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Being part of this wonderful activity makes my soul uplift even more 😍 #KKBYouthSummit2017 #BreakTheRecord
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More Beautiful Than You Know by Jennifer Strickland
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a few of you may have noticed my minimal posting since the last half of last year, if you didn’t, it’s okay ha! Glory goes to God with or without posting. And some of you may have noticed my random, sporadic moments of actually posting since the half of last year, if you didn’t, it’s okay too haaha.
i just want to brag real quick and real loud about my main, named Jesus.
but before that, a little background
i haven’t been on as much on here as much as I would have liked to. That’s due to the fact I was studying fervently and if it wasn’t that I was maintaining this minimal wage job I have. The combination of two led me to literally having no social life. My social life was characterized of little conversations with my co-workers (which was my main source of social sanity if little convos with co-workers counts as having a social life…), super-delayed texts on my part between good friends cause sadly something always gotta give, limited to barely face-to-face interactions with like 2 of my close friends, limited time with family… okay okay, I think I made the point clear of having no social life somewhat clear. lol.
studying for my pre-pharmacy requirements classes in my undergraduate (I am in college 4th year now, what?!? Some of you have been with me since I started this blog when I was 17 and in my last year of Highschool) and then picking up studying for the PCAT 😳 (pharmacy school entrance exam, which is equivalent to the MCAT which is an entrance exam for medical school) plus my part-time job was a daunting task filled with no social life.
so I began praying fervently and trusting God that He is gonna help me study for the PCAT, cause I know with the evidence of His peace that He has called me to become it. I prayed expectantly that I will become what He says I will become, I prayed that He be the one doing it for Me cause lol I can’t, I can barely feed myself and work and go to school nonetheless study to the best capability for one of the biggest test of my life, life changing tests - PCAT. I also spoke the fact I’m gonna be in Pharm School and that there’s no plan B for me in existence because there’s life and death in the tongue Proverbs 8:21.
i knew my God was great, and I knew in Him I will do great and receive great things - even in my PCAT. Even though there was that nagging feeling I didn’t know how I can do great things like doing great on the PCAT… and how I felt inadequate (oh devil, you’re such a lie)
today, Jan 5th 2017, I had my PCAT exam today. At 8am. My favorite time to have a test. Said no one ever.
of course the test went like how test goes. Ooo I know that! Bro, what is that…? Did I learn….what’s it asking? Forget this, imma guess!! on top of it all the PCAT is timed, a total of 3.4 hours in total without its one 15 minute break in the halflpoint of the 3.4hrs, with 5 sections including writing, biology, chemistry, reading, and math.
at the end of the test, I was expecting to do well but the real me was like “have low expectations” so lol I settled for somewhere in between because hey Jesus was doing it for me, and even when I guessed.
i got the preliminary results of how I did and I was on cloud 9.
like my Jesus did all that.
like He came through as He said He would. His faithfulness in saying those who trust in Him will never lack was a reality!! all my hope was in Jesus that he’ll see me through on this PCAT since last half of last year. And my goodness, He didn’t fail me nor disappoint.
with my scores most pharmacy school will accept me. and my favorite did that!!! Jesus did that!!! now I’m filled with joy cause He carried my burden of this test and gave me a lighter weight, His peace.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13
fam. Jesus fam. what i already knew was and is further cemented - Jesus is really for you. Ask and ye shall receive. Give Him your burdens and your worry and He’ll take care of it. Put His words of truth to the test and He’ll come though because He doesn’t disappoint. Trust Him with your life and all you have and He will make your life prosper. Do your part (studying/whatever) and He’ll do the rest.
and one of the most awesome things I got out of this is knowing so certainly on a whole different level that God loves his own, and if we are His children what good thing will He not give us?
fam. Continue trusting in Jesus, keep the good fight. He will reward you, He will carry you through. He will not disappoint in even the littlest thing you give Him. I trusted Him with my future (my career) and He gave me a good score that will enable me a good future. Trust in Him with everything else
and then
taste and see how Good the Lord is
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a few of you may have noticed my minimal posting since the last half of last year, if you didn’t, it’s okay ha! Glory goes to God with or without posting. And some of you may have noticed my random, sporadic moments of actually posting since the half of last year, if you didn’t, it’s okay too haaha.
i just want to brag real quick and real loud about my main, named Jesus.
but before that, a little background
i haven’t been on as much on here as much as I would have liked to. That’s due to the fact I was studying fervently and if it wasn’t that I was maintaining this minimal wage job I have. The combination of two led me to literally having no social life. My social life was characterized of little conversations with my co-workers (which was my main source of social sanity if little convos with co-workers counts as having a social life…), super-delayed texts on my part between good friends cause sadly something always gotta give, limited to barely face-to-face interactions with like 2 of my close friends, limited time with family… okay okay, I think I made the point clear of having no social life somewhat clear. lol.
studying for my pre-pharmacy requirements classes in my undergraduate (I am in college 4th year now, what?!? Some of you have been with me since I started this blog when I was 17 and in my last year of Highschool) and then picking up studying for the PCAT 😳 (pharmacy school entrance exam, which is equivalent to the MCAT which is an entrance exam for medical school) plus my part-time job was a daunting task filled with no social life.
so I began praying fervently and trusting God that He is gonna help me study for the PCAT, cause I know with the evidence of His peace that He has called me to become it. I prayed expectantly that I will become what He says I will become, I prayed that He be the one doing it for Me cause lol I can’t, I can barely feed myself and work and go to school nonetheless study to the best capability for one of the biggest test of my life, life changing tests - PCAT. I also spoke the fact I’m gonna be in Pharm School and that there’s no plan B for me in existence because there’s life and death in the tongue Proverbs 8:21.
i knew my God was great, and I knew in Him I will do great and receive great things - even in my PCAT. Even though there was that nagging feeling I didn’t know how I can do great things like doing great on the PCAT… and how I felt inadequate (oh devil, you’re such a lie)
today, Jan 5th 2017, I had my PCAT exam today. At 8am. My favorite time to have a test. Said no one ever.
of course the test went like how test goes. Ooo I know that! Bro, what is that…? Did I learn….what’s it asking? Forget this, imma guess!! on top of it all the PCAT is timed, a total of 3.4 hours in total without its one 15 minute break in the halflpoint of the 3.4hrs, with 5 sections including writing, biology, chemistry, reading, and math.
at the end of the test, I was expecting to do well but the real me was like “have low expectations” so lol I settled for somewhere in between because hey Jesus was doing it for me, and even when I guessed.
i got the preliminary results of how I did and I was on cloud 9.
like my Jesus did all that.
like He came through as He said He would. His faithfulness in saying those who trust in Him will never lack was a reality!! all my hope was in Jesus that he’ll see me through on this PCAT since last half of last year. And my goodness, He didn’t fail me nor disappoint.
with my scores most pharmacy school will accept me. and my favorite did that!!! Jesus did that!!! now I’m filled with joy cause He carried my burden of this test and gave me a lighter weight, His peace.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13
fam. Jesus fam. what i already knew was and is further cemented - Jesus is really for you. Ask and ye shall receive. Give Him your burdens and your worry and He’ll take care of it. Put His words of truth to the test and He’ll come though because He doesn’t disappoint. Trust Him with your life and all you have and He will make your life prosper. Do your part (studying/whatever) and He’ll do the rest.
and one of the most awesome things I got out of this is knowing so certainly on a whole different level that God loves his own, and if we are His children what good thing will He not give us?
fam. Continue trusting in Jesus, keep the good fight. He will reward you, He will carry you through. He will not disappoint in even the littlest thing you give Him. I trusted Him with my future (my career) and He gave me a good score that will enable me a good future. Trust in Him with everything else
and then
taste and see how Good the Lord is
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