realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
We want to ty everyone who supports our YouTube channel
We want to ty everyone who supports our YouTube channel
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Never fight back
Robert Johnson Each ungodly attack the enemy is destroying its own-self. Zachariah chapter 4 the enemy can’t see what God is doing – be thou faithful until death! 1 And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep, 2 And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Big Jay Let’s Talk
Big Jay Let’s Talk
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
The experience is amazing
The experience is amazing
Meditation an Relaxation bring peace to your moment Tire Sleep in 5 – Our meditation instrument do not replace the word of God Robert Johnson
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
When you use your kids to prove a point your sick!
When you use your kids to prove a point your sick!
Robert Johnson Just admit your a liar because the more you keep this up the more you will looses Facts I guarantee And I could care less your mess
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
We have released meditation for Relaxation - Spiritual Sounds of peace
We have released meditation for Relaxation – Spiritual Sounds of peace
Written by, Robert Johnson God is amazing! We are officially Dropping our Meditation Relaxation Channel – Meditation music can help calm our nerves and take attention away from a noisy brain. It can also relax our bodies by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. https://youtube.com/channel/UCJAtGIELvCzzXIypQh2-lHQ I’m relaxing to…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
The only attack where’s value
The only attack where’s value
Written by, Robert Johnson You would be surprised where jealousy lives Coming out of prayer I realize ignorance hears here’s what it wants to hear! Two months ago I placed and offer to help anyone who wanted to start a YouTube channel starting with those closes to me!!! NOT A WORD – I offered to set up free For some reason now it’s and issue folk want to question me? Jealousy is amazing it…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
How great is our God
How great is our God
Written by, Robert Johnson If you desire Psalms 1 spiritual meditation go to our 2nd YouTube channel where you will find peaceful rain and thunder sounds spiritual white sounds that we bring peace to the body and mind https://youtube.com/channel/UCJAtGIELvCzzXIypQh2-lHQ Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, bless His name; Proclaim the good news…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Get off my social and create your own
Get off my social and create your own
You mean me no good, why do you troll me? Respect to everyone who subscribed and are apart of helping our channel “Big Jay Let’s Talk,” go viral!!! God knows what you have need of before you ask just live according to his word! Our channel went from 2500 subs pushing to almost 4K subs then 5k it means a lot! “Big Jay Let’s Talk.” Google and experience the feeling
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
What you scared of!!!
What you scared of!!!
Written by, 2 Timothy 1:7King James Version 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Elijah was not scared of Jezebel, he had just witnessed the mighty hand of God on top of Mount Carmel – He feared death as with the messiah, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ – Death is the separation of the body and the soul from this valley this earth! I…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Individuals desire you to celebrate with them but not with you
Individuals desire you to celebrate with them but not with you
Written by, Robert Johnson What does it mean to be just as happy for the success of others as for our own? Well, it’s a matter of attitude. Adopting a praising and loving attitude will help you bask in the success of those you know and with whom you feel a personal connection. This might be difficult at times, but it’s a great way to help us lead more positive lives and get more in return.…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
He’s angry
Written by, Robert Johnson At times it takes God to reveal where things come from but He will – Satan can do nothing but repeat the same demonic behavior In the study I find and interesting fact, everything negative in humanity is found in the dragon in Revelations chapter 12. What is God saying, is the dragon able deceive humanity as he did the angels in heaven? Revelations 12 – I want to…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Death in the pot will pass those who are believers
Death in the pot will pass those who are believers
Written by, Robert Johnson First allow me to say thank you for reading and sharing our Blog, YouTube Channel, and Podcast. There are times where the vision seems like it will never come together. The Prophet Habakkuk stated even though it tarries, it will come – Don’t stop! Mark 16:17 KJV – For the believer here are seven amazing promises (7) And these signs shall follow them that believe; In…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Why does God call Satan the father of lies
Why does God call Satan the father of lies
Written by, Robert Johnson The word of God the Central reference – The setting as it is custom Jesus is speaking to a group of religious leaders Jesus says, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
Distractions are good
Written by, Robert Johnson At times we look at or take individuals behavior as personal. When God is the center of your joy and desire live in His moment the word of God and never other’s emotions. Emotions are described as “a complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral and physiological elements.” Emotions are how individuals deal with matters or situations they find…
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
I must share this story
I must share this story
You must see this amazing father giving life to his Son Robert Johnson
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realtalkbroadcast · 3 years
PJ Washington of the Charolette Hornets
PJ Washington of the Charolette Hornets
Written by, Robert Johnson Please pray for PJ Washington he is suffering from Mental Heath Depression! He never experienced any of these symptoms until his relationship with his child’s Instagram mother/model. He pays 200k a moth child support🥲 foreal… She brags about tge greatness of her body and skills… If I could say one thing to PJ love yourself bro only God can heal bro it was never real…
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