I just started another Dragon Age Inquisition playthrough it’s my first ever human noble playthrough since I first got the game in 2015 and the more I talk to Josephine about my inquisitiors life and past the more depressed I get because the Trevelyan’s are devout believers in Andraste and my inquisitor doesn’t believe, doesn’t want to be a Templar, and doesn’t want anything to do with the chantry but does it to please his family and now everyone is calling him the Herald of Andraste and he feels like he can only play along and try to be the person that each individual Fereldan and Orlesian wants him to be. Cassandra looks down on him because he doesn’t believe, Josephine wants him to be chosen by the Maker, Vivienne wants him to keep pretending, Solas gives no shits about him at all, Sera thinks he is weird, at this point Varric is the only one who has even asked if he is alright. I’m real sad about that because the only characters he hasn’t met yet are Cole, who takes the time to get to know everyone EXCEPT the inquisitor; Bull, someone who has no interest in any of that but hopefully cares about my inquisitor; and Dorian who has his own problems that my inquisitor will not be able to help him with and visa versa. :/// Bad times for my boy Tomblaine.
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I really want to know out of all things, why has our society decided being gay or any other part of LGBTQ+ is this much of a problem? Like out of all things. (x)
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you can’t support autistic people and support the police. No amount of paint jobs or sensitivity training can stop police from killing with impunity
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Everyone who’s been talking to me knows i’ve been working on this comic about wlws and cats for a while and i’m so so happy it’s finally here!!! :D
idea stolen from this post :’3
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I mad agree with this.
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I figure out I had ADHD last year, but I didn’t seek an official diagnosis and medication until this year. I’m 30 years old, my school days are long behind me. I slipped through the cracks because I have predominately inattentive type and I was a quiet little girl. Having ADHD does not mean you have to be hyperactive and loud, it means you have a processing problem in your brain that doesn’t allow you to regulate your focus or emotions. 
Mental health even now is still taboo to talk about. People are more open now than ever about it however and that gives me hope. 
This is a profoundly personal comic and it only reflects my own experience with ADHD. It is on a spectrum with a wide range of personalities. But if my story connects with someone else and helps them, that would mean the world to me.
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This is a collection of all my body positive illustrations for non-binary folks I did in 2017. I hope, they help you! <3
You can find part 1 here: [LINK]
For more body positive artwork, please check out my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bopolena/
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so none of yall know what a friend group is apparently
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More rat comics
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Luke Skywalker (1977) x Leslie Knope (2009)
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[immotates surrogate happiness]
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