Self Evaluation
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FInal FIlm
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This footage reflects the quality I would like to use for my final edit as I feel it is fitting for the notion of astronauts' experiences and the atmosphere of space.  
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Some of the rejected footage using the studio projector.
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Experimenting with projecting my own footage and found footage and filming it. I decided not to use the footage as the footage I had as the time didn't fit well with the found footage. This was a huge mistake I made and the fact I was unorganised with footage led this experiment to not be as successful as it could have been    
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2001: A Space Odyssey 1960s
This film was a huge inspiration visually for my piece. I used various clips to overlay some of my footage to add the sense of historical contexts, such as the first time man landed on the moon, Apollo 13 or whatever historical event connected to space the audience may think of watching the imagery.     
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The following images are screenshots of how I manipulated the text that I want to feature in my film. This is an important aspect of my film as the words are taken directly from astronauts themselves talking about their experiences in space which is my main idea behind the piece. For this reason, I want the text to be presented in an energetic and eyecatching manner to highlight it’s significance. 
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An edit in progress, exploring a montage of the atmosphere in space and some astronauts experiences reflecting on their comments featured in the edit. From showing this edit during a group tutorial I gained great feedback in terms of what to add and resolve in the piece. A lot needs to be done such as refining the text and the consideration of sound. My tutor stated that it needed more footage and overlaying of text. A peer of mine suggested that sound would be a huge help in creating the atmosphere of text and needed to be considered in depth. I intend to plan on collating more footage and researching into films of space and more found footage to help the film become slightly longer and feel not so cut off and rushed.   
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A short edit to be featured in my edit in progress to be shown in the group tutorial experimenting with movement of text to reflect the emotion behind the astronauts comment.
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This short edit and the one below were shown in a one on one tutorial. I hope to utilize these edits in my progressing piece, possibly adding text fading in and out to reflect an astronaut's story.  
An idea sprung to mind to do with the concept of my piece and I now want to link space to personality traits and explore different people's emotions or experiences with space. I want to clearly portray this through the use of text and found footage of space missions, the fears but also excitement, perhaps creating a montage of experiences in space. I would like to create a montage feel to my piece through choppy transitions and sudden changes in sound and shots. 
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What’s your idea?
I am considering exploring how space links to personality traits, some people being scared of space others finding it fascinating. Some Astronauts have commented on how they had a spiritual experience others felt homesick and intimidated, some listened to birdsong to remind them of normality and being on Earth, craving being in a familiar environment. I could consider using a split screen to explore the contrast of people’s emotions towards space.
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I found this documentary interesting as it shows how different people have different beliefs towards space and how there is a divide between people in society and how our knowledge of space has grown over the years, trying to discover what space is scientifically 
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Anna Malagria- I really admire how Malagria uses a deep contrast in her photographs, creating an intense and intimidating composition, I want to utilize this approach in my own shots and considering how I am using dark space in my compositions to create suppression and reflect the nothingness of space 
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