readinglarva · 2 months
Really, Tiny? Do you care nothing for my reputation?”
I grin. “I think it’s nice when a man has a softer side.”
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readinglarva · 2 months
Winnie’s newly completed loft is a few blocks away, basically across the street from the loft James shares with his dad, who splits his time between Sheet Cake and Austin.
She told me that they sometimes walk each other home, back and forth to each other’s lofts, for half an hour.
They’re stupidly, disgustingly, wonderfully adorable.
Is it too much to ask for a guy who will be stupidly adorable with me?
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readinglarva · 2 months
Why now? Why am I suddenly feeling all these … feels?
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readinglarva · 2 months
Chevy gives my feet a squeeze and I swear, I feel it in my heart. “I should have stayed home with you.”
He keeps his gaze on my feet, resuming the massage. “I wanted to give you space. To unpack or just feel at home.”
You make me feel at home.
I’m glad I at least have the wherewithal to keep that confession inside.I shift so I’m on my back, looking up at his face.
“I don’t need space.”
I definitely don’t WANT space. What’s the opposite of space? Industrial strength super glue? That’s what I want.
“Good to know,” Chevy says with a chuckle. He clears his throat and gives my toes a squeeze.
“We should get you to bed.”
Yes. WE should.
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readinglarva · 2 months
Our faces are close. His brown eyes search mine, and his hand flexes on the back of my head.
Darcy hand flex! I think, because even though I’ve never seen any of the movies or read the book, EVERYONE knows about the Darcy hand flex.
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readinglarva · 2 months
"I'm not one to make wishes, Doc. I'm the one to make things happen."
"But with you, I find myself searching the sky for shooting stars."
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readinglarva · 2 months
No one else’s mistakes have to be yours
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readinglarva · 2 months
The problem, though, with loving small gestures is that I start to see them every where.
And right now they're all just that-
Tiny actions that might mean something, but I won’t know what until there are words to define them.
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readinglarva · 2 months
She blinks up at me with bright eyes. With hope.
There’s nothing I want more than to be a man worthy of hoping for
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readinglarva · 2 months
Where have you been?”
I look from one girl to the other and shrug. “Invisible. Where have you guys been?”
They all exchange a glance. “Invisible,” they say.“
I thought I was the only invisible girl here!” I say
But you don’t have to be invisible with us anymore. We see you, Kara.”
I smile. “And I see you.”
And just like that, I’ve found my place. And my people.
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readinglarva · 2 months
“Enjoy being a kid, Bay. Because before you know it, the years will fly by and you’ll find yourself doing everything you can to get into the school of your dreams and make your parents and brother proud of you.”
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readinglarva · 2 months
He motions for us to take a turn toward an area where there are a few trees and large boulders. There’s a clearing in the center and I gasp as I take in the beautiful orange and red colors of the sunrise.
Brayden takes hold of my arm and lowers us on one of the boulders. I can’t take my eyes off the magnificent sunrise. Nature is seriously the most wondrous thing in the world.
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readinglarva · 2 months
“Books heal the soul,”
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readinglarva · 2 months
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readinglarva · 2 months
Hi,” I say as I face him. “You okay?”
He shrugs. “I’m trying to be.”
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readinglarva · 2 months
Of course Ally can dream about a guy sweeping her off her feet. I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
Dani is about to argue, but Ally lifts her hands.
“I know there’s no such thing as a perfect guy. That’s why I’ll never find him. So I’m okay with falling in love with the men in my books.”
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readinglarva · 2 months
They’re kind of a funny thing. Butterflies in your stomach or ants crawling all over your body or knees knocking into one another…whatever it is, they can seriously drive a guy insane. The fact that I have nerves makes me even more nervous. But my mom always says having nerves before an important event is a good thing because it means you care.
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