rawrnry · 6 years
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rawrnry · 6 years
That story is a bit broken...but the video is fuckin hot!
Slave Hunting (Kidnapping) - Object #534.30 (Video 1 of 2)
The mercenary is a customer order. The client has a score to settle with it and lets it first torture cruel. Only for his pleasure! But it is kidnapped because it is an excellent paramilitary explosives specialist. After fulfilling its purpose, the object is disposed of. Note: The naked upper body and the elaborate fettering serve only the pleasure of the two helpmates. Both will also in the van rape the victim. For her pleasure! Although it the employees of The Slave Camp is forbidden, to use goods! But who should listen thereof it already? And the target object will not be a sex slave. Whom interested its virginal ass? Anyone!
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rawrnry · 6 years
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My mate tied up and gagged @cantonists
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rawrnry · 6 years
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rawrnry · 7 years
LGBT culture is your parents knowing absolutely nothing about you
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rawrnry · 7 years
Oh hell no! I really don't think it is purposeful in a malicious way. That's not how societal pressure works, hundreds of thousands of people didn't collectively decide "you know, we need power and to do that I'm going to mentally break kids to keep them at bay." It's just not that simple. Also systematic oppression rarely is the cause of one individual (I'm not comfortable calling this systematic oppression, but that's what you seem to be describing this as) and I can't imagine it was a conscious decision to create schools with a specific routine to make students weak in the end. I mean, it's no less misguided, but many education systems aim to instill discipline and a work-horse like mentality in the individual. Not so they won't speak up against wrong things, but because more can be achieved if one has a strong work ethic. The issue is a sink or swim mentality in educating children that only seems optimized for the most resilient, but leaves a lot of people behind. I do agree that it's a horrific system, but I don't think it's purposefully engineered to create broken people. I think it's a side effect most people, including education policy makers, super intendants, principals, parents, and teachers have assumed is inevitable. Other people might be opportunistic and see a way to target and control certain populations within that, which is undoubtedly evil, but I think prejudice is a more frequent motive than a super-villain-esque "I'm going to rule the world when I damage all the children with an archaic education system!"
I went to a private middle school for two years where the focus was on experiential learning. I still didn't get good grades during middle school or high school, but I think I learned the most from those two years than I ever did from grade school and high school combined.
I hated school, I always felt intellectually inadequate and it me caused major depression and anxiety. When I was first out of high school I felt like I was going no where... but then I realized that I wanted to have sex, since there were so few openly gay people in high school, I wanted to just loose my virginity, so I did... and 8 years later I'm still with that guy...my point with that anecdote is that there is progress to make and goals to reach for, but they don't have to be big goals to be impactful and deeply important. They can be as big as making a sandwich for yourself at lunch. Learning about yourself is important, maybe you'll find out you love cooking... or maybe you'll hate it, that's good to know too
I took three years off of high school to work for awhile, and I felt stuck, not just by societal limits, but by my level of responsibility. so I went back to college and achieved straight A's and started really enjoying it. I suddenly found all the classes I took really interesting and fun. I went to community college and then transferred to a four year art school. Having a little life experience after high school, I felt more comfortable than many of my classmates when I left college, because I knew had to keep busy and stay positive and I understood how to do that for myself.
The fundamental failing of the current school system is that we don't learn about ourselves. We don't understand how we want to relate to the world when most everything is decided and chosen for us. I only found happiness at school when I could take classes on subjects I found interesting... what I didn't realize is that I could find so much around me interesting when there isn't some weird filter over the information I'm allowed to learn at any given age.
Everyone learns in different ways. Finding how you learn best is a difficult lesson in and of itself. How do we engineer a better system that aids in that discovery and then provides the necessary resources for that student? Maybe it's as simple as a freedom of choice, to learn what, how, and when they want?
TL;DR I agree many, if not most, school systems are broken.
I deeply disagree that most people are trying to scam young people by educating them in a specific way. There are many people that just have a narrow view of what education is.
It bothers the fuck out of me that adults try and take away creative outlets for kids, but would never think about doing that when it comes to sports.
All little kids are actors. All little kids are story tellers. All little kids are musicians. All little kids are creative, are artists.
And to see it just slowly be torn from them so they can “grow up” and settle for whatever life the adults want for them, is heartbreaking.
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rawrnry · 7 years
The toe tie is a nice little evil detail
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More belts make a happier, hornier, more secure gimp.
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rawrnry · 8 years
I think this is true for all ages, there is always room for improvement. An important thing to remember is that no one person is perfect and that getting to love someone is partially accepting their downfalls while simultaneously helping them improve slowly at their pace. This is not to be confused with having someone change for you, as you need to be able to try to get better at things things that you don't do well. It's about mutual growth, and you need to not only be honest and fair to your partner but honest and fair to yourself. This is a difficult thing to do, and it's not likely to be a constant or steady progression on either side, so patience is a must. The biggest advice I can give is to enjoy the journey no matter how slow or what direction it takes.
At this age you gotta accept that if you want to be with someone, you both still got growing up to do. You either grow together or outgrow each other.
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rawrnry · 8 years
It's not that you can't have this kind of fantasy where the dom calls the sub a fag or faggot, but it needs to be mutually discussed before hand. I personally don't want to be called fag or faggot, but I prefer boy with wide variety of adjectives (nasty, dirty, slutty, sissy, cute,etc) but those are things I've worked out with my doms. My major issue with this type of behavior is that it often corresponds with people not understanding the basics of dominance. I've known guys that have fallen for the rhetoric but the doms have gone way to far and have ignored safe words and limits. These people understand that they like the power of being a dom but don't understand the extreme responsibility that is attached to it.
It's easy to go too far and hurt someone either emotionally or physically. There is an etiquette , and it's not just for show, it's to keep people safe.
I can't stand that kind of toxic behavior, it seems to portray a complete disregard for the well being of their sub.
The Pond Scum Grows...
I just had some asswipe message me with the following phrase, “hey fag.”
Someone who didn’t follow me. Someone younger than me. Someone who honestly believes in that “cash master” bullshit. He then explained, “it was supposed to sexually excite you, faggot.”
My blood boils at such disdain towards an unwilling, unwelcoming participant. I told him off, blocked him, and reported his worthless ass to tumblr staff.
I’m writing this because I am mad.
But I am also writing this to empathize with submissive boys out there. I cannot imagine how many of you must get messages like that. And on a regular basis.
I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that. True dominant men will never treat you that way. Don’t let the pond scum think they can get away it either.
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rawrnry · 8 years
Playing with MAX
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rawrnry · 8 years
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rawrnry · 8 years
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rawrnry · 8 years
Fuck! that looks delicious!
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Tuesday ass
Kik: gingerstrap
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rawrnry · 8 years
I love this so much! My two doms are exactly like this! They're more like partners or family, I'm incredibly close to them, and I love them very much. I love the intimacy I share with them, and it makes the more hardcore scenes even more intense and intoxicating. I also just enjoy the nights where we're not doing anything and I can just be around them and hang out and have a great time. I have a total of four partners and they all mean the world to me, and I hope they all know how much I love them.
My daddies don't always need to get off, they love how much I get excited around them too. I get so electrified my their touch and by the way they get in my head, I do everything I can to please them and make them feel good, and they reward me twofold. Spanking is an important part of my pleasure, I absolutely love it, I love that my daddies get more and more amped up over my groans.
I hope you find the boy for you! I know how amazing this is, and I know it's very real for me. I Obviously wish I lived in Arizona because you sound amazing, and I have loved your posts for quite some time!
What do I want from a boy?
So I have four asks in my inbox on this same question, “what are you looking for in a boy?” I thought I’d just take a moment to respond.
To be my boy, I need you to be in Arizona. I’m looking for something more meaningful that could grow towards something more. I’m not opposed to hook ups but I am just craving more in life.
I need you to want cuddles. This is not some joke. Within the dominant design, there is some myth of always being hardcore. There is little affection. I want to cuddle. I want you to want to cuddle a lot.
Please like underwear. Please wear briefs for me. Please put a jock or thong on when I ask. Please let me spoil you with random pairs to wear for me because it makes me happy.
Enjoy spanking. This is perhaps a wishlist item. I know it isn’t for everyone. I really love to spank a beautiful bottom. I don’t want to bruise or hurt you. But I want it rosy red. I want to warm it up and kiss it.
Let me tie you up and tease you for as long as I want. I love to edge and milk. My dominance is centered on pleasurable torment. I love to make you moan and groan for me. I want you to love it.
Never make me want for pleasure. I like having my cock sucked. I like to get off. I like to enjoy your body. It isn’t my constant focus but what makes excited is seeing you eager to please.
Let me kiss you whenever I want.
Let me hold your hand whenever I crave it.
I like to think I’m a hopeful romantic, but this is what I want.
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rawrnry · 8 years
Ah, so relevant and clever. I have never laughed so much. I think things are funnier if you just recycle the same material over and over until all nuance has dried up, much like your mother...
see what I did there? I used a joke that even the advertisers might get... please get off tumblr before you hurt yourself.
And yes, that meme is only five years old, even if it feels like ten.
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But really, snacking should be my middle name.
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rawrnry · 8 years
1.(do things for others only if it pleases you to do so, and try not to have ulterior motives attached to said action e.g. For gratitude, acceptance, money, popularity unless it's literally your job. It's not that doing things for others is bad, but assess the stress that it might cause you to do such an act, and make sure it doesn't outweigh the possible outcome, which might be that that they don't express gratitude, money, acceptance, etc. make sure you'll still be happy with that possibility.) (Also don't worry too much about how others view you, the people that love you will accept you and any shortcomings you might have. That's not to say you can't improve any of them, but don't work on them solely for the acceptance of others that have shown no loyalty to you, because frankly they don't deserve the effort.)
10. (Just try to start a little earlier, making progress on procrastination is much like making progress on a project, slow and steady will head results. Parse out your tasks and complete them one by one instead of looking at the whole picture. Put your blinders on, you will get there sooner than you think)
2. (Mistakes are important. It's hard to see in the moment, but that's what progress is about. Fearing them is natural, but accepting the fact that they will continue to happen helps you overcome and make productive use of the mistakes you've already made.)
3. And 4. (Fear of change is normal, but rest assured that change is inevitable. That might seem like your worst nightmare, but it can be a huge reprieve if you let it. The problems you face today might not be the problems you face tomorrow. Acceptance that there is no possible way to know what lies ahead can actually help you accept and confront the challenges of tomorrow instead of carrying the problems of the past with you.)
5,6 and 7(finding a way to forgive yourself is difficult, but immensely important. We all do things that we regret, but the key is to acknowledge them, accept that it happened, but not letting it consume you or your thoughts. It goes for what others do as well. This is possibly the most abstract form of advice... but meditation can help with these things, focusing on what you are currently doing, breathing, brushing teeth, showering, etc. letting things come into your mind, acknowledging their existence and pushing your focus back to the task at hand.
8.(finding ways to center your emotions is a good thing, but it's different for every person. Don't be fearful of showing emotion either, as it can force you to suppress your emotions rather than work through them. There are many ways but again meditation can be done quickly and intermittently throughout the day to help bring calm back to a stressful situation.
9.(I interpreted this one two different ways: trying to judge yourself based on others achievements, and wanting revenge on someone. The first is hard to avoid living in a society with social media that is so easily accessible, but again, put your blinders on because their achievements have no effect over yours, and will distract yourself from your own victories if you pay too much credence to them... also revenge is bad... don't do that...I ran out of thoughtful advice)
This is all mostly common sense, but extraordinarily hard to put in practice, don't be discouraged if it doesn't all come quickly or all at the same rate. Those with disabilities preventing major progress in these categories there are a couple of caveats: one being that small and minute progress doesn't mean it's hopeless. Another is that some of these things may not easily apply to you, and that's ok. Anxiety is not easily solved, none of this advice is meant to make it seem like anxiety is easily taken care of. For some people anxiety is completely crippling, and advice like this tends to look down on that. That is not my intent in the least. Understanding that others might not be well equipped to deal with stressful situations that are caused by some of the symptoms listed is an important thing. Anxiety is dealt with in a variety of ways but it's almost impossible to help someone not feel it. you might be able to be there for them and help them pull themselves out of it, but trying to solve it for someone else is not actually helpful and often creates a feedback loop of anxiety.
As I was writing this I couldn't help but think about Buddhism and the middle way (full disclosure: I'm not Buddhist, but I greatly admire Buddhism, especially D.T. Suzuki's writings on Zen Buddhism) I was thinking about zen Buddhist monks trying to achieve enlightenment by accepting things the way they are. It's no easy task as the journey for someone to reach enlightenment is fraught with anxiety, overthinking, mistakes, pain, frustration, until it just clicks. Thats just to illustrate how hard it is to live in moderation and accept everything for what it is. That's a great over simplification, as nothing in Zen Buddhism is simple or can be accurately dissected in any fashion. But like with everything, it's easier said than done, and since everyone has to deal with unique obstacles that makes writing detailed advice impossible or at the very least mostly irrelevant.
TL;DR I wrote this so that I could remember what I learned from my experiences this year.
10 Things to Give Up
1. Trying to please, and be acceptable, to others 2. The fear of making a mistake 3. The fear of change 4. The fear of the future 5. Guilt or shame that’s tied to your past 6. Beating yourself up or putting yourself down 7. Over-thinking 8. Living by your feelings 9. The desire to get even with others 10. The tendency to procrastinate.
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rawrnry · 8 years
Reblog this if you'd date a non binary person
Proving a point to myself
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