rebelbullet · 1 day
The best thing you have had is gone away
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rebelbullet · 1 day
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rebelbullet · 3 days
"That could be arranged. I'll even pick the spot and buy you a pretty little shovel."
Were the last words Bullet heard before his body faded like a flame from a dying candle. It was a dramatic comparison but that's exactly what came to mind as his crossing eyes stared at the floor and the vampire's - were those Italian leather shoes?? Probably. He felt - hot. Groaning at first before completely knocking out. Bullet didn't know what hit him. While his eyes were closed, he felt a bizarre sensation growing in his chest. Is he dreaming? Perhaps as he was watching whatever sensation it was spreading from the middle of chest throughout his body. Gold. Liquid gold. More like blood, coursing through his veins. His chest was beating wildly and he thought for a moment he was done for. Was he really dreaming or just paralyzed? What were those voices he's hearing close by? One of them sounded like the perverted Arikun vampire. He tried to listen but he couldn't make out what was being said. Besides, this dream of golden blood through his veins currently occupying his attention. It felt too - real.
Before Bullet could fully witness what happened after the strange thing spread throughout his body, his eyes opened, almost instantly, and he was catching his breath. He opened his eyes to a dark room, unfamiliar room. The hair in the back of his head stood up, feeling the chill and unfamiliarity of his surrounding. It was quiet, pitch black, but he managed to swing his legs off the bed. Well, after finding the edge, that is. Huge bed, he thought to himself, feeling his jeans for his cellphone. He'd use the light from it to see and eventually get out of wherever he was currently. As he patted himself for the device, his feet touched the ground, he's not wearing his shoes, he realized. He attempted to stand up and ended up falling to the cold floor, his knees giving out...
Bullet had almost forgotten the way Ice's voice sounded like and hearing it too close to his ear sent shivers down his spine. And not in a pleasurable way. Bullet associated Ice to many things, among them death. Maybe that shiver was the inevitable fate calling him to the other side. He didn't really want to die tonight but by the way he was being tossed over the vampire's shoulder, it felt like there was no changing the path of his tiny and insignificant life. He huffed upon hearing the comment about Amree. "Who are you to decide that it's better for Nong Amree to be with your family?? He has his own and from what I remember, they're nice to him," he barked back, trying his best to wiggle but the hold made him appear limp like a vegetable over broad back. "I'm sure you know what's happening to my cousin but you wouldn't understand - you don't care what happens to him but that's not surprising -" Bullet almost puked out his gut when he was maneuvered to stand in front of the vampire, the sudden movement cause slight dizziness. Inconsiderate prick!
"Choose your battles wisley. You can have pleasure or pain tonight. The decision should be easy."
Bullet was still adjusting to his new position when the last comment was thrown at him. He frowned, meeting the vampire's eyes, vision slightly blurry. "I'd rather dig my own grave-" He coughed, clutching his chest, "Than entertain any thoughts about pleasure especially with a pervert like you." Why is it that whenever he spoke, it felt he was losing air?? He didn't really want to pass out but just as he was thinking of the bad things that possibly could happen to him, he lost consciousness...
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rebelbullet · 3 days
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» MEANING: Arawan [ Arawan m & f Thai Meaning: “sun.” ]; Charoensuk [ Charoensuk – ชาเรือนศักดิ์ (Thai Origin) meaning “to prosper, to develop, to increase (with) delight." ]
VERSES: The Meaning of Forever.
NICKNAME(S): Ari, Sun.
AGE: 27-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1997 June 21st, Saturday, at dawn.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Northern Thailand.
OCCUPATION: Assistant/Servant/Companion to a powerful Vampire Council belonging to the Arikun Clan.
RELIGION: Raised Buddhist, non-practicing.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, Tenacious, Emotional, Sympathetic, Nurturing.
WEAKNESSES: Moody, Pessimistic, Suspicious, Manipulative, Insecure.
FACE CLAIM: Poom Phuripan Sapsangsawat.
HEIGHT: 5'10 ft. [177 cm]
WEIGHT: 150 lbs. [68 kg.]
BUILD: Lean, toned.
GAIT: Relaxed.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
BIRTHMARK: Birthmark that he shares with Mali, it's a light brown mark on his back, right below his left shoulder blade.
OVERVIEW: » SCARS: Some scars. » TATTOOS: None.
HOMETOWN: Born and raised in north of Bangkok.
RESIDENCES: North of Thailand, Bangkok.
FINANCIAL STATUS: Lower Middle Class.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Graduate of Kasetsart University.
DEGREES: Degree in Agriculture.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Ari's first language is Thai. He can speak English fluently. Through his position as assistant to an important Arikun Vampire Council, Ari had to learn Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese. He can hold a basic conversation in those languages. He is currently learning how to speak French and Gernan.
PARENTS: Both alive; they live in the north of the country.
SIBLINGS: Arawan has six siblings; he is the oldest.
PETS: None that lives inside the house. He travels a lot with his vampire so he doesn't keep one that would need his attention. He does raise poultry which his tiny home's caretaker watches and takes care of when he is not home.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: » Arawan is a very young uncle to Amree and Bullet.
Arawan is a re-incarnation of Mali, a Charoensuk who was an eternity companion to a powerful diplomat vampire from the Arikun Clan. When she met a devastating tragedy, Khun Arikun did not recover right away. When Arawan was born, Khun Arikun felt Mali's presence and despite his hesitance, he demanded that Mali's reborn self be found. The search led to a newborn Charoensuk up north of the country. A distinguisable mark convinced Khun Arikun that the newborn Arawan is his dead companion's re-incarnation. From then on, Arawan and his family were under Khun Arikun's protection and care. The elders investigated this case and came to the conclusion that there is a high possibility that Arawan is Mali's re-incarnation. This was further cemented as Arawan grew older and displayed behaviours, thoughts, and memories pertaining to Mali and her old life. The elders decided that it is a good move for Khun Arikun to take care of Arawan as Mali was precious to Khun Arikun and that Arawan would be Khun Arikun's protection as Mali was once before. An eternity companion's blood is a powerful weapon an Arikun could ever have especially an Arikun like Khun Arikun, a diplomat and part of the Vampire Council in Asia.
Arawan grew up happily with his family in the north of the county. His parents did not refuse the summon to give up their first born to the Arikuns but they requested that they care for Arawan until it is time for Arawan to leave home. They wanted Arawan to have a normal life as a child. Although provided by Khun Arikun handsomely, Arawan's parents chose to live how they were leaving before Arawan was born. Arawan grew humble and kind and did not complain with what little they have. He help took care of his younger siblings when they were born and love each and every one of them equally.
Arawan wanted to become a farmer like his father or an elementary teacher like his mother. He also wanted to love his job like his parents do. He was a fairly smart child in school and learned a lot about farming when growing up. He was very sad when he left for university when it was time. His parents to saved a lot to send them to school and was able to afford sending him to Bangkok to Kasetsart University [ they didn't accept the money from Khun Arikun to provide for Arawan's university studies and wanted to do it own their own for Arawan ] where he eventually graduated with a Degree in Agriculture and minor in Agronomy. After graduating, he returned home to apply what he learned at their farm and worked with his father for a couple of years before Arawan was finally visited by Khun Arikun for the very first time. With a few elders, Arawan was summoned to be of service to his diplomat vampire.
Arawan grew up knowing in great details what it meant to be a Charoensuk. It was his parents' doing; they wanted to prepare him for the day Khun Arikun would come for him. And he was ready. He felt a bit rebellious but he understood what he needed to do. He didn't demand anything in exchange to his service but one thing - for his family, especially his parents to get the help they need, no questions asked. Khun Arikun agreed and did more. The diplomat vampire legally bound the family to Khun Arikun financially. All of Arawan's siblings will finish school without financial burden. That was more than enough for Arawan to be convinced to leave home.
Arawan did more schooling when he returned to Bangkok. He was to be Khun Arikun's assistant. He is to manage Khun Arikun's schedule and know every little thing about the business of being a diplomat. Arawan also feeds Khun Arikun with his blood, mostly to energized.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Arawan dated in the past but his parents encouraged him to focus on his studies so he didn't really have any serious relationships.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Arawan is bestfriend with Heart, a kid he grew up with in their province up north. He is a couple of years older than Heart but Heart followed him around like one of his siblings. They even went to Bangkok together to attend university but Heart ended up getting work as a model and then finally getting discovered by Thailand's top talent agency, Duang Jan who is owned by an Arikun. And yes, maybe Khun Arikun has a hand in it since the vampire wants to take care any person close to Arawan. Heart did not end up going to university and focused on modeling. Heart is now a top artist under Duang Jan Agency and is known throughout Asia.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: "Always and forever."
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): Depression, anxiety.
PHYSICAL DISEASE(S): None that he is aware of.
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rebelbullet · 9 days
Just pretend no one would know, what position would you try with Ice?
"Oh, that's easy..."
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"How about me on top while he's six feet under??"
[ STRADDLING. i didn't share that....... ]
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rebelbullet · 9 days
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Unbeknownst to many of the Arikun vampires and Charoensuk companions, the Charoensuk blood has healing powers, at least according to the elders, especially those old enough to remember their ancestor and the very first Charoensuk companion.
According to the story, the bloodline's power grew stronger through time but not everyone in both clans are aware of it. The Arikun elders decided to keep the valuable knowledge within the family as a secret mostly to protect their beloved companions.
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, when this knowledge first came to the Arikuns' awareness, it placed the Charoensuk in great danger. Many of them were kidnapped and harmed, kept like cattle, used only for their blood.
However, the power in the blood only appear in few of the Charoensuk. Mostly in purebloods but there are indirect descendants that were called into service that possessed the healing nature of the family's blood.
It is said that the power of the Charoensuk's blood is at its most potent when paired with their eternity vampire.
The Charoensuk who possessed this special ability can heal their vampire, heightened their powers, and even protect their vampire from strong spells, etc.
It is said that the first Charoensuk companions who were shamans and witches created a spell to protect their own, to ensure their children's safety and the success of the entire clan for the many years to come. The power of healing guarded the Charoensuk, made the companions valuable to be cherished and well taken care of.
In result of the attack on the Charoensuk by some Arikuns and other tribes as well (to kidnap and sell the companions, etc.) the Arikun elders created their own rules within the family, aside from the law put upon them by the vampire council:
No one Arikun can possess more than three Charoensuk companions. Charoensuk companions are to be financially provided when called to fulfill their duty to their vampire. They are under their vampire's protection and care so as their immediate family.
*ADDITIONAL NOTE: Amree I believe possesses the healing blood. We don't know about Bullet.
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rebelbullet · 10 days
Bullet had almost forgotten the way Ice's voice sounded like and hearing it too close to his ear sent shivers down his spine. And not in a pleasurable way. Bullet associated Ice to many things, among them death. Maybe that shiver was the inevitable fate calling him to the other side. He didn't really want to die tonight but by the way he was being tossed over the vampire's shoulder, it felt like there was no changing the path of his tiny and insignificant life. He huffed upon hearing the comment about Amree. "Who are you to decide that it's better for Nong Amree to be with your family?? He has his own and from what I remember, they're nice to him," he barked back, trying his best to wiggle but the hold made him appear limp like a vegetable over broad back. "I'm sure you know what's happening to my cousin but you wouldn't understand - you don't care what happens to him but that's not surprising -" Bullet almost puked out his gut when he was maneuvered to stand in front of the vampire, the sudden movement cause slight dizziness. Inconsiderate prick!
"Choose your battles wisley. You can have pleasure or pain tonight. The decision should be easy."
Bullet was still adjusting to his new position when the last comment was thrown at him. He frowned, meeting the vampire's eyes, vision slightly blurry. "I'd rather dig my own grave-" He coughed, clutching his chest, "Than entertain any thoughts about pleasure especially with a pervert like you." Why is it that whenever he spoke, it felt he was losing air?? He didn't really want to pass out but just as he was thinking of the bad things that possibly could happen to him, he lost consciousness...
It's sick, the way Bullet wanted so badly to stake the vampire in the chest and watch the bloodsucker deteriorate. The smirk, the gleam in the eyes, that perfectly combed hair - he'd like to poke those eyes with his fingers and start running but physically, he is incapable. Whatever hit him made him vulnerable. Both physically and emotionally. Because not only his legs won't let him move, he was trapped inside the vampire's gaze. He almost said "ew" out loud as the crusty vampire [ as he would refer to Ice ] continued with his 'dramatic' 'speech. "Pervert!" His attempt to push back when hand placed over his hand that attempted to calm his wildly beating heart. It felt like he screamed but his word came out as a whisper. "Of course you'd want my cousin coz you're a pervert! I'm not going anywhere with -" His words paused when cold creepy hand held the side of his face. The fuck is happening, did he just lean into the touch? His feet and legs somehow decided to cooperate but he knew if he doesn't get ahold of himself he'd be dead meat by the end of the night. Especially with Ice talking about how he "offended the clan." Ice will probably bleed him dry and then return home to his harem. PERVERT. "Not going -" He tried to resist but he found his hands reaching, grabbing the vampire by the forearm. Damn, he'd forgotten how fit Ice is and cursed himself for having such thoughts.
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rebelbullet · 16 days
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[ omg that one time drunk bullet met benz at a party and they made out like there's no tomorrow. ]
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rebelbullet · 17 days
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[ continuation from this post. so basically, since most of ice's servants were head over heels the vampire, they want the vampire's attention all the time. bullet managed to manipulate them into taking his place whenever he's called to 'serve' or during 'feeding time.' maybe some of them are just really dumb or really love ice coz they took every chance bullet gave them. so whenever bullet's asked about being a pet to ice, he wasn't lying when he said none of the vampires were able to turn him into their "pet." he'd jokingly say he'd rather off himself but he wouldn't go that far. he'd try all he can to avoid it though. ]
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rebelbullet · 17 days
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[ ARGH. i think this is why bullet HATES ice's guts plus the fact that bullet doesn't want to 'serve' that's why he escaped the first two vampires. but he thought ice was cruelest of them all. he witnessed ice's servants be all that and more and at first he felt sorry for them but then he just thought of them stupid. who'd want to live the way they did? sure, bullet didn't want to be part of the centuries old tradition of their family and the arikuns but he understood that some of them really had that calling - it was said that a member of the charoensuk clan isn't called if their vampire did not exist, and for many of his relatives, it was true - but there were family members who were just plain greedy and would give their kids to the arikuns as playthings in exchange for richest. later on, he just realized ice's servants were dumb and stupid and without "self-respect." and the same goes to ice who play with humans' feelings. ]
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
Ice is extremely conceited so instead of this headcanon containing material items he likes, we'll focus on attention both intimidation and sexual. Since he became aware of his influence and control that he holds on lesser beings. That's Ice speaking not me, he has enjoyed the way he can manipulate their will and also encourage their obsessions. Sometimes it is as simple as flirtation and paying attention to the unnoticed or those with a lower sense of self worth. However he also enjoys bending the will of the strong minded and those who decline his advances. He enjoys tears and pleas for his attention and a love he'll never give. He likes playing with feelings, controlling others, and watching others crumble under the weight of their obsession with him.
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rebelbullet · 17 days
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[ we're reblogging to save but bullet told me he feels sorry for ice's one true companion. if ice hadn't found them, bullet hopes they hide very far away. but then maybe if ice finds his human companion if he hadn't already, maybe bullet could get away easier. he likes that idea better. ]
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
Ice has only admitted to being in love once. It was early in his existence. He understood very little about what he was and influence that came with being a member of the Arikun clan. Unlike his close confidant and conscience, King, Ice was born to both vampire mother and father. It was King that was often a voice of reason and positive influence, in spite of the fact that Ice was his elder. Wild, selfish and reckless from an early age, Ice found himself infatuated with a young human meant to be in service as a companion to one of his elder brothers. The human, very much aware of Ice's interest, infatuation, and reputation, used his attention to their advantage. With impure intentions they played on ice's infatuation and created a rift between the brothers. A rift that left Ice seen as unloyal and disobedient. The human was punished and Ice was left to endure the wrath of his brother. Vowing to never be controlled by his emotions or any human, Ice quickly developed a new reputation. A confident and proficient lover but also masochistic sadist who found pleasure in pain and torment of those who didn't bend to his will. Not many said no. Not when the pain he inflicted felt equally good in comparison to the pleasure he offered.
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rebelbullet · 17 days
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[ he's like, "EW." he doesn't want to know where perv's penis has been. he's sure it's been slobbered on and whatever else. no thanks. but cupid's arrow said otherwise. i'm sorry bullet. sigh. ]
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Sorcery, witchcraft, blessing, or curse. Ice has the odd ability to regulate his body temperature in one specific area, his dick. Inspite of his vampire nature, lovers have routinely commented about how warm he feels when he's buried inside of them...thrusting. Uncanny but true and he's unsure if he takes on the temperature of the human he's with because let's be real, his primary attraction leans towards humans or other human like species. This occurs regardless of the type of penetration - vaginal, anal, or oral. Yep even hand jobs it has been noticed his dick is warm. I guess he can blame the friction.
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rebelbullet · 17 days
i wish i could say “?????????????????” in real life. it would be very useful.
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rebelbullet · 17 days
Bullet was out of his mind. He couldn't keep track of time and he swore to all the gods, he's been back at Ice's place for days. But no, it's still the same night when the perverted vampire found him just outside one of the Arikun's old estate. He wasn't sure what's happening. Although he planned to fight til the very end, he was counting on being dead by the end of the night. But here he was, shoved in his old room at Ice's and he was told to wash himself. He felt like a lame vegetable or an over ripe fruit about to be washed under water and then - eaten?? Shouldn't he be discarded then? He didn't know vampires like their meals clean... He thought they just ate like the savages that they are. He should really focus instead of entertaining dumb thoughts. Everyone swore he had ADHD - not like it mattered - but maybe if it's true, now is not the time to be distracted by every little thing? Like one of Ice's blood bag under the vampire's spell, Bullet did as he was told. He headed to the bathroom to prepare to wash himself. Wait - wash as in wash his face? Or wash his ass? Coz that's totally two different things. He about to die and he still can't make up his mind. He should be finding a way out instead of taking his clothes off and jumping into the shower. It's so hot outside that the cold water running down his body felt great. He stood there for a solid minute, just breathing, blocking thoughts, mostly thoughts about leaving and escaping. He lifted his head to the water and gasped as he let it cool him down. He was beginning to feel the shiver when a figure entered the bathroom. And since there was no other doors - it's Asian style bathroom - Bullet had no place to hide. He was exposed to his intruder and he made sure to grab something to throw at them - this time, it was the bar of soap. "Eeeeekkkk," he screeched as he was throwing the soap towards Ice like it was a baseball. You'd think he'd cover himself when he realized it was crusty that was eyeing him while he showered. But instead, he stood there like he was inviting the vampire to join him. "Eww, get out, what is wrong with you??!" His voice was loud but his words lacked conviction. His eyes grew bigger, realizing his heart was pounding. There is definitely something major wrong with him and turned around to hide mostly his face from his stalker.
[ this sucks ass. i wanted to write more but bullet said 'whyy???' he's mad horny but he's not going to admit it. i, however, would like to say that ice is totally hot and he can have bullet or whoever he wants. ]
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rebelbullet · 1 month
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aquarius: amazing friends. probably hate u. easily excitable. space cadets 4 life. rly good with animals and love food but probably restrict their eating habits in one way or another. a paradox in that they are fucking driven as hell to get shit done but give zero fucks at the same time. lowkey kinky af. want to kiss everyone. 
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rebelbullet · 1 month
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rebelbullet · 1 month
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[ bullet said ice's favorite servants are as crazy as him and he doesn't want anything to do with any of them. ]
[ i heard you have a harem... is it true? why do you need so many servants? i guess it's boring to just have one or two... would you like another one??? - not eon for the third time ]
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My needs have been described as insatiable. I wouldn't call it a harem but I do have resources to fulfill said insatiable needs. There's always room for another but be careful of my favorites. They bite. Especially when they're jealous.
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