raygalletti · 4 years
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I’m saddened to learn that our accomplished actor with an impressive resume has decided to take a break from social media and will no longer bless us with his wealth of experience, talent, and most importantly, kindness.
I take full responsibility as one of the hate accounts he mentioned in his statement even though he and his wife intentionally sought me out as I never tagged them in my posts.
I sincerely hope that our accomplished actor with an impressive resume would keep his word and go back to being an irrelevant z-list “actor” before his wife lucked out with an influential role which gave him a peek at the limelight and the entitlement to join in on her celebrity; and stay in the endless unimportance forever change his mind and come back to grace us with his marvelous presence someday.
I’m certain that our accomplished actor with an impressive resume’s time away from social media would allow him to go back to his dog walking busy schedule and focus on his under-five roles multiple exciting projects. I hope that I’d have the opportunity to witness his magnificent talent although he can’t seem to get any project going on his own unless his wife produced it and put him on. Eveb then it could still fail on its face, see the Pooched extravaganza.
Again, I hope our accomplished actor with an impressive resume would rotate 180 degrees and survey the vast amount of off into which he can fuck come back one day and give us more precious content of Kat and Bernie since so many of us live for it and are forever thankful for his hard work, dedication, and support.
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raygalletti · 4 years
Ray finally spoke up. What do you think about his statement?
After 5 weeks? So prompt and punctual! I think nothing about his statement, but I sure hope he would keep his words and disappear forever.
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raygalletti · 4 years
And how do you know that the real Kat Barrell blocked you? Is it really her account? or of a fan who impersonates her?🤔🤔
I’m pretty sure, not that I care lol. I just find it funny. Bald douche must have told her about my account, cried to her about how mean I was. 😂
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raygalletti · 4 years
I was cracking up over your page - I was wondering if you know anything about the rumors that Ray supposedly assaulted a fan in the last couple of weeks?
I just heard about it recently, and his fans, I mean, his wife’s fans think I’m the one behind the allegation lol.
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raygalletti · 4 years
I’ve been made aware that there are speculations about me being the one creating recent sexual allegations against our favorite accomplished actor with an impressive resume, Ray Galletti, and I’d like to verify that.
I did not come up with the sexual allegations and never felt the need to. All of my posts are based on factual information given out by our favorite actor, Ray, and his wife, Kat, themselves. His biography, his resume, his roles, the fact that he follows his wife to work (on set, cons) and tags along to events and work trips,... were facts provided by our favorite actor, Ray.
Dear Kat (and your fans), you and your loving husband have generously provided me so much content and material. I never feel the need to make anything else up. And unlike you and your loving husband, I’m not socially tone-deaf, oblivious, and clueless to create such offensive and distasteful allegations and I know what lines cannot and should not be crossed. Just like your costars’ husbands/wives/significant others who don’t hog the spotlight and crave the attention from strangers, who keep a respectful distance away from their loved ones when they work. Also, it has come to my attention that you (somehow) found and blocked my account. I cannot express how sad I am over this. My life is now completely ruined and I’m utterly and completely destroyed. However, I hope that you had a chance to read through my posts and appreciate my admiration and respect to your loving husband who’s an accomplished actor with an impressive resume and the best husband and most supportive cheerleader in the world, no, in this entire universe.
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raygalletti · 4 years
Hey, noticed you deleted the instagram account, any specific reason for that?
I’m very sure the douchebag reported the account because he has that kind of time. No worries, I created another one with the same name.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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I came up with a weird and creepy brilliant idea of shipping myself with the LESBIAN character my wife plays and named it Rayhaught because we had a ship name for our own, Barfetti, I mean, Barretti, but it didn’t get as much attention as I’d like. It’s one my my puns and it’s too funny not to publicize. Since I’ve been living off of my wife’s paychecks shown my unconditional love to my wife, and since I’ve been living vicariously through my wife to pretend I have fans a huge cheerleader for the Wynonna Earp community, I’ve wholeheartedly earned the right. I couldn’t wrap my little brain around why some people feel offended, but I gave a sincere backhanded apology. I was sorry people took offense for irrational reasons for offending the characters, story and community. And since I’ve been benefited from my wife who gets paid to play the character selflessly let the fans borrow my wife 24/7 I should be able to make a an insensitive harmless pun. My wife’s fans obviously can see how sincere my apology was because a few months after that, I brought Rayhaught up again because I was so proud that a fan of my wife’s mine made a gift for us. Rayhaught forever!
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raygalletti · 4 years
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I’ve been wanting to be on the show that my wife is on because I can’t find acting jobs on my own have lots of talent to contribute and I’ve been so supportive of her and the show that I think I deserve it. I’ve tried to suck up to make friends with my wife’s colleagues, boss, and boss’s boss because I desperately want to be hired by someone just spread kindness everywhere I go.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Another way to live vicariously through my wife and inserting myself into her show and its fandom show my never ending support to my wife: attending cons with her and creepily approach my her fans to tell them how grateful I am for their love and support of my her work even though nobody paid those expensive tickets to see and talk to me. By now I’m the only significant other of the cast that the fandom is familiar with because I always make sure my fave and my fivehead is present in every convention and event, even surpassing the husband of the star of the show who rarely makes public appearances; but that’s only because he isn’t an attention seeker who needs validation from strangers as supportive as I am.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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When I’m not busy building my impressive acting career walking the dog, I often go to visit my wife on set because I don’t have anything to do so I live the actor’s life vicariously through her want to show her my support every step of the way by acting like I’m part of the cast.
So, with all the support and encouragement I’ve shown her’s paychecks and how much I’ve inserted myself into the cast and the fandom, I believe I’ve earned the right to say this:
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“I speak ON BEHALF of the entire cast and crew when I say Earpers are the best!”
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Like I’ve mentioned, since my wife became a part of Wynonna Earp, she has been invited to many red carpets events and exclusive parties. Since I’ve never been invited because nobody knows who I am able to attend because of my busy schedule, I decided to ride on her coattails so that I know what it’s like to be a celebrity go with her because I wanted to support her every single step of the way.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Traveling part 2.
Again, I get to travel and explore the world with style expenses paid by my wife.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Traveling part 1.
A perk of having a working wife: I get to travel luxuriously around the world and have the best time of my life on her money. All I have to do is take a break from my dog walking busy acting schedule, send our dog to the kennel that’s already paid by my wife and pack.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Going to comic cons has always been a dream of mine, but I’ve never been to one because I’m a failed actor and no one invited me I’ve always been busy building an impressive career.
This is when everything began for me, when my wife got a role on a little show called Wynonna Earp. The show became a success with a cult following. They get invited to events and conventions all around the world. Of course, given the opportunities, I quit everything I was doing, which is sitting on the sofa and walking the dog, to follow my wife and show my support enjoy the perks through her because I could never get them on my own.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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I use to use the beauty filter to smooth out the wrinkles make my appearance match my youthful spirit because it’s totally age appropriate.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Examples of my wife’s fans spotting me on tv shows and movies where I am on screen for 5 seconds give very emotional and memorable performances.
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raygalletti · 4 years
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Just some examples of my cameos and underfives guest starring roles which garnered praise from critics. I always have a good time on set with my costars who don’t remember or care about who I am still remember me and my memorable performances.
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