reallifeisnofun · 4 years
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Whitebeard Pirates First Division Commander Marco the Phoenix vs the Three Marine Admirals 
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Brendon supporting Taylor Swift (July 1st, 2019)
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
While I’m certainly not debating the fact that Aziraphale is a moron, does anybody else feel like the whole “pop over to Paris dressed like an aristocrat to eat crepes” was just a little too moronic? He could have easily miracled himself out of those chains and escaped. Maybe he would have gotten a reprimand, but wouldn’t that be better than explaining to his superiors he’d gotten discorporated in pursuit of brioche?
(If he even did get a reprimand, considering he miracles his clothes a second later without seeming to worry about it.)
Like, to me it sounds like exactly the kind of scheme a moron would dream up to get his equally moronic husband to pay attention to him, basically sending up a flare and screaming into a megaphone “OH NO I’M IN TROUBLE… I DO SO WISH THAT SOMEONE WOULD RESCUE ME AND THEN GO TO LUNCH WITH ME IN PARIS.”
I mean, look at his face. He looks delighted, but he does not look actually surprised. That looks like a nonbinary entity saying to himself “It worked.”
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Okay. Just this once. Take 2 of the Gavotte.
We are in a discreet gentleman’s club in Portland Place, in the 1880s, and somebody has invented a moving picture camera rather ahead of schedule.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
a helpful tutorial
I was taking with my friend about good omens and we were wondering how the hell aziraphale-as-crowley managed to get into that bath without getting his socks wet and so I drew this ‘helpful’ guide.
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I like to imagine that all the demons had to just awkwardly stand around watching him clamber around getting into this bathtub… @neil-gaiman can you confirm?
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
“Funny how easy it was, getting into the garden,” Crowley muses. “Downstairs they told me it’d be a delicate operation, tons of security, but you know, I went right on in.”
“Strange.” Aziraphale shrugs and sips his tea. “We had guards at all the posts.”
“Yeah, that’s what they told me. But I went around the big pointy rock and there was a door standing wide open.”
Aziraphale’s teacup freezes halfway to his lips.
“This wasn’t…” he says, bringing the cup back down to clatter against the saucer. “It wouldn’t have been around half past two, would it?”
Crowley stares at him, wide-eyed, slack-jawed. “No.”
“I got…bored!” Aziraphale says miserably. “And they were naming the animals!”
“They were naming the animals?”
“Listen, it all seemed fine, not an adversary in sight, I didn’t see the harm in just…” He groans, and buries his head in his hands. “Oh, what have I done?”
“That,” Crowley laughs, “is an excellent question.”
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
The ineffable husbands will be the death of me
Aziraphale in the paintball scene, though. I mean, seriously, y’all
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Especially that last gif! This is an angel that is literally thousands of years old, he helped create the motherfuckin’ universe, and he is p o u t i n g at Crowley over some paint on his jacket that he could EASILY remove himself.
But wait! There’s more!
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Not only has Aziraphale already shown Crowley the stain, but Crowley has already circled him to assess the damage for himself.
And yet, after saying, “Well, I would always know the stain was there,” with that little pout, he turns to show Crowley the stain again.
And then! AND THEN!!
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He gives Crowley this look.
Do you see the little raise of his eyebrows??? LOOK AGAIN
He could very easily get rid of this stain himself, but he is doing E V E R Y T H I N G in his power to get Crowley to do it for him.
“I could do this myself,” he’s saying, “but I’d rather you do it. You can do it better than me, can’t you? Please? Please, won’t you???”
The funniest part about this, fam, is that we all know Crowley needs very little prompting to actually indulge Aziraphale’s whims. He’s incredibly indulgent, anyways, we see ample evidence of that in Hard Times.
But this…I think (?) this is the first time that we see Aziraphale actively seeking out and trying to manipulate his way into getting one of those acts of service that Crowley so does like to give to him.
Like, sure, back during the Shakespeare scene, Aziraphale gives Crowley that very hopeful, “oh, WILL YOU?” look when Shakespeare mentions needing a miracle for Hamlet, but that is so different from this.
This is Aziraphale KNOWING that Crowley indulges and using that knowledge for his personal gain.
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That is the face of a spoiled angel that has gotten exactly what he wanted–a certain demon’s love and attention.
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And that look Crowley gives him is just as devastating to me as Aziraphale’s sunshine smile over getting what he wanted.
That is a look of UTTER INDULGENCE.
He absolutely knows he’s been played but is happy to let it happen, because there is nothing quite as satisfying as indulging Aziraphale.
That is a look that says, “You’re so obvious, angel, and it’s adorable.”
He’s made his angel happy, what the fuck does he care?
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Random Good omens thought. Any of you guys noticed that Pepper and Adam swapped bikes?
Like this is from the first episode
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This is Pepper talking about how she wanted some fun bike, but got a girl’s one instead.
And this is when the Them go to the airbase
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Dog is sitting in the basket, and Pepper has a cool bike.
So my headcanon? They swapped.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Listen – Crowley is canonically so patient and so whipped and it pains me to acknowledge that people register him as anything other than a service top. Listen – anything Aziraphale wants Aziraphale gets. French Crepes in the middle of a bloody revolution? Check. A bike rack on Crowley’s beloved car for the express purpose of – gag – helping a stranger? With tartan straps? Check, Crowley’s already helping lift her bike on.  Grand romantic gestures? A bottle of Château Cheval Blanc? A place to spend the night when his bookshop has burned down and he’s lost his sense of purpose? Listen – Crowley breathes life into Aziraphale’s dove, Crowley puts out fires for him – Listen – Crowley is smiling lovingly as Aziraphale describes modern music as be-bop, just absolutely enamored by this anachronistic bizarre idiosyncratic foodie angel – LISTEN –
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Good Omens: a gentle reminder
Your headcanon is your headcanon. The characters in your mind are what they are, and nobody is trying to take them away from you. Think of the Good Omens TV series as a stage play: for six full hours, actors are going to be portraying the roles of Crowley and Aziraphale, Shadwell and Madame Tracy, Newt and Anathema, Adam, Pepper, Wensleydale and Brian and the rest. Will they look like the people in your head? The ones you’ve been drawing and writing about and imagining for (in some cases) almost 30 years?
Probably not. Which is fine.
The people in your head and your drawings are still there, and still real and still true. I’ve seen drawings of hundreds of different Aziraphales over the years, all with different faces and body-shapes, different hair and skin, and would never have thought to tell anyone who drew or loved them that that wasn’t what Aziraphale looked like. (And a couple of years after we wrote it, I was amused to realise that the Aziraphale in my head looked nothing like the  Aziraphale in Terry’s head.) I’ve loved every instance of Good Omens Cosplay I’ve seen, and in no case did I ever think anyone was doing it wrong: they were all Aziraphales and Crowleys, and it was always a delight.
Good Omens has been unillustrated for 27 years, which means that each of you gets to make up your own look for the characters, your own backstories, your own ideas about how they will behave.
The TV version is being made with love and with faithfulness to the story. It’s got material and characters in it that Terry and I had discussed over the years, (some of it from what we would have done it there had been a sequel). Writing it has taken up the greater part of my last three years. You might like it – I really hope you will – but you don’t have to. You can start watching it, decide that you prefer the thing in your head, and stop watching it. (I never saw the last Lord of the Rings movie, because I liked the thing in my head too much.)
Remember we are making this with love.
And that your own personal headCrowleys and headAziraphales and headFourHorsemen and headThem and headHastur and headLigur and headSisterMary and all the rest are yours, and safe, and nobody is ever going to take them away from you.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
God really just created the world so she could stage her very own enemies to lovers 6000year forbidden slow burn romance
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
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more instagram doodles ✨✨
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
good omens makes me feel so excited to be a fan again and I haven’t had that in ages. I’m hungry for every gifset, fanart, headcanon and I missed that so much, this excitement and joy of loving a show and shipping characters makes my days so much better.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
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Sometimes the help you need isn’t the help you want. Call 1-800-273-8255 if you’re thinking of suicide.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
Concept: Sam finds out elves can die of sadness, gets very concerned, starts doing his best to make sure Mr Legolas is happy all the time just in case
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
I just watched good omens and I'm a mess now. There is only six episodes and now I dunno what to do after finished. I can read the book but no money at the moment. Anyway I'm in love with Crowley and Aziraphales. They are so in love that hurts. What is keeping me alive are the fanarts fanfics. Can you recommend me some fanfics? It's can be any rated. I'm reading fanfics while listening Florence and now I'm depressed :')
“Can you recommend me some fanfics?” LOL you know me better than that, come on. Of course I can! +
i’d like for you and i to go romancing by dollsome
In which people keep mistaking Crowley and Aziraphale for a couple, and Aziraphale starts to wonder if there might be something to it.
such surpassing brightness by Handful_of_Silence
The revelation that Aziraphale might have been in love with him for thousands of years is surprising. The fact that literal books have been written on the subject comes as even more of a shock.
how big the hourglass, how deep the sand by Handful_of_Silence
After the Apocalypse, and with characteristic slowness, both Crowley and Aziraphale think there might be something they need to sit down and talk about.
And then Aziraphale disappears.
a city wall and a trampoline by kafkian
In their cottage in the South Downs, when Crowley eventually succeeds in getting Aziraphale to use a laptop, it takes Aziraphale literal hours to get past the default Windows screensavers of picturesque locations because ‘oh, look, isn’t it lovely, Crowley!’
Do Angels Dream of Electronic Catalogues? by DownToTheSea
While staying the night after the apocalypse at Crowley’s place, Aziraphale is on edge about his bookshop. Crowley attempts to calm him down.
vintage demon art, vape pens, & other treasures by kyrilu
Love, Anthony J. Crowley is aware, is a very foolish thing. He’s seen humans do stupid things based on love or lust, whether it’s tacky Disney movie themed weddings, internet catfishing, or matching couple shirts.
get religion quick (cause you’re looking divine) by brinnanza
So it was fine. Even if Crowley couldn’t love him, he clearly liked him well enough, and that was almost the same thing.
listen (he’s already told you five times) by darcylindbergh
Not everything Crowley says is said out loud. Aziraphale doesn’t always hear him at first, but he’s learning to stop being surprised.
Heaven Has No Taste by irisbleufic
Crowley’s lips twitched in amusement as he refilled their glasses. "Let’s have the pitch, then,” he said. “Why should I be dying to join the ranks that can only offer Elgar and a dire lack of sushi?”You would be safe, Aziraphale thought. I would spare you every harm if you would but let me.
Running to Catch Up by Solarcat
An angel and a demon step onto a bus that will not be heading to Oxford.
Salinity (And Other Measurements of Brackish Water) by drawlight
It’s an odd thing, getting on after the End of the World. Crowley takes to sea-watching.
that pulse of my nights and days by Ark 
Aziraphale laughs, the delighted, breathy giggle he gives after his second bottle of champagne. “Such a shame we didn’t come to this sooner,” he says, pulling back and—oh, naughty angel!—increasing the length and girth of his cock when he pushes back in. Crowley gasps, and Aziraphale—greedy, too!—tilts in to swallow the sound from his lips, flicks his tongue against Crowley’s as though chasing after the flavor of this elongated pleasure.
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reallifeisnofun · 5 years
I absolutely love that Aziraphale asks to take his [re: Crowley’s] new jacket off before he [re:Crowley] is expected to bathe in holy water and melt into nothing. But like Crowley is surprised when they switch back to their respective bodies. ”Tartan collar, really?” “Tartan is stylish!” This extra angelic bitch knew that they were going to be taken for punishment and in preparation for said punishment got himself a brand new stylish jacket because if he’s going out he’d better be looking his best regardless of the body he is presently in.
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