reaperchikk · 3 years
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So last year we got this table. We've finally got it where we want it. I've got the kettle and the pot put over on it to make it a hot drinks area, to chill at when people are over.
I've found myself chilling at it in the day with my laptop with music in my headphones. It's a bit of a happy space for me. The WiFi doesn't suck, like I anticipated it would.
Family friend I can't stand being over no longer makes me wanna be a bedroom hermit, now that I've got what's the equivalent of a safety blanket. Or maybe it's me done giving a F, considering I have a future in my mind and this area helps me focus on it more, when she's over. Either way, I'm loving the area.
To all my coffee lovers, do you have a dedicated coffee area to brew and chill at?
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reaperchikk · 3 years
Coffee, Freedom & Lots of Worry
So if you're coming from my Twitter, welcome to my blog!
If you're new to the Reaper branding as a whole, this is mostly for you.
I'm ReaperChikk on Twitter. I'm a coffee loving, video game playing, metalhead witch who screams into the void a little too much.
My political ideology is mutualism. What this means:
I do not care if you're LGBT, Christian, Pagan, Atheist, whatever. You treat me well and I'll reciprocate respect and give mutual exchange of time. I believe everything should be mutual. From who you associate with, to who you conduct business with. And this does NOT include getting the government to force someone to accept you, serve you at their place of business, whatever you want the government to enforce. I am pro individual liberties, from freedom to say whatever you want without government persecution (1A) to the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (2A) to the freedom to associate with whomever you please. While I realistically know the government is necessary and believe it should be minimal to protecting its people (military) to serving the people and de-escalating a situation (police, which is in BAD need of being reformed) to firemen to upholding people's rights and liberties (the constitution). While that is my ideal government, the state has been given too many inches from the founding time til now and has taken too many miles. At the time of this blog post, the 3 major federal branches are democrat majority. They are seeking to blue, screw and tattoo the constitution by making D.C. the 51st state and possibly abolish the Electoral College. What this means:
D.C. was meant to be a politically unbiased city, separate from the rest of the country, with 0 voting influence. The Electoral College was meant to give fair voting to the country, rather than down to just a few major cities (I'm glaring at you: New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore and Miami.) Most of America, whether you like it or not, IS flyover. Making voting down to the cities is giving people in rural America 0 voice. Combine this with D.C. possibly getting put into statehood and you have another city whose demographic is democrat who will have influence. Should the Electoral College get abolished you can kiss 2 party goodbye and say hello to tyranny at the hands of a few.
This said if this prediction of both happening coming to light, you can consider me to be completely anti-state, more so than I am now.
2020: Chauvin gets filmed and Floyd dies. Riots happen. Bodycam and autopsy prove Floyd died of a speedball and Chauvin mishandled the situation but was NOT the cause of death (unpopular, I know.) And 2021: Chauvin somehow gets all 3 counts found guilty to please the angry mob and the mob saying F what the results are, we're still gonna riot. Now we get 4 new Justices appointed by Biden to pack the court. We very well could see the Constitution blued, screwed and tattooed between D.C. and the Electoral College possible outcomes.
I'm a live and let live woman. That's always been my core principles. But the perfect storm to get Biden in office was the perfect storm for a 1 party system. And I value my liberties before bowing to Big Daddy. Thank you, America, for radicalizing me into being anti-state. You absolutely suck for that. But I don't regret valuing my liberties.
I just wanna be left the hell alone to raise duckies in rural America, with choice of what kind of schooling my future kids shall receive, blasting Bullet For My Valentine while I cook dinner for bae and some little monsters (who play in the mud while I'm cooking) with a couple begging doggos receiving scraps and living my best life away from the insanity.
THIS is the new Reaper branding. I went from being a moderate coffee addicted metalhead witchy gamer to saying F the state completely, should these 2 Constitution violations happen. And if you're new to me, you can follow me on Twitter @/ReaperChikk for coffee appreciation tweets and random out of context song lyrics.
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