rebekah95 · 3 years
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@daysofourpigs @gokexibyvu4314-blog @im-fine-the-way-i-am @lovedancelaughsmile 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rebekah95 · 3 years
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@daysofourpigs @gokexibyvu4314-blog @im-fine-the-way-i-am @lovedancelaughsmile 
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rebekah95 · 7 years
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Coffee aesthetic
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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What’s that? It’s a giveaway!!!
We want to thank you guys for being the best followers ever and sticking by us while we suffocate via university material, so we’re having a giveaway! 
This is a contest for our amazing followers so you  MUST BE FOLLOWING SIMSGONEWRONG AND DISLOYALS. We will be checking!
Must reblog this post. No limit on how many times! The more the merrier!
No giveaway blogs. We will be checking.
If you are in the U.S - A Physical Copy of the Sims 4 AND a Sims 4 Expansion pack of your choice!
If you are international - A Digital copy of the Sims 4 AND a Sims 4 Expansion pack of your choice!
And that’s it! CONTEST ENDS MARCH 6TH, 2017. Again, make sure you are following the two blogs listed above and reblog as many times as you want! For bonus points, you can message simsgonewrong what your favorite glitch we’ve ever posted is! 
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rebekah95 · 8 years
depression tips™
shower. not a bath, a shower. use water as hot or cold as u like. u dont even need to wash. just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. sit on the floor if you gotta.
moisturize everything. use whatever lotion u like. unscented? dollar store lotion? fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes u smell like a field of wildflowers? use whatever you want, and use it all over. 
put on clean, comfortable clothes. 
put on ur favorite underwear. cute black lacy panties? those ridiculous boxers u bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? put em on.
drink cold water. use ice. if u want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
clean something. doesn’t have to be anything big. organize one drawer of ur desk. wash five dirty dishes. do a load of laundry. scrub the bathroom sink. 
blast music. listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
make food. don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. take the time and make food. even if it’s ramen. add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. 
make something. write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
go outside. take a walk. sit in the grass. look at the clouds. smell flowers. put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
call someone. call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. talk to a stranger on the street. have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. if you can’t, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. even if you don’t say much, listen to them.
cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. take pictures of them. talk to them. tell them how u feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
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rebekah95 · 8 years
I feel like part of being an adult is knowing there is food at home and then actually going home and eating it.
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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WOW. I cannot believe it, 600 followers!!! 
I want to thank you guys so so much and as gratitude I wanted to do a very special giveaway. I’m going to be doing this in the form of a raffle (me drawing the blog’s name from a hat).
Rules are as follows:
-I’ll be choosing 3 winners to receive the prizes! 
-You only need to reblog this ONCE to enter.
-You MUST be following me to qualify. 
-First place winner gets a Pride Beanie, a crochet Rose Bookmark and Pokeball, and a cute pair of Cockatiel Socks. 
-Second place winner gets a Pride Beanie, a crochet Pokeball, and a cute pair of cockatiel socks.
-Third place winner gets a Pride Beanie and a crochet Pokeball. 
*All of the above prizes can be found in my Etsy Shop for photo references.
*The cockatiels socks are from TOM - Kotoritachi Cockatiel Socks (the red and blue ones). They’re just something I’ve had laying around, still packaged, and will never use so might as well give them away. :P 
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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rebekah95 · 8 years
reasons to stay alive
1. discovering yourself (you are worth discovering) 2. how silly people get when they’re sleepy 3. sitting in hammocks 4. long hugs 5. going to the zoo 6. carving pumpkins 7. cute baby animals 8. kissing in the rain 9. singing 10. the smell of baking cookies 11. picnics 12. warm blankets when it’s cold 13. you are so loved 14. octobers 15. staying up all night and sleeping in 16. water balloon fights 17. making babies smile 18. movie marathons 19. foreign cities, languages, people & foods 20. those “this never leaves the room” moments 21. rainbows 22. you will be missed 23. drinking hot chocolate/coffee/tea 24. binge-watching a series 25. slow dances 26. you are never alone 27. meeting new people 28. traveling 29. watermelon in the summer 30. sunsets 31. naps 32. road trips 33. finally understanding what something means 34. late night phone calls 35. listening to rainstorms 36. cuddling 37. climbing trees 38. going for walks 39. doing crazy things with your best friends 40. getting married some day 41. kind comments from others 42. tears of joy 43. drawing 44. cartoons 45. laughing really hard 46. making other people happy 47. sleeping in 48. doing things that would make your parents angry if they knew 49. jumping in puddles 50. getting lost 51. flowers 52. you are needed warm showers 53. fireflies 54. undiscovered forests 55. art 56. really good books 57. finding love of all kinds 58. jumping really high on a trampoline 59. hugging 60. full moons 61. crunchy leaves 62. see yourself recover 63. concerts 64. stargazing 65. kisses 66. secrets and promises 67. autumn leaves 68. knowing all of the lyrics to a song 69. orgasms 70. the smell after rain 71. getting handwritten letters in the mail 72. halloween 73. clean sheets 74. the first snow of the winter 75. petting puppies 76. city lights 77. late night walks 78. building forts 79. smiling in the middle of a kiss 80. people care about you 81. you are important 82. bonfires 83. thunder storms 84. having kids if you want 85. getting hickies 86. sunrises 87. when a baby holds on to one of your fingers with its whole hand 88. going to comic con 89. kind strangers 90. bowties 91. tree houses 92. music 93. solo dance parties in your room 94. new video games 95. long drives 96. being awake when everyone else is asleep 97. eye sex 98. smiling at strangers 99. onesies 100. you could save someone’s life 101. the sky and it’s pretty colours 102. suspenders 103. walks on the beach 104. sitting on rooftops 105. paint fights 106. there will be a time you’ll see that you’re glad you didn’t do it 107. pillow fights 108. lying on grass and watching clouds 109. you matter 110. watching fireworks 111. graduating 112. snow cones 113. bay windows 114. silence that isn’t awkward 115. messy hair 116. when you start smiling and can’t stop
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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Current aesthetic
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rebekah95 · 8 years
ways to start feeling again
sit in the sun without anything to do, feel the heat of the rays hit your skin, realize that this sunlight has travelled a very long way to reach you
walk around barefoot and try to feel as much of the ground under your feet as you can, notice every rock and blade of grass
sit quietly for a while and notice the touch of breath in your nostrils, feel how the air gets cooler as you inhale and warmer as you exhale
drive around aimlessly and blast some of your favorite songs, scream/sing along to them and feel the vibrations of your favorite lyrics as they change the air in your throat and around you, feel that the music is healing you from the inside out
stay away from alcohol or drugs for a few days, try to be as aware and present as you can in every moment, stop trying to numb or dull your senses
eat a few meals without any distractions, notice every bite and taste every flavor that covers your tongue, be grateful for it all
look up at the stars and the moon, understand how small we all are and how immense the universe is, realize what a miracle everything is, let your heart swell with amazement and admiration for life itself
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rebekah95 · 8 years
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rebekah95 · 8 years
“How do you know you’re in love?“ 
Well I love… Food? 😂
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rebekah95 · 9 years
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rebekah95 · 9 years
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