reading-is-hot · 5 months
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It's my 4 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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reading-is-hot · 2 years
[24F] I had sex all day long while camping
Dear Reddit,
I went camping with a guy friends with benefits, my girl friend, and her boyfriend.
We pretty much knew going into the trip that things were going to get naughty. We’ve all been naked in front of each other before and I’ve even been in the same room while she fucked her boyfriend. We’re all really comfortable around each other.
Once we set up the tent, we did end up smoking weed and having a few drinks to take the edge off. This pretty much kick started the fun as me and my friend started teasing the guys. As we kept partying on through the evening things started getting pretty sexually heated. Everyone was completely naked and we started going down on the guys. My friend and her boyfriend decided to use the tent to have sex. I was getting way too horny giving head so we decided to head in there along with them.
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I decided to light up another joint and pass it around. My friend and her bf kept fucking and took breaks to hit the joint. Watching them was turning me on like crazy and I could tell tell it was the same for my guy friend. I got on top of him and we started fucking right next to them.
This probably went on for a solid 2 hours before I took a short break and realized that my friend had recently passed out falling asleep. He boyfriend seemed a bit upset and was literally sitting there hard as rock with a sad puppy face.
I honestly just felt so bad I invited him to join me and my guy friend. He seemed a little nervous but I assured him it was okay.
Through previous conversations with my friend in the past she had mentioned that her bf was really big down there and it sometimes made sex a challenge. I was very aware of what I was about to get myself into. I mean just seeing it right in front of me I knew exactly what she meant.
Luckily, I always come prepared to these sorts of occasions. I took out a bottle of lube and lathered my pussy and ass with it. I told him he could fuck me in the ass and my friend was going to take my pussy. They could take turns in my mouth as they pleased. But there was no way I was going to let my friends boyfriend fuck me in the pussy.
This went on for a solid hour before they both finished in me and were totally wiped out for the night. We all got in our sleeping bags and my guy friend passed out. Before falling asleep my friends boyfriend thanked me and mentioned he hadn’t been able to finish like that in months!
I felt so horny, satisfied, and turned on that I ended up masturbating one last night in my sleeping bag before falling asleep! Thinking back to the situation I do feel really proud of being able to please my friends bf. I mean I felt so bad the poor guy didn’t get to finish in months :/ on the flip side my friend has no idea what happened after she passed out and I’m not sure if I’m obligated to tell her.
One thing I will say, camping nude, smoking weed and fucking are super fun, but I’ve done all those things before! The one thing i hadn’t tried was sleeping naked in a sleeping bag, lol. It’s a simple thing I guess, but it felt so incredibly sexy! I want to do it again
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
From a reddit user
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Audios of six different couples.
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
My bf and I hadn’t seen each other for about 4 months and last night I finally got to have him. In the audio he’s fucking my throat and me.
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
He first went down on me… Soon his fingers started sliding inside me while his tongue teased my clit. Then, he took care of my tits, licking and sucking my nipples… I was touching myself in the meantime… He licked my pussy again, bringing me on the edge. “I want to make you cum that way” he said. So I lied down on him, my pussy facing his face, starting a 69. God, it was so good to suck his hard cock while he was eating me out. I finally had a great orgasm and kept sucking his dick until he came in my mouth. by Lutranonyma
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
The Carpool Agreement: He Drives, She Sucks, I Cum
I love Mondays. When I wake up on Saturday morning, I am literally disappointed because it means I have two whole days until the work week begins again. Before you think I’m completely insane, let me clarify: I hate my job.
I’m the lowest man on the totem pole. The work I do is repetitive to the point of almost driving me insane, and I am underpaid. At some point in the future my position will inevitably be automated, and on my last day, I am going to hug the robot who takes my place.
I hate my job, but I love Mondays because of the drive to the office. More specifically, the carpool trip to and from the office. Weekdays are great because my gorgeous coworker Abby is a cumslut who sucks my cock while her husband Nick drives. I'm probably getting ahead of myself.
This all started two weeks ago, when Nick overheard me talking to my team member Dan in the break room about my recent move. I love my new house in a suburb called Oak Alley, but I was complaining about how much I’d be spending on gas thanks to my new 45-minute drive.
Nick had been oblivious to our conversation, looking at his phone while microwaving his lunch. When he heard me say “Oak Alley,” I saw him look up immediately. “My wife and I live just up the road from there,” he said from across the room. “It’s a nice area.”
I smiled and nodded, honestly a little surprised. Nick was one half of the legendary office “power couple.” He and his wife Abby are super-successful salespeople who bring in million-dollar deals for the company. He rarely interacted with the “little guys” like me and Dan.
After a momentary awkward silence, I continued talking to Dan about my new place. But Nick didn’t go back to browsing on his phone. He kept glancing up at me with a contemplative look on his face. At one point, I’m pretty sure I saw him take a photo of me and text it to someone.
The whole breakroom interaction was definitely weird, but nowhere as weird as what happened next. That afternoon, Abby showed up at my cubicle. It was as if the fluorescent clouds had parted and an angel descended in front of me. At this point, you should know that I and pretty much every other straight guy (and a few queer women) at our company have massive crushes on Abby.
She and Nick are incredibly fit⁠—I think they do ultramarathons. I don’t even know what those are and the word alone makes me feel tired, but her athletic training routine means that Abby is stunning to look at. Her legs are perfectly toned, and she knows it. She flaunts them in skin-tight pencil skirts that hug her firm ass as she struts around the office in heels.
Her blouses are also breathtaking. Abby should earn a sponsorship from whichever sports bra company allows her to run, because she has massive tits that seriously test the buttons of her workwear. I’ve passed her in the hallway at the end of our lunch breaks, and sometimes the top buttons are inexplicably open, revealing the top of her bouncy, C-cup breasts.
Which brings me back to my cubicle. When I heard Abby say my name in her bubbly voice, I swiveled around in my chair and almost had a heart attack. My face was literally inches away from her chest. Her buttons were undone again, and the way she was leaning on the edge of my desk meant I was basically staring right into her warm, welcoming cleavage.
“A-Abby, right?” I said, forcing my eyes up to meet hers. She flashed her million-dollar smile. “Yes! Sorry to bother you, I know you’re probably busy,” she said while leaning forward a little more on my desk. “My husband Nick—you know Nick, right?—he said he heard you talking about how you recently moved to Oak Ally, just up the street from us.”
As she was talking, her eyes were flitting up and down my body like she was sizing me up for some unspoken task. “I wanted to suggest that you should carpool with us,” she said, almost nervously. Or desperately? I couldn’t tell which. “We could help each other out, y’know? It’s a long drive over here, and we always enjoy a little company.”
I almost couldn’t believe my ears. The office power couple was asking if I would carpool with them? What would we even talk about? We had almost nothing in common, other than the logo on our business cards. “Absolutely,” I said without a moment of hesitation. “That … that would be really cool. I’m happy to pitch in for gas.”
Abby let out an adorable laugh—a full-body laugh that made her tits bounce in front of me. She saw me look down, my eyes automatically pulled by gravity into the orbit of her breasts, and then back up again. I swear I saw a mischievous grin cross her lips before she said, “Don’t worry about it. We can cover the gas … we’re just interested in having you along for the ride. I’ll write my number down so you can text your address and we’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow?”
I handed her a scrap of paper and a pen. “That sounds perfect,” I said with complete sincerity. She quickly scribbled her number down and then leaned back up. “Awesome! We’ll be in the gray Audi,” she said. Abby was still holding my pen in her hands, and she was fidgeting with it. I couldn’t help but think that it looked like she was absentmindedly stroking it. And was her face flushed? I decided I was probably letting my horny brain get the better of me.
“I’ll see you bright and early then,” I said with a smile. “Can’t wait!” Abby replied with her usual level of explosive enthusiasm. She started to walk off back toward her office and then realized she still had my pen. She bounced back to my desk—some parts of her bouncing more than others—and gave it back with a sheepish smile and a “sorry.” She had absolutely nothing to apologize for.
When I woke up the next morning, I hopped into the shower and immediately started jerking off. I was barely able to go to sleep the night before because I kept replaying Abby’s visit to my cubicle in my head. Picturing her tits and how she must have looked from behind while she was bent over my desk and writing her number down for me.
I needed to cum to clear my head … I was genuinely worried about arriving at the office with a cum stain in my pants or even blue balls if I didn’t take care of this beforehand. I shot a big warm load onto the floor of the shower. Fuck. Fuck yes. Now I was ready to focus on the conversations we’d have on the way into the office. I was ready to get ready.
It was exactly 7 a.m. on the dot when Nick and Abby pulled up to my house. The windows of their sleek Audi Q7 are tinted an impenetrably dark shade of black, so I am not even sure they saw when I waved awkwardly. I just walked up to the rear door and opened it. I was genuinely confused to see Abby sitting in the back seat across from me. Nick must have seen me hesitate—Was I supposed to ride shotgun? That would be weird, right?—because he reassured me, “You’re good, hop in back there, man.”
I climbed in, bucked up, and we sped off toward the highway. There was an odd tension in the SUV for a few seconds, but it could have simply been my social anxiety acting up. The awkward feeling vanished when Abby wished me a cheerful good morning and asked if we needed to stop for coffee or anything on our way in. I thanked her and said no, trying again not to stare.
Abby was wearing a white blouse and navy blue skirt that matched her heels. Her legs were crossed, but they were crossed toward me in a way that made my eyes wander up to the shadow between her tanned, toned thighs. Her seatbelt pressed her shirt tightly against her chest and I could almost make out the shape of her nipples against the tight fabric. My cock starting to levitate in my lap, pressing against the lunch bag in my lap. So much for cumming in the shower so I could have a clear head.
We made small talk about my new house for a few minutes and then, when we were about 30 minutes away from the office, Nick said something out of the blue that made me almost want to bail out of the vehicle mid-drive. “Do you like my wife’s body?” What the fuck … did he see me in the rear-view mirror? Was it that obvious that I was checking her out? “Woah—uh, no man. I mean, you are very pretty, Abby, but I wasn’t—I mean, I wouldn’t … “
Nick laughed, obviously amused at the word salad that was spilling out of my mouth. “It’s okay, man. To be honest, I think we’d both be a little disappointed if you didn’t like her body.” I looked nervously over at Abby. She smiled warmly and nodded. Then she looked down at my waist. Did she see that I was trying to hide my hard cock?
“You see,” Nick continued, “We are very excited to have you riding with us. Especially Abby. Can … can we tell you something that you can’t share with everyone else at work? You have to promise.”
All I could do was nod. “He says yes, Nicky,” Abby said. Her voice sounded kind of “off,” like she had to focus hard to find her words. A subtle redness had crept over her face and she was fidgeting with the edge of her skirt, not unlike when she was holding my pen the day before.
“I’m sorry if this is awkward, but there’s no other way to put this: My wife is ... well, she is a cumslut,” Nick said finally. “Abby loves swallowing cum.”
I felt my dick press against my bag as it became rock hard. Nick continued. “We were excited to hear that you lived nearby because we thought that, if you’re interested, we could work out an agreement. A carpool agreement." He glanced back in the rearview mirror and made eye contact with me. “We’re happy to drive you to work every day if Abby can suck you off.”
My eyes were wide. The office’s most successful salesman wanted to chauffeur me to work while his wife, our most successful saleswoman and the office goddess, sucked my cock? Was I dreaming?
“If … if this is something you don’t want in any way, we understand completely,” Abby said quickly. “We don’t want to make you uncomfortable. It’s just … “ Nick picked up where she left off. “Abby is incredible at her job when she’s confident. She’s way better than me. The more confident she is, the more deals she closes. And her confidence, well, it goes up significantly when she swallows cum. Multiple times a day.”
Abby looked almost embarrassed, as if Nick had revealed a powerful secret of her success. She was shifting in her seat now, and I noticed a little bead of sweat breaking out on her forehead. This was not the calm, cool, collected Abby that I’d seen around the office. She was flustered.
“That … that’s incredibly generous of you two,” I said, trying to hide my enthusiasm. “But, Nick, shouldn’t … shouldn’t that be something you do for Abby as her, y’know, as her husband?”
Nick chuckled. “I already do. She swallows my cum every morning, every evening when we get home, and sometimes during lunch at the office. I’m telling you, man, she is a real guzzler.” He said the last line like he was genuinely proud of his wife’s appetite for cum.
“The thing is,” Abby said while looking me dead in the eyes, “I need a mid-morning snack.” Something in her voice told me she was hungry. Hungry for something I had. Something I could give her to calm her appetite.
At this point we were about 15 minutes away from the office. I felt obligated to break the bad news for the day. “I think I like this idea, guys. But we may have to start tomorrow … I … I kind of ... emptied myself this morning before you picked me up.”
Hearing about me rubbing myself must have triggered something in Abby. I heard her audibly swallow, as if her mouth was watering. She put her hand on mine in the middle seat. “Can … can I at least try?" she said softly. "I have a big pitch coming up today and I could really, really use a mouthful.”
A grin broke out across my face and I said, “Be my guest.” Abby practically jumped up and down in her seat with excitement while Nick fist pumped in the air. They were ecstatic. I was nervous. My dick was thrilled.
“We’re only about 10 minutes to the office,” Nick said. “Give me five,” Abby said with a level of focus and determination in her voice that I had not heard before. She unbuckled her seatbelt and scooted toward me. I set my lunch bag in the floor, revealing my boner. “God damn, Nick, he has a huge cock,” she said breathlessly. “Get to work, babe,” he said from the front seat. "Less talking, more sucking."
Abby unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. She carefully guided my dick through the fly of my boxers and held it triumphantly in her hand. She had a wild look in her eye, as if she were about to suck raw, unbridled power out of my shaft. And then she took me inside her mouth.
When Abby said five minutes, I thought she was exaggerating her skills. I’m definitely not a one-pump chump, and some of my girlfriends’ blowjobs have lasted 20 or 30 minutes before I finally came. This would not be one of those blowjobs.
Abby was vigorously thrusting her head in my lap, taking my full cock in the back of her throat. She took my hands in hers and placed them on the top of her head. “She likes it rough, man,” Nick said. “Really fuck her mouth.” I grasped her hair in my hands and pushed down. She moaned softly as if I was doing exactly what she liked. So I pushed harder.
I started rolling my hips and grinding Abby’s face. My third thrust made her gag and sputter a bit, so I pulled her head off my cock. She had spit and precum all over her lips and chin. She looked up at me and said, “Please, don’t stop. I need it.” And with that, she plunged my dick back into her mouth.
This time she somehow swallowed me and still managed to stick her tongue out to play with my balls. Holy shit. Abby was truly gifted. I felt my body start to shake and tense up. Her tongue danced faster, as if she could almost feel my body was about to give up my hot, white seed. The fuel she needed to close her deal that day.
I held her head in place a few seconds more, fucking wildly, and groaned loudly when I finally exploded in her throat. “Mmm! MMMMmmm!” she said in what could only be interpreted as excitement. She slurped loudly, greedily, so that not a drop was wasted. “Fuck yeah, babe!” Nick said, cheering from the front seat. “You drained him in five minutes flat, you little cumwhore.”
She grinned up at me and then sat upright. She leaned up toward the front seat so she could see Nick in the rearview mirror and she opened her mouth to show off my creampie splashing around on her tongue. Then she made a satisfied “gulp” sound and joined Nick in his celebrating. “Fuck ... YES!” she shouted. “I am gonna kill it today!” She looked at me and then broke into a rapid-fire “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”
Abby took my hand in hers and thrust it into the air like we had just finished an ultramarathon. (I still have no idea what those are.) Their joy was contagious. For the first time in a long time, I was excited about getting to go to work. When we walked into the office that morning after we’d gotten all straightened up in the Audi, I felt like I had already done my part for the company that day. Like I had made a small impact, even if it was just in the back of Abby’s throat.
Later that afternoon when I passed Abby in the hall, she smiled ear to ear and whispered, “Just closed that deal.” I gave her a huge high five. She looked down at the crotch of my pants and bit her lip. “Nick wanted me to tell you: Welcome to the sales team,” she said with a wink. I could feel my cheeks blush. “We’ve got this,” I said with all the confidence in the world.
I had no idea then, but we were just getting started. We were about to find out just how impressive of a salesperson Abby really was. And I was just happy to be along for the ride.
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
If anyone is interested in learning how to have their mobile device read text to you lmk. Lots of great options out there.
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Posted by a Bi-sexaul woman:
I am a bi sexual woman. I met this guy at a mutual friend’s house. We clicked that day, we just talked and joked around the whole time. Towards the end of the night, he asked me for my number and I gladly gave it to him. He texted me right away and we kept connecting like that. Soon enough, he asked me on a date. We had a blast, we talked and kissed and touch a lot. We went out a couple of times after the first date. Always in public and always very affectionate and physical (lots of kissing and touching). Till he asked me to meet him at his place. He told me he lived in his parents’s pool house. When I arrived to the house, I saw two cars in the driveway. One was his and the other one I didn’t recognized. As soon as he open the door, he had me against the wall. Kissing and sucking. He grabbed one of my legs and the other one was grabbing my tit. He picks me up and takes me to the bedroom where he gets me naked for the first time. He then proceeds to fuck me like there’s no tomorrow. Pulled hair, ass spanked and marks all over my body, it was one of the most rough fucks I have ever had and I loved it. He fucked me all night and when I left, it was painful to walk. We had a couple of nights like that. He always insisted on meeting at his place. On the 4th time we meet at his place, he blindfolded me. He took me to the room and tied me to the bed. That day he fuck me rough and he fucked me raw. We’ve had the awkward convo days before about contraception and stds. So when he fucked me that day it was without a rubber. However, he did something he never done before, he licked me clean after cumming inside me. I found it strange but didn’t say anything. He fucked me multiple times that night always cumming inside me and always being licked clean afterwards. We continue to do this several times in the months that followed. We always met at his place and he would always use a blindfold. He said it felt amazing that I trusted him that much. One night I got there earlier than expected, by that point I would let myself in. I walked in and he wasnt in the living room or the kitchen, so i went to the room to look for him and I found him talking to a woman in the room. He was telling her to stay in the closet tonight because he wanted to fuck me without the blindfold tonight. They begin to argue, she didn’t like that he wanted me without the blindfold and he told her to do as she was told. By the way they were fighting, it seemed like they were in a relationship. So I decided to test my theory. I walked in the room and went to him and kissed him right in front of her.......  
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
If anyone is interested in learning how to have their mobile device read text to you lmk. Lots of great options out there.
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Posted by a couple:
I've been married for about seven years to a gorgeous brunette with an extremely sexy body. It was until recently that she and I talked about her past sexual experiences with other guys. This was a subject that we never talked about before. My wife Tara went to college at a university in North Carolina on a scholarship and was on the cheerleading team all the years she was there. She even was a cheerleader for a professional NFL team for three years after completing College. On a night of having a few drinks that evidently loosened her up to talk to me about her college days, she admitted that after every home game several of her cheerleading teammates had parties with some of the football players, Tara suprising the hell out of me when she said most of the prayers were black, I didn't know what she was getting ready to tell me, but honestly I got excited as hell thinking what I wanted to here. Tara looked at me and said that it was in college when she first got to experience her first black dick and she absolutely loved the excitement, intensely and most of how it made her feel. She said that if it wasn't for her family being against interracial relationships she would have went public with her lover!! Tara said that the guy was the star running back and eventually making it to the professional level. But in college they were inseparable having sex every chance that came available. She said she was addicted by it!! The sexual desire to feel him inside her was unbelievable uncontrollably for her! She would let him fuck her anywhere and let him go as far as to bring a friend along to participate. I was sitting over there with a hard on listening to her tell me this. She seen my erection and ask me if that excited me, I said hell yes Tara it really does. I ask her would she be willing to try it again. And when she said "absolutely" I just about lost it. So I ask her to pick the guy who she wants as i posted an ad on DL of her in her skippy style bikini and it didn't take long before we got several responses from so many attractive fit African americans guys. This would be the starting point of us both fulfilling our fantasies. We met this guy in a few counties from where we live and where nobody knows us, he was amazing making us both comfortable with the situation as he made love to Tara in every position possible. He was hung like a horse and knew how to use it. Watching him slide inside her pretty pink pussy and play with my wife while her being submissive and getting pleasured by a hung black stud was way too much for me to watch. Tara look at me and said thank you honey for this! I said no thank you for being who you are!! We now have made this a regular thing in our lives. She absolutely loves interracial sex and I love that she does too!!.  
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Posted by a couple:
Me and my wife are now in our early thirties, both caucasian, she is three years younger than me and has a very hot and sexy body. About five years ago me and Robin had our very first interracial threesome experience. Back then I worked with a very nice and attractive black gentlemen who spent right much time at our house and aventgly we all three became engaged in a hot threesome mainly to pleasure my sexy wife Robin. Robin absolutely loved it, and so did I. That has been five years ago and since then our friend has moved away. We both knew how much we enjoyed the excitement of that amazing experience and have made mention of making it happen again. So we posted our ad on DL with a couple of pics of Robin in her small fitting bikini and stiletto heels in search of a good looking muscular fit, in-shape and well endowed black guy who would be interested to play with a sexy white wife mid thirties 5'7"hgt and 125lbs dark haired brunette with a killer hot sexy body. The responses we received were overwhelming but we both went through every single one until she narrowed it down to the one that would give my wife an addiction. His name was Terry as we exchanged several pictures with Terry through kik, even spoke on the phone with him, a very attractive, nice, respectful and sincere guy. Robin was very attractive to Terry, he was six years younger than her and very ripped up with muscles he could have been on a magazine cover. He had an unbelievable body and was very well endowed and thick as well. We decided to meet and met halfway between our locations and hit it off immediately. We both were really impressed with the way Terry was dressed and the way he looked. Robin was in one of her short tight sundresses that came to mid thigh on her pretty tan legs and a pair of her sexy stilettos. We met at a nice fancy restaurant, had dinner and then went to a bar/club for drinks and socializing. Robin was loving the idea of what was going to happen later on. At the club we all had a few drinks and it really relaxed us all. Robin and Terry finally hit the dance floor and they were all over each other, it was so ovious on where this was going. I even thought I seen his hand under my wife's tight dress. They kissed several times over different times on the floor. After about 1am we met back at our suite. I came up behind Robin and went up her dress and noticed how wet she was, I knew then where this was going!! I think the drinks loosens her up but Robin was all over Terry and when he peeled off his shirt she said "Oh my God" and put her hands on his muscular arms and chest before dropping to her knees and brought his enormous cock out and started performing oral on him. Terry looked 9+ but right much bigger thick wise than anyone Robin ever been with. I wasn't so sure he would fit that monster cock in my wife's tight pussy! Terry had Robin to stand up and he removed her bra and sundress and asked her to keep her stilettos heels on during the encounter. He then laid her down and started eating her sweet pussy as I got a good blow job. She was in total ecstasy as he was licking her and driving her to cum. I lost my load and she didn't even try to pull off, she swallowed it all. She came also from him eating her out and that's when he stood up and grabbed her legs on his shoulders and eased his big mushroom head into Robin's tight shaved pussy missionary style as she moaned at first and then seemed to adjust to his size cock. It was the most exciting moment of my life to watch my sexy hot beautiful wife receiving a black cock inside her and listen to the sounds she was making, we had first said condoms were a must, but everyone forgot about the condoms. Terry had a great deal of stamina, but hearing Robin begging for him to finish inside her, he let go of a massive load inside her. With his cum leaking out of her, he had her to clean off his cock as.she sucked him to another climax
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Posted by a gay couple.
Part II: As she was jacking our cocks, she would take turns licking and sucking my cock, then my partners cock. My partner started rubbing her ppclit, as she sucked my cock. He rubbed her ass, and told me her ass was smooth, and very fuckable. He slid a finger in her, and she let out a soft moan. She told wimpy it was time to go home. We sat in the back making out with her, with her rubbing our cocks, us rubbing her ppclit, rubbing and fingering her ass.and her taking turns sucking both our cocks. We got to their house about 10 minutes later. It was a really nice house, in a very nice area of town. It looked like the closest neighbors were 1/2 mile away. Wimpy parked the car in the garage, and we walked into their house. It was huge, 14 rooms we found out, sitting on 10 acres. We sat on the couch, wimpy lit the fireplace, and she continued jacking our cocks and taking turns sucking them. Wimpy asked us if we needed anything. I asked him if he had any poppers, which he did bring me. He also brought us some drinks. We started to take off our clothes to get more comfortable. She told us she doesn't take off her clothes, that she prefers fucking with her clothes on. That seemed rather odd. Then told us she is much more feminine when sucking and fucking with her clothes on. Makes her feel like a woman. To each there own I guess. She got on her knees, and started sucking my cock. Inch by inch, she swallowed my entire 10 inches. As she was deep thrusting my cock, she stroked my partners cock. After a few minutes of this, she told wimpy to get a closer look. With that said, she had us both stand up, and took both our cocks in her mouth. What an amazing sight. Her mouth stretched around both our cocks at the same time. I.lifted her dress, and started fingering her ass. She was tight, and felt so good. She kept sucking both our cocks for another minute, then asked us to sit on the couch asses up. We did, and she started tongue fucking both of us. Licking, kissing, and biting both our assets, and playing with our cocks. She was wonderful. I have had lots of rim jobs, but she was the best by far. I looked at my partner and saw precum on his cock. She noticed it also, and licked it off, telling him not to cum yet. She then had me sit on the couch, and my partner stand in front of her. She lifted her dress, and sat her apple ass on my cock, sliding it in and out of her pussy, her words. My partner was getting his cock sucked as I fucked her. What an amazing asspussy she had. She took all 10 inches of my cock in her pussy, letting out soft moans as she bounced up and down on me, while deep thrusting my partners cock. He grabbed her by the back of her head and started to moan im cumming. With that, she bounced even more on my cock, and started sucking my partner even faster . My partner busted his nut in her mouth, and she swallowed his cum. My partner was amazed at her cock sucking abilities. He said it was the best head he ever had. She then told me to fuck her deeper harder faster as she continued to grind her asspussy on my cock. I held her hips, and continued to go to pound town. About 2 minutes later, I told her I was about to cum. I asked her where she wanted my cum. She told me to fill her up. I pumped the biggest load of cum I think I have ever dumped in my life. She rode my cock till every last drop was deep in her pussy. She then told wimpy that his din din was ready. Her wimpy husband walked over, and she squatted over his face as my cum dropped into his mouth. She then sat on his face, and grinded her pussy till wimpy got the last drop. We sat on the couch exhausted. She got up, and knelt between me and my partner, and asked us if we were ready to fuck her all night. She started stroking both our cocks again. I sat there trying to catch my breath. I told her to give us a few. Once again, she took turns sucking our cocks till we were both hard.  
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reading-is-hot · 3 years
Posted by a couple:
We are a gay couple. My partner is 32 and is verse. I am 47 and top. We have been together for 3 years. We decided to spice up our sex life by adding a 3rd for some sexual fun. We posted an ad looking for a total submissive bottom. Not a verse, but a bottom only gay male. We didn't have much luck finding him. Then as luck would have it, we got a response from a crossdresser who claimed to be all gurl. We did the regular correspondence, seemed legit, and comparable to all who were involved. So we agreed to meet at a restaurant. Oh my lord! This is the only time I wish I was straight! She was drop dead gorgeous. She walked in with a much older man. Found out is was her husband. Anyway, back to himher. Beautiful. Heshe could most def pass as 100% woman. Feminine facial features, walked and talked like a woman, feminine manners, a man trapped in a woman's body. Perfect makeup, perfect body, falsies, blond hair, beautiful blue bedroom eyes, sexy smooth silky legs, wearing a mid length blue dress, that showed off herhim sweet apple ass, and high heels. The only way you knew she was a he: Adam's apple. My partner compared her looks to a slutty Marilyn Monroe. She introduced us to her husband, or as she called him, wimpy. She told us not to mind him. She does what she wants with who she wants. Duly noted. My partner and I were both still stunned by her beauty, and kinda just sat there stammering. A few other men kept staring at her as well. Even our waiter stopped by our table 3 times in 5 minutes to look at her. We discussed what we were in search of, our limitations, rules, boundaries, our kinks, etc.. She told us what she enjoyed, which was about everything sexual. A match made in heaven. We still could not believe she was a he. My partner even mentioned that to her. She smiled and told him to drop something on the floor. He did, and she lifted her dress a little. He smiled, and said yep, she is still a male. We sat there in awe of her beauty. We talked for over an hour. We agreed that she was perfect. We mentioned going back to our place to relax and have some fun. She mentioned going back to "our house" so her husband can watch. She told us he isnt allowed to participate in any sexual activities. He is only there for her amusement as she gets her freak on with real men. At this time, my cock was stirring in my pants. Somehow she sensed this and put her foot on my crotch, and started rubbing her foot across it. I looked at my partner and told him it was time to leave, and go back to their house. She told us that we should leave our car there, and ride with them. We got into their car, and she sat in the back with both of us. We had no sooner got in, and she started rubbing our cocks thru our pants. She smiled, and told wimpy to take his time driving. She told him she was going skiing. With that said, she undid our pants, took out our cocks, and started jerking both of our cocks. Im 10 inches and thick. My partner is about 8 inches but not as thick as mine. She lifted her dress to show us her dick, are as she called it, her little ppclit. It was about 5 inches, and as she claimed, was there for 2 reasons: remind her she was still a he, and to pee. Part II to follow
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reading-is-hot · 4 years
audio appreciation
Oh my goodness I came so hard to 382 makes me miss late-night dirty talking over the phone. I always come to your blog when I’m in places I don’t need to be horny/masturbating ;)
I just had my first orgasm listening to the m4f instruction audio with the Irish accent! It was amazing!
 I like to listen to the audios you post till I am soaking wet and throbbing so badly. One time I orgasmed without touching. But by doing this it feels really good and strong.
I’ve been missing my boyfriend like crazy… so he and I were sexting and I listened to the dirty talking male, dildo in hand…. fuck I never came so hard…. 3 days in a row. (;
 I absolutely love the instructional audios, the roleplay things that involve you, it’s so much fun ;) Also I really get off on the pillow humping ones for some reason
Those 100 to 1 audio’s keep me cumming. Pretty much always have to play along at home love the blog keep up the audio delights
 I get off to the male fap audios. The one that never fails me is #299, the guy who’s thinking about his girlfriend far away.  :)
I came so fucking hard to his voice. Holy shit. Dirty talking man. Oh my god. I’ve never come that hard before. I’m still trying to catch my breath. Oh my god…..
 I had been listening to these and got so horny that I called up this girl I hook up with sometimes. We had a little competition on who could have the most orgasms. I think I got up to eight. I was so wet that when I was done my fingers were wrinkly in the way they get when they’ve been soaked in water or something for a while.
Thanks to everyone who sent something.
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reading-is-hot · 4 years
Sex Secrets #3
“I want a foursome with my bf and my best friend with hers, and watch her get fucked while my boyfriend fucks me.” — Nicole 19
“I’m seeing a woman I met on tinder who is in her mid twenties and super sexual. She listed bisexual on her profile and so I confided in her that I’m bi. She now really gets off sitting on the couch masturbating while she watches me suck and get fucked by a guy. She especially likes to see me ride a cock. And yeah, seeing me with a mouthful of cum turns her on too!”   — Bob
“I’m so turned on by this guy at work that I constantly flirt with him and I would absolutely get fired if it meant I got to fuck him at work.” — Kristina, 22
Keep reading
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reading-is-hot · 4 years
Messages in praise of audios
“Hello! I met audio porn here and it’s incredible. Listening to the sounds of pleasure increases my hunger. I’m a girl, lesbian and I especially like the audios made by girls. My favorite is “Debbie and Carol # 42”. The best part is that it is so natural and they seem to love each other. I wish they would send more…
“A big, hearty thank you to FeatheredBoy for making my evening with those audios! I’ve been imagining a certain feminine guy from the MGS video games moaning in FB’s stead since I need a visual to go with the sound. That really got me off, my limbs are still tingling as I’m typing this! Have a good one, FeatheredBoy, hope you’ll be in the mood to do more some time and complete that 100 to 1 challenge ❤    
“I’m so wet for you  #409 is very hot. It’s a f4m, with a wet pussy and a loud orgasm at the end. It also has a breeding kink, and a praising kink too. Overall, never fails to make me cum.
“Guided masturbation  #1 is the hottest audio… I listen to it now and then and it gives me chills… His voice, his moans, and when he says “good girl” at the end? Mmmm I’m still tingling. This pussy is all his if he ever wanted it. 
“I’m a work-obsessed woman with no time to find a boyfriend so I’m very thankful for your blog! My favourite entry to get off to is His dirty talk description   #263. The way he moans is just extraordinary and it makes me cum every time!
“I don’t have a vibrator but was curious about the experience. So while listening to these audios I took an Xbox controller that has a vibration feature. I used it with a car race game called “blur” and figured out that it doesn’t stop vibrating if I accelerate and brake at the same time… it was as good as I expected. god, I’m still shaking.            
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