rays-sitcom-place · 5 days
just had a vision of an interaction between two people that's like "if we're both still single when we're 40 let's get married" "but we are 40" "..." [smash cut to them aggressively making out]
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rays-sitcom-place · 7 days
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anyway. am i wrong
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rays-sitcom-place · 21 days
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rays-sitcom-place · 21 days
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rays-sitcom-place · 22 days
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Mac’s puppy dog eyes
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rays-sitcom-place · 2 months
Do you see them as a QPR?
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QPR Reasoning:
"Queerplatonic relationships (QPR), also known as queerplatonic partnerships (QPP), are committed intimate relationships between significant others whose relationship is not romantic in nature."
QPR reasoning:
"- i just think they're partners in some way but it's not romantic. like even when they're in other relationships romantically, I think they're still partners in their own way that isn't romantic but isn't really platonic either"
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rays-sitcom-place · 2 months
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the gang + text posts/tweets pt 7
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rays-sitcom-place · 2 months
jeff winger the type of guy to be with his friends, having a few brewskis, laugh lightly, and say "i needed this."
troy the type of guy to call his friends and say "no you hang up!! stop!!" over and over until someone finally hangs up
annie the type of girl to say "no more nice annie" when she gets really mad
britta the type of girl to go up to a rabid dog and say "look at me. this isn't you. don't do this." and then get bitten, causing her to get rabies
abed the type of guy to walk away slowly with a polka dot bag on a stick and look sadly into the distance when he gets evicted
shirley the type of girl to play gta and stop at the red lights
the dean the type of guy to pick petals in a field and say "he loves me, he loves me not" about jeff
frankie the type of girl to say "good talk" when she says hi to someone on the street and they don't respond
chang the type of guy to say "you're about to get some knuckle sandwich" (probably 'knuckle changwich') in a fight and then get the shit beaten out of him
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rays-sitcom-place · 3 months
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getting ditched by your friends and in turn making the girl you bully/stalk sit with you on her break
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rays-sitcom-place · 3 months
A woman bought a sculpture at Goodwill for $34.99. It actually was a missing ancient Roman bust.
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An ancient Roman bust from around the first century that had been missing for decades has finally made its way into the San Antonio Museum of Art, and all it took was for one artist to buy it from a Texas Goodwill for under $40.
In 2018, art collector Laura Young was shopping at a Goodwill store in Austin, Texas when she stumbled upon a sculpture on the floor beneath a table, according to the San Antonio Museum of Art. Someone that looks for undervalued or rare art pieces, Young told The Art Newspaper she bought the piece for $34.99, and a picture of it after she bought it shows it buckled up in her car with a price tag on its cheek.
After buying the bust, Young noticed it looked very old and worn, so she wanted to find out when and where it came from. Read more.
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
What I sent to my sister:
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The answer (? lol)
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
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NEW GIRL 1.11 ♡ Jess and Julia
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
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Jake Johnson as Nick Miller in New Girl (2011—2018)
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
Do you ship it?
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
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Get down.
I don’t like him perching like that.
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rays-sitcom-place · 4 months
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