rebeclash-blog · 7 years
Divination Tips for Beginners
Divination can be hard and draining, it takes up a lot of energy. For those who are still new to it, it can really drain you and result in headaches and frustrations. Here are some tips to help all you beginners out with divination and how draining it can be.
Drink plenty of water, being dehydrated is not fun and especially not when you are using so much energy
Take a shower or bath before any divination work to help cleanse yourself 
Meditate before big divination work to help center and ground yourself
Crystals good for divination and psychic work: nuummite, amethyst, amazonite, fluorite, and aqua aura quartz
Clear Quartz is a good energy booster and can help you feel less drained after divination
Drink some black tea to help ground yourself and give yourself extra energy for divination work
If you are starting to feel tired during divination, that is okay, take a break or take a nap. Forcing yourself to keep going will only exhaust you further and make everything more difficult. You deserve breaks
It is okay to use notes during divination, don’t worry what others say. Its not ‘unprofessional’, even veterans in divination use notes. Keep a notebook with you full of different meanings of cards or stones or runes, take notes as you go, write down your thoughts and keep it near you every time you practice.
Yellow is the color of divination, keep yellow things around you to help. Yellow blanket(s), yellow pillows, yellow candles, yellow pieces of paper; anything you can find. Purple is also another color good to help with psychic abilities and awareness
Herbs good for divination and psychic work: cinnamon, lemon, cherry, lettuce, grapes, orange (orange peel), mint, pumpkin, celery, lemon balm, catnip, thyme, rose, seaweed, star anise, mullein, mugwort and rosemary can all help you. Bake with them, eat them, use them in teas or keep them near you in a sachet or jar
Stretch and take little walks. Sitting for a long time can be killer and make you sore. Stretch your legs and take little five or ten minute walks during long readings and psychic work. Muscle and joint stiffness is never fun
Rather than trying to tackle large readings every day, do small ones. Like a few questions to your pendulum, pull a single card, draw a crystal from a bag, etc. Small daily practices can help you in the long run without exhausting you. 
Open a window and let some fresh air in while you work, it will do wonders, especially since air is the element associated with divination work.
Keep a small bowl or cup of salt near you, it will absorb the negative energy about you especially if you are feeling frustrated
Moon water is great for divination: drink it, make tea with it, spray the room with it, anoint yourself with it, keep it near you, etc
Cleanse your space before divination work, again it will keep negativity away from you 
Cleanse and charge your divination tools regularly, it really helps in the long run. Put them in the moonlight at night (especially during full moons), keep salt near them, smoke cleanse them if you can, burn white candles, use crystals/gems, etc
Its okay if you get confused and don’t know how to interpret something. Take notes on it and with time it may become more clear to you. Don’t force yourself to try to understand
Mistakes happen, you won’t always be 100% right on things. No one is, divination is not a certain thing. Things change all the time, its okay. Don’t let it get you down.
If you are tired, sick, stressed, or anything else and don’t feel like doing divination work that is fine. Its okay, you don’t have to do it all the time. Especially not if you are feeling unwell and tired. Rest and take care of yourself, you can continue practice another time
If you use tools in your work like mirrors, tea cups/mugs, cards, crystals, etc try to bond with them. Creating a bond with your tools can improve your divination quite a bit
You don’t have to practice on other people, you can do it for yourself and your own questions. Its an old wive’s tale that you can’t use tarot or divination on yourself, you definitely can
Try to get a good nights sleep before and after divination
Once you finish, treat yourself. Get something to eat, watch a movie or show you like, curl up with a book, snuggle into a blanket, play with your pets, take a nap; do whatever makes you happy. You did a good job and deserve some time to rest and recharge afterwards
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
Son père l'avait mise à l'envers à cause de ce que lui avait dit la médium. Il avait renoncé au chantier naval et avait en tête un autre projet, celui de rassembler le plus d'argent possible en faisant appel à tous les investisseurs qu'il connaissait, afin de construire une station balnéaire. D'après la médium, sa chance était localisée au nord, or il comptait monter sa nouvelle affaire au bord de la mer du sud, alors il avait renversé la carte du pays, faute d'une autre solution.
Si le rôle de la mer est de faire des vagues, Kim Yeon-su
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
Tous les jours, une journée se termine, et la nuit est faite pour ceux qui ont survécu.
Si le rôle de la mer est de faire des vagues, Kim Yeon-su
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
Le jour et la nuit sont si différents ; pourquoi les associe-t-on pour parler d'une journée ?
Si le rôle de la mer est de faire des vagues, Kim Yeon-su
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
Il suffit de réfléchir un tout petit peu pour se rendre compte que dans notre société actuelle, il n'y a plus de solitude gratuite. Celle dont on profite sans rien payer n'est pas de la vraie solitude, mais un signe d'inadaptation à la société, voire de crime. Par exemple, les professeurs voient toujours des intentions de suicide ou de violence latente chez les adolescents qui s'isolent du groupe. Et les voisins se méfient en permanence de ceux qui vivent seuls, sans famille ni amis, ils pourraient être des psychopathes ou des criminels potentiels. La solitude de notre époque est devenue un loisir de luxe que seuls les riches peuvent se permettre.
Si le rôle de la mer est de faire des vagues, Kim Yeon-su
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rebeclash-blog · 7 years
C'est un ouvrage qui suit l'évolution du langage des enfants. Dans les premières pages, on trouve d'abord les termes les plus faciles et les plus familiers, JE, puis MAMAN, mais comme les bébés n'ont pas vraiment conscience de leur propre existence, cet ordre peut changer. En tout cas, le mot qui les relie est toujours le verbe AIMER. C'est ainsi que fonctionne la grammaire. Dans mon dictionnaire tel que je le conçois, ce sont donc ces mots-là qui apparaissent sur les premières pages. Mais alors, à quelle page va-t-on trouver le mot "tortue olivâtre de Ridley"? Eh bien, comme c'est un livre très volumineux, sans doute à la page 33985.
Si le rôle de la mer est de faire des vagues, KIM Yeon-su
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