rbl-m1a2tanker · 4 days
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 4 days
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 22 days
Lesser-known steps of the writing process:
Finding all the paragraphs where you used some hyper-specific word more than once
Rearranging paragraphs that you swear you wrote in the right order but turned out to be totally backwards
Going for a walk, coming up with the perfect line, and forgetting it as soon as you get home and open your laptop
Creating a separate document where you can dump all of those nice sentences that no longer fit in anywhere
Waking up in a cold sweat because so-and-so was supposed to be barefoot but never actually took his shoes off
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 23 days
Well, that's disappointing.
Thankfully, we as creatives don't have to wait for any one to challenge ourselves. If we want to write a novel in a month outside of the NaNoWriMo period, they we can. And not involve them at all.
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So it looks like NaNoWriMo are happy to have AI as part of their community. Miss me with that bullshit. Generative artificial intelligence is an active threat to creativity and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people in creative fields.
Please signal boost this so writers can make an informed choice about whether to continue to take part in such a community.
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 23 days
watching @nanowrimo within a single hour:
make an awful, ill-conceived, sponsored post about "responsible"/"ethical" uses of ai in writing
immediately get ratio'd in a way i've never seen on tumblr with a small swarm of chastising-to-negative replies and no reblogs
start deleting replies
reply to their own post being like 'agree to disagree!!!' while saying that ai can TOTALLY be ethical because spellcheck exists!! (???) while in NO WAY responding to the criticisms of ai for its environmental impact OR the building of databases on material without author consent, ie, stolen material, OR the money laundering rampant in the industry
when called out on deleting replies, literally messaged me people who called them out to say "We don't have a problem with folks disagreeing with AI. It's the tone of the discourse." So. overtly stated tone policing.
get even MORE replies saying this is a Bad Look, and some reblogs now that people's replies are being deleted
DISABLE REBLOGS when people aren't saying what nano would prefer they say
im juust in literal awe of this fucking mess.
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 month
We need to bring back the athletics body type post
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 month
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I haven’t done a proper lineup for all of Shay’s team members. Not by evolution, that is. So to start things off, here is Keno!
Due to a recessive gene, Keno actually has claws and teeth! It doesn’t show up until he’s a Marshtomp though. Some real-life amphibians have these, which is where I drew inspiration from. That, and Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon lol!l
Despite his large and fierce appearance, Keno can be a real softie and is especially so with Shay, or anyone else he deems unthreatening to his trainer.
Anything untoward, however, and he’s instantly in protective mode. (Not that his trainer needs it, but she appreciates the sentiment.)
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 2 months
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 3 months
It took me forever to embrace my messier style of drawing lines, but I’m glad I finally did!
This is a preview of my tutorial on Line Weight. Check out my patreon page to see the whole video!
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 3 months
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This campaign defies censorship in social media to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 5 months
I'm just going to leave this here, because this woman said what I've been trying to articulate for ages much more effectively and succinctly than I've been able to
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 8 months
5 simple exercises to awaken dormant muscles
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 8 months
The Death of Physical Media
I keep seeing this concern around all of my home theater circles. Ever since Best Buy decided to abandon physical media there has been a call to arms to save it.
Chris Stuckman did a great video on his love of physical media.
I admire and share his passion.
That said, I think there is nothing to stop physical media from being scaled back. At best, it will end up like vinyl and only a few select titles will still be pressed.
Which is why I think saving physical media is the wrong fight.
There is a much larger fight that encompasses more than just blu-ray discs...
(I'm going to use really big letters for dramatic effect so don't get startled.)
(Imagine a long trailing echo when reading that in your mind.)
(Sorry, I probably should have included those instructions in the previous parenthetical. So go back and read "data ownership" again with the proper gusto.)
(Did you do it?)
(Was it cool?)
A blu-ray is just data.
The disc does not positively affect the visuals or the sounds. It's just 1s and 0s coded into microscopic pits. You can put that data on a hard drive. You can put it on an SD Card. You can put it on a thumb drive and wear it on a necklace.
You can even use WinRAR to break it up into little 1.44 megabyte chunks and save it to floppy disks.
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Another 40 more cases of floppies and you've got Avatar preserved for life!
The medium is not important.
The *data* is important.
And as everything turns into a subscription we are losing out on ways to own data. Beyond that, people aren't yet seeing the value of owning data. If renting a digital download is cheaper, they are almost always going to choose that option.
So the fight is two-fold.
We need to fight for the right to parrrrrty own data.
We need to convince the populace of the value of owning data.
This can apply to software, movies, video games. Hell, I don't even own my damn doorbell videos. There is no way to download all of the footage. I'd have to do each video one at a time. And if I don't keep my subscription, I will no longer have access to that data as it will soon be deleted.
We would need a platform similar to Steam—though it isn't the perfect data ownership solution. Many titles require internet connectivity and DRM verification. What happens to our media when a company goes out of business and the infrastructure to verify the DRM over the internet is gone?
So that would need to be addressed. Perhaps a new form of DRM linked to our digital identity that can be verified locally.
I mean, I'd love to get rid of DRM, but that is probably not realistic.
I think the best avenue is probably a congressional law.
"The Own Your Own Data Act"
We can workshop the name later.
In conclusion, we don't need to save blu-rays. We need the option to buy data and actually own it in perpetuity.
Meaning if a streaming service deletes a movie or a movie studio goes belly up, our data doesn't disintegrate along with it. We cannot let our favorite shows go extinct. We need to be part of preserving that history. Not to mention discs have a shelf life. But data can be transferred to new mediums indefinitely.
My house is just going to be wall to wall floppy disks.
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 year
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 year
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The UX of LEGO Interface Panels by George Cave
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 year
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Just a Maia doodle
I'm gonna keep going with this.
You can check out Solivaga here: https://solivaga.net/
Created by @bleaksqueak
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 1 year
A friend setup a gofundme for my husband and I.
I'm going to level with you guys, I've been in and out of the hospital for serious mental health issues and, frankly, I'm in decline.
That's it. That's...al I really have to say about it.
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