What’s the link?
I included it in the thing, but I’m wagering that you’re using Tumblr mobile? It’s an evil thing. no worries! Link is: fvckthegods.tumblr.com 
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John has been moved to a multi-blog page as the characters I write tend to dwell upon the fringes of fandoms. It's the curse of hearing those quiet characters.
Anyway, ALL active threads will remain so, they'll just be moved over there. This will become an archive.
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|| After much thought, I think I will go ahead and combine blogs. I keep forgetting to bring up the other two (I’ve actually forgotten which email I used for Riddick, so I haven’t been on that one in longer than I care to admit - and upon checking cannot even find it anymore. DO OVER TIME!). Anywhoo, if you’re following @reaperaslngrimm, he’s going to become part of the collective. Resistance is futile. I’ll be rebagling this over there so others can follow suit.
Active threads will be carried over, just to keep with continuuity.
This will probably take the bulk of the weekend, so I appreciate all your patience!
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people who understand when you take too long to reply to ims (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ people who get it when you don’t post meme replies right away (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ people who don’t yell when you’re slow at replying to their thread (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ people who are patient and kind (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ people who understand getting easily overwhelmed and anxiety (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ people (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧i(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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It is September, and I have already spent over half the year thinking of you.
221, M.K. (via babyheroin)
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The Gladiator and the Marine are both wide, fucking awake right now. So.. I’ll be between the two. Can’t find me here? I’m probably over there. He’s being a chatty asshole too. 
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Open starters
Main’verse is Doom (the movie).
Other verses include Star Trek and Stargate.
No smut.
Mun has 14+ years of rp experience.
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To say that she had been worried would be an understatement. Not for her own sake, but for John. Worried for what they might do to him if they found out that he was.. well.. superhuman. Despite what her brother might think, she wasn’t worried the slightest that he would turn into a monster. It was one of those things she was completely certain of. He might have chosen a military life, but there wasn’t a guy that were kinder and more caring than John, at least deep down, he didn’t show that side anymore. At least not in the way he had when they were kids.
It took them a few days before they ran away, but Sam had known it would happen. Her brother had probably left sooner if she hadn’t been rather bashed up. Thankfully, he hadn’t asked exactly what happened and she wouldn’t tell. There was things he didn’t need to know.
Her injuries were healed now, even though some of them still ached, something she thought were mostly ghost pains. John were also overprotective, which was annoying. Sam had noticed that he also didn’t seem to sleep, which made her guilt even worse. He hadn’t wanted this, but she had given him the C24 for selfish reasons. She couldn’t lose her brother again and this time it would have been permanent. Every change she noticed added to that guilt, yet another thing she wouldn’t tell John.
Sam though, had done a lot of sleeping. She had tried not to, but she had found herself lose to the darkness over and over again and John generally didn’t wake her up. It had gotten better, so she assumed it had something to do with her physical healing process and the pain killers she had been taking. Another thing they had become opposites with was the eating, while her brother seemed to be constantly eating, she had lost her appetite and only forced herself to eat when John had been giving her funny looks. He didn’t need more worries.
Something that did piss her off though, was the fact that he refused to talk. She knew that what had happened at Olduvai had affected him emotionally, as well as his new… abilities, but every time she tried to bring up the subject he tended to snap or in any other way avoid talking about it. John had always been stubborn. That she was much the same didn’t seem to cross her mind. She didn’t talk about her nightmares or the fact that she had lost.. well.. everything except her brother. Her work, her friends, her life, everything she owned, including the only photo she had of their parents.
Just like John seemed to need to protect and watch, she needed to explore and examine. She needed her work. There was no lab she could use and she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to again since they were both on the run. But she had bought a notebook and with her excellent memory, she began writing down what she could remember about C24. There had to be something in there that could help her find a way to… cure it. Of course she kept her research hidden from John, not sure how he would react, even though she didn’t work on perfecting C24, but eliminating it. She needed to find a way to at least help him, since it was partly her fault that all this had happened, not just John’s new abilities, but that his friends had died, that all those people had died. If she hadn’t trusted Dr Carmack, if she had just been a little more suspicious or if she had remembered that some scientist work for money and not knowledge, this might not have happened.
Sam sighed and closed her notebook, her eyes going to her on-the-edge-of-paranoid brother. Rolling her shoulders before getting up, she went over to the small counter the room had that were supposed to be some kind of kitchen area, if you could call a microwave oven old enough to belong to a museum and a electric kettle for a kitchen, and made herself yet another cup of coffee. With a cup in each hand, she went over to John, holding out one of them for him. “You do know you’re starting to look paranoid, right?”
Hazel eyes, a mirror of the ones gazing down upon him, settled upon his twin. "Starting?" John snorted, but accepted the cup of coffee and leaned a little more fully against the window frame. He was just out of sight of the window to make it easier to track movement outside. "At this point, I figured I had a corner on the market."
Gallows humor. When in doubt, John fell back onto that. Better to laugh than to scream into the abyss and lose what little sanity he felt he had left. He sipped at the chicory liquid and let the caffeine settle into his veins. Before it was sapped away by the C24.
Fucking shit.
"I'm not sure how much longer we can keep running." He admitted softly. "You need to heal more." Because he'd noticed just how much she was sleeping. And he knew what that meant. He'd pulled her from the facility too soon and she wasn't quite one hundred percent. Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders. "I just wish I'd gotten there sooner."
Last man standing, Reaper...
John ruthlessly shoved that memory from his brain. Gods, how he'd idolized his CO. Sarge had been everything he'd wanted to be in a Marine. Strong, faithful, dependable.
And then the truth had come out and it had shattered that vision. Left everything he knew and trusted in the fucking dust. He questioned all he'd been taught. All he'd seen and heard. The idea that either Sarge or Pinky (or both, his brain supplied traitorously) had been involved in the death of their parents made him want to leave the fucking planet and just go somewhere no one had ever heard of them.
"How do you feel about Canada?"
It’s Hell Sam, It Always Was || closed
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“Mmm… Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson,” M’Hari commented with a brow waggle at John. It was true that they both did, but M’Hari wasn’t one to share and wouldn’t expect John to share either. “Good movies too.”
“You can tell mommy likes them when she puts her big books down,” the little girl teased, referring to the engineering texts that she would read in the evenings.
That earned a wink and saucy grin from John. "They really are. Might even toss in Avengers after.." Because who could say no to that? He sipped his coffee and tried not to choke on it with Crystal's words.
"Those big books keep mommy working." He reminded Crystal. But he snickered. "And I can't say I blame her. Sometimes you need a good movie to pull you away from the books."
Twin, dark pigtails were graced by a camouflage hat. Dirt smeared her cheeks and it was clear that she'd been crawling through the mud. Her playclothes looked like they'd been doused liberally in mud, dead leaves and god only knew what else. "Daddy let me touch the gun! He says I can fire it when I get bigger!" Bouncing, she tracked mud behind her and danced.
M’Hari couldn’t help a soft laugh at the precious little girl. “I see he taught you to play in the mud too,” came her soft reply. “Let’s get you all cleaned up and ready for supper.”
~And you, Imzadi, take your muddy boots off on the porch. I’ll clean up Crystal then I’d like you to clean up for supper too. I love you, Johnny.~ She thought to John as she caught sight of him coming in soon after she scooped up their muddy child.
(I hope I’m right….)
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