reality-imagined · 4 years
Hi, I had a story called "Schematics" saved in my drafts for a while (to read later) and when I came back to read it, the original blog had been deleted. Just curious, was that you? I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the original blog.
Hi! You’re right! It was me 😚 here’s the link to the masterlist:
Hope it’s worth the time you spent saving and trying to find it! 🥰
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reality-imagined · 4 years
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Poe Dameron in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
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reality-imagined · 4 years
Getaway Car - Peter Parker
Young Adult!Peter Parker x Agent!Reader
Based on Getaway Car by Taylor Swift, I suggest listening to it before to get in to the ~tone~ of what’s going on. Also, Endgame never happened, goodbye.
Word Count:  8.5k 
Rating: T+ 
Warnings: Violence, Use of guns, Hints of murder?, Maybe slowburn?, romance 
Synopsis: Peter (who is 23 now) is struggling to find his footing in the team now that he’s older and he’s tired of being the kid damn it. Peter decides his next mission is going to change how his team views him, but things never work out just how he plans, does it? 
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I’ve been sitting on this since I first heard the song, and I’ve been itching to post it! xx 
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Marvel characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Marvel and Disney.
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reality-imagined · 4 years
you’re gonna make me cry with this reblog 😭 bless you thank you ❤️
Getaway Car - Peter Parker
Young Adult!Peter Parker x Agent!Reader
Based on Getaway Car by Taylor Swift, I suggest listening to it before to get in to the ~tone~ of what’s going on. Also, Endgame never happened, goodbye.
Word Count:  8.5k 
Rating: T+ 
Warnings: Violence, Use of guns, Hints of murder?, Maybe slowburn?, romance 
Synopsis: Peter (who is 23 now) is struggling to find his footing in the team now that he’s older and he’s tired of being the kid damn it. Peter decides his next mission is going to change how his team views him, but things never work out just how he plans, does it? 
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I’ve been sitting on this since I first heard the song, and I’ve been itching to post it! xx 
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Marvel characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Marvel and Disney.
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reality-imagined · 4 years
Schematics & Plans I’m in love with 🌱 you are really good at writing 🌱
thank you very much!! ❤️❤️
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reality-imagined · 4 years
Getaway Car - Peter Parker
Young Adult!Peter Parker x Agent!Reader
Based on Getaway Car by Taylor Swift, I suggest listening to it before to get in to the ~tone~ of what’s going on. Also, Endgame never happened, goodbye.
Word Count:  8.5k 
Rating: T+ 
Warnings: Violence, Use of guns, Hints of murder?, Maybe slowburn?, romance 
Synopsis: Peter (who is 23 now) is struggling to find his footing in the team now that he’s older and he’s tired of being the kid damn it. Peter decides his next mission is going to change how his team views him, but things never work out just how he plans, does it? 
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I’ve been sitting on this since I first heard the song, and I’ve been itching to post it! xx 
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Marvel characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Marvel and Disney.
It had taken some time for the other members of the team to start taking Peter seriously, and even though they regarded him with a little more respect, they couldn’t help but still see the youth around his eyes. A facial feature they often used to fuel their jokes. Peter understood that it came from a good place, a place of caring and inclusion, but it didn’t reduce the sting any less. They praised him like a child when he achieved even the smallest task, making him feel (childlike). But even worse, any mistake he made was highlighted and turned into a lengthy lecture by each member - scolding him to be diligent and be more “mature.” They often blamed his age and lack of experience, completely missing the fact that these lectures did not assist Peter in his training at all. Only infuriated him, particularly when another member made a similar mistake, but was only brushed off by the others as “bad luck.”
Nonetheless, he worked overtime, harder, and more diligently to try to get the team to see him as more than just the youngest Avenger. He took on all the missions he could, small or large, to add more experience to his resume. Maybe, just maybe, if he could catch up with the team on experience they would finally remove the “rookie” title from his name. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually took a weekend to enjoy things other 23 year olds enjoyed. At this point, Ned and MJ quit offering invites out, knowing Peter would relay that he had a “classified” mission to go on and wouldn’t be able to make - but next time, definitely.  The best way to keep up with their friend, they found, was to check the headlines and new stations - Spider-Man saves the day once again! Peter wished the team would revere him as the media did. 
So, when a file came across his spot at the team table for a solo mission, Peter didn’t even have to open the file before he agreed. A solo mission. If he could knock this out of the park, in record time, then this would be the moment they finally regarded him as a full-on member of team. This would be his ticket to the big leagues and meetings that only involved Steve, Natasha, Tony, Thor and Banner. He would finally be an Avenger not only to the world, but to the other Avengers as well. 
He stayed up the entire night, memorizing the file and the target. It wasn’t a simple mission to say the least, but it wasn’t impossible. Despite his lack of recon experience, he figured a quick conversation with Nat would help him in this area and he’d set course to Vienna by the end of the week. 
Ned’s birthday dinner would just have to be rescheduled. 
Y/n couldn’t exactly remember what invited her into her line of work, whether it was the influence of her family or a set of specific skills she had somehow stumbled upon. Either way, her job was her life and there was rarely a mission she declined. She worked for many people, a lone ranger who swayed elegantly back and forth across the line of good and bad. Sure, the number of tasks on the ‘bad’ side outnumbered the opposite tremendously, but she did experience being the good guy every now and then. She found that those jobs, where she saved the day, tended be more difficult anyway. Y/n by no means regarded herself as a hero or vigilante, just a girl trying to make a living and hopefully cash out on a beach somewhere with a mojito in hand by the age of thirty-five. 
She ignored the hype of the superhero’s that everyone seemed to talk about nowadays - the Avengers? Really, were they going to release a Christmas album this year? She scoffed at the idea of being a part of a team like that, and she was surprised when she first heard of Black Widow’s involvement. Y/n had once looked up to the lethal red-head, but now having seen her join the band of ironically-clad heroes, decided that she was quite opposite of Natasha Romanoff and should probably rely only on herself for motivation. She would never be good like them, even if she wanted to. 
It didn’t take long for the news of a new-age, extra deadly nuclear weapon on the market to reach her ears. And not long after that, power ridden billionaires and dirty country leaders alike requesting her services. The highest bidder bought her out of course, and she pictured that sunny beach being closer in her future than she had originally planned. Even though she was only 23 and still had a bit of baby fat in her cheeks, she knew exactly how to infiltrate this particular wealth-monger and had a new persona and ID ready for her flight to Vienna in only a couple of hours. 
She didn’t think this mission would take her all that long and she could practically taste the mint mojito on her tongue. 
Establishing his identity as a possible buyer to the evil guy holding the future of the world in his expensive briefcase took a lot longer than Peter had expected. He wasn’t used to being so exposed on the field, even if his mask was his only missing accessory. The thought that someone would recognize him, even with the possibility of that being in the negative percentage range, still had him on edge any time he met with another individual who got him closer and closer to his target. 
Peter was thankful that the extra missions and time spent training with Steve and Bucky, shaved off the extra teenage weight he had. It didn’t take long for his face to thin, his jawline to sharpen, and his body to become more lean. He had finally lost that awkward, teenage lank to his features and he blended in easily with the people around him. Peter managed to get his last contact to trust him enough to snag an invitation to an event held by his target. It was a lavish event in a ballroom nearly the size of the compound back home. People were dressed elegantly and Peter straightened out the lapel of his suit jacket once again, an expensive number that he happily charged to the team’s mission expenses. 
Peter surveyed the area as discreetly as possible, missing the functions that his mask, which was tucked safely away into his jacket, gave him when it came to surveillance. He wondered briefly if Tony could mock up some glasses for him next time. By the look of the crowd, chatting idly to each other, he figured that the target had yet to arrive. He wished he was more skilled in the social aspect of recon, his socially awkward tendencies once again coming up to bit him on the ass. Making way to the bar, he politely- and clumsily- excused himself as he nudged people from his path. Suddenly becoming anxious at the thought that his falling demeanor would give away his intentions. 
Y/n stirred the drink in front of her gently, a small, polite smile on her face as she looked over the crowd. She already knew her target wasn’t here just yet. She had spent the evening in his lavish penthouse the day before and new of his schedule for the day. She had played dumb and innocent when he said he had meetings to go to before he would meet her at the party. The bug she placed on the lapel of his jacket as she passionately kissed him goodbye let her know that the last meeting with a buyer fell through and that the device she was after would be in attendance with him tonight. So, she donned a sparkly, gold number that was eye catching but allowed her to blend in with the people around her and sat herself at the bar as soon as she arrived. Smilingly gratefully the people that he had previously showed her off to, only to keep up the appearance. Inwardly grimacing and keeping the best smile she could. If she had to spend one more moment with the man and this twisted entourage, she would blow her cover and his head. 
She was about to stand, the sleek watch on her wrist letting her know that her target was approaching the ballroom. The sight of a man, likely around her own age, stumbling up the bar, halted her movements. He dropped down on the stool with tense shoulders and a bead of sweat on his temple. His eyes scanned his surroundings before shooting his head to the bar tender who asked what he would like. The man visibly faltered and Y/n could instantly tell that he was new to the game that she herself, was currently playing as well. 
“He’ll have an old fashion.” her voice spoke without her mind’s permission. The bartender replied a quiet ‘yes ma’am’ and began preparing a drink that matched the one she still stirred with a little red straw. The man before her stared at her with wide, startled eyes, body tense and almost ready to spring from his seat and run. “Camille.” She smiled, her fake name falling from her lips as elegantly as if it were her own, a gentle hand rising for him to shake. He stared down at her hand, before he seemed to snap out of reverie and quickly grasp her hand in an awkward shake. 
He didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t expected someone to talk to him while he was here. She was beautiful, gorgeous even, and he only wished the confidence that exuded from her was contagious. By the look in her eye, he could tell she was picking up on his nervousness. It was at this point, mid-thought, he realized her hand was still in front of him, so he quickly grasped it. Flinching at his own awkward movements and released her hand from his jerky grasp as quickly as he held it. 
She raised a manicured eyebrow at him, and he quickly realized he never gave her his own name. “Pe, I mean, Paul.” He tried not to show the mistake on his face and only inwardly grimace at his own stutter. He had picked out a cool undercover name before setting out on this mission, but found that he stuttered just has he had moments ago during his first task. Meaning that he was stuck with Paul. 
“Paul.” She replied slowly, nodding with a small smile playing at his lips. He only hoped that she wasn’t all that perceptive and this was just her confident personality. Otherwise, his cover was blown and he’d have to hightail it back to the compound with his tail between his legs. “What brings you here Paul?” She smiled down at her drink before looking up at him. Social awkwardness once again kicking in as her beauty was getting the best of him. His imaginative James Bond ego quivering and failing him as he sat staring at her. He hadn’t even noticed the bartender place his drink in front of him. An old fashion? What a suave drink to order, he’d never had one and would’ve never thought of it. He felt that the drink was her own version of a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. 
She hadn’t intended to play with him like she was, a cat toying at the mouse. She couldn’t help it. His cover was increasingly crumbling and he had a handsome face behind the worried eyebrows and sheen of sweat on his forehead. His fake name wasn’t all that bad, but by the grimace and his stutter she knew that it wasn’t the one he had planned. She briefly considered calling him out and asking him with his other name was supposed to be. But that would end her little game and that wouldn’t be fun. Besides, her target had already walked in and was in a deep conversation across the room. She could toy with the handsome man in front of her for a few moments longer. 
It took him an alarmingly long time to reply to her questions and she couldn’t help but wonder how in the world he had gotten this far with his lack of experience. “I uhm, work.” he managed before taking a deep gulp of the drink she had ordered him. She let out a giggled as she witnessed him trying not to cough of the tart taste. She nodded, taking a sip of her own drink and sparing a glance at her target. 
He noticed and followed her gaze, his eyes comically widening as he landed on the man she was surveying. Ah ha, so they were after the same person. Her competitiveness tried to rear its ugly head, but she kept calm. A smile spreading on her lips as he looked back at her, eyes not as wide but still holding alarm. She wished she could tell him that he was being so transparent. He was lucky to have stumbled upon her, had any other informant witnessed what she was - they’d have ended him before he could have even sat down. Competition in this line of work always ended with the opponent last’s breath and had the curve of his jaw not enticed her, then this scenario would’ve played out differently. It wasn’t her place to advise him, however. He wasn’t a friend, colleague, or even a blimp on her professional radar. There was no telling who he worked for or the nature of his visit and the last thing she needed was to get caught up in the mess of an undercover whatever he was. Agent, would not have been a word she used to describe him. 
His mind whirred with the realization that she was gazing at his target, with calculated eyes. She gave off vibes that were similar to other agents he had been around, but she couldn’t possibly be undercover? A girl who looked like that? She couldn’t have been any older than him, but her face was hardened with the life of operations, he realized. Not like Natasha’s or any of his other members, though. There was an innocence, but also edge, that held her posture. Maybe she was undercover and she was that good. He didn’t know what to do or say, the alcohol from his drink pooling in his stomach. Instantly regretting never taking Thor up on his offer of Asgaurdian liquor to build up his tolerance. Her glass was empty and by the way the bartender quickly retrieved the glass and replaced it with another indicated that it wasn’t her first drink of the night. 
He had no idea how to proceed, her eyes were watching him and he felt that his every move was being scrutinized. He felt vulnerable, despite the technologically advanced suit that clung to his skin beneath the expensive tuxedo. He thought briefly about pulling out his phone and dialing for backup. After weeks of working towards this event, everything he had achieved began crumbling down before this beautiful girl with an agenda of her own. 
No, he wasn’t going to let a pretty face ruin his chances of earning the respect of his team. He wasn’t about to call the team to come rescue his ass because he knew he’d never hear the end of it. He was going to see this through, even it meant having to take out the girl who was still smiling at him. That thought made the alcohol in his stomach churn harder. 
She was running out of time. She wanted him to make the first move, curiosity getting the best of her and momentarily causing her to lose focus of her task. But he was taking too long and her target was talking to a buyer that she knew would seal the deal and she needed to start planning her tactic on how to get her target and the briefcase alone. His eyebrows furrowed and she could tell he was gathering he thoughts to speak, but a window of opportunity opened, just as her target walked into view just beyond ‘Paul’s’ head. 
Y/n tried not to sound to rushed, but she knew her, “If you’ll excuse me” was too harsh and she could feel his eyes on her retreating figure. She put emphasizes on her hips, whether it was for the man at the bar or the man she was approaching - she wasn’t quite sure, but secretly hoped that it had grabbed both of their attention. 
“Have you had a nice evening?” She spoke in a smooth voice that sounded nothing like her natural one. Placing a gentle hand on the upper arm of the man she had been seducing for the past few weeks. He smirked down at her, attempting to sultry in nature, but she found nothing about this man attractive. Not like the man who she had spoken to at the bar. She inwardly chided herself for getting distracted so easily. 
She only gave him enough attention to leave him wanting more, suggesting about wanting to see him ‘in private’ for a moment, voice full of seduction as her hand sliding down his arm to his own. This would be her moment to grab the briefcase and make a fast getaway. She briefly hoped that ‘Paul’ wouldn’t get in to too much trouble for not accomplishing his mission. The man agreed, pulling her towards a nearby door. She looked over her shoulder, curious to see If he was still there. And he was, now standing, watching with wide eyes. she couldn’t help it, as she pulled the door closed - she sent him a wink and cheeky smile. 
‘Camille’ - 1 
‘Paul’ - 0
No, no no no no. NO. Oh God, no. I really fucked up. No! SHIT.
Peter quit attempting to mask his anxiousness as the girl and the briefcase disappeared behind a door guarded by two men nearly twice his size. How could he just let himself get distracted? Let the mission get away from him like that? What was he thinking? His inner voice sounded eerily like Steve’s as he chided himself for being so naive. He tried mapping out a scenario to get into the room. Maybe there was a window? He was about to sprint to a bathroom to don his mask. Maybe Karen could scope out the scene and give him some advice. But before he could even move an inch, chaos broke out. 
The door his eyes somehow were still trained on busts open, guns being pulled out from random places and random people. Shots ringing out in different directions. Party goers who were just bystanders ducking and screaming. He watched as she elegantly avoided attacks, brief case clutched in her hand as she used it to defend herself and seek an exit. He tried not to focus too much on the blood that stained her gold dress. He could tell that she was struggling to get out of the sea of chaos, her eyes jotting around the room wildly as she fought gracefully and skillfully that wound have Natasha praising her movements. 
Peter found himself jumping across the bar to a near window - busting it out with elbow and easily jumping to ground beneath him. He tried to think too much about his plans suddenly altered to aiding the beautiful girl in the gold dress.
Just make it to the door, just make it to the door. Y/n’s voce sang in her head and she weaved and battled her way through the chaos. She wished she had packed more than the small hand gun clasped in her other hand. It had been useful for injuring her target enough to retrieve the briefcase but now, she wished she had more heavy artillery. It took longer than she had wished for her to reach the door, hoping that backup had not yet been called her path to the car would be easy and quick. 
She found the opposite as she kicked open the doors. The lavish driveway before her was nearly filled with more agents, all after the silver briefcase in her hand. She surveyed the scenarios, trying to find the quickest way out but fell short as more attackers came trudging her way, bullets starting to fire out in her direction. She was so focused on her next move she hadn’t yet noticed the sleek black Audi revving up towards her. Not until it was stopped in front of her.
Y/n’s hand rose the gun up to aim at the driver, deciding that taking the car was her best option at the point but she faltered as she realized who was staring down the barrel. His hand was raised in surrender as he opened the door across from him, other hand steadily on the wheel, bot flinching at the sound of bullets ricocheting off the exterior of his car. Everything in her past and all the training she had received told her this was a bad idea, that she could not possibly trust this man she had only meet moments ago at the bar. But as agents started to descend upon them at a faster rate, her options were limited and all it took was his sincere, “I’ve got you.” to get her to drop into the car. 
Her door was barely shut before he revved the engine and speed off, dust and debris flying up being the wheels, a rapid sound of bullets dinging as they drove away. It was then she noticed that the car was somehow bulletproof and her stomach fell at the idea that maybe Paul was more high level than she had thought. She clutched the briefcase to the side opposite of him just in case, hand on the door, ready to open it and roll out. A sudden outburst of laughter cause her to stop, looking over at him with concern. 
His face was lit up with a smile and his eyes crinkled as he let out his chuckle, “Well that’s not how I planned this day to go. What about you?” He looked over at her, smile still on his face. She didn’t know how to react; she had never see someone look so… so beautiful and naturally happy. His laugh was contagious and she found herself breaking out into a smile of its own volition. 
“Not exactly.” She replied in a small voice. She knew she needed to ask about his next play, next move, what he thought was about to happen. But she didn’t want to. Not yet, at least. For the first time in her life she was enjoying a wholesome moment, where, despite the circumstance, she felt connected to another human being for once in her very short life. 
Peter knew he needed to tell her that he was going to have to take that briefcase, that the world depended on it. But he couldn’t say anything just yet. He liked the way she smiled at him, how her eyes seemed to light up when they met his own. Despite his many infield successes, for the first time he felt that he had done something right. He had made his own decision for once, not based on what he thought the team would praise him for, but what he wanted to do. Peter didn’t regret his decision one bit, at least not in this moment. 
Camille’s silence gave him hope that she was trying to hold onto to this moment as well. He wasn’t sure of the destination, or what would happen next. All he knew was that he was going to continuing driving as far as he could, as long as she stayed right there in his passenger seat. 
“We need to get rid of this car.” She spoke quietly, looking out her passenger window. We, he thought looking between her and the road quickly. “They’ll try to track us down. I wasn’t able to… extinguish the target. He’s going to come after us.” She added, looking over at him. Hesitancy filled her eyes but he didn’t hesitate to agree. Even though Peter knew that this was going to end in one way, he decided that the right decision could wait just a little bit longer. 
“I know a buyer that will cash out enough for both of us to profit.” Peter spoke, not sure where this idea had come from but just fleeting enough to decide that it was his best option. She didn’t reply instantly; he had broken the veil that she had put over situation. Forgetting about what brought her into the car and the cold metal of the briefcase seeping through her dress on to her skin. 
“We can talk logistics later. Let’s… figure out how to lose our tail.” 
He nodded in agreement and while they sat in silence, their minds are screaming.
A night, turned into two days, and two days morphed into a week. 
She had never had a partner before, romantically or professionally. Yet, she adjusted to Paul’s presence rapidly and tried not to let that scare her too much. In the past, very little scared her. But the way her heart thumped when he smiled at her, frightened Y/n. It was all unrealistic, meeting him at a bar where they were both undercover - after the same prize. But she somehow found comfort in knowing that maybe his past was just as murky as her own. She began to trust him; feelings began to bloom in the most unlikely of circumstances. She felt free, untethered to her past. It was liberating, beautiful, and terrifying. 
They were at a gas station, filling up the car that Paul had hotwired only hours before - their 3rd car in their trek to no-where. She was grabbing snacks, finding out that he had a rather childish palette and also discovering that maybe she had grown to be too uptight for her age. Somehow, the scared look on the cashier’s face didn’t alert her. Y/n never noticed them reaching for the telephone, a picture of her face plastered on the television behind the counter. WANTED in big red letters. She didn’t notice until it was too late - until he was busting in the door, yelling for her. 
Instincts kicked in, she reached across the counter - grabbing the collar of the poor workingman and bashed his head in to the hard surface between them. Anger getting the best of her before she gathered as much of the junk food in her arms, dashing out behind Paul who looked shocked at her actions. She tried not to think about that too much. Sirens were getting closer and she could see the lights getting brighter. It felt as if it was taking him twice as long to get the engine started. Sparks flying for the stripped wires underneath the steering wheel as he desperately tried to get the car moving. She heard the bell of the station’s door ring - the telltale sound of a shotgun being loaded. 
“go go GO.” she screamed, in time with the sound of the engine bursting to life. His foot immediately in the gas, dust flying up behind them as he maneuvered the car unto the road again. Siren closer than ever - blue and red lighting up the darkened interior of the car. The shotgun rang, but missed. 
He was running from the police now. He was an Avenger, and he was running from the police. His moral compass was begging for him to stop this, but something in his heart told him to keep going. See how this played out, it would be worth it. He tried to remind himself of that. He managed to lose the police, and with directions from Camille, they found a new car and decided it would be best to turn in for the night. The sound of the shower was the only thing that filled the room as he sat at the edge of the bed. Phone in one hand, heart in the other, starting at his hazy reflection in the severely outdated boxed TV. 
He could call his team right now, and they would fix everything. It would be simple and quick, painless even. He had almost convinced himself to do it. The pros outweighed the cons and this would be the right thing to do. But the sound of the shower brought him back to the moment, his thoughts flooding with the idea of her. Her. The girl who had consumed his conscious for the past 9 days. The girl who he knew nothing about, but felt everything for. He could see the life and the world in her eyes. The girl who had him rethinking his choices, who he was as a person. He had gone against every single one of his morals, but had never felt more free.
He acted as if he wasn’t lying to himself. 
Her phone rang out a gentle tune just as she was about to get in the dingy motel shower. Hopes that the warm water would give her clarity on her next move. She couldn’t think straight in his presence. Never once had she formulated a plan that wouldn’t only benefit herself, but she found all her ideas ensured his safety - even if it meant risking her own. 
She didn’t say hello, only answers the blocked number and placed the phone to her ear. Eyes locked on her reflection in the mirror. The voice on the other end caused her pulse to ring in her ears. 
“I will find you.” The voice of her vengeful target hissed, “You’ve forgotten the power I have. The length of my reach. You will never be safe. I will get my property.”
She couldn’t think of a reply, the idea of letting Paul know was her first thought - but she immediately pushed that idea away as quickly as it came.
“Then make a deal.” She replied quietly, hoping the shower masked the sound of her voice. She knew she was in no place to bargain, but it wasn’t in her nature to turn over easily. 
A harsh laugh echoed through the receiver, “You will give me my property and I will consider letting you live.”
“You forget that you have no idea who I really am. The reach that I have. I could end you, no matter who you’ve poisoned with your money. Did you think I was like those other girls you like to parade on your arm? Oh, baby, I am the best and worst thing you’ll ever have. I could end you in seconds.” She hissed, letting all the pent-up emotions she had kept to herself unleash. “I’ve kept this going because I like this little jet-set Bonnie and Clyde thing that’s going on right now. It’s entertaining… but I get bored real easy. And the last thing you want me to do is get bored.”
He didn’t reply instantly. Sat there in silence, mind probably going wild trying to worm his way out of this one while she stood there confidently. Reflection smirking back at her as she waited for him to catch her bait. She couldn’t live up to any of those threats, but what he doesn’t know will make her rich. After a few more beats, a quiet and defeated, “What do you want?” came through. 
She smiled wickedly at her own success. “I want 1.2 million wired to an account in the Caribbean’s and 250k in cash at the drop off. You and I both know that I’m cutting you a deal.”  
And she was, really. The highest bidder, and the reason she was even in this mess, had offered 2.3 billion for the retrieval of the item. The small device had that much power and a small part of her, the part that she referred to as still being human, felt that maybe she should to turn over to the good guys. She imaged that those Avengers guys would know what to do with it.
But 1.4 million was more than enough for her to sit her ass on beach for a couple of years. She had a fleeting thought of asking him to join her. 
There was silence, as he thought over her demands. Neither of them wanted to budge, but he was the desperate one now. 
“I will send you a location and you will be there within 24 hours.” came the hoarse words from the other side of the line. She had ruined this man with only a few minutes of her time. It made her feel powerful.
“One last thing.” she tried to keep her voice from wavering, “My partner walks free.” 
“I didn’t call you to get a lecture. I called you get help.” Peter spoke quietly, standing outside the motel door. Eyes zeroed in on the slight crack he’d left open in the door to see when she came out of the shower. His heart was pounding and was regretting his choices in the past 4 minutes. 
“This is really bad kid.”
“Yeah, Steve. I know. But I- I don’t have an excuse, okay? I did what I did and now I need you to help me.” Peter was all but pleading, irritation growing in his veins. Why wouldn’t he just agree to help already? It wasn’t like Captain America was one to leave a friend in need. I mean look at what he did for Bucky all those years ago. He could easily help Peter out with this, why was Steve hesitating? 
“Who is she? Who does she work for?”
“None of that matters. Just know we’re leaving in the morning and I’ll tell you where- “
“You know I’m going to have to bring her in Peter. She’s a felon and-”
“And so am I as of 9 days ago.” Peter hissed back, defenses coming up to protect a girl he barely knew. He should’ve called Tony, he chided, listening closer into the room to make sure he hadn’t heard the shower turn off. He thought his enhanced ears could hear her talking, but it had only taken one night for him to realize she liked to softly hum in the shower. He couldn’t control his wide smile when he came across that little quirk. 
“You’re a kid and you make mist- “
“You’re lecturing again.” Peter deadpanned. 
Steve sighed, thumb and pointer finger pinching the bridge of his nose tight as he tried to sort this out in his mind. Thankfully no one knew exactly who Peter was, so if he made this quick and low-radar, then there would be little to no knowledge of Peter’s position as an accomplice. When Peter explained that he was with the girl who Steve had seen on the news, Steve suddenly felt his age kick in as his heart began beating out of his chest. What was the kid thinking? Of course, media and information systems didn’t know much about her, and even with recruiting Nat to get intel, still very little came up. But, there was just enough out there to know that she dealt the same services that Romanoff had once dealt herself. 
“Send me your location tomorrow. Nat and I will be on standby.” 
Peter felt the weight of the world on his shoulder fall off, his shoulder visibly slumping with relief. The shower turned off only seconds later. 
“Steve - one last thing.”
“Yeah, kid?”
“You’ve gotta let her go.” 
The gradual light coming through the cheap curtains woke her up first. The dusty room congesting her nose and making eyes itch. She turned over, noting that Peter was facing her - but still fast asleep. She had grown used to sharing a bed with him, she almost found… comfort in the heat that his body created under blankets. Keeping her usually cold feet warm for once. She peered at him, the sunlight behind him making his brown hair glow lighter. She wondered how crystal his eyes would look in sunlight. Not that she didn’t find his happy eyes already one of his best features. His face was relaxed and there was a small snore that resounded as his chest expanded with his breath. 
She used to find that annoying with the other men she had been with, but with him, she found it endearing and grounding as she tried to fall asleep herself. She was wrecked. Her world turned upside in a way she had never anticipated. She had no family, or friends. She didn’t have personal connections that kept her in one place. But his presence made her want to be still for once. To enjoy moments like the sunset or a good movie on TV, commercials and all. She was finding contentment in the simple things, things that often bored or disinterested her, and it scared her. 
His phone buzzed crossed the room and his eyes opened immediately with sound. She noticed that he had an ability to react before her, see things she couldn’t quite, and even pick out some noises she had never noticed. He heard sirens several moments before her hears could even try to pick up a sound. She figured that’s why whoever worked for chose him, despite his lack of experience, for the job. Y/n didn’t try to play off that she wasn’t looking at him, opting to give him a small smile and continue to study his face. She couldn’t read his emotions, but she could tell he was in deep thought, despite having only woken moments before. A small crease between his eyebrows. 
It wasn’t until she noticed him subtly shifting closer to her that she pinned where exactly his thought might be. For the first time, she felt nervous about someone kissing her. Heart thumping as he neared, his eyes darting across her face to try and detect any hesitation. There was none on her features and she wasn’t opposed to the idea, but all these feelings she had felt, and tried to push away. She wasn’t sure what a kiss would mean to them. Y/n made no effort to stop him, even moving closer as well, hoping that he would take the move. Because for the first time in her life, she let someone else make the decision. 
His nose nudged against hers gently, her eyes falling shut at the soft caress. She felt his thumb at her chin, tilting her head up slightly before placing his lips against her own. It was soft, and sweet, and gentle. A kiss she had never experienced before, one that made her chest feel hallow and full at all at once. That made her hands tremble and body calm. He continued to kiss her like she was fragile, and even thought she was the farthest thing from it, Y/n enjoyed being treated that way, cared for that way. Her hands came up to his neck, pulling her body closer to his, legs intertwining. Neither of them had the intention of going further, this felt more intimate than any other experience either of them had ever had. 
Camille pulled away from him with a gasp, his eyes opened to find hers still closed, taking in the moment. Something about the way she looked that morning, peaceful, controlled, had all those emotions he had been pushing away come back into reality. He was nervous she would reject him, which he had experience more than enough of in his lifetime. But she didn’t falter as he moved closer and it gave him all the confidence in the world. Neither of them spoke, even after she opened her eyes to look back them. Voices trapped somewhere between their heart and mouth, unsure what to say, but wanting to say everything all at once.
His phone went off again, jolting him back to reality. Back to the realization that more existed outside of this dingy motel room and this moment with her. The weight of it on his shoulders once again, he only hoped she didn’t noticed the change in him. He gently rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip, before forcing himself to move away. She didn’t say anything, only moved to get up as well. The air in the room felt still, calm but at the same time a tinge of something that could build up to tension. Peter felt content in himself and with her, but everything beyond that door, that is what made him anxious and unsure. 
Little is spoken between them as they gather their things, Peter saying that they need to get a move on. She follows along, neither agreeing or protesting. He wondered vaguely about her lack of communication. The past few days she had spoken up about his decisions, particularly those she disagreed on, but always let him know her thoughts. The radio silence worried him slightly, but he tried to push that way. There were much bigger things for him to worry about.
Y/n received the drop-off location about the same time that Peter got up to answer his own phone. It was a nicer hotel that had amenities like a bar and indoor pool. She rolled her eyes, of course the target would choose a location with a high rate of witnesses. She had wanted as little fallout as she could get, this was going to be a little more difficult that she had anticipated. Peter’s voice saying that they should probably get going brought her back into the room. Her thoughts still clouded her brain, strategies, exit points, things she often had a few days to prepare for, swimming around her head. She complied, not saying anything. Only stuffing her few things into duffel bag, they stole from a gas station a few days back and followed him out of the door. 
The had been on the road for 5 hours now, when she decided to speak up. “I think I found a good hotel for us to stop at?” She flashed him her phone briefly, just enough for him to glance at before looking back at the road. One hand firmly on the wheel, the other on the gear shift. She briefly thought back to first time their stolen ride wasn’t an automatic and Peter became flustered behind the wheel, hands shifting sporadically everywhere, eyes darting about because it had been 10 minutes since they broke in and they still hadn’t drove away. She had been able to control her laughter just enough to direct him in out to get the car moving without flooding the engine, and proceeded to give him tips as he tore out of the parking lot. Peter was still red faced for 3 hours after. He looked almost proficient driving now, shifting gears smoothly and precise. Her eyes trailed over him, shamelessly checking him out before turning back to her phone.
Peter pretended not to notice, but a small smirk graced his lips despite it. She pretended not to notice.
“That looks a bit expensive.” He muttered. 
She tried to stay nonchalant, if she showed a desperation to stay there - it might tip him off. “I think we deserve a nice bed and a bath in a hotel that’s actually clean for a night, don’t you?” She turned on her charm, as guilty as it made her feel. Never once had she manipulated him in the time they spent together since the Gala. It made her heart break to see him react like she wanted him to as she trailed her nails lightly up the forearm resting on the console between them. 
He audibly gulped, “Y-yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
She had to look out her window to hid the frown that fell on her lips. For once she felt guilty in doing her job, for once she felt dirty. He deserved more than coy smiles and deceit. He was making her soft, and she couldn’t tell if she hated it or loved it.
They made it to the drop site with 2 hours to spare, it was earlier than Y/n had expected but she became grateful at seeing just how busy this hotel was. She needed to strategize and it didn’t help that the lady at the front desk told them they’d have to wait another hour before their room was ready.
“Please enjoy our bar. One complimentary drink on us for your wait.” 
Y/n could practically feel the anxiety radiating off Peter as they sat themselves at the bar. The irony of it didn’t go unnoticed to her. Even more so when Peter passed the drink voucher to the bartender and ordered an old fashioned. She smiled at him and laughed lightly, looking at her with an emotion that made her stomach flutter. She went to say something, but her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket. She excused herself to the bathroom, pausing for a moment to take him in. The way his curly hair framed his face, particularly that one curl that always stayed in his face. The way his brows scrunched as he concentrated on the TV across from them. The way his mouth looked as he took a drink of the old fashion. She wanted to remember him like this, not the face of disappointment and betrayal that he would have by the end of this. 
She was hoping, praying, everything and above, that this would be last time she would see him. Before she could stop herself, she gently grabbed his chin after he set the drink down, turning his face to hers. She had caught off-guard, his eyebrows furrowing with concern as he noticed the inevitable look on her face. She tried to hide it, but she knew she was failing. She gave him a small smile in attempt to soothe his thoughts. She pulled him close, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, then his cheek before pulling away. 
“Don’t wait for me.” She whispered, before getting up to leave. 
He laughed lightly, slightly confused but called after her that he’ll find her when the room is ready. She didn’t reply, but kept walking. Tears in her eyes and throat and chest constricted as she kept a sob locked down. 
Peter watches her walk away, noting that he steps look heavier than usual. Concern enters his mind but doesn’t have time to linger as his phone goes off on the bar infant of him. It’s Steve, saying their arrival is less than 5 minutes. He’s grateful that she’s not here, meaning he sneak out with the briefcase that holds the device. He hoped he would be able to see her one more time before he had to leave, but he doubted that would happen. He was lost in his thoughts of her when gun fire deafened his heightened hearing. He reached for his ears before jumping into action. People in the lobby were scattering. 
Gun fire was going off from two ends of the hotel. Peter recognized the uniforms of some, others looked like civilians carrying military grade weapons. It was a set up. Peter panicked, calling out for Camille and attempting to go in her direction. A firm hand stopped him,
“Where’s the device?” Steve’s voice was firm, but there was a relief sound to it. The kid had made it out unscathed and even though shit was hitting the fan, Peter wasn’t in the crosshairs. Peter spun to wear the briefcase had been tucked at his feet at the bar, but faltered when he realized it was gone. He paled, trying to retrace everything. His eyes fell on Steve when he realized… “Where’d she go?” The relief in Steve’s was gone, his face was hard and he was now in mission mode. Peter fumbled but couldn’t make words. How could she? Why would she? Is the reason that-? Steve didn’t wait for an answer, pushing Peter of the way so he could set off on tearing the place apart to find her. Peter knew he wouldn’t though. 
Chaos was erupting around him, but all he could do was sit back down at the bar. Defeated, hopeless, lost. He reached for the old fashion and downed in one go. 
Another hand on placed itself on his shoulder and Peter spun around to get ready to argue with Steve, but stopped in place.
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Paul.” the mask of the Iron Man suit lifting away to reveal a tired and irritated Tony. 
“How’d you- Did Steve?”
Tony started fiddling with a blueprint of the hotel, heat signature popping up and showing a crowded room on the 8th floor. “Your girlfriend called.” Was all he said before jetting off in the direction of 803, what was to be his and Camille’s bedroom. 
It happened all too fast. Before Y/n knew it, guns were going off and she was fighting 10 men on her own. She took down the target in one movement, leaving him bleeding on the floor and his men scattering for revenge. What she wasn’t aware of was the onslaught of S.H.I.E.L.D. tactical teams barging in on the place. She had called Stark Industries, at their last gas station stop. Leaving a voicemail with a very concerned lady that detailed what was about to down, telling them that no matter what - her accomplice had nothing to do with anything and he knew nothing. 
Y/n knew not to trust the target, and knew that she couldn’t return this device to him. She kind of liked this stupid planet she lived on, and didn’t want to see it’s destruction in her time. She only hoped that the Avengers would go easy on Paul. She had to leave him there to get away herself. And that left knots in her stomach but traitors like them never win. She managed to grab the money bag and, just as an explosion happened at the hotel door, shoot out the window of the room. Escaping just as Tony and Steve, equally surprised to see the other’s presence, enter the room to see the men she had taken out. 
It took Peter a moment for his brain to catch up with his body as he darted after Tony. His stealth suit coming in handy underneath his clothes. It didn’t take him long to catch up, but he was frozen in place as soon as he arrived. The room was trashed, bodies lying across the floor. Tony and Steve stood beside the bed, the briefcase Peter recognized that was supposed to have the device between them, opened. They looked at him, waiting for his move. 
Peter stepped up to the bed to find the device still safely tucked away, a note taped to it. 
“I’m sorry” scrawled in quick but neat letters. 
Tony nor Steve spoke as Steve gathered the suitcase, closing it, and then putting it their own protection case. They left, Tony gently patting Peter as he stood there, staring at the note in his hand. 
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reality-imagined · 4 years
Hi I’m new, and I am wondering what does SWU mean in your Poe Dameron series? I am leaning towards Star Wars universe but I am not sure
You’re exactly right! 
I was thinking about removing it as that bit seems a bit obvious nowadays - I honestly can’t remember why I chose to use, honestly. It’s been so long lol 
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reality-imagined · 4 years
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What are you doing there C-3PO?
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reality-imagined · 4 years
Plans - Part III
SWU Poe x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance
Rating: T+
Word Count: 1503
Sequel to Schematics
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators Star Wars and subsequent movie titles. I simply enjoy their work and imagining what it would be like to live in their world.
By the time Tiro and you had reached the target system, you were itching to get on solid ground. Sure, you didn’t mind being in a ship but the longest time you had spent on board one was before the battle of Crait and now that you didn’t technically have to be floating around in space, you preferred to keep your feet on the ground. Tiro always made fun of you for it, especially when he could see your restlessness slowly consuming you. He always made a quip about never meeting anyone who got “space sick” or “how in the hell you got hooked up with a pilot.” He kept a trash bin in the cockpit just in case though. 
Once docked and the ship properly powered down, you grabbed your backpack and hid away the tracking device. Even though Fayvis had declared their allegiance, you couldn’t be too careful and with the information that was on this data pad - you couldn’t risk anyone getting their hands on it. 
There was a small welcome group waiting once you and Tiro to step out into the warm air that was Fayvis. Compared to the other planet’s you had been on, the area looked luxe and well, expensive. Even their landing pads were made of the smoothest duracrete mixture you’d ever seen. There was lush greenery surrounded the area and by the taste and humidity in the air, there was a large body of salt water near. 
An abrupt voice halted you and Tiro’s wide eyes looking about the scenery, “Names.” He looked to be the landing pad’s lead commandant, but his voice was a little hesitant and weary. Which surprised you, considering you were probably the first of the Resistance to stop by.
“I’m Captain Y/n Y/L/n and this is my assignment partner - Specialist Tiro Driet. Raena is a dear friend of ours.” You replied, it felt a bit weird being formal but at the same time comforting – a reminder of how your work used to go and hope that soon things could return to some kind of semblance of normal. Tiro had a weird face, he had forgotten the sound of your “Captain Voice” and how formal you used to be. 
The man looked down at the device in his hand, gesturing a few times before glancing back up and then down - his body visibly relaxing then. “Of course. Sorry for the formalities. Can’t be too safe.” He joked in attempt to make things light, but only made them more awkward. He stood at ease, a smile on his face. 
“Right.” Tiro spoke after standing for a moment, looking at each other silently. 
“We wasn’t expecting anyone… Considering there are already two of your own currently visiting.” 
Tiro and you immediately looked to each other, alarm mirroring the other’s.  “May I ask whom is currently stationed here?” You asked hesitantly, looking about the landing to see if there were familiar transports nearby. 
The man furrowed his eyebrows, “Commander Dameron and his partner.” 
Partner? Surely he meant someone from his Black Squadron. But… even though you hadn’t known much of his assignment from what Tiro had explained, he was alone. By the confused look Tiro had, your assumptions of his solo mission were correct. 
“Can-May I speak with Reana as soon as possible?” You asked, still trying to control your voice to not alarm the commandant. 
It was like the man was reminded of his duty when you asked that question, he snapped back into attention, arms clasped behind his back, “Of course! I’ll have someone escort you to the palace and notify the Princess of your arrival.” 
“Princess?” Tiro and you spluttered. 
The man eyed you curiously but said nothing more as he led you to what looked like a horizontal elevator shaft that would take you into the thick of the greenery. You couldn’t see much other than a wall of trees. Once aboard, you and Tiro both exchanged unsure looks. This isn’t at all how either of you imagined this to go. 
You couldn’t help but stand in awe of the foyer that you were to wait in. Everything appeared to be aurodium plated and you cringed at the thought that maybe it was real aurodium. Sure, Raena’s personality and manners made you increasingly aware of her higher status and you had always joked that she was close to royalty. But it never occurred to you that she was actual royalty. What royal family would send their princess into a combat zone? Well… it wasn’t the first time such measures had been taken… but you still had so many questions. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have come here.” Tiro muttered, looking around the room before settling on you.
“Why? You insisted! It’s not my fault your girlfriend is a princess and never told you.”
“Might I remind you, she never told you either.” He poked, eyes narrowed. He was very uneasy about this new revelation.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, “Yeah well-“
“I thought they were playing some cruel joke on me.”
You and Tiro froze then slowly turned to see Raena coming, stereotypically you might add, down the large staircase in the middle of the grand foyer. She wore a long gown that was made of several layers of varying sheer and silk, aurodium colored fabrics. It flowed elegantly as she walked and upon her perfectly styled hair was thin crown. She exuded royalty and you questioned your observational skills once again. It was hard to recognize your friend, especially the one who once got so wasted with you at the Cantina that they started a weekly Karaoke night inspired by her singing on top one of the mess hall tables. You and her never returned because of the embarrassment. That girl, who wore her regulated medics clothing all the time, even when she wasn’t on duty and allowed to wear civvies, was not at all the one gracefully walking towards you.
Despite the barrier you suddenly felt in your friendship, who she was on the base was still her and she was nonetheless still your friend. You opened your mouth to reply but couldn’t find the right words to say, so you opted to for meeting her halfway with a hug. Tiro still stood back, becoming increasingly aware that his reunion with Raena wasn’t going to go how he’d expected. 
“Tiro.” Raena smiled after you two had gathered yourselves. She smiled warmly at him, a blush appearing through her precise makeup. “It’s great to see you. Both of you. But it is… a bit unexpected. I hadn’t heard from General Organa yet.” She pulled up her dress, showing how she turned the tracker into an anklet. You imagined it was so no one else would see it or clash with her gowns. 
“Right. Well, uhm… I guess we just got antsy? We need a few supplies too. Plus, a friendly face.” You shrugged, looking at Tiro for back up but he still wore that slightly shocked expression and his eyes never once left Raena. 
“We’ll get you the supplies in no time and you two will be back on course before the evening!” She turned to the assistant you hadn’t noticed until now. Whispering something then turning back to you, “I’ll walk you back to the landing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you let Raena guide back towards palace’s main door. Why was she rushing the two of you out? You hadn’t expected much out of this trip but a friendly face and a since of security… not to be rushed off without even an offer of some water or an actual bed to sleep in. This wasn’t like Raena. Anytime you and Suna visited her quarters, even for a brief moment, she had a tray of tea and snacks prepared. Which now that you think of it, screams propriety and royalty. 
“So soon?” You finally spoke before she could gesture for the guard to open the door. You leant back to look at Tiro at the other side of Raena, who simultaneously did the same. His face continued to mirror your own as it had since you landed, this time it was confusion.
She faltered and you could see the real Raen shine through for only a moment before she plastered back on that fake royal smile. You didn’t like this one bit. “I’m sorry. I just don’t think it’s safe for anyone from the Resistance to be here right now.” She looked between you and Tiro. You and Tiro stopped at once, body posture on defense. 
“That’s funny.” Tiro spoke up, voice bitter. “We were told Poe was here as well.”
Raena looked stunned then guilty, caught up in her own lies. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she realized that nothing she could say would fix this. So, you all stood there in silence, looking between one another, waiting for one of you to speak up first. The room heavy with unsaid explanations and accusing stares. 
Raena finally let out a sigh, “Things are… complicated right now. I’m sorry, I- I have a duty to my planet and family. I was just trying…” You could slowly see the real Raena returning, even down to her posture relaxing. “Until I can explain everything, I’ll set you guys up in our guest wing. It can’t be for long, but just enough time to get you the supplies and explain.” 
You could tell she was uncomfortable and in a bind. You didn’t want to bring her any extra stress, but you also needed to talk to Tiro immediately about this. You placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and she relaxed further, her eyes pleading an apology. “Thank you, Rae. We didn’t mean to cause so much stress. Why don’t you walk us out and explain then - whatever you can’t explain now, we can talk about when it’s time.” 
Raena nodded, gesturing for the guard to open the door then. You and Tiro followed her out, you could tell she was trying to figure out where to start so you didn’t say anything, only waited for her to begin her explanation. 
So.... it’s been a minute. or two. or three. its been a lot of minutes... but I was able to see the rise of skywalker and well, I was inspired lol So, I figured I’d write up until I find a point where TROS and Plans can intersect and go from there. Just know that I have seen all of your likes and reblogs and new follows since I last posted (which was eons ago) and I appreciate it so very very much and it baffles me that this is still a thing you want to read.
Also, thinking about making a few Mando drabbles and writings, as I, too, have become enthralled in the existence that is Pedro Pascal. oops. ANYWHO, let’s get to writing and reading, huh? Much love xx 
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reality-imagined · 4 years
if there’s anyone still out there,
1. I am sorry
2. can I make it up to you by continuing Schematics/Plans adaptation for the rise of skywalker?
3... how y’all feeling about the mandalorian 👀
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reality-imagined · 6 years
I’m so excited plans is finally here!!! Just so you know we’re still here reading and loving it!!! Thank you for writing!🖤
Thank you so much for this!! It’s nice to know that some of you are liking what I’ve posted so far ❤️ motivation is dwindling but I’ll keep pushing through for you guys
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reality-imagined · 6 years
Plans - Part II
SWU Poe x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance
Rating: T+
Word Count: 1503
Sequel to Schematics
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and respective companies.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t at least try and get in contact with General Organa?” You could tell that Tiro was nervous. If it wasn’t his hesitant tone, it was the way he was bouncing around on his feet, like your own nervous habit. 
Tiro had just rushed back into the ship, breathless once again, as you finally got your apparatus to start retrieving locations. You picked up the data pad that had wires and commlinks taped haphazardly to it to keep it together and headed for the cockpit of the ship. Tiro followed behind still asking questions. He had a point, you could give him that, but being decent and following the chain of command wasn’t your highest priority right now. 
He fell into the pilot seat as you connected the data pad to one of the monitors, the first location popping up quickly - followed by pings that signaled others were gradually loading. You felt nervous but excited, realizing that you were no longer estranged from everyone. They were still out there and there was still hope. Tiro’s eyes never lift the monitor and you had a feeling that he was slowly getting accustomed to the idea. “Now we just have to shift through these until we narrow down which one Poe is.” You said, eyes still trained on the monitor.
“You mean you can’t tell who each little dot is?” Tiro eyes were squinted for emphasis. Over the past months, he had grown used to your emotionless, exasperated looks and did not react to the one you just gave in reply to that question. “I’m just saying, you just turned my data pad into a reverse tracking system or something.” He gestured to the 2D rendering of the outer rim, and the little dots signifying where each tracker currently was, “The least you could do is put names beside the dots.” He shrugged.
“This will go a lot faster if you told me more about your conversations with Poe.” You reminded him, still bit hurt by that newly found information.
Tiro rolled his eyes, “I’ve told you everything, kid. He only asked about you - we didn’t have time for chitchat. He did mention that he was responsible for some recruiting as well as scouting the new base. But he never told me where.”
You only nodded, sitting back into your co-pilot chair. You were at a dead end and you needed to work out of it fast. “Didn’t the General mention that the new base may be an old First Order territory?” You remembered, sitting up to survey the planets - seeing if you could recognize any off hand. 
“I mean, yeah, but that wasn’t Poe’s assignment.” Tiro had his pocket knife in his hand now, using the edge to scrape under his fingernails. Had it been any other situation, you would’ve gagged and gave him another lecture about hygiene and manners.
You looked away and narrowed your eyes at the monitor, “I thought you said you didn’t know where Poe was.”
“I don’t.”
“But you know his assignment.” You reminded, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Yeah, I mean-“
“You said he was assigned to recruit. Where was he assigned?”
You didn’t say anything back, just sat there, staring at him now. Waiting for him to catch up. He nearly jumped out his chair with realization, “Y/N!” So, maybe you had used your debriefing techniques on him. Sometimes people didn’t want to divulge entirely what happened - to either make themselves look cool or salvage their mistakes, but either way you had always managed to coax whatever they were hiding out of them. 
“Save it. We’re going to Illyrhia and I’ll pretend that you’re not a traitor until we get there.” You took over the controls of the ship, placing in the coordinates for the planet in the outer rim. 
“Yeah well you didn’t have to use your debriefing skills on me. You know I hate when you fish for information like that.” He sounded defeated but started fastening his harness. 
“Well you should’ve been honest with me.” You followed suit, fastening your own, “Maybe you’d still have a data pad if you had just… I don’t know… told me where Poe was.” You continued to argue with him, flipping switches and getting the ship ready to take off and then for hyperspace - but his hand covered yours as you reached for the last switch.
“I know all this sounds really…”
“Shady?” You continued, your sarcasm and hurtful jokes were the only thing keeping your composure solid. 
“Not what I was going to use-“
“Backstabber-y?” You quipped. 
“Okay, I get it! You’re mad at me, but I had my reasons to lie to you okay? Can we just talk about this first before we go zipping off to an unfamiliar planet with no idea of their alignment, no plan or back up, and minimal ammunition?”
You sat, thinking for a moment before letting out a huge sigh, determination breaking, “You’ve got 10 minutes.” 
That’s when Tiro immediately launched into his explanation, with little to no pause. Apparently, the conversation you had managed to see before you and Tiro left was him and Poe making communication plans. Poe had pocketed two private commlinks and set up an exact time that he would call Tiro. 
Looking back on it now, you realized that there were several, out of place moments when Tiro would suddenly ‘forget’ something and have to haul back to the ship or his quarters. Sure, you had thought something was off… but there were several things that you thought were “off” with Tiro. With that, you noted that you needed to work on your observational skills. He then explained that yes, he knew that Poe’s assignment had been to Illyrhia - and he did know a few details.
There was a high-profile family on Illyrhia that was on the verge of aligning with the Resistance, but they needed someone to convince them. He knew nothing of the potential base or anything other than the Illyrhia assignment, and for the first time in the past few hours, you believed him. The information checked out, of course the general would send Poe for that kind of assignment. The man exuded charm and could finesse his way around anything. You fell back into your chair with defeat and long sigh. Your head was pounding now.
“I tried to tell you to stop and listen to me. I might still have a data pad if you weren’t so irrational.”
You gave him a shy smile, “I guess that’s why Poe didn’t want you telling me, huh.”
He let out a small laugh, “You two really care for each other. It’s like some soulmate level shit and I can’t blame you for it.” 
You blushed at his remarks, “You sound like Suna.” You wished your voice sounded happier, but the realization that you hadn’t seen your friends in so long hit you hard. You looked to the flashing dots on the monitor, locating dots that indicated Raena and Suna were still safe on their home planets. Tiro laughed at your comparison, but then you two settled down into silence, both staring at the dots with curiosity. 
“So, what now?” He spoke after a moment. 
You shrugged, setting up. “We’ve done about all we can do on this planet - I guess move on to the next?” 
Tiro eyed you, trying to figure where you were on your ‘political correctness’ gauge. His suggestion would either cast you into your lecture about “responsibilities to the galaxy and the Resistance” or, considering everything that just happened, you’d be down for his plan. Trying to read your body language was often a tough call for him. So, he decided to bite the bullet, “I mean, we’re starting to run low on supplies and the General mentioned that if there were any needs - we could stop on Raena’s home planet, Fayvis…” He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice at the suggestion, attempting to show a neutral facade.
You busted out laughing at that, you seen right through his ploy the second he started suggesting. ��Oh, since Poe’s okay, we should just check in on your own little fling - just to make sure, huh? I see you, Tiro.”
Tiro narrowed his eyes at you, but couldn’t stop his smile. “At least I didn’t start ripping apart techs at the thought.”
You gave defeated laugh and started putting in the coordinates for Fayvis, “You know what, I think I like your idea.” 
He couldn’t help but let out a “yess!!” and start helping you finish readying the ship for lift off.
So, you might be going against orders - but you needed a familiar face other than Tiro’s right now. Especially since your anxiety about Poe hadn’t calmed down. You pushed all that to the back of your head though, as you headed into hyperspace and into the 16-hour voyage. 
A/N: Feedback is always great! I’m kind of starting to loose motivation on this one... As always, thanks for reading! 
Tags: (If you want to be tagged let me know) @introvertedmouse @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @ttawny @fortheloveoflamp @omgikwangminwoo 
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reality-imagined · 6 years
Plans - Part I
SWU Poe x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance
Rating: T+ 
Word Count: 1289
Sequel to Schematics 
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and respective companies. 
Recap of Schematics Part XII:
You absently played with the ring around your neck whenever you thought about him. Tiro shortly notied that as well and would softly ask if you wanted to talk. You never said yes, but that didn’t stop him from attempting to be there for you. He opened up to you about missing Raena often, in attempt to get you talk, but you always just listened and never spoke about your own feelings. You didn’t want to admit that it would hurt to much to speak about him out loud. You appreciated Tiro’s attempts and stories he would tell about his and Poe’s adventures. It made you feel closer to Poe in the most minimal way possible, and you were grateful to have Tiro with you.
Your recruit asked you about S-foils and you snapped back into the moment. “I have a couple of books in the ship about old X-wings, I’ll let you have them okay?” You had come across this recruit that reminded you much of yourself in the beginning stages of learning about engineering. He had an affinity for drawing landscapes just like you had and once you showed him a few of your schematics - he was all in for it.
“Thank you.” Kel smiled widely after you introduced him to the schematics that you had drawn up for Poe, what seemed like eons ago. Your heart ached as you looked upon what had started your relationship with the Commander. Your hand tightened around the ring, imprinting the circular shape into your skin.
With a clearing of your throat you regained your strength and started to clear the table of the cantina that you and Kel had set up shop in, figuring it was getting late and you needed to speak with Tiro before turning in for the night.
But the man in question came surging in, scaring a few of the other patrons in the restaurant and earning a scowling yell from the humanoid behind the counter. You relaxed a little and placed your concealed blaster back into place. You dismissed a concerned Kel then, telling him that you’d speak in the morning and left without question. Tiro looked distraught as he approached you and before you could ask what was wrong, your world came crashing down as he spoke:
“It’s Poe… something’s wrong.”
“Wait up, Y/N! Captain Y/L/N! Please, wait!” 
You weren’t hearing Tiro though. Not really. 
Your mind was on the next move, the next idea, the next solution - whatever you could think of to find Poe and find the General and figure out what the hell Tiro meant by: ‘something’s wrong.’ If you had increased your pace just a little, you’d be in a full-blown run and despite the ship being on the outskirts of the village you were currently docked, you made it in a matter of minutes. Boots now pounding on the steel plated floor, carrying you to the main control where you had an idea that would either work or leave you desperate for another solution. 
Tiro caught up as you started setting about different commlinks, data pads, and wirings across the large steel table within the middle of the room. Despite it only being you two on the assignment, somehow Tiro had finagled a larger ship than the others - you figured he had sweet talked one of the guards on Suna’s home planet, Calara. He was charming like that. 
“It’s not like I was calling you or anything.” He spoke, breath heavy. Eyeing your busy hands as you began stripping wires and breaking apart comms. “What are you… Hey! That’s mine! Y/N…” 
You ignored him though, mumbling under your breath to catch the scattered thoughts that were bouncing in and out of your head. You had to get to Poe, but you had to find him first. “If I alter the GPS function on my data pad-“
“That’s actually my data-“ but you had already cracked open the backing. Tiro let out a small annoyed sound as he watched you destroy it.
“Then I can replace the main control switch on this comm-“ your gave the small screen a quick jab with tool, exposing the panel placed behind the, now shattered, glass. 
“Also my comm…” He pointed out.
“I can rewire the data pad and manually rewire the tracking mechanism, connect it to the transmitting frequency of the commlink, reverse the signal, and find out where everyone is.” You continued, voice mumbling as your hands kept working. You pulled the glowing blue tracking unit attached to thin cord from your wrist. 
“You can do that? I thought-“ but he was cut off as you smashed the orb onto the table - breaking it into pieces to reveal a small data chip within the center. “But the General’s was the only one that could-“ He was having a hard time keeping up. 
You looked at him with an exhausted face, as if you- the one who reconfigured the tracking device- didn’t set up a failsafe to reverse the techs that kept just anyone from extracting locations. Of course, you would’ve made that part a little easier if you had more time to actually work on them properly. Those last few days before you all separated were quick and you barely had time to think properly. Your encryption had been a small afterthought, with not much deliberation or how to retrieve and activate it on your mind, but you did manage to place the code in yours and the General’s before passing them out. 
“Let’s think about this… hold on.” Tiro spoke gently as he stopped your shaking hands from dropping the chip into his ruined data pad. “I only said somethings wrong because I haven’t heard from Poe.”
You looked at him incredulously, what did talking with Poe have anything to do with this?  “That’s not an awful lot to go on, Tiro. I haven’t heard from him in 7 months - no one has! I don’t get what you’re…” But the guilty look Tiro had, told you everything.  And your hands immediately dropped to the table, numb with the realization he had been lying to you. “You’ve spoken with him since we all divided.” Your shock had your voice emotionless.
Tiro looked awfully shameful, “I wanted to tell you but he told me-“
You looked up at him doe eyed, “He asked you not to tell me? Why wouldn’t he want to talk to me?” Your hand reached up to the ring and Tiro’s face somehow fell even more at your nervous impulse.
“He wanted to make sure you were okay, Y/N. That’s all. We… set up a time to communicate once every 4 weeks, for only a few minutes at a time. His only question would be about you, Y/N. That’s it.” Tiro placed comforting hands on your shoulders as you looked up at him teary-eyed and only slightly heartbroken. 
You were conflicted by what he had told you. On one hand, Poe had gone out of his way to check in on you and ignored the General’s direct orders of no contact… on the other, he had several opportunities to talk to you, to ensure you of his safety. Had he not considered that you were just as worried about him? About his safety? He was the one, in whatever this relationship was, prone to dangerous, self-sacrificing ideas. Did he not realize that most nights you stayed awake, hoping the force was on your side for once?  
You turned from Tiro, placing both hands onto the table in front of you with an attempt to find some solidarity to your wavering mind and body. Dropping your head between your shoulders, “What did you mean by somethings wrong.” Your voice was still void of emotion, everything happening at once left you shattered.
“Like I said, I haven’t heard from him.” He only continued when you looked up at him with narrow and tired eyes, “He’s always on time, never a day or minute late. Now he’s…it’s been 3 days and I still haven’t heard.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You screeched, standing up and throwing your arms out. So, so much could happen in three days. Your heart and stomach constricted at that thought.
“I didn’t want you to act like this, Y/N!” Tiro retaliated, irritated that he was being made out as the bad guy here. “This is why Poe didn’t want to tell you! You would’ve acted irrational and started tearing up my stuff!” He snatched his comm off the table with a pout. “Look, I’m all in for you doing your crazy technical magic on these and finding the gang - but you gotta compose yourself.” His voice was pleading as he set the comm down once more and gesturing to the havoc you had unleashed onto the devices. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose in exhaustion, eyes closed and trying to gather yourself like Tiro had asked. You sighed, “You’re right. I just… The thought of…” your voice broke and you both knew you’d never be able to finish that sentence. You looked away from him quickly, deciding the wall opposite of you two was a good focal point to ground yourself again.
“I’ll go round up the recruits and give them the spiel about us leaving. I think Kel would a good leader, I’ll give him the radio.” He paused, looking to you for agreement and continued after you gave him a short nod, “You keep working on this and I’ll prep for departure.” Tiro’s voice only soothed you a little as he created the tangible plan. You could only continue to nod in return, gently stripping the wires of Tiro’s commlink now, instead of the shaky and hasty hands earlier. 
“And, Y/N…” Tiro spoke softly, halfway out of the ship, you looked up at him, “It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna find him.” He reassured with a soft smile before ducking out. 
You took a deep breath and continued working on finding your pilot. 
I thought today was the best day to post the first part of the sequel because well.. May the Forth Be With You and all that. I’m so excited to finally get this to you guys, the updates won’t be as frequent as Schematics was but I’m hoping to have this series wrapped up before I start my summer semester! Let me know what ya think, I’m still not feeling the title honestly... Anyways... As always, thank you for reading ❤️
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I’m tagging those who wished to be tagged in Schematics, if you don’t want to be tagged in the sequel let me know and I’ll remove ya from the list no problem! 😘
@introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally @emily-vole @xenwayy @yourwonderbelle @omgikwangminwoo @fortheloveoflamp @zestygingergirl @unstoppableforcce @agirlinherhead
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reality-imagined · 6 years
Plans Masterlist
Read the first part of this series here: Schematics
Poe Dameron x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Flirting, TLJ Spoilers, Romance, Some Violence
Status: In Progress 
Rating: T (More Mature rated parts will be labeled as such)
Plot: Somehow, the Resistance saved the spark that will ignite the flame that will burn the First Order down. But, will the other sparks make it out? Will those sparks create a flame that will outlast the galaxy? Y/n and Poe struggle to keep both the Resistance and their relationship alive. ((I am very bad at plot summaries, so I’m sorry - it will be good, I promise.))
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators Star Wars and subsequent movie titles. I simply enjoy their work and imagining what it would be like to live in their world.
Part I    Part II
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reality-imagined · 6 years
I know it’s been about forever and a month since I last posted and I could give you a spiel about how grad school and life got in the way and that would be true but I mainly lost interest and focus on how I wanted this sequel to go. 
I’ve written, rewritten, scrapped and nearly threw this entire story out about 1,000 times but I think I finally got it. 
so in other words.... 
Schematics Sequel will be coming soon!!
I’ve still got some work to do, particularly with a title lol - but I imagine that it will be up before the weekend. Thank you guys for all the support and if you have a title idea in mind... please please PLEASE send it my way ❤️
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reality-imagined · 6 years
so you’ve pretty much confirmed there’s gonna be a sequel right? because I can’t take it. He gave her his moms ring!!!
yes, my love! There will be a sequel!! 🎉
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But (there’s always a but lol) I like to write ahead of what I’m going to post - so like when I started schematics I was writing Part V when I first posted Part I. It keeps me ahead of the game and motivated lol So, there won’t be as quick of turn around between Schematics and -Insert Sequel Name Here- but I will keep you all updated! 😘😘
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reality-imagined · 6 years
I might be an anonymous but I love Schematics! And I'm all for the sequel! ❤
Anonymous or not, your feedback means the world to me!!! Thank you so much babe! ❤️ I started my first draft of the sequel last night, but it will be a while before I can post it 
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