reavesstorm · 4 years
Food: New York State requires in place, such as licensing and food inspections to regulate the safety of food consumed. This prevents unhealthy work places and bad food being distributed to the community. Now all State employees and customers are required to were masks at all times to prevent covid. There is a limited capacity’s in most restaurants and a curfew. Everyone is also required to social distance.
People: I work at walmart so i do know all employees are required to wear a mask with free clothing. No hats, sweats, open toe shoes and holed denim. We are also required to wear walmart vests to tell the employees and customers apart. They are blue and sometimes yellow.
Transportation: it’s hard to find inexpensive parking lots as well as parking spots in New York. I drive so i usually get tickets, however sometimes i find good spots. The MTA is also available to the public some people “hop” the train which mean they don’t pay, but now it’s a law that you can’t I believe to get on the bus or train it’s $2.75. You also need a metro card for that. You can flag a cab or call an uber on any corner in the city. One the road, there are signs like the speed limit, stop signs, one way signs, etc. those signs are expected to be followed in order to assure the safety of everyone on the road. You must obey all driving signs because you will get pulled over. Trust me.
School: I personally went to a Catholic School, so my school was great. Curriculum was a bit harsh, regents are required to graduate! Public City schools are funded by the state. Some are good some aren’t depends on the areaZ The state required children between the ages of 5 to 16 to attend school unless there is a lawful excused absence from attending.
Social life: the state requires that you must be the age of 21 and older to legally drink. Marijuana is illegal. There is an exception if the drug is prescribed by a medical doctor. In order to marry, both parties must be 18 or older and a blood test is not required. The age of consent for sexual activity is 16 and older..
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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NAME: Justin Brown
AGE: 62
STORY: Being on campus put a few restrictions my brief interview with my neighbor in NY. I asked my neighbor Justin Brown about his immigration story. Coming from Granada he says it was a huge culture change. He had to adjust to the food, lifestyle and fast paste. He built his family in the US, married 4 women and created children with all of them. He says it was a hard transformation and brutal memories he did not want to get in detail.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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Ingredients: sugar, cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, cocoa butter, lactose, starch, milk fat, palm fat, glucose syrup, shea fat, stabiliser (gum arabic), dextrin, glazing agents (beeswax, carnauba wax), colours
Ingredients come from: Liquid chocolate comes from a blend of whole milk, cocoa butter, sugar, and chocolate liquor, among other ingredients. The chocolate liquor is a thick syrup that is made from the grinding of cocoa beans. (made in new jersey)
Produced: Mars Chocolate (manufactured)
Working Conditions: Cocoa farmers´ low income leads to serious violations of human and labour rights on cocoa farms.
Proxies to market: The beans are packed into cocoa sacks, the farmers are ready to sell the product to intermediaries. Most likely shipped or trucks drive state to state.
Prices: They range from how big of a back you are looking to buy. $1 to $50
International corporations: Mars Wrigley Confectionery, division of Mars Inc (USA), Ferrero Group (Luxembourg / Italy, and Mondelēz International (USA).
Regulations: In the United States, chocolate is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cacao products regulations are contained within 21 C.F.R
Marketed:Throughout history, chocolate has been marketed differently to different consumer types. Some companies like to show their customers that their chocolate has the most weight, by using digital scales and then showing what the price computing scales read on the actual package label.
Where: Walmart
Profit: Probably 36 cents. In certain areas candy is only $1 with no tax. In Delaware the same bar would be $1.36.
Hidden Prices: NO im not sure.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
FieldWork 10
No i could not live off $2 a day. Could you? I would consider it as an experiment however i doubt it.
Social class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. Starts from upper, upper-middle, middle, working and finally lower.
Marx's social theory, is the social classes formed within a particular way that tend to establish a specific form of state, animate political conflicts, and bring about major changes in the structure of society.
Weber argued that power can take a variety of forms. A person's power can be shown in the social order through their status, in the economic order through their class, and in the political order through their party.
Bourdieu claims that how one chooses to present one's social space to the world—one's aesthetic dispositions—depicts one's status and distances oneself from lower groups.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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Bottom Right: ME
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My long lost sister who i recently found out we were blood sisters.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
Boys Girls
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Disney Channel Based
30 minutes of watching
Any Not Gendered?
The learning commercials are gender neutral. A lot of the commercials are seasonal, so it’s almost halloween and Thanksgiving those are what most of them are based on.
What did they use to attract the boys/girls?
Boys they use action, slight violence, trucks, cars etc..
Girls they use dolls, drama, school characters, and fantasy’s.
What ways do they teach gender behavior?
It really teaches girls watch dramas and fantasy shows while boys watch action and slight violence.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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reavesstorm · 4 years
Institutional Racism: Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems. When coming from affluent families you are introduced to more opportunities than students coming form lower income families. The photo of Trayvon Martin is a prime example of how corrupt our institutions are towards our culture.
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Micro Aggression: Common, everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. It is like telling someone “your kind does not understand” or tending to white people more just because of their skin color. Another example is gender microaggression such as catcalls and staring; which most women sadly go through. In the photo it shows a man touching a woman because he’s simply attracted to her but breaking every boundary rule and interfering with her personal space.
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White Supremacy: The belief that whites are biologically different from and superior to people of other races. Basically meaning white people are more deserving, competent, and professional over people of color. Power and Privilege. Better access to education, employment, housing and much more . They get unearned advantages like not worrying about driving or walking late at night and not being harassed by the police.
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Colonialism: To me colonialism occurs when on nation conquers another one, often forcing their culture and language on the population. God, Gold & Glory are the main motivations for colonialism. The picture that represents this definition is with Christopher Columbus. First European to land on the shores of America, resulting to taking over and claiming the land.
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Racialization: The process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people. It’s separating a group of people simply by how their dressed.
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Race Ideology: A set of popular ideas about race that allows the discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem reasonable, rational, and normal. How the or the government talk or does not talk about racism. Public opinions. This link is trumps response to the Breyonna Taylor’s death ... It shows how much he cares who he is and what he thinks about us(african american).
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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reavesstorm · 4 years
Field Work 3
Project Layout:
130th & Lenox Avenue New York, NY 10037
On the “downtown” side to the left there is a Deli, Nail Salon, Chinese Restaurant then a phone place. To the right there is a cleaners then an abandoned lot to cover the rest of 130th & 131st. On the “uptown” side there is a coffee shop, “410” was one of two buildings African restaurant, nail salon and another deli. This is the block my grandmother, mother and I were born and raised. I have noticed how much everything changed. The building “410” had a matching brownstone, which turned into a space for rent. The abandoned coffee shop next to it use to be a deli.
I never noticed how much a street can make you feel safe, like you can travel two blocks further but it is not like being on your own block. You feel protected, it brings a sense of worth because it is a representation of where you are from and how much further you have to go.
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The abandoned lots on the “uptown” and “downtown” side were expected
Im sure covid only effected the business portion of the block. Restaurants, Supermarket, and Delis.
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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After creating my needs and wants chart I would like to acknowledge that I am blessed for all that I do and do not have. I do have a lot of wants rather than needs. After witnessing how unfortunate some cultures are through chapter 2 make me want to definitely think twice before I spend frivolously. It also makes me want to extend my hand. How can I help? Being so young I know I can not do much but anything is appreciated.
Sadly this is our cultural norm. When we have to have the latest. A new phone, laptop, sneaker and coat. It would be out of the norm to not have a up to date coat. Teens beg their parents so much to be apart of today’s “cultural norm” that parents would sacrifice a bill in order to buy a $500 Coat!
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reavesstorm · 4 years
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Dove Beauty Bar
Better known as Dove
Launched in 1957
Founded by William H. Lever (1861-1925)
Owned by Lever Brothers; Unilever (American professional care brand)
Went from single product brand to beauty brand
First soap to include 1/4 moisturizing cream
The cream was made in Germany
The Dove white bar was mad in the US
Manufactured Worldwide in 24 countries like United States, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ireland, Japan, Mexico and more.
Dove impacted my life tremendously as long as I can remember I have been using their soap and deodorants. Game changing essential for when your body has a bad day or your hygiene is off.
There were rarely any articles about the founder or owners appreciation for how big the brand became but I am sure their hearts are warmed and they are relieved on how beneficial it is to everyone. Dove is the number 1 skin care line. I don’t know what i would smell like without it! LOL!
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