re-written ¡ 4 years
Wolf Moon Pt. 1
A/N: I remember growing up hearing a lot about Skinwalkers and I also researched what I could but the Navajo, understandably, do not like sharing their culture with outsiders and so I am primarily going off of what I’ve learned as I am not the biggest fan of how they were portrayed on the show since they felt sort of rushed. 
Also be prepared for A LOT of commas and I promise my writing will improve, hopefully, as I write. Also this first episode is literally just the pilot with (Y/N) just added in, but as the series continues it will deviate. Not sure how I feel about this part.. might rewrite.
Word Count: 1,640
Warnings: almost hit by a car, twice
(Y/N) awoke to the constant blaring of sirens rushing past, grumbling as she got out of bed and tiptoed towards the window. What appeared to be dozens of police cars raced past, all heading towards the preserve. Her curiosity was spiked; nothing ever happened in Beacon Hills, so she wondered what could have happened to have caused such chaos. Seemingly without thinking, (Y/N) opened the window, double-checking no one was awake and snuck out.
Following the sounds of sirens, (Y/N) felt a sense of dread come over her and decided it would be best to turn around. However, as she was heading home, she was illuminated by headlights and froze. Whoever was driving slammed on the breaks; she could hear the driver curse before getting out of the car. “Are you okay? Wait, (Y/N)?” The driver asked. Stiles. It was Stiles, but what was he doing out this late.
“Stiles? What are you doing out this late?” Was (Y/N)’s reply. Before he could answer her, another person got out of the car. It was Scott, which only served to confuse the girl even more. Why was Scott out this late? She overheard him talk about trying out for lacrosse tomorrow, he should be home, preparing or sleeping.
“Me? You’re the one walking in your pajamas in the middle of the road late at night.” Well, Stiles had her there. Before she could respond more sirens could be heard behind them. “The sirens woke me up, I figured something crazy must have happened. Kind of just ended up heading towards them. I take it you know what happened?”
Stiles lit up. “Hell yeah, I do! Come on, we’ll explain in the car.” As (Y/N) heads towards the back seat of Stiles’ car, Scott stops her and hands her his red hoodie. “Here. You’re shivering.” Flushing, she put it on and gave him a shy smile.
The three pull into the preserve in Stiles’ Jeep, headlights illuminating the warning sign. Stiles gets out with a flashlight in hand. Scott and (Y/N) follow, hurrying to keep up with him as they walk towards the unlit woods. “We’re seriously doing this?” Scott asked, sounding a little freaked out.
“You’re the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town”. Stiles retorted, speeding up, making (Y/N), and Scott scramble to keep up with him.
“I was trying to get a good night’s sleep before practice tomorrow.” “Right, ‘cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort.” was Stiles’ snide remark. “No, because I’m playing this year. In fact, I’m making first line.” Scott looks at (Y/N) as he says this, causing her to smile. “You can do it, Scott, I know it.”
Stiles looks back at Scott and (Y/N) in disbelief, “Hey, that’s the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” The three walk in silence for a beat before Scott speaks up in the same sarcastic tone Stiles used. “Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?”
Stiles looks somewhat sheepish in response to this question. “Huh. I didn’t even think about that.” “And, uh… what if whoever killed the body is still out here?’ (Y/N) asked, side-eyeing him. “Also something I didn’t think about.” Stiles admitted causing Scott to roll his eyes as they started to hike up a hill. “It’s comforting to know you’ve planned this out with your usual attention to detail.” “I know.” Suddenly, Scott’s breathing starts to become rapid, and wheezy as the three continue up the hill, with Scott struggling to keep up with Stiles’ quick pace. “Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?” Scott leans his back against a nearby tree as he pulls his inhaler out of his pocket, while (Y/N) nervously hovers nearby. “Are you okay Scott?”
However, Stiles keeps pushing on, forcing Scott and (Y/N) to continue their way up the hill after him. When they see a handful of people ahead of them waving flashlights around as part of the search, Stiles, Scott, and (Y/N) dive behind a fallen tree branch, turning off the flashlight so they don’t attract attention. Unfortunately for them, Stiles’ impatience eventually wins out, and he jumps up and runs toward the action. “Wait!” (Y/N) tries to stop him, sticking close to Scott. “Come on!” Stiles’ urges them as he continues towards the search party. Scott, still wheezing, tries to stop Stiles, to no avail. “Stiles! Wait up!” Scott quickly takes a hit from his inhaler before grabbing (Y/N)’s arm and rushing to catch up with him, trying his best to call after his best friend without alerting anyone else. “Stiles! Stiles!”
The sound of a dog barking and an officer yelling caused Scott to drag (Y/N) behind a nearby tree, pressing his back to it and keeping her close to his chest with a finger to his mouth, indicating to keep quiet. Just then, another male voice is heard. Noah Stilinski, Stiles’ father and the town Sheriff. “Hang on, hang on…This little delinquent belongs to me.” As the Sheriff continues to question and reprimand his son, (Y/N) takes the opportunity to look at Scott, quickly averting her eyes when his gaze flickers towards her. Tuning it just in time to hear Stiles’ dad call out for Scott then hauling Stiles away when he receives no reply.
As Stiles and the Sheriff leave, Scott closes his eyes and hits the back of his head on the tree, cursing under his breath when he realizes that by hiding, they lost their ride home. They waited until the coast was clear before heading back the way they came. “Well, that was fun.” (Y/N) uttered, having had enough of the silence. “We should have grabbed the flashlight from him.” “Yeah. Once he’s going, he’s gone.” Scott agreed.
“Are you okay? You were wheezing pretty hard back there.” (Y/N) asked as she grabbed Scott’s hand as it’s evident he’s unnerved by the sounds of the forest animals, but when they make it to a foggy clearing, it falls silent. He pulls his inhaler out once again and shakes it, intending to take another hit, when a herd of deer frantically stampede towards them, trampling the both of them over and causing Scott to lose his inhaler. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you okay?! Where are you?!” He called out, having lost his hold on her hand when the deer rushed past them, but he received no reply. Once the deer cleared out, Scott looked around for (Y/N), finding her a few feet away. “(Y/N)! Talk to me. Are you hurt?”
Hiding her arm from him, (Y/N) turned to him visibly shaken up. “I’m okay, Scott. What about you? Where did they come from? Never seen that before.” Scott, still in shock, starts looking for his inhaler using his phone’s light. “Me neither, they seemed spooked though.” “What are you doing?” “Huh? Oh, I lost my inhaler. Can you help me look?” Scott asked
“Sure.” (Y/N) said as she looked through a pile of leaves, before letting out a shriek. “Oh my God! Ew!”   The body of a young, white, and bottomless female was staring right back at her. At the sight of her body, Scott loses his balance and tumbles downhill. “Scott?! Scott?!” (Y/N) screeched as she rushed down after him. “You alright?”
Scott, shaken, stands to his feet with a groan, using a fallen tree trunk to help himself up. “Yeah, I’m okay. Let’s get out of here.” Taking hold of her hand, they quickly make their way through the woods, wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as possible, when all of sudden, a growl from behind freezes them. The two slowly turn around, Scott keeping himself in front (Y/N), only to find a gargantuan wolf with glaring red eyes posted before them.
(Y/N) barely had time to gasp before the beast leaped towards them, causing her to fall, dragging Scott down with her. Scott attempts to crawl away, the wolf grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him backward and savagely biting him on his hip, causing Scott to roar in pain, then proceeding to pass out from the pain. Leaving (Y/N) to face the monster on her own.
Panicked, (Y/N) did her best to focus; just as the beast launched its attack, she felt her body change shape. When she opened her eyes, (Y/N) not only saw her surroundings clearly, she also saw her attackers’ confusion and tasted its slight fear. However, in an attempt to not give the wolf time to gather itself, she let out a mighty roar, the roar of a bear, and charged. The huge wolf met her halfway but she simply threw it aside into a tree, the sound of bones breaking echoing throughout the clearing. Shaken, the beast rose to its feet and ran off as quickly as it came. Without thinking, (Y/N) ran towards Scott, converting back as a human. “Scott! Wake up!” she begged as she gave him light slaps on the face. When that failed to work, she instead grabbed him and started to drag him through the woods, hoping that whatever had attacked them would not return.
When (Y/N) finally made it to the nearest road, stopping just short of being hit by someone, for the second time that night. Finally out of immediate danger, she took a moment to lift Scott’s shirt, examining the large bite wound on his hip with horror as the rain continued to pour down around them. Suddenly, a loud howl is heard, only fueling (Y/N)’s anxiety. What happens now?
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