rebamazing · 2 years
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rebamazing · 3 years
the inherent sluttiness of leaning forward while wearing a necklace and it just dangles a lil over yr cleavage...
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rebamazing · 3 years
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rebamazing · 3 years
*says ‘I’m so fucking sick of this pandemic shit’ in a distinctly vaccinated, pro mask, pro lockdown, pro taking all the necessary safety measures way*
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rebamazing · 3 years
I feel like nobody talks about this but remember Jay’s “job interview” in the original Men in Black movie? Sure, they play it for comedy, he’s a smartass cop surrounded by all these elite military graduates. But he was also literally the only one in the room smart enough to bring the table over so he had something to write on. And he offers it to the other guys too!
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And in the shooting test, on the surface it just seems like a goofy joke when he shoots the little girl cutout in the head, but look at the way he responded to the situation.
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The test starts immediately without any warning, we can see that everyone is caught off guard. The other candidates immediately open fire on what they perceive to be threats, but Jay takes a second to assess the situation. He sees he isn’t in any immediate danger, and in a handful of seconds he’s able to scope out several minor details about the targets and hit one with a near-perfect headshot. Jay showed he was an innovative, quick thinker with situational awareness, attention to detail and high-level marksmanship skills, and they never say it outright but I think that’s probably why Zed picked him. (Zed never actually says anything negative about Jay’s performance, just that he has a problem with authority.)
This is highly underrated writing but, then again, this is also the movie where Tommy Lee Jones says “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody knew Earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat and 15 minutes ago, you knew humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow.”
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rebamazing · 3 years
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Hey guys!! A bit late on this but the person who created the (good) lesbian pride flag is selling merch!! This is basically official lesbian merch!! The CEO of Lesbians deserves support! Show some support!!
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rebamazing · 3 years
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“But why would you lie about—“ “I like walking the streets free,“ said Jesper. “I like not worrying about being snatched up by a slaver or put to death by some skiv like our friend Helvar here. Besides, I have other skills that bring me more pleasure and profit than this. Lots of other skills.“
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rebamazing · 3 years
I want a pangolin Pokémon :(
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rebamazing · 4 years
Haruki Nakayama's hairstyles throughout the Given Movie 🧡
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rebamazing · 4 years
Tell me this ain't Nicky and Joe. I dare youuu
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rebamazing · 4 years
So. 10th grade English class. We all come in one morning to find a balloon and a perfectly sharpened pencil on each of our desks. No instructions, no explanation, which is strange, because our teacher is meticulous about that sort of thing. A couple of people try to ask her and she says we’ll get to it. She takes role and then announces that she needs to go to the copy room and she’ll be back in a couple of minutes
Kinda unorthodox, but no one is complaining because this is advanced English and the teacher usually goes kinda hard. So, y’know. Brief respite. We all sit and chat; one of the boys teasingly steals a girl’s balloon, but gives it back to her easily enough; it’s quiet and kind of a nice break. Then the teacher comes back, stops in the doorway, and just stares at us
After a long moment, she says, confused, “You didn’t pop the balloons.”
To which one of the guys about two rows over exclaims, “We’re allowed to pop them?” and immediately turns around and stabs his friend’s balloon with the pencil
There is a vicious revenge balloon-stabbing, and a few more people pop seatmates’ balloons or their own, and the whole time the teacher is just shaking her head. “I can’t believe you didn’t pop your balloons.”
Apparently we were starting Lord of the Flies that day and she wanted to demonstrate the basic concept of kids turning on each other when there are no authority figures present and it was basically my favorite failed social experiment ever
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rebamazing · 4 years
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the crows are his allies now.
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rebamazing · 4 years
adhd is: this is my collection of hobbies im gonna do someday.. and over here is my collection of hobbies i started and im gonna get back to… and over here is my collection of hobbies im doing right now…
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rebamazing · 4 years
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rebamazing · 4 years
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rebamazing · 4 years
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seeing this email in your inbox is, like, the best thing ever
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rebamazing · 4 years
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