rcbelking · 6 years
Some people are just born to fight, I think. It’s not that they’re born brave. It’s not that they’re born strong. It’s just that the universe has decided that this one, this one will have grit and fire and steel in their blood. And it’ll be tested, this cosmic mettle of theirs. They’ll face trial after trial, be broken and damaged in countless ways. But this one was born to fight. Maybe it’s not the life they would have chosen. Maybe they’d love to lay down their arms. But they were born to fight. It’s what they know. It’s what they do best. It’s all they can do. 
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rcbelking · 6 years
*plays bongos on the dash* idk wtf im doing here. 
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rcbelking · 6 years
1. 7. 16.
1. what’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot ?
ugh i am SO fucking bad at using the right tense. i switch back && forth in replies bc i don’t always like the way it sounds when it’s all done correctly ? i’m an ass i know. i also use a lot more commas than there should be, i don’t know why, it’s just how my mind breaks things down. 
7. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ?
a night writer, 1000 % without a question. i don’t like days, in fact i am rarely alive during the day unless i’m forced to work. 
16. do you first get in the “zone” when writing, or do you start writing and “enter” it that way ?
i get in the zone. i have to have silence generally, i turn the tv off, make sure there aren’t any distractions, i get myself situated in a comfy spot, && i’m weird so i turn on fanvids of the muse i’m writing then get to work. it’s usually a long process lmfao, i’m the worlds slowest replier. 
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rcbelking · 6 years
10 & 24!
10. how much do you proof-read as you are writing vs. proof-read at the end?
i usually proof read at the end. when i’m writing it’s honestly a cluster fuck && i just write it all out && then I go through && edit it. but i’m super awesome at doing this thing where i don’t realize my mistake until it’s reblogged again. 
24. what’s your thought process when you format ? any unspoken rules you follow ?
my thought process is the same as it was 4 years ago lmao, i LOVE the whole bold/caps/spaces between letters kind of thing. I usually look for words that mean a little extra OR honestly it could just be aesthetically pleasing to me in a reply where the word is placed. an unspoken rule of mine that i always follow is a new one, i used to weirdly space my paragraphs && i now am committed to not doing that lmao. also always use two && instead of one &. 
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rcbelking · 6 years
“What is this between us?” His throat dries out instantly and he feels like on the verge of collapse, like falling with arms open wide and it’s a horrible, indescribable, gut-wrenching feeling as if someone cuts out his entrails because he knows what this is between them, knows that it’s far too much and not nearly enough but he can’t let the words fall from his lips, can’t accept the circumstances of their situation. So he answers, “It is what it is.” It’s all he needs to say because she hums in agreement, raises her head and kisses his lips.
r.m | Excerpts #41 (via ibuzoo)
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rcbelking · 6 years
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@rcbelking​ ––––
I’ve read through Rcbelking’s threads and I have to say, I can hear bellamy’s voice in every word and se bellamy’s actions in every actions. They have a lot of damage control to do with his character, and I must say they’ve handled it with grace. They truly understand that bellamy has his faults and made mistakes, that bellamy has been a good leader from season 1 – wanting nothing but the 100 to be safe. I honesty can not wait to see where they take their characterization for him.
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rcbelking · 6 years
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    eyes    normally    akin    to    the    twilight    sky    during    blue    hour    are    now    the    brisk    shade    of    murky    ,    unforgiving    waters    .    oh    ,    she    will    ride    the    waves    if    that’s    what    it    takes    .    “ i HAVE TO see clarke. ”    her    tone    suggests    that    she    does   not    pose    this    in    request    ,    rather    ,    she’s    telling    him   .    “ i need to see her. ”    the    primal    instinct    of    a    cub    in    drastic     search    mends    with    the    warrior    within    to    jut    her     jaw    .    “ if something’s happened to her, bellamy … ”    /    @rcbelking​
   There’s something about Madi in that moment that reminds him all TOO much    of himself. That demand that rang through the s p a c e between them, there     was no doubt in his mind that she would BURN this entire place to the ground    to get to Clarke. It’s a feeling he knows -- one he’s experienced all too many    times. Not only with the woman she sought after, but for his own sister. He    can’t count the times he felt the helplessness grip his core && threaten to    break his bones at the thought of being separated from Octavia -- && now    look what he’s done. Bellamy doesn’t even know IF she’s gonna wake up,    && even if she does -- their relationship is as b r o k e n as the city of Troy.     Somethings NEVER change -- && he just keeps coming B A C K for more.     ❝ I made you a PROMISE -- I intend on keeping it. I won’t let a n y t h i n g    happen to Clarke. ❞ Even if she HATED him for it -- he was going to stop    this war, he just hoped that maybe one day she’d UNDERSTAND.
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rcbelking · 6 years
me: * thinking about the damage control i have to do in my canon verse*
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rcbelking · 6 years
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Bellamy Blake + honestly what the fuck
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rcbelking · 6 years
me @ bellamy.
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rcbelking · 6 years
       How could she have ever DOUBTED him? He’s looking at her like it’s the easiest decision in the world, ensuring her that they’d figure it out together - like they always do. Clarke takes in a breathe and feels her nerves calm just a little. This was scary as hell, but if there was anyone she could count on, it was Bellamy. “ Together. ” Voice steadier than before, blue eyes meet his and she nods before sinking into him, her chin resting on her chest as she looks up at him still. Bellamy wasn’t the tallest guy she knew - no that probably went to Lincoln - but he was quite a bit taller than her which meant anytime she was too close she was craning her neck to look up at him.
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        But he was short enough that even with her 5′4 stature she could KISS HIM right now. 
       Fuck, she wanted too. Thinks about it all the time since the night that got them into this mess. Except he hadn’t called her, hadn’t asked her why she’d left without waking him, they hadn’t even mentioned it until she’d barged into his apartment demanding they be done with the awkwardness and she was going to listen to her day of popping cysts off a guy who’d thought he’d simply had terrible back-ne. And so they’d left it at that. They were just friends. It was just one night. And now they’d have proof of that night forever. So Clarke doesn’t stretch to kiss him, instead buries her face in his chest with her arms still around his waist and lets out a sigh. 
                  “ I’m going to get so FAT. ” It’s to break the tension, because even though they’re devoted to one another, if he keeps telling her stuff like that her hormones will kick into overdrive and she’ll jump him then and there. Instead she lets a laugh pass her lips and blinks away any of the threatening tears from before. She’s still scared, but it’s easier with her best friend on board. “ I might as well embrace it. Seriously, I can’t wait for you to cook me pancakes for dinner every night… with chocolate chips! Oh, or we can order Chinese! ”
        She looks up at him again and raises her eyebrows cheekily before she finally lets go of him, bringing a hand up to brush her cheek quickly before dropping it… to make sure no rogue tears had strayed, while licking dry lips. She’d gone from metaphorical eating to suddenly suggesting take-out for right now. 
He releases a breath that he hadn’t even been AWARE he was holding at her confirmation of his words. Bellamy truly did believe that whatever they faced  -- the probability of them succeeding amplified ten fold as long as they were on the same page. It’s ( always ) been that way with them -- she was his best friend, his partner -- && now the mother of his child, it some ways everything changed but in others -- MAYBE there wasn’t that much changing at all.  It’s cheesy -- god, does he know it is, but as she cranes her neck up at him, he S W E A R S he can feel his heart clenching. It’s almost as if the air changes between them for a brief moment -- she’s looking up at him && he remembers that look all too well. It’s the same one that she gave him that ( night ) -- the night that started all of this. His lips  press together -- as if that’s going to KEEP him from dipping his head lower to capture his lips with hers. When it came to Clarke, he was Icarus flying far too close to the temptation of the sun destined to be BURNED. But as  quick as that minor moment had came, it had f a d e d with them falling  back into a familiar roles. With a sigh, he pulled her closer as she nuzzled into his chest, content with the ability to just have T H I S. His chest rumbles with laughter as his head shakes, his curls slightly bouncing with the movement. ❝ C’mon, princess, you’re not gonna  get fat. ❞ Bellamy’s lips curl into a smile -- he’s not a master chef but he’s got the ( basics ) down, at least enough to where he was able to keep Octavia content.  He’d have no problem picking up some NEW things if Clarke’s cravings called for anything he didn’t know. ❝ You act like you don’t already have their number on speed dial. ❞ Bringing a hand up he swipes a strand of golden hair that had fallen out of place -- he hated to see her eyes glossy with tears she was too STUBBORN to let fall. ❝ Go put something on -- I’ll call. ❞
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rcbelking · 6 years
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rcbelking · 6 years
📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to sext me?
( princess -> sent ) if you have to ask..( princess -> sent ) forget it. 
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rcbelking · 6 years
「   msg  :    bellamy blake   」     what the fuck do you want from me ,    bellamy ? 「   msg  :    bellamy blake   」     and if you call me princess one more time i may kill you .
cont  .    /   @rcbelking  .
「   msg  :    princess   」 && what crawled up your ass today ? 「   msg  :    princess   」princess
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rcbelking · 6 years
[ 📲 • sms ] —— k.
( princess -> sent ) real mature, princess.—————————( princess -> sent ) you done ? 
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rcbelking · 6 years
*clarke glomps bellamy*
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rcbelking · 6 years
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