real-stp-blog · 6 years
“Say WHAAATTTT” of the day......
The aroma of wine can arouse both men and women. The scents of many wines are believed to replicate human pheromones, the chemical substances that cause behavioral responses in humans.
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real-stp-blog · 6 years
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my blog, Real-STP.
I created this blog because I’ve realized that no matter how young or old, we all have questions about sex. Whether there are things that you may think only happens to you or just questions to improve your sex life.
You can’t enjoy something you’re not comfortable with doing or something you don’t have enough knowledge about. Sex shouldn’t be a chore, something you have to do because someone said so. Sex should be fun and enjoyable while being an ongoing learning experience!
Real STP is here for you to gain that comfort and knowledge so that sex will be something you enjoy doing not something you “have to do”!
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real-stp-blog · 6 years
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