rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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RIP Alan Rickman ❤️❤️❤️
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
“I let characters and symbols emerge from me, as if I were dreaming. I always use what remains of my dreams of the night before. Dreams are reality at its most profound, and what you invent is truth because invention, by its nature, can’t be a lie.”
—Eugene Ionesco (via theparisreview)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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So be well with my soul 😇 #pavement #girl #me #love #placid #calm #rest #soul #asian
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
And even the worst possible things imaginable are bearable. One day, it will hurt less. And that’s the beginning of everything.
Kristina Haynes (via writingsforwinter)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
It honestly hurts to hear how much people can talk about one another, negatively. Like how can people bear so much bitterness, be so unkind? It’s so awful. We’re called to love one another, not mock their every action or word.
Maybe some people are a little “different” than you, perhaps a little more bold, or shy, or serious, or nervous, or silly, or quiet, or loud, or passionate, or open, or careful, or dedicated, or smart, or enthusiastic, or even honest, than others. So what if they wear different clothing, have a different hairstyle, say different things, do different things, like different things, think different ways. And so what if they make a honest mistake, doesn’t everyone sometimes?
Who are we to judge people, especially if we don’t even know them for real? Have we honestly nothing better to do than spitefully point out the characteristics of others? How can some people ridicule others for who they really are and honestly feel good about themselves?
Don’t give in to the hate and gossip around you. Be different. Be love. Be kindness. Be light. Be positivity. This world desperately needs it.
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
Be vulnerable. Let yourself be deeply seen, love with your whole heart, practice gratitude and joy…be able to say ‘I am thankful to feel this vulnerable because it means I am alive’, and believe ‘I am enough.’ You are worthy of love & belonging.
Brene Brown, The Power of Vulnerability (via kvtes)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
“I let characters and symbols emerge from me, as if I were dreaming. I always use what remains of my dreams of the night before. Dreams are reality at its most profound, and what you invent is truth because invention, by its nature, can’t be a lie.”
—Eugene Ionesco (via theparisreview)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
A writer never has a vacation. For a writer life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.
Eugene Ionesco (via austinkleon)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
“I always use what remains of my dreams of the night before.”
Eugene Ionesco on writing (via theparisreview)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
There are many sides to reality. Choose the one that’s best for you. Escape into the world of imagination.
Eugene Ionesco, Rhinoceros (via annarchy666)
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
Check out @rbkhmar's Tweet:
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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Hidden 🏡🍃 … Over 70,000 followers, that is crazy, THANK YOU GUYS🙌🏼 !!! My website will be up and running by the end of the week and you will be able to purchase my photos there ☺️🙌🏼
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rebeccalalrem · 9 years
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Maxine Vee
Coloured Pencil on Paper, 2015
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