rbosull · 9 months
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rbosull · 1 year
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rbosull · 1 year
I wish Americans fucked with more foreign music. You don’t have to know the language to appreciate a good record. Folks in other countries listen to our music and don’t speak a lick of english. Music needs no translator
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rbosull · 1 year
Happy pride, bumping this x
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Got a fluffy flannel jacket dealie
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rbosull · 1 year
I'm sorry, but, "You can't go through life trying to avoid a broken heart. If you do, it'll break from loneliness anyway," is entirely too profound a statement to be made by Dr Julian Bashir while talking to Odo in the middle of his James Bond LARP.
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rbosull · 1 year
I know classic Star Trek always had a mix of serious business and wacky shenanigans, but I don't know if anything will ever beat the seesaw of earnestness and ridiculousness that was Deep Space Nine season six?
episode 7: Jadzia's new Klingon mother-in-law is mean!! Worf invites his friends to the galaxy's shittiest bachelor party
ep 8: Kira must confront her dead boyfriend's doppelganger from another universe
ep 9: the neurodivergent breakfast club, starring Bashir
ep 10: the Ferengi Comic Relief Brigade have to do a Weekend at Bernie's with a POW they killed by accident
ep 11: Ben Sisko is injured and trapped in a cave with his self-declared archnemesis who goes violently insane while hallucinating and ranting about his intention to commit genocide
ep 12: Quark goes on a treasure hunt but the real treasure was here inside Morn's colon all along
ep 13: a Black science fiction writer struggles with systemic racism and police brutality in 1950s America and the entire show might be a dream he's having
ep 14: Honey We Shrunk The Runabout
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rbosull · 1 year
yo karaoke in kiwami is depressing as fuck.
like look at this:
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sitting all alone in a fancy room, with an computer voice singing. or, just standing in an empty room, all alone, singing with no audience. now im sure this also reflects the change in karaoke establishments irl from like 1988 to 2005, but you can also read into it that it reflects kiryu's situation.
kiryu's an ex-convict, which are heavily stigmatised in a lot of countries and societies. ten years in the joint prison have detached him from the world outside and he probably at least somewhat feels like an alien, an intruder on a world that isn't his.
yes, this is also me getting very emotional over "Tonight" I looked up the translation of the lyrics and it fucking made me cry. just imagine kiryu pre-show down, singing this, hoping in his heart that everything will be okay. that nishiki will come meet him and change back into the nishiki he remembers. then, kiryu post-show down, singing this again, that hope now nothing more but a wishful fantasy that will never become reality because nishiki is dead. Both the nishiki he knew from 88 and the nishiki of 2005.
especially contrasted against y0:
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look how lively! the disco light, other people cheering you on, there for the same reason as you. (also akira is there because I HEART NISHIKI and i want kazuma to fucking spend time with him and GIVE HIM A HUG ALREADY!!!)
like when you compare these two pictures, these two scenarios... kiwami is just fucking sad, dude. like, karaoke is prob my favourite minigame but not in kiwami. in kiwami, it just feels miserable. just kiryu all alone in this very private room.
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rbosull · 1 year
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rbosull · 2 years
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they got WHAT at the bakery now
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rbosull · 2 years
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you could say that he… slayed…
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rbosull · 2 years
Thinking of Deep Space Nine as "the Dark Star Trek" without digging into what made Deep Space Nine work is so reductive. Like when people discuss Star Trek being "dark" now people bring up "DS9 was Dark and you loved that! Trekkies would hate it now!"
Deep Space Nine didn't work bc it was Dark and it wasn't Dark out of nowhere. Deep Space Nine is intimately tied to TNG in a way no other series is with another (Voyager could've been just as rooted in DS9, but. Y'know. Wasn't). Not only in characters, but that the show is so devoted to exploring deep cuts from TNG: the Bajorans, but also the Ferengi, long dismissed as failed villains, and the Trill, one-off aliens-of-the-week who DS9's writers turned into one of Trek's major species. The central thesis of DS9 isn't that the Trek Universe Is Fucked Up Actually. It's that things get more messy and complicated when Starfleet has to stick around and not dash off to another planet at the end of the episode
DS9 is darker than other Treks, yes, but DS9 is also the warmest, with the most grounded, human characters, not in spite of the fact that two-thirds of the cast are aliens but because of it. The writers treat alien characters as not representatives, but individuals. They treat everyone as individuals, with foibles and flaws, not as perfect, straitlaced future people. DS9's dark episodes are darker than other Treks, but also it's more willing to get silly and emotional. Only DS9 could do the "Sisko confesses to a conspiracy to get the Romulans in the war" episode, but also only DS9 could do the "a holographic lounge singer tries to get Odo and Kira together" episode right after it. Boiling the entire series down to "Deep Space Nine was the Dark Star Trek! Grimdark!" is...just not it
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rbosull · 2 years
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Today marks 30 years of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! Here's an appreciation post featuring some more episode artwork I've made over the past few years.
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rbosull · 2 years
star trek has always handled trauma/mental illness well imo but sisko explaining to the prophets in the first episode that humans live in linear time and can't ever go back... and then the prophets are so confused and show him his wife dying and ask "but you exist here?" that was. that one.... hit
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rbosull · 2 years
Leeta is the best Star Trek character because unionizing make her horny. Best character of all time actually
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rbosull · 2 years
Every summer I forget how much I fucking love spiders I’ve drunk one every day this week
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rbosull · 2 years
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rbosull · 2 years
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