realists-blog-blog · 9 years
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Information is KEY: Read my last post.
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realists-blog-blog · 9 years
Information is KEY: Rough draft.
Art? Symbolism? Genetics? 
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
My Perspective on Where I think Human Dignity Comes From. 
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
This song always has been an inspiration. I am always worried about little details of my life when there are multiple people out there freezing throughout the winter. I feel like my life has a bigger purpose and everyday I am on my journey trying to fulfill this purpose. I want to create a difference in peoples lives and not have my own little world be population me. 
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
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Since When Does Being Popular Mean Having To Put Up With This Kind Of Bullying
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
A life full of dignity: Volunteer Fair
Summary of the Dignitas Lab event.This Dignitas Lab was an event that had many different volunteer organizations from all over Minnesota and Wisconsin. These volunteer programs were both for an after graduate choice and an organization you could be apart of right now. There were very many different types of programs. They ranged from a YWCA program for younger women, medical assistants and many Catholic programs. Every organization or program were formed to create a better world for someone in need.  Reflection on the Dignitas Lab event.I am a feminist and believe very strongly that women need to have the same rights as men. I am very opinionated when it comes to the idea that women can't do the same things as men. I always have wanted to make a difference in this world dealing with this subject that is still a problem today. At the volunteer fair I came across an organization called "YWCA" and it is a program for girls and young woman. They teach young girls that they CAN do whatever they put their mind to. This program is located in five schools around Duluth. It opens my mind to realizing I can make a difference in this world and teach these young girls we do have the same abilities boys do. This programs main goal is to "eliminate racism and empower women". I am going to try and become apart of this amazing program. How might you use what you learned at this event?I will defiantly get into this program and become a mentor for younger girls. I want to teach them that they too can become Doctors, that being a Doctor is not just for men, but for women also. I want to make a difference in the life of a child. Being a mentor would be such a blessing. I would be able to get to know young girls individually and become a role model in their lives.  How did this Lab connect to the specified element (e.g. Dignity, Diversity, etc.)?This lab is like Catholic Social Thought because it inspires one to go out in the world and socially make a difference. This volunteer fair gave many opportunities for someone to get involved with the community and give your time to create a better place in this world. There were many ministry programs that reach out to those in need and teach them about the Lord. It also helps people realize volunteering is such a little thing to do, that makes a big difference in someones life.
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
A life full of dignity: Ojibwe Spirituality
Summary of the Dignitas Lab event.Micheal Sullivan is a professor here at the College of Saint Scholastica and he was raised on a reservation because his mother is Ojibwe. Micheal was thirty when he moved off the reservation because he attended a college on the reservation. At his college he learned how the Ojibwe language was starting to decline and people were becoming less aware of the Ojibwe Spirituality. This moved Micheal to become a teacher of the Ojibwe language. Micheal explained to us how the members of the Ojibwe tribe live and their different practices they preform. For example, before every ceremony they do they offer tobacco to their creator and also pray to him. He told us that they believe their elders are everything to the tribe. They have so much respect for their elders. Every tribe has fall, winter, spring and summer dances to celebrate the new time of year. They believe that the day they stop having celebrations is the day their creator will clear the earth. Reflection on the Dignitas Lab event.Micheal told us that the Ojibwe tribe believes "To be an elder is it means you have lost more of your loved ones then you have left" This is one of the many proverbs in the Ojibwe Spirituality. This made me realize that I don't respect my elders as much as I should and it opened my eyes. Another thing that was interesting to me was they are told and brought up to not trust a white man. Micheal explained to us that they are taught this because a white man took everything they had away from them. I never really thought of it this way. In history books we learn that Columbus discovered this new world, but in reality he just stole what was already founded by Native Americans. How might you use what you learned at this event?I will defiantly take away the idea that elders are everything. They have been through almost everything and we can learn so much from them. They have stories to tell and lessons to teach. I always assumed "old" people were deaf, slow and annoying to hold a conversation with. Now I will respect my elders more and love them even more then I ever had. They have lost more then they have left, the least I could give them is respect. The idea I always had in my head was that Native Americans get whatever they want. They have it easy and the government doesn't touch them. Well I never thought that they did have this land and then we came in and took it over. Its crazy to think that we were okay with taking their homes and lands away, with only leaving them reservations. I always knew that this happened, it just never occurred to me that it is actually a horrible thing to do. So now I will open my eyes a little more and not be so quick to judge the Native Americans. How did this Lab connect to the specified element (e.g. Dignity, Diversity, etc.)?This lab is under the Diversity element and it fits perfectly. Diversity is defined as "a range of different things", and this presentation on Ojibwe Spirituality gave me a broader perspective on the different religions or practices in the world. I now have a bigger range on the ideas the Ojibwe tribe practices as well. I found it very interesting and would love to go to another Dignitas Lab in this category.
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
A life full of dignity: Myth of Religious Violence
Summary of the Dignitas Lab event.William Cavanaugh was the presenter of this event. In this event his goal was to explain why religion does not create violence. William had many reasons for backing his idea and explained them very clearly. He first stated that there is no difference between the features of religion and politics. The both focus on our ultimate concern, they build communities, they appeal to myth and symbol, both are reinforced through ceremonies, and they both demand behavior from people. This shows that there is no clear difference between "religion" and politics. William went on to explain how everyone has a different definition of religion. He went around the globe and explained what they pictured as religion and they were all very different. The word religion differed in what they believed, their values, their customs and how they were raised. William lastly explained how nationalism is very powerful in the United States. More American Christians would kill for their country then they would for God. They say that they would do this because it is their duty as Americans. William concluded that people kill for all sorts of things like money, oil, and freedom. Violence feeds on the need for enemies, "us vs. them" scenario. So when people think religion causes violence, they are wrong. People cause violence depending on their beliefs, values, customs, and even what situation they could be in. Reflection on the Dignitas Lab event.I always thought religion cause violence. On the news you always see the wars and they seem to be cause by difference in religion. Now it is more clear to me that they have nothing to do with "religion", these wars are based on the values of other countries verses our own. What we believe to be right and moral, other countries do not. It isn't about what god or if any gods you worship, it is about what the country values. I never thought of the idea that Christians would kill for their country but not for God. I am a Christian and I don't even know how to answer this for myself. I don't think God would ever ask anyone to kill, so maybe thats why they wouldn't? Even though it's perfectly normal to kill for your country. I found that very interesting. How might you use what you learned at this event?I will use the idea that religion does not create violence to further reach out and explain to others why this statement is true. As a Christian is is upsetting to me that people think that of religion. I will defiantly stand up for religion and put an end to this rumor because the word religion is not about church or Christians, it just means values and beliefs of one specific group of people. I do not want people thinking Christians are the cause of violence. How did this Lab connect to the specified element (e.g. Dignity, Diversity, etc.)?The Myth of Religious Violence is related to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition because it talks a little bit about Christianity. It defiantly widened my view of the word religion and will be thinking twice before I refer to anything being religious.
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
A life full of dignity: Community Day
Summary of the Dignitas Lab event.On community day my Dignitas class set out to help garden at one of the many community gardens in Duluth. At the garden we met up with a volunteer who devotes a lot of time to the gardens around Duluth. She explained to us that they are run through state grants and are a non-profit organization. She also told us why community gardens are a very helpful tool for the community. She sad instead of families walking to the convenient store to buy expensive and unhealthy food, they can walk to this garden and take some vegetables home for their family. We had a lot of work to do at the garden. We needed to plant raspberry bushes, shovel wood chips, pick tomatoes, and make wood chip paths throughout the garden. It was a lot to do, but we came together and finished in a good amount of time, while enjoying the feeling of helping the community.  Reflection on the Dignitas Lab event.I never knew community gardens existed and I am so happy that they do! It is such a nice gesture to do for the community. I love gardening and being helpful, but these gardens are a ton of work. So bringing my whole Dignitas class together to help with this large task was very helpful. I learned that when you bring your community together, you can get a lot done in a little amount of time. It is an amazing feeling to be apart of something thats helping other people in need. How might you use what you learned at this event?Bringing community members together to create a better world to live in, is the best thing to do for each other. I learned that we create the world we live in, by what we do to make it better. I will take this as a challenge to myself to always be giving of my time and never selfish. If everyone was selfish and no one gave back to the community, this world would be a horrible place to live in. I want to make a difference. I will hopefully make a difference by helping others and being able to make time to volunteer more. How did this Lab connect to the specified element (e.g. Dignity, Diversity, etc.)?This community day connects to the Benedictine tradition and values because it shows us to value the community that we live in. It showed us how much we truly take for granted and how we need to learn to give back to the community. Community day was also teaching us how we should live as apart of the Saint Scholastica community, always willing to help others and be bold and benedictine.
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
Questions on Social Media
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Some thoughts of mine on social media, 
Is social media taking over the thoughts and lives of teens and young adults? 
When I was a child I played outside with my friends and we passed notes in class. Now all I see it children on their phones or tablets and texting each other. This generation knows a lot about technology, but is it really for the better? By living in such a world in side a screen I feel we miss out on the world outside our windows. When I text someone I forget about my surroundings and am currently in a cyber world. I constantly check Instagram and Twitter, I admit it- I'm addicted to it. I feel if I don't constantly check it I am missing out on something, but does that make me miss out on the REAL world outside? I personally think it does.
I remember getting a note from a boy and hearing him call me cute was the best feeling in the world. Now boys post #WCW (Women Crush Wednesday) on social media to show their feelings. I mean thats fine and all, but I feel like it is taking away our dignity. I don't want my daughter one day growing up to think #WCW is the most heartfelt thing she can receive from a boy. 
Social media is taking away our communication with one another. I think human dignity is based on our interactions with others, and without that what are we becoming? 
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
Have you watched The Game yet?
Check out my analysis!
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
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Has your game begun? 
Check out this movie! I'm watching it as you read this!
Who is running your life? Are you the guest or the host?
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
Christopher Knight was a man who lived for 20 years in the woods alone. He only survived off the food, shelter, and items he stole from the towns people. Was this okay? He only wanted to get away?
Hmm.. Maybe, maybe not. 
Here's my in take on Mr. Knight..
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realists-blog-blog · 10 years
Blind Spot- Hidden biases of good people
By: Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald
Just some of my thoughts and ideas that popped into my head after reading this book..
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