reallyholylady · 1 month
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Photo by André de Dienes.
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reallyholylady · 1 month
cycle never ending
My heart is shaking side to side My soul is frozen, fire will hide The rage in me has nowhere to go Forever buried beneath the snow
I rise to challenge, I stand my ground All the while met with a curses vow
Suddenly feeling lost in space Without knowing how or why we reached this place
The veil took form of a wishes desire Manipulating my heart through the power of fire Using holy methods to seem so much higher But the well was empty and the soul so much drier
I'll never get mad, I'll never get sad I told them, I promised to never be bad
They couldn't protect me from themselves
Leaving me trapped in what trauma foretells
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reallyholylady · 1 month
The First Time (2023)
Things were so good.
All the bad thoughts left,
Until today.
Gaslighting didn’t even cross my mind again.
Then those words spewed out out your mouth.
Burning through my very soul.
Not to me.
I will not let someone tear me down.
Too confidently me.
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reallyholylady · 1 month
"Why men lack emotions:
We often see men feeling shameful about showing emotions, as if it's a weakness. By suppressing their emotions, they develop anger inside, which is not good for their mental and physical health or society. Think about it - if someone has so much anger inside, how can they develop love and empathy?
There are several reasons why men might be emotionally unavailable:
1. Past trauma or hurt - Previous experiences, such as heartbreak or betrayal, can make someone cautious and hesitant to open up emotionally. This is understandable, as it happens to women too.
2. Fear of vulnerability - Some men might fear being seen as weak or fear rejection if they show their true feelings. This rejection often comes from society and others around them who don't care about men's emotions.
3. Cultural and societal expectations - Societal norms often teach men to suppress their emotions and be stoic, leading them to become emotionally distant. Over time, they may not even understand their own feelings, keeping themselves distant from others, especially females.
4. Personal issues - Stress, depression, or other personal issues can make it difficult for someone to be emotionally available. Men have many responsibilities outside, and we understand that these responsibilities don't let them be themselves or feel their emotions.
5. Desire for independence - Some men value their independence and fear that emotional closeness might compromise their sense of self. However, it's not always the case - you can be in a relationship and still be independent; it's your choice how much you want the other person to interfere in your life.
6. Unresolved issues - This is the most important point: unresolved issues from childhood, such as lack of emotional support or validation, can lead to emotional unavailability in adulthood. Men often have few people around them in childhood who truly understand them. Even females in the family may keep themselves distant from male children - I don't know why. How can you expect someone to open up to you when you were never open with them?
In conclusion, I know there are factors that made you the way you are now, but you have the choice to build yourself back, show your authentic self, and express your love, kindness, and weakness. By doing this, you will feel less anger, less controlling, and less heavy inside."
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reallyholylady · 2 months
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Love. Love with a fierceness that frightens the disingenuous and comforts the meek.
Give of your entire being.  Holding nothing back, even knowing you'll experience pain in the end.
Laugh with the innocence of a child who no longer can, so you do it for them with joy.
Live your life in a manner with which, at the end of it, you have no regrets about the human being you were when you walked this earth.
~beccawise7💜🖤 ('21@c)
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reallyholylady · 6 months
"You know what I think? I think this whole concept of women being docile and obedient is nothing but wishful thinking. Or why would you put so much effort into lying to us? Into crippling our bodies? Into coercing us with made-up morals you claim are sacred? You insecure men, you're afraid. You can force us into compliance, but, deep down, you know you can't force us to truly love and respect you. And without love and respect, there will always be a seed of hatred and resistance. Growing. Festering. Waiting."
Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow
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reallyholylady · 8 months
Think about it, one day you and i will be sitting right next to each other, drinking a glass of wine and going through a nice movie to spend the night
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reallyholylady · 1 year
Take a look at this BluPrints Sampann (2 Inch/58MM) Bluetooth /USB enabled Mobile Thermal Printer | 2600 MAh battery on Flipkart
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reallyholylady · 1 year
I am constantly becoming more intelligent, beautiful, feminine, wise, glamorous, lady-like, elegant, confident, grounded, charming, peaceful, skilled, sophisticated, sexy, self-controlled, joyful, financially stable and powerful, and healed.
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reallyholylady · 1 year
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I’ll have this 💗
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reallyholylady · 1 year
I desperately need to lay on a chest and forget the world
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reallyholylady · 1 year
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In the absence of blood sugar and presence of adrenaline, progesterone, the hormone of fertility, longevity, youth and femininity, cannot be accepted by the cells.
Yes- our liver is what regulates our blood sugar when we aren't eating and people with healthy livers can go longer.
When our body is already under stress, irregular eating can really affect our quality of life by forcing the liver to manufacture blood sugar.
Not only does it lead to physical symptoms of hormonal balance and the feeling of burnout, but it can lead to us creating more "masculine" energy, which feels like: -do do do -more more more -hustle -grind -check it off the list -never rest -never relax
Less inner peace and calm. Less ability to be present.
Frequent feedings, or eating every couple of hours, can be a great strategy in our toolbelt to build resilience.
Combining a little protein and carb with a bit of fat, can help stabilize our system and keep energy use in alignment.
Credit to @jessicaashwellness on Instagram
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reallyholylady · 1 year
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reallyholylady · 1 year
Some of the best experiences and opportunities that were given to me came right after rejection & disappointment. God always has something better planned for you. Trust that there is a beautiful future waiting ahead. There is. 
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reallyholylady · 1 year
26 signs of High Feminine Energy
You are nurturing and compassionate
You are affectionate
Your intuition is your guide
You are magnetic
You are warm and welcoming
You are sensual
You take good care of yourself
It's easy for you to express love
You are creative
You are in touch with your feelings
You are receptive
You are comfortable with your inner darkness
You are comfortable with cycles and changes
You see vulnerability as a strength
You take full responsibility for your life
Relationships are the most important for you
You create harmonious spaces
You destroy what's out of alignment
You are always in the present moment
You are authentic
You are elegant and graceful
You are playful with life
You have a feminine essence
You have a sisterhood
People tell you, you are motherly
You see femininity as your strength
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reallyholylady · 1 year
today is great day to create something, to fill the void with a piece of yourself that wasnt there before and to push back against the darkness. you can create a song or painting or sandwich or a walk in the park or even a MOMENT. use this mighty power to defy the cosmic nothing
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reallyholylady · 1 year
is tree gazing a thing? im obsessed with the way trees move in the wind
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