rcdwclf · 4 years
starter for @rcdwclf​ [ sansa stark ]
There were people flooding in from around the realm and Tommen was starting to feel overcrowded. The tensions were high, the whispers were growing, and he would swear that everywhere they went there was a spy watching him to report back to someone that cared about what he was doing. Being the youngest, Tommen had the pleasure of blending away from the line of sight. He was promised to no maiden, he was only an heir until his brother was married and had a first child on the way. Tommen could get on his house, gather up some men and ride around Westeros, taking up the hospitality of different Lords and Ladies. But now, now he doubted that anyone would allow him to do anything that involved getting behind the walls of the Keep. If things were to go poorly, it would be war. If things went well it would probably still be war because of Stannis and his lies. His endless lies. 
Tommen wouldn’t hear it, he wouldn’t deal with those lies coming from anyone. But that wasn’t the focus, the focus was getting away from people that wanted to talk his ear off. That wanted to incessantly smile in his face and try to seek his favor. He was the wrong Prince to request some sort of favor from, his power was minimum and his sway over the King was nonexistent as far as he was concerned. 
He stepped out into the light, walking toward the Gods wood. The trees were creepy, it felt like someone was staring into him and seeing everything but no one went there. He hoped to not stumble across any Northmen but in his experience Northmen didn’t want to talk either so it would be pleasant. Aside from their creepy faces and bloody leaves that reminded him of hands he did like being amongst the trees. Trees didn’t care if he was a Prince or not. 
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the godswood had become an almost sanctuary for sansa during her stay so far in the south. while they weren’t exactly the same, she always felt as though the energy was matched in the way it made her relax; especially considering almost no one down here ever visited the godswood, all of the other nobility avoiding it as if it didn’t exist. she taken to coming here when she needed space to let down the mask she was wearing around. 
sansa rested against one of the trees, her shoulders sagging as she mumbles a quick prayer for her family, closing her eyes and letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in. after a few moments, the young woman seemingly came back to herself, standing up straight again though a smile didn’t graze her face, instead it settled on something more neutral as she began to walk throughout the trees.  she could hear someone else enter the woods, turning to look back and seeing tommen. her face flashed fear for a moment before it went blank again, turning to face him completely. “ good morning, ser. i apologize that i’ve interrupted you. “ 
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rcdwclf · 4 years
closed starter for @stvrrk​ !!
it had been awful being stuck in king’s landing without her family, having had trouble sleeping since her father was imprisoned, not knowing what it meant for him or how she would protect arya if something happened to him and it was only them left. she had a nightmare about trying to make their way back north after chaos unleashed. it wasn’t as if sansa could even write her mother and tell her all of this, for worry that someone might intercept and the last thing the starks needed right now was another enemy in king’s landing. 
sansa had heard of her eldest brother arriving soon, she been pacing inside her chamber for the past few hours, and if it wasn’t stone the young girl would’ve worn a hole in it by now with the pace she set. gods, sansa wanted to see robb so badly, for some comfort at least if not to have someone else beside her to help carry the guilt and fear she held within.  at the noise of her door opening, sansa froze, putting on a polite but fake smile, tongue already prepared to slip off something sweet but dumb to get whoever it was to leave. 
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rcdwclf · 4 years
They called her naive for believing in the good in people. But she was just a loving soul, who thought that even monsters needed someone, who truly believed, they were angels once and they can be it again. And yes, maybe that was naive, but this world needed people like her.
Veronika Jensen  (via siikens)
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rcdwclf · 4 years
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rcdwclf · 4 years
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♚ ┇ Introducing SANSA STARK. The 24 year old CIS FEMALE, LADY from WINTERFELL. SHE has sworn loyalty to HOUSE STARK and is known for being COMPASSIONATE, INTELLIGENT and NAIVE. 
* header not made by me, but couldn’t find the credit for it *
FULL NAME: sansa stark. AGE: twenty four. GENDER: cisfemale. SEXUALITY | ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: questioning bisexual & biromantic. MARTIAL STATUS: unwed/single. TITLE:  lady of winterfell. LOYALTY: house stark, the north. 
HAIR: auburn, long down to the middle of her back, when in winterfell it is often loose with a simple half pulled back look. in king’s landing, often done in intricate braids ontop of her head that give her headaches. EYES: ‘ tully blue ‘ aka bright blue eyes. HEIGHT: 5′9″. NOTICEABLE FEATURES: her height, she is almost as tall as her brothers. she is often compared to a bird for her sharp but thin features much like her mother at her age by outsiders. however, she finds she fits in with her siblings, the tully genes being strong. 
MOTHER: catelyn tully. FATHER: eddard ‘ned’ stark. SIBLINGS: robb stark. rickon stark. arya stark. bran stark. jon snow. PETS: lady.  OTHERS: theon greyjoy.
INTELLIGENT: sansa writes and reads quite well, enjoying whatever stories she can get her hands on, though heroic tales of knights always will hold a special place in her heart. she is well versed in westeros history, as well as more ‘ feminine’ hobbies such as needlepoint, and playing music. despite her optimistic outlook at first, she is still well versed in what place every house holds in the court and her own initial role in her family as the eldest daughter.
COMPASSIONATE: some might call it naivety, but she has always been warm towards other people and creatures, trying to find the good in them before immediately writing them off as someone not worth her time. status in the court matters not to her when it comes to making friends. NAIVE: this is slowly leaving her body, especially being stuck in king’s landing currently with her father imprisoned. but this was due to how she was raised, a lot of things being kept from her as they instead wanted to focus on ‘softer’ things to teach her. she is becoming more adept as she realizes how close her family is coming to death, surrounded by potential enemies.
okay so i am a little lazy here. basically, she was raised alongside her siblings in winterfell by her parents. there was always a focus on ettique and such for sansa as she was raised with the idea that one day she would be married off to help promote family relations- though she made herself believe it would be a marriage of love, truly. there was a big focus on her studies being in histories of different houses, cultures of westeros, and reading and writing. she was incredibly close to her mother while growing up, and she always viewed her father as her biggest protector, though she is fiercely protective of her brothers and sister, believing that they can do anything. like their father always taught them ‘ the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. ‘ 
canon changes / notes
* so i tend to play her closer to book at first, simply because they acknowledge her as more than just a “ dumb victim “. ( sorry if you prefer seasons 1 & 2 sansa ). 
*most notably, she is not yet promised to the lannisters or joffrey at the moment, instead being in the capital with the intention of possibly finding her future husband there but that’s before her father was imprisoned. 
*lady is also still alive because i don’t want to assume whoever picks up joffrey did anything without asking first. 
* she also doesn’t resent any or hate any of her siblings, loving them all dearly and still being fiercely loyal to them and their family. 
anyway i’m very open to plotting so pls hmu!!
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rcdwclf · 4 years
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rcdwclf · 4 years
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”I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard’s daughter and Lady Catelyn’s, the blood of Winterfell.”
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rcdwclf · 4 years
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↳ Histories & Lore: “Northern Allegiances to House Stark” 
(art by Elia Fernandez)
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