccated coconut
3 tbsp oat flour
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp coconut sugar
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp cacao powder
1/8 tsp himalayan salt
3/4 cup dates (soaked and pitted )
3 tbsp cacao butter (melted )
1 tbps tamari
1 tsp vanilla extract (preferably alcohol free )
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp cacao nibs
Double Chocolate Fudge Filling
1 1/2 cups cacao powder
1 cup coconut nectar (or maple syrup )
1/4 cup almond butter (raw or roasted )
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract (preferably alcohol free )
1/8 tsp himalayan salt
150 g cacao butter (melted )
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted )
1/4 cup almond milk (at room temperature )
Chocolate Cake Crust
Process all dry ingredients except cacao nibs in a food processor until batter forms a flour.
Add rest of ingredients, except cacao nibs, and process until batter starts sticking together.
Add cacao nibs and pulse until combined (cacao nibs stay chunky for texture).
Press cake batter into the bottom of three 2" chef rings on a lined tray OR the bottom of a 4" springform pan.
Set in fridge while making truffle filling.
Double Chocolate Fudge Filling
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender except coconut oil, cacao butter and almond milk until smooth.
Add remaining ingredients slowly to the blender while it’s running on low and blend until incorporated. Be careful not to over blend or the oils will separate. 
Pour into ring molds or springform pan, filling up to the top and pat on the counter to remove air bubbles.
Set in freezer overnight.
Remove from freezer, let thaw for 15 to 30 minutes and remove from forms. Decorate with cacao nibs, cacao powder and or chocolate sauce.
  Double Chocolate Fudge Cake I recently moved and this raw, vegan Double Chocolate Fudge Cake was the first dish I made in the new kitchen.
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rawrevive · 5 years
Want to bring your menu and recipes to the next level?
We teach you advanced decorating techniques in a simple way to bring a“WOW” factor, including recipe development.
  Learn how to make delicious and nutritious raw desserts so you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging your sweet tooth.
  Do you suffer from gluten and dairy intolerance?
Are you confused about which ingredients to use in raw desserts?
Have you been struggling with recipe creation?
Do you need help creating a raw desserts menu?
Do you struggle with cake decorating?
    Meet Crystal Bonnet
International Raw Food Chef featured in Raw Food magazine
LOVE chocolate and desserts, but I didn’t love the way I felt after eating it. When I discovered raw plant-based food and its health benefits, I dove right into creating sweets.
I trained at industry leading culinary and plant-based nutrition schools so I could create healthy chocolate and desserts high in nutrition that left me feeling energized and light.
Culinary art should be beautiful and eye-catching so I developed my dessert decorating and garnishing skills to bring raw desserts to a professional level but easy enough for anyone to do!
I started creating raw desserts at home for myself which led to creating a small farmer’s market business and then moved on to teaching. I wanted everyone to learn these skills so you can create healthy desserts at home for yourself, family or your business.
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  Which is why I created the Raw Desserts Chef Certification Course
In this certification program you will learn how to:
  Prepare raw, plant-based desserts like a pro.
Make healthy desserts delicious and fun.
Immerse yourself in plant-based culinary artistry.
Integrate healthy, nutritious ingredients into your lifestyle.
Set up your raw dessert kitchen with ease.
Master cake decorating like a professional.
Source your ingredients to save money.
Store your creations so they last.
Stay Tuned for details
Raw Desserts Chef Certification Online Course Want to bring your menu and recipes to the next level? We teach you advanced decorating techniques in a simple way to bring a“WOW” factor, including recipe development.
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rawrevive · 5 years
Plant-Based Desserts Level 1 & 2
Plant-Based Desserts Level 1 & 2
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GET READY! The most comprehensive, professional, diverse, raw dessert certification course is coming your way very soon!
I created a course which encompasses all techniques I have learned and each recipe starts from ingredient sourcing up to plating and garnishing.
25 dairy-free, gluten-free recipes with OVER 70 components  3 camera angles Shopping lists, equipment…
View On WordPress
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rawrevive · 5 years
Summer recipe alert! I had some coconut meat I had to use up and I’ve never used my popsicle molds before so I decided to make some!
These popsicles are really creamy, full of flavor and texture, enjoy!
Strawberries and Cream Chocolate Popsicles
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Vegan, gluten-free creamy popsicles enrobed in chocolate and candied nuts.
Candied Nuts
1 cup walnuts (soaked and rinsed )
1 cup almonds (soaked and rinsed )
3/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp mesquite powder
Pinch high mineral salt
Strawberry Ice Cream
1 cup cashews (soaked for 2 hours )
1 1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup young coconut meat
1/2 cup lakanto or xylitol
1/4 cup coconut oil (melted )
1 tsp freeze dried strawberry powder
1 tsp beet powder
1 tsp sunflower lecithin
8 drops strawberry essence
5 drops vanilla essence
1/4 tsp high mineral salt
1/2 cup freeze dried strawberries, chopped
Candied Nuts
Rinse nuts really well and strain.
Add all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until combined.
Place on a lined dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 115 for 24 to 36 hours.
Once dry, process in a food processor until a crumble consistency.
Strawberry Ice Cream
Blend all ingredients except freeze dried strawberries until smooth.
Add freeze dried strawberries and combined with a spatula.
Pour ice cream into popsicle molds and freeze overnight.
Melt dark chocolate and add candied nuts until combined.
Remove popsicles from freezer and run under hot water on both sides until popsicle easily removes from mold.
Using a tall mug, dip popsicles in dark chocolate and hold for a few seconds. Place on tray lined with parchment paper and set in the freezer.
Strawberries and Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Bars Summer recipe alert! I had some coconut meat I had to use up and I've never used my popsicle molds before so I decided to make some!
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rawrevive · 5 years
Anyone who follows me knows how much I LOVE Amy Levin’s work. I’m sure most would agree she is the best raw chocolatier and raw pastry chef in the world.
Amy Levin is the UK’s leading raw chocolatier. Her expertise in raw chocolate is unparalleled as she consistently breaks boundaries in the raw chocolate and dessert arena.
Amy is a classically trained professional chef and has been a professional raw chef for over 16 years. Read Amy’s bio here.
I started taking her online classes in 2015 and since have completed all 4 levels of The Raw Chocolatier, Raw Desserts at Home and was lucky enough to attend a private class at her home in London, on Candy Bars.
Her free recipes she shares on her website are beautiful, creative and of course tasty! Amy is very generous with information and her raw dessert recipes are out of this world! Here are pics of some recipes I have made from her site:
In her Raw Chocolatier course, I learned how to make beautiful stone-ground tempered chocolate bars, truffles, pralines and more.
There is nothing more satisfying than a perfect tempered chocolate bar. Tempered chocolate is smooth, shiny and has a “snap” quality. Also, more durable, tempered chocolate won’t melt at room temperature.
A couple of years back, I set up a farmer’s market business in Edmonton, AB. It was fun, but chocolate like this requires a lot of labour and it was difficult to keep up on my own.
Here are pictures of some of my chocolate creations I was able to create from learning her techniques:
Amy recently came out with level 5 in her Raw Chocolatier course I am dying to purchase and will be coming out with an advanced online pastry course soon I CANNOT WAIT for!
Live courses Amy currently offers:
Fundamentals of Raw Chocolate
Advanced Raw Chocolate
Raw Cakes Masterclass
Advanced Raw Pastry
Candy Bars Masterclass
I was lucky enough to attend a private Candy Bar Masterclass at her home in London, September 2018. The class was 4 hours and jam-packed with recipe demonstrations and some hands on.
After class I received a full recipe manual which was more than just recipes. This manual is 60 pages and filled with information such as; anatomy of a candy bar, working with stone-ground chocolate, different hollowed shell recipes, biscuit recipes, fruit caramels, emulsified caramels, pralines, ganache, cremes, garnishes and more!
Her live class was a great learning experience and I would highly recommend anyone attend if you have the chance.
If you are interested in learning how to create refined-sugar free, no-bake, gluten-free, nutritious dessert and chocolate then look no further than Amy’s courses.
As an industry leader, she is continually learning and refining her skills to bring you the best content. Her passion for this niche really reflects in her creative work.
Because of Amy, raw desserts and chocolate have become my passion and have taught me to really improve my skills. I love to create challenging, advanced dessert recipes (and love eating them too).
Here are some pics of my recent dessert creations:
  Amy Levin Course Review Anyone who follows me knows how much I LOVE Amy Levin's work. I'm sure most would agree she is the best raw chocolatier and raw pastry chef in the world.
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rawrevive · 5 years
EXCITING NEWS! I now offer a Nut and Seed Cheese Culinary Class; for private or group training. Learn how to make plant-based, aged, cultured nut and seed cheeses including all the accompaniments and garnishes for a cheese board.
Over 13 recipes, beginner to advanced including; hard aged cheeses, soft spreadable cheeses, log cheese, compote, crackers, bread and garnishes.
What you will expect to make:
·        Spiced Nuts and Seeds
·        Orange Compote
·        Chia Crisps
·        Veggie Flax Crackers
·        Onion and Veggie Bread
·        Almond Crackers
·        Garlic and Onion Bread
·       Cheddar Wheel
·        Macadamia Herb Log
·        Mozzarella
·        Nacho Cheese
·        Italian Cheese
·        Paprika Sun Cheese
Also included is a theory manual focusing on:
·        Stocking your pantry
·        Ingredient sourcing
·        Culturing two ways
·        Kitchen Equipment
·        Activating & sprouting
·        Garnishes
·        Aging
·        Dehydration
·        Plating
·        Presentation
Private one-on-one training
Hands-on experience
Use of only the finest organic ingredients
Learning of all raw food equipment and tools
Advanced techniques
Custom recipes
Full color manual with recipes and theory
Apron, Notebook, Pen
Juices, and/or smoothies during training
Setting up your nut cheese kitchen
Charcuterie board plating
Flavor balancing
Accompaniments and garnishes
Advanced techniques
Recipe development
Schedule: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm x 3 days
Pricing: Please email me at [email protected]
Nut and Seed Cheese Culinary Class EXCITING NEWS! I now offer a Nut and Seed Cheese Culinary Class; for private or group training.
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rawrevive · 5 years
EXCITING NEWS! I now offer a Raw Dessert Culinary Class; for private or group training. Learn how to make plant-based, no-bake, gluten-free desserts that will nourish your body and help you feel energized.
Over 30 recipes, beginner to advanced including; tarts, pies, cakes, ice cream, coconut yogurt, bars, snacks, tempered chocolate, truffles, candied nuts and seeds, raw flours, garnishes and more.
What you will expect to make:
·        Raw Flours
·        Garnishes
·        Pies
·        Tarts
·        Cakes
·        Tempered Chocolate
·        Truffles
·        Bliss Balls
·        Cookies
·        Pudding
·        Cheesecake 3 ways
·        Cookies
·        Ice Cream Sandwiches
·        Pralines
·        Energy Bars
·        Cultured Coconut Yogurt
·        Jams
Also included is a theory manual focusing on:
·        Stocking your pantry
·        Ingredient sourcing
·        Sweetener
·        Raw flours
·        Activating & sprouting
·        Culturing
·        Dehydration
·        Plating
·        Presentation
Private one-on-one training
Hands-on experience
Use of only the finest organic ingredients
Learning of all raw food equipment and tools
Advanced techniques
Custom recipes
Full color manual with recipes and theory
Apron, Notebook, Pen
Juices, and/or smoothies during training
Setting up your raw dessert kitchen
Dehydration techniques
Cake decorating and piping
Raw flours
Advanced decorating techniques
Plating and presentation
Tempered chocolate
Natural colors
Flavor Balancing
and more…
Schedule: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm x 5 days
Pricing: Please email me at [email protected]
Raw Dessert Culinary Class EXCITING NEWS! I now offer a Raw Dessert Culinary Class; for private or group training. Learn how to make plant-based, no-bake, gluten-free desserts that will nourish your body and help you feel energized.
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rawrevive · 5 years
It’s almost Valentine’s Day so I thought I would post a very special recipe! This was my first time working with chocolate lace, and let me tell you… it’s not easy! But it was super fun and I love the result!
Chocolate and strawberry pair so well together obviously, but I did not want to make a boring cheesecake. I added a strawberry layer made with agar agar, garnished with chocolate lace, vanilla icing and chocolate covered strawberries!
OOOH what a treat! I will be sharing this recipe with my family! This recipe looks daunting but trust me it’s not that difficult. You can watch YouTube videos on how to make chocolate lace here. 
This cake was inspired by the very talented Amy Levin. She is my biggest inspiration when it comes to raw desserts. This recipe reminds me of her Coffee Cherry Cheesecake she did a while back which taught me how to use agar! Now I’m obsessed with the stuff! It looks so beautiful on top of a cake.
Agar is a vegan substitute for gelatin. It is not raw as you need to boil it to activate the gelatin quality. It has many health benefits and is actually 80% fiber.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone and hope you enjoy this recipe!!
Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake
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This cake is no-bake, plant-based, gluten-free and will wow your friends and family! 
Chocolate Cake Crust
1/2 cup almonds (ground )
1/2 cup dates (soaked and pitted )
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp oat flour
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp cacao powder
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tbsp irish moss paste
8 drops vanilla essence (from medicine flower )
pinch himalayan salt
Cheesecake Filling
2 cups cashews (soaked )
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup lakanto
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted )
1 tbsp lemon juice
12 drops vanilla essence (from medicine flower )
1/2 tbsp sunflower lecithin
Strawberry Cheesecake Filling
1 tbsp freeze dried strawberry powder
1/2 tsp beet powder
8 drops strawberry essence (from medicine flower )
Strawberry Jelly
1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen thawed )
3/4 tsp agar
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp coconut nectar
1/4 tsp beet powder
Chocolate Cake Crust
Process all dry ingredients in food processor until a flour forms. 
Add wet ingredients and process until a dough ball forms. 
Line the bottom of 2 x 4″ springform pans with saran wrap, place crust firmly in bottom and set in the freezer while making the filling. 
Cheesecake Filling
Blend all ingredients except coconut oil in a high-speed blender until smooth. 
Add coconut oil and blend again until well combined. 
Split out into bowls. 
Strawberry Cheesecake Filling
Add ingredients to one bowl with the cheesecake filling and whisk really well until combined. 
Remove crusts from freezer, pour vanilla layer in, pat on counter to release air bubbles and set in freezer for minimum 1 hour before adding the strawberry layer.
Remove cakes from freezer, pour strawberry layer on and set in freezer again for 1 hour. Do not make the strawberry jelly until cakes are fully set. 
Strawberry Jelly
Blend strawberries with a 1/4 cup water in a blender until smooth. 
Add all ingredients into a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. 
Remove cakes from freezer, pour jelly evenly on top and set in the fridge for 10 minutes. 
Remove cakes from fridge and garnish with chocolate lace and chocolate covered strawberries. 
Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake with Chocolate Lace It's almost Valentine's Day so I thought I would post a very special recipe! This was my first time working with chocolate lace, and let me tell you...
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rawrevive · 5 years
My Vipassana Meditation Experience
I recently embarked on a 100 hour journey within myself over 10 days in beautiful Onalaska, Washington. Vipassana meditation is one of India’s oldest meditation techniques taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills.
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are. It is the process of self-purification through self-observation.
About the Course
Vipassana centers are located all the around world, are non-profit and run solely on donations. You can attend a course for free or give a donation at the end which will allow more students to attend.
If you attend a 10 day Vipassana meditation course, you are provided food and accommodation.  NOT a retreat but rather a very intense, soul searching, emotional, physically painful course which you have to work VERY hard at to reap the benefits.
Including check-in and check-out dates, you actually attend for 12 days to participate in 10 full days of noble silence. Noble silence means silence of body, speech and mind. I was actually excited about this part! I couldn’t wait to check in my phone and not have access to it for 10 days!
All who attend a Vipassana course must conscientiously undertake the following five precepts for the duration of the course. These were all pretty easy for me since I already don’t eat animal products, or take any intoxicants.
The 5 Precepts
to abstain from killing any being,
to abstain from stealing,
to abstain from all sexual activity,
to abstain from telling lies,
to abstain from all intoxicants.
See Code of Discipline for information.
Vipassana meditation aims at the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment. Its purpose is never simply to cure physical disease. However, as a by-product of mental purification, many psychosomatic diseases are eradicated. In fact, Vipassana eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion and ignorance. With continued practice, the meditation releases the tensions developed in everyday life, opening the knots tied by the old habit of reacting in an unbalanced way to pleasant and unpleasant situations.
Course Timetable
The schedule looks daunting; 10 hours of meditation a day! The gong rings at 4:00 am every morning but you have the option to meditate in your room till 6:30 so you can just go back to sleep if you want.
You only sit for 1 hour at a time with breaks so it’s really not that bad. Also, you have lots of opportunity to meditate in your room which can be more comfortable. During rest breaks I loved to use the walking trails on the property and spend time in nature amongst the deer (this was my favorite part of the day besides lunch).
4:00 am Morning wake-up bell 4:30-6:30 am Meditate in the hall or in your room 6:30-8:00 am Breakfast break 8:00-9:00 am Group meditation in the hall 9:00-11:00 am Meditate in the hall or in your room according to the teacher’s instructions 11:00-12:00 noon Lunch break 12 noon-1:00 pm Rest and interviews with the teacher 1:00-2:30 pm Meditate in the hall or in your room 2:30-3:30 pm Group meditation in the hall 3:30-5:00 pm Meditate in the hall or in your own room according to the teacher’s instructions 5:00-6:00 pm Tea break 6:00-7:00 pm Group meditation in the hall 7:00-8:15 pm Teacher’s Discourse in the hall 8:15-9:00 pm Group meditation in the hall 9:00-9:30 pm Question time in the hall 9:30 pm Retire to your own room–Lights out
Food & Accommodation
I wish I could have taken pictures of the food, but as mentioned earlier you are not allowed access to any electronic devices during the course. The food was very impressive! Anyone who is plant-based and gluten-free will have no problem as 99% of the food was vegan and gluten-free.
You have one main meal a day served at 11:00 am and then tea and fruit at 5:00 pm. I found this particularly hard as I was SOOO hungry ALL the time! I had to start eating way more at lunch so I could get through the day. I was waking up at 2:00 am with extreme hunger pains that would keep me awake. My theory for this is that my body was going through so much physically and emotionally I was burning through food so fast.
Accommodation was way nicer than expected. There are rooms with 2 beds and a bathroom so you really have a lot of privacy. The bed was a thin piece of foam on wooden slats, not so comfortable but you get used to it. There is lots of room for storage, a lamp and alarm clock (although you did not need the alarm clock as they rung the bell for every new item on the agenda).
Men and women are completely separated throughout the course (for distraction purposes). You will only see men during meditation in the hall but even then you have separate entrances and sit on opposite sides of the room.
Washroom in the residence
My bed/room
In this way the technique of self-observation shows us reality in its two aspects, inner and outer. Previously we only looked outward, missing the inner truth. We always looked outside for the cause of our unhappiness; we always blamed and tried to change the reality outside. Being ignorant of the inner reality, we never understood that the cause of suffering lies within, in our own blind reactions toward pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
My Experience
What led me to Vipassana
Okay, let’s get to the nitty gritty! First of all, I want to explain why I attended this course. I heard about Vipassana from a few people over the years and how it was life changing but the hardest thing they have ever done. 2018 was a really good year but it was also one of the hardest personally and emotionally.
I moved from Alberta back to BC which was one of the hardest moves of my life, went through a separation and started a new relationship. All while I was trying to start a business and create an income for myself.
These life events combined threw me through a loop and along with current traumas brought up a lot of past ones as well. They say intimate relationships bring out childhood traumas which I experienced first hand and now understand what that means. I realized I still had a lot of inner work to do and had not “dealt” with my past. Actually, I had blocked most of it out.
I knew I had to do something; it was either Ayahuasca or Vipassana! And I’m SO HAPPY I did NOT choose Ayahuasca. I registered for the waiting list at a Vipassana course in Onalaska, Washington and was accepted 2 weeks before. Everything happens just at the right moment and this could not have been more perfect timing.
Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don’t keep them to ourselves; we often distribute them to others as well. Unhappiness permeates the atmosphere around someone who is miserable, and those who come in contact with such a person also become affected. Certainly this is not a skillful way to live.
My First Impression
The center was only a 4.5 hour drive from Vancouver, BC. Check in is 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm the first day; upon arrival everything was really well organized and check-in super smooth. I filled out a few forms, checked in my phone, keys and wallet (they are all locked up in a safe), and was given directions to my residence. There are carts you can use to transport luggage as it is a bit of a walk to the residence. I loaded up the cart and headed to my room.
I was so excited about how much nature surrounded the center; endless greenery and lots of tame deer. It was so quiet, peaceful and smelt heavenly. My room was situated at the back of the residence facing nothing but nature! I walked in and was pleasantly surprised with how clean and warm it was. It reminded me of summer camp.
I unpacked and headed to the hall to eat a light meal and attend orientation. After orientation we headed to the hall for our first meditation session. I had no idea what to expect! I had never meditated in my life before this (I know, and start with 100 hours in 10 days, what was I thinking?)! We all had assigned seats which would remain the same throughout the course (so the teachers and course manager could keep track of us). During this first session I realized how serious this was and everyone attending was not here to screw around!
View from my front door
The First Few Days
Although, my emotions were all over the place, the first few days was kind of fun! I was happy, sad, confused, angry, happy, sad… and even started shedding a few tears on the second day.
I like structure so the schedule suited me well. All I had to worry about was meditating, eating, meditating eating again, walking in nature, meditating some more, drinking tea, more meditation and sleep. My favorite part of the day was lunch and afternoon walks, how hard could this be?
In order to be relieved of our misery, we have to know the basic reason for it, the cause of the suffering. If we investigate the problem, it becomes clear that whenever we start generating any negativity or impurity in the mind, we are bound to become unhappy. A negativity in the mind, a mental defilement or impurity, cannot coexist with peace and harmony.
Days Four to Seven
Day four we started learning the Vipassana technique of observing sensations in our body and this is when the real work starts. During this process the mind starts opening up which led me to have terrible nightmares (which lasted throughout the entire course), so sleep was non-existent.
I really started working hard to get as much out of as I could. After all, you take 12 days out of your life to practice Vipassana! I started taking it more seriously and really focused on the technique.
Vipassana focuses on mind and body connection; if you have emotional pain or trauma buried, it will surface in physical pain. And oh my, did it ever! By day 5 I was in SO much physical pain I wanted to throw up! Because of this, I was taking advantage of meditating in my room as much as I could. I was also very emotional and crying every day during sessions and on my walks.
Being in noble silence was particularly hard for me, I had no one to turn to for support except myself (I guess that’s the whole point, right?). Thankfully you are able to speak with the teachers when you have questions or concerns which I did a lot because well, I was a DISASTER! The teachers reassured me this was good because it meant the technique was working. All my pain was coming out at once and with a vengeance.
Every day after day four, physical and emotional pain, sleepless nights and nightmares just kept getting worse. I had to request a chair to sit during group meditations because any posture was just too painful. Even the chair was almost unbearable.
Day 8
I remember this day very well because I wanted to quit. I am not a quitter, once I start something I see it through till the end, so this was very unusual for me. All I wanted desperately was a bath and sleep in my own bed! I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it until day 10 but again I spoke with the teachers and they reassured me it will get better.
A good solution; it avoids both extremes—suppression and expression. Burying the negativity in the unconscious will not eradicate it, and allowing it to manifest as unwholesome physical or vocal actions will only create more problems. But if you just observe, then the defilement passes away and you are free of it.
Days Nine and Ten
Throughout the course, you are told over and over again the importance of staying until the end because you are doing surgery on your emotional wounds and day 10 will learn another technique to seal those wounds.
By the afternoon of day 9 I started to feel a lot better, and positive. I was in a totally different place, my surroundings looked different and felt more at peace. Day 8, I told myself “I would never do this again” and by Day 9 I couldn’t wait to come back. Funny how that happens!
Day 10 you are allowed to break noble silence at 11:00 am (so you can get integrated back into the real world). I thought I would be so excited for this but was actually very overwhelming. Lunch time was really loud with chatter and high energy, I had to go to my room to be alone. The rest of the day was pretty slack with just a couple of meditation sessions to learn the last technique.
After sharing our experiences with a few women, I realized my experience was quite intense. So please don’t let my experience scare you. Although it sounded like I had a really hard time, I accepted it because healing is hard work. You have to be really ready and willing to completely surrender.
People attend this course for different reasons during different emotional states in their lives. I decided to attend at a time in my life I felt I needed a big self transformation and self-improvement.
Someone said to me “Vipassana will be the best and worst time of your life”. This is 100% true! For me, anyway. This course was one of the hardest things I have ever done but the best thing I could have done for myself.
I was able to make life altering decisions so easily because everything became so clear. Without distractions of the outside world, self-reflection and observation, I was able to connect with myself deeper than I ever have.
Physical and emotional pain was released which led me to forgive, love unconditionally and see things as they really are.
I learned tools to change my reaction towards craving and aversion.
The work does not stop here, Vipassana is an ongoing technique and should be practiced everyday to reap the benefits.
Once you have completed the course you have access to resources and materials to assist with ongoing practice. You can download a useful app called Dhama.org Mobile App and listen to group meditation sittings, discourses and much more.
Observing reality as it is by observing the truth inside—this is knowing oneself directly and experientially. As one practices, one keeps freeing oneself from the misery of mental impurities. From the gross, external, apparent truth, one penetrates to the ultimate truth of mind and matter. Then one transcends that, and experiences a truth which is beyond mind and matter, beyond time and space, beyond the conditioned field of relativity: the truth of total liberation from all defilements, all impurities, all suffering. Whatever name one gives this ultimate truth is irrelevant; it is the final goal of everyone.
Interested in Attending? Here are Some Suggestions
Only attend a 10 day Vipassana course if you are ready and willing to completely surrender.
The center I attended in Washington was really well run, organized and the course managers do everything to make sure you are comfortable. (after all, they want you to stay)
Go without any expectation; everyone will have a different experience.
Talk to the teachers as much as you can so you fully understand the technique to ensure you are practicing it correctly.
Don’t bother bringing meditation supplies, the center has tons.
Bring a sleeping bag. I brought bedding but found it uncomfortable.
Bring a large refillable water bottle and snacks for emergencies.
You are not allowed to wear any tight clothing so bring lots of comfortable, baggy, warm clothing for 10 days (there are no laundry facilities.)
Upon returning home, eas yourself back into your life. I lost my voice the first day back home. If you can, take a day of rest and limit yourself to electronics, T.V., phone etc.
Go back! I would like to attend once a year.
I came home with confidence, less pain and misery and increased positivity. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.
*Quotes are from a talk by Mr. S.N. Goenka on the Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation*
Vipassana Meditation Experience My Vipassana Meditation Experience I recently embarked on a 100 hour journey within myself over 10 days in beautiful Onalaska, Washington.
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rawrevive · 6 years
Apple Crumble Coconut Yogurt Parfait (Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw)
Packed full of nutrition, this breakfast/snack is super simple to make with little equipment required.
This recipe might seem daunting because there are a lot of steps involved, but trust me, it’s super easy and oh so yummy!
I’ve made my coconut yogurt for a while now. This recipe is super simple and beneficial for your gut health.
Fermentation Health:
Probiotics can balance the friendly bacteria in your digestive system,
help prevent and treat diarrhea,
improve some mental health conditions,
and boost your immune system.
Read more about gut health and probiotics here.
Have you looked at ingredients of store-bought dairy-free yogurt? Unfortunately, many brands are full of artificial sweeteners and inflammatory thickeners such as guar gum and carrageenan.
Making coconut yogurt at home will make sure you are eating ingredients to help your health. Plus play around and have fun; you can make so many varieties and flavors.
Perfect for breakfast, dessert or a snack, this parfait will leave you satisfied. 🙂
Apple Crumble Coconut Yogurt Parfait with Caramel Drizzle
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Fermented coconut yogurt parfait with a dessert twist!
Fermented Coconut Yogurt
2 cups young coconut meat
1/4 – 1/2 cup coconut water
2 capsules dairy-free probiotic
2 tbsp coconut nectar (or any liquid sweetener )
1 tbsp lemon juice
Apple Crumble
2 gala apples (small diced )
1 cup walnuts (soaked and dehydrated )
3 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free )
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1/8 tsp himalayan salt
Caramel Drizzle
1 cup dates (soaked and pitted )
1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free )
Fermented Coconut Yogurt
Blend coconut meat and coconut water in a high-speed blender until very smooth. 
Add 2 capsules of probiotics and blend again for only a few seconds until combined. 
Place blended coconut in a 1 liter size glass mason jar and cover with cheesecloth fastening with an elastic band. 
Place in a dark warm space for 24 hours. 
While yogurt is fermenting, get started on the crumble. 
Apple Crumble
Pulse all ingredients except apples in a food processor until walnuts result in a crumble. 
Add crumble to a medium size bowl with apples and mix well until combined. 
Option to dehydrate at 115 F for 12 – 20 hours until fully dry and crunchy. You can also serve it raw as is but dehydrating gives it a nice crunch adding texture to the dish. 
Caramel Drizzle
Soak dates for minimum 1 hour in hot water. 
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. 
Once coconut yogurt is fermented blend with liquid sweetener and lemon juice until smooth. It should smell sour once done fermenting. 
Place coconut yogurt in a piping bag and cut off the tip about 1/2 an inch in diameter. 
Place caramel sauce in a squeeze bottle or piping bag cutting the tip off to reveal a small hole. 
Squeeze caramel drizzle on the side of your parfait glass starting at the bottom while twirling the glass all the way to the top. 
Pipe coconut yogurt in bottom of the parfait glass, layering with crumble and more coconut yogurt. Repeat until glass is full and garnish with more caramel drizzle and a sprig of mint. 
Coconut Yogurt: do not use metal utensils as it will mess with the fermentation. Storage: Fridge in a sealed glass container for 10 days. 
Crumble Storage: if dehydrated, in a container in the freezer for 1 month. Fresh – sealed container in fridge for 3 days. 
Caramel Drizzle: sealed container in fridge for 3 – 5 days. 
      Apple Crumble Coconut Yogurt Parfait (Dairy-Free, Raw) Apple Crumble Coconut Yogurt Parfait (Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw) Packed full of nutrition, this breakfast/snack is super simple to make with little equipment required.
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rawrevive · 6 years
Butternut Squash Pie (Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw)
Recently, my friend Candise and I filmed a live recipe video on instagram making of her famous raw desserts; butternut squash pie! I was so inspired that I decided to create my version with an almond-cinnamon crust, candied pumpkin seeds and fermented cashew cream icing.
Wow… this is my new favorite over pumpkin pie. Like pumpkin, you can eat butternut squash raw. If you have eaten a lot of pumpkin like me lately, this is a great alternative with many health benefits.
Butternut Squash Health Benefits
High in beta carotene and Vitamin A to improve eyesight and skin health
1 cup contains 7 grams of fiber to promote regularity
Contains 7 percent of your RDA of manganese to help with bone structure
Contains half daily dose of Vitamin C for immune health
This recipe is low-glycemic using only coconut sugar as a sweetener. The cinnamon-almond crust is even free of dates and pairs so well with the butternut squash pie filling.
I used my favorite cashew cream icing recipe from Amy Levin, you can find it here.
Butternut Squash Pie
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This dairy-free, gluten-free and refined sugar-free festive pie is made from butternut squash! You will require 3 x 4″ inch tart pans with a removable bottom. 
Candied Pumpkin Seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds (soaked overnight )
3 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp tamari
Cinnamon Crust
1 1/2 cups almonds
1 1/2 cups dessicated coconut
3 tbsp coconut sugar
3 tbs coconut oil (melted )
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp himalayan salt (or any high mineral salt )
Butternut Pie Filling
1 1/2 cups butternut squash (peeled and cubed )
1/4 cup full fat premium coconut milk ( )
1/4 cup coconut sugar
2 tbsp coconut oil ( melted )
1 tbsp sunflower lecithin
1 tsp pumpkin spice
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp himalayan salt (or any high mineral salt )
Candied Pumpkin Seeds
Soak Pumpkin seeds overnight, drain and rinse really well. 
Add all ingredients in a bowl and mix until combined. 
Place on a teflex dehydrator sheet and dehydrate at 115 F overnight until dry and crunchy. 
Almond Cinnamon Crust
Process almonds and coconut in a food processor until a flour forms. 
Add the rest of the ingredients and process until well combined and starts sticking together. 
Using your hands, press crust dough into bottom of a 4″ tart pan with a removable bottom. You will have enough crust for 3 x 4″ tart pans. 
Set in the fridge while making the filling. 
Butternut Squash Filling
Blend all ingredients except coconut oil and lecithin in a high speed blender until smooth. 
Add coconut oil and lecithin and blend again until combined. 
Pour filling into tart pans and bang on the counter to remove air bubbles and smooth mixture. 
Set in the freezer for 1 hour. 
Recipe I used for the cashew cream icing from Stage #1 and #2. 
  Butternut Squash Pie (Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw) Butternut Squash Pie (Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw) Recently, my friend Candise and I filmed a live recipe video on instagram making of her famous raw desserts; butternut squash pie!
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rawrevive · 6 years
No-Bake Festive Holiday Dessert recipes for you all!
This is a collection of so many great recipes from some awesome plant-based bloggers 🙂 So many choices; from fruit cake, cheesecake to cranberry tarts and bliss balls there is something for everyone.
Now you do not need to think about what to make for desserts during the holiday season, here there are plenty to choose from.
1. Lamington Bliss Balls 
2. Snickerdoodle Dip
3. Three-Ingredient Buckeyes 
4. Raw Cranberry Rose Cheesecake 
5. Vanilla Cream Christmas Tree Pie
6. Homemade Vegan Peppermint Bark 
7. Triple Layer Mango Dragon Fruit Cake 
8. Eggnog Cheesecake 
9. Raw Fruit Cake 
10. Pecan Pie Energy Bites 
11. Ginger Apricot Crunch Bars 
12. Peppermint Bark Ice Cream
13. Cranberry Walnut Tart 
14. Vegan Rum Balls 
15. Raw Mint Chocolate Cake 
16. Raw Cranberry Raspberry White Chocolate Cake 
17. No-Bake Apple Crumb Bars 
18. 3-Ingredient Freezer Maple Tahini Fudge 
19. Loved Up Raw Chocolate Cake 
20. Raw Double Chocolate Macaroons 
21. Christmas Fruit N’ Nut Truffles
22. Coconut and Cacao Doughnuts 
23. Cherry Vanilla Swirl Cake Bites
24. Raw Cocoa Gingerbread Brownies 
25. Chocolate Coconut Bliss Balls 
25 No-Bake Festive Holiday Dessert Recipes No-Bake Festive Holiday Dessert recipes for you all! This is a collection of so many great recipes from some awesome plant-based bloggers 🙂 So many choices; from fruit cake, cheesecake to cranberry tarts and bliss balls there is something for everyone.
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rawrevive · 6 years
This Gluten-Free Onion Herb Flatbread is raw, vegan, and grain-free and one of my all time favorite recipes! When I started eating high-raw and gluten-free I missed bread and crackers because I associated those with comfort foods and this hits the spot!
Super simple to make, you can use it for sandwiches, dip in spreads, or serve with salads. The onion creates a sweet flavor and herbs round it all together.
If you don’t have a dehydrator you can bake it at 250 degrees F for 20 – 30 minutes.
If you are trying to cut out processed bread, excess sugar, gluten, or other unhealthy foods, this is a delicious gluten-free alternative.  You won’t feel guilty about snacking on this healthy onion herb flatbread.
Gluten-Free Onion Herb Flatbread This Gluten-Free Onion Herb Flatbread is raw, vegan, and grain-free and one of my all time favorite recipes!
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rawrevive · 6 years
Warm Sweet Potato Pumpkin Soup recipe; plant-based, gluten-free and packed with nutrition! When the cooler weather hits I like to indulge in warm soup. This soup has become my favorite so far; it’s super easy to make, tasty and nutritious.
Sweet Potato and Pumpkin scream fall, and mixed with herbs, spices and coconut milk this soup will sure to be a crowd pleaser! This recipe is cooked, but I do not eat 100% raw and eat more cooked food in the winter. This recipe was just too good not to share.
I never get too personal in blog posts but that’s because I’m not too sure if anyone ever reads them or they just go straight to the recipe. 🙂 I’ve had a tough time lately with all the changes in my life and finding balance so I decided to work on my spirituality more. First I am taking a much-needed social break as I was spending way too much time on instagram stories (they are super addicting!).
Second, I am finding time to read more and get back into yoga. I used read and go to yoga a lot but have not had time since I moved. I am also listening to audio books lately which I love; and recently just finished one on Ayurveda. I’ve always been really interested in the subject and believe it is a great healing tool for a lot people and is the oldest healing science.
I took the dosha test and after doing a lot of research came to the conclusion that my dosha type is Vata-Pitta. I have all the symptoms of Vata-Pitta imbalance. Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). When these energies are imbalanced it can affect your overall physical and mental health. To heal an imbalance you can eat foods and consume herbs specific to your dosha type. Vata requires warm, cooked foods in the winter so I am increasing those into my diet.
You can read more about Ayurveda here.
Let’s get back to this recipe!
Pumpkin has so many nutritional benefits:
High in antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These can neutralize free radicals, stopping them from damaging your cells
High in Vitamins A and C, potassium, zinc and fiber
Reduces inflammation
And let’s not forget the other star attraction – Sweet Potato:
High source of beta-carotene
Source of Vitamin C, potassium calcium, Vitamin E
Contains folate, iron, copper, calcium and fiber
You can make the fancy design on top by using coconut milk. Put coconut milk in a squeeze bottle and draw a spiral from middle to outside and use a toothpick to make swirls. There are lots of  YouTube videos that show how to do this, just search “how to marble a cheesecake.”
Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did!
Warm Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Soup
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This cooked sweet potato and pumpkin soup is full of flavor, creamy, plant-based, gluten-free and a crowd pleaser. 
3 cups sweet potato (yams) (peeled and chopped )
2 cups sugar pumpkin (peeled, deseeded and chopped )
2 cups vegetable broth (low sodium or homemade )
1/2 large white onion (diced )
1/4 cup coconut milk (canned preferably no gaur gum)
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 cloves garlic (minced )
1 tsp high mineral salt
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp chipotle chili powder
Add coconut oil to a large pot over medium heat until melted. 
Add onion and garlic and cook until onions sweat and brown a bit. 
Add all spices and stir until combined. 
Pour vegetable broth into pot and bring to a boil. 
Add pumpkin, sweet potato and boil on medium heat for 20 minutes or until potato and pumpkin are soft. 
Pour soup into a blender, add coconut milk and blend until smooth. 
Peel the sugar pumpkin with a sharp knife and deseed before chopping. 
STORAGE: sealed glass container in refrigerator 1 day. 
  Warm Sweet Potato Pumpkin Soup Warm Sweet Potato Pumpkin Soup recipe; plant-based, gluten-free and packed with nutrition! When the cooler weather hits I like to indulge in warm soup.
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rawrevive · 6 years
Pumpkin Tahini Fudge Recipe video; no-bake, gluten-free and super simple to make. This healthy dessert is perfect for the whole family as dessert or snack any time of the day.
Who knew tahini and pumpkin paired so well together, they are a match made in heaven! I may be a little obsessed with pumpkin recipes at the moment, but tis the season, right?
I moved to Vancouver, BC in June and still have not met that many friends but I am so happy I connected with a very special person here: Candise Pearce from Frulution! We have teamed up to work on some projects together and will be bringing you more videos in the future.
I feel so blessed to have connected with Candise as we have a lot of the same value and goals which all lead to helping others live healthier lives through food, nutrition and detox. Stay tuned for more collaborations.
Now, let’s get to this recipe! Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Pumpkin, I love pumpkin, especially in dessert form.
Pumpkin has so many nutritional benefits:
High in antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These can neutralize free radicals, stopping them from damaging your cells
High in Vitamins A and C, potassium, zinc and fiber
Reduces inflammation
Enjoy this simple easy recipe as dessert at thanksgiving dinner, work energy snack or anytime of the year.
Pumpkin Tahini Fudge
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Gluten-free, Vegan, No-Bake fudge recipe only using a few ingredients and blender.
1.5 cups tahini
2/3 cup liquid sweetener (I used coconut nectar)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree (cooked)
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted )
1/2 cup cacao butter (melted )
1 tbsp + 1 tsp pumpkin spice
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp high mineral salt
Blend all ingredients except cacao butter in a high-speed blender until smooth. 
Add melted cacao butter and blend again until well combined. 
Line an 8 x 8 square pan with parchment paper. 
Pour batter into lined square pan and set in freezer for 1/2 to 1 hour. 
Remove fudge from pan and cut in desired shapes. 
STORAGE: fridge for 1 week or freezer for 1 month. 
Pumpkin Tahini Fudge Pumpkin Tahini Fudge Recipe video; no-bake, gluten-free and super simple to make. This healthy dessert is perfect for the whole family as dessert or snack any time of the day.
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rawrevive · 6 years
I have a new recipe for you all; this Chaga Spiced Latte is dairy-free, caffeine free and has super powers! Flu season is upon us and that means we need to keep our immune systems balanced and in check! There is no better way to do this than with medicinal mushrooms; one of my favorites to be exact – CHAGA.
With the weather cooling in Canada I like to have a warm drink in the morning so I have drunk this latte everyday upon waking snuggled in bed while catching up on messages and emails.
Swap out your morning coffee for this nutritious, energizing spiced latte that will make you feel all warm and cozy inside. I used to be a coffee drinker a few years ago but sometimes miss that warm cup in the morning so this hits the spot!
CHAGA Mushroom has so many health benefits and one of the most nutritious foods on the planet!
Antioxidant – Chaga mushrooms have the highest ORAC score (Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity) for antioxidants ever recorded in any natural food – approximately 1,104 units per gram!
Cancer fighting – not only does the betulinic acid found in chaga help to eliminate cancer cells, but it can also help to overcome the unpleasant effects of chemotherapy.
Supports Healthy Digestion – With its anti-inflammatory effect, chaga may relieve digestive discomfort and promote better digestive function.
Promotes Healthy Skin – Chaga is a natural source of melanin, the pigment that darkens skin and provides protection against solar UV rays. With its anti-inflammatory effects, chaga can help to clear skin conditions like rashes, acne and eczema more quickly. It even protects the firmness and elasticity of skin, delaying the formation of wrinkles.
Increases Physical Endurance – Chaga creates higher energy stores in your muscles and liver. Chaga polysaccharides  reduced blood lactate levels which may help to boost endurance.
The first step to this latte is brewing chaga tea. You can buy chaga tea in health food stores or online at amazon here. It’s better to brew chaga mushroom chunks rather than powder as they are way more powerful. I added an extra special ingredient to this latte to give a fall feel. Check the recipe below to see what it is!
Use this recipe to get you through flu season and swap out your coffee! 🙂 Enjoy!
Chaga Spiced Latte
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Immune building chaga spice latte recipe! Perfect for the fall/winter and flu season. 
1.5 cups hot brewed chaga tea (follow brewing instructions on tea)
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp mesquite powder (optional )
1 tbsp coconut nectar (or preferred liquid sweetener)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp pumpkin spice
Brew Chaga tea as per the brands’ instructions. (usually 1 to 2 tbsp. chaga to 1 gallon water, bring to a bowl and then simmer for half to 5 hours.) Buy Chaga tea here. 
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth and drink right away. 
Garnish with coconut whip cream and cinnamon! Get the coconut whip cream recipe here. 
Add 1 tbsp coconut oil for a keto boost! 
  Chaga Spiced Latte I have a new recipe for you all; this Chaga Spiced Latte is dairy-free, caffeine free and has super powers!
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