realmccoy5280-blog · 8 years
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realmccoy5280-blog · 8 years
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realmccoy5280-blog · 8 years
Coming soon.
I discovered the woman (through my own research) who killed Jack the ripper story coming soon. . . .
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realmccoy5280-blog · 8 years
More to come soon...
No wants to sell their body for money but there was no other choice because there were no job opportunities within the slums. Some of these women were forced into sexual slavery due to their circumstances.When it comes to social purity why is a women expected to model exemplary behavior whilst men pose a constant threat to the well being of some poor women?
I am always interested in finding out what else was happening in the world during certain parts of the Victorian period, namely points in the Victorian era where injustices like the following were acceptable.
According to Jurgen Osterhammel the Post Imperialistic period in Victorian Britain there was a belief that strong nations needed living space to escape the danger of resource shortage that came along with overpopulation, and so in exercising this imperialistic rite of passage they Britain had the ability to “inadequately” commandeer Native land in places like: Australia, Africa, and Scotland just to name a few.
The above example is what I like to refer to as confiscation of property without due process 
Why?: For reason that the less efficient beings are genetically/ racially inferior peoples.
With this perspective in view we can see why in Victorian Britain a woman who was not a member of the elite class did not have her rights weren't protected by the detectives and local constables. 
Essentially what we have here is a link between sexuality and global power. Outside of that Victorian sexuality politics were being shaped by men who had no idea what some of these women experienced or endured throughout course of their poor lives. 
This is where the elites decided that if a woman had no money then she would be left to fend for herself. To add to women's burden there was a shortage of opportunities to earn generate steady income within the slums that she lived in.
With the contagious disease act of 1864 sexism was in force against these poor women who sold their bodies to make ends meet. Under the contagious disease that Women were allowed to be harassed by police detained and even taken into custody and held under lockdown supervision for nearly a month just because of suspicion that she was a prostitute.
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realmccoy5280-blog · 9 years
OH snap I just learned how to post!
Okay so did any one else read the section about thief takers? Thief-taker= a private individual who lives off of the rewards from the courts for bringing offenders to justice, and the rewards from victims who paid to get property returned. This is the birth of deception. Only rich people could afford to hire their takers and as personal investigators. So this begs the following question? Who vindicated the poor people in Victorian Britton? More importantly, what you have do if were a thief taker? The world may never know, but we do know what Stephen McDaniel did. He fell victim to the corruption that plagues all men who obtain too much power.
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realmccoy5280-blog · 9 years
Women In Victorian Britain
So far in this class, after reading and learning about everyday life of the citizens in Britain, I keep noticing the way women were treated. At the time women obviously were not seen to be as equally qualified for many things that men were qualified to do. I began noticing it after reading our first article assigned. In the article it talked a lot about the life styles of the people in Victorian Britain and it mentioned how popular prostitution was. Prostitution was frowned upon and women who were caught doing so, were punished. Though the part that caught my eye was when the article mentioned that an act was passed, which stated that any woman caught acting upon prostitution would be taken to a hospital to be tested and treated to prevent any diseases. This was done because many sexual transmitted diseases were becoming more and more popular. This seemed a little off to me since the men were obviously the ones paying for the pleasure, although the men were never punished, questioned, or taken to a hospital to prevent such STDs. Another time that I noticed how the women were treated harsher than men, was after reading over the crime statistics we were given in class. Many men committed all different kinds of crimes, such as assault or malicious damage to property, but they were discharged. Though if you read over the statistics of the women who were prostitutes or women who were drunk and disorderly, in almost every single case they were either fined or imprisoned. I think that is just more evidence that adds to the fact that women were seen to have a completely different role than men during these Victorian Britain times. It was more okay for men to be at the bar having a drink and getting into fights or doing silly things, whereas women during this time were expected to take care of the children and the household. I think it is interesting to read about these things and see how far as a society we have come, especially with women’s rights.
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realmccoy5280-blog · 9 years
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realmccoy5280-blog · 9 years
Just checking in on this, making sure that it works for me.
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