rebellmade · 6 months
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rebellmade · 6 months
The Last of Us RP
This is going to be a very niche request, so here goes! I would like to play Joel Miller from The Last of Us. I'd like someone willing to play a male oc who takes Joel down a peg...or many. Someone who breaks Joel down, little by little, until he's completely dependent on this person. Looking for dark and brutal. NSFW. Could definitely be omegaverse! We can talk more specifics in DMs and such.
I write over discord, so if this is something that interests you give this post a like and I'll get in touch! Or you can drop me a IM directly here.
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rebellmade · 11 months
Shadow and Bone RP Search
Hello! I'm looking to play either a female oc or Alina Starkov against Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling from Shadow and Bone. I'm 21+, and want my writing partners to be 18+. I write over discord. I love angst, fluff, nsfw, and anything in-between. I haven't read the books, but I've seen both seasons of the show and am willing to research!
Leave a like and I'll get in touch! Or you can drop me a IM directly here, or on my main blog, @daisyjohnscns.
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rebellmade · 2 years
starter for @avcngingknight
It's too soon, Skye thought as she sat in the back of the Quinjet, gripping the seat beneath her, eyes shut tight. She could feel the others watching her and knew they were probably thinking the same thing in the back of their minds. But Coulson had given her the go-ahead, and they all trusted Coulson's judgement. So she would do her best. She would keep this new, raw thing inside of her locked up tight. She would use her hands, her gun, anything but the caged animal inside her chest, wailing to be set free. Because while they all might trust Coulson, she still didn't trust herself. Not when she barely knew herself anymore, or what she had become. When the Quinjet touched down, Skye took a deep breath, centering herself. She opened her eyes to see May standing in front of her, a gun held out in offering. "Thanks," Skye muttered as she stood and took it, tucking it into her holster. But before she could disembark May gently touched her elbow. "You've got this," she said in her no bullshit tone, the kind that was impossible to ignore. "Coulson wouldn't have approved you for this mission if he didn't think you could handle it." Skye searched May's face, looking for any sign of doubt, but she didn't find any. So she nodded, straightening her spine, and followed the woman out of the jet with the rest of the team. They were on the outskirts of a village deep in the jungle, looking for a group of smugglers of weapons left behind from the Battle of New York. Their mission was to find them, to interrupt their business and take them out if necessary. They were bad people, some of the worst, bent on making the world less safe for anyone. It was also a straight-forward mission, the kind Skye needed after being cooped-up on base for so long. Swallowing back any anxiety she felt, all her nerves, Skye headed into the trees, her teammates chattering in her ear.
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rebellmade · 2 years
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“I sense sadness in you, worm. Sadness that can be cured;; “
“The fact that you say it needs to be cured doesn’t make me feel all that great about your intentions.” Daisy looks up at the specter, ignoring the shiver that runs down her spine at the sight of it. “What do you have in mind?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
open || to anyone
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“    i’m not really a … sexual person.    ”    he’s awkward, and his hands are increasingly restless.     “    sorry-    ”    he breathes with a laugh.    “    that’s the first time i’ve said it out loud. it’s called - it’s called being ace ?? asexual ?? have you heard of it before ??    ”
when daisy received the text from steven asking her to come over so he could discuss something important, she figured he'd found some interesting fact in one of his books that he just *had* to tell her in person. what she hadn't expected was him coming out to her. "i...yeah, i've heard of it before. is this something you've always known? or are you just figuring it out? it's okay if you are, obviously. these kinds of things don't have, like, a timeline."
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rebellmade · 2 years
open starter //
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“    y’know, i never thought i’d be saying this. but i– i miss marc and jake.    ”     they had been quiet for a while, probably buried in a blackout, and whilst neither of them had methods to steven’s taste, it had been rough going through that without them. he was bruised, a little bit breathless, and he was fairly certain he had a concussion. and maybe a twisted ankle. eh. he’d be fine !! his bed was soft. that was the main thing. soft bed. could just … fall asleep. here. yeah. good plan.
“umm, hello?” kate had been on her way out after visiting a friend when she noticed the open door down the hall. normally her face would have been buried in her phone, but it had died an hour ago because she’d forgotten to charge it. again. so she saw the open door, heard a faint voice inside. biting her lip, she peered inside and saw a man laying face-down on his bed, his shoes still on. oooh, this was a bad idea, but what if something was really wrong? “are you alright?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
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it doesn’t take a genius to work out what she was getting at. and marc’s immediate reaction was no. he wouldn’t subject anyone to khonshu, if he could help it. one of the few things that harrow is right on is that he’s abusive. and the only thing that seemed worse than khonshu having control over him, aside from layla, was khonshu making someone like daisy his avatar. the answer was no. although …
“    it’s not my decision, and if it was, i wouldn’t put you through that.    ”     and this is typical marc. protecting the people around him, even if it meant a bit of self sacrifice.     “     look, i appreciate it, daisy, but i know how khonshu works. okay ?? i’m the best person for the job. let’s stop ammit, then we can figure all of this out after. sound like a deal ??    ”
daisy doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t see any other way, either. and who knows? there’s nothing saying khonshu won’t honor the deal. that he won’t leave marc and steven alone so they can figure out their life together, without a god of vengeance getting in the way. so after a moment daisy nods, flexing her fingers at her side.
“fine. but if that pigeon gets any kind of idea about double-crossing you? he’ll have to deal with me.” somehow. even though she can’t hear khonshu, or see him. one way or another, she’ll make sure he regrets thinking he can pull one over on marc.
“so: how are we stopping this?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
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“    weighing all of this up to the lives of millions that will end if arthur harrow gets his way ?? it’s a no brainer.    ”     and whatever advantage khonshu had on him, whatever he was saying about layla, or however much marc owes his life to him, he knew that ammit was worse. and this was his choice to at least hang on until all this shit wasn’t an issue anymore.
the problem is that she knows marc is right; they can’t let harrow release ammit. it’ll be judgement on a catastrophic scale, the kind of thing daisy joined shield to stop. but the idea of a god having such control over marc, over steven, doesn’t sit right with her, either.
“would he take another avatar?” she asks quietly, looking just over marc’s shoulder. “not you, not layla. what about someone who already has some power?” finally she drags her gaze to marc, her expression dead serious.
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rebellmade · 2 years
@rebellmade​ cont. from here
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“    there’s a lot more at stake here than just me. alright ?? once we handle what’s going on with ammit, he’ll move on. that’s it, that’s the deal. but right now, we need him. and he needs us.     ”
“he needs you?” the offense is clear in daisy’s voice as she slowly shakes her head. “marc, listen to yourself. he’s an ancient god who took advantage of you when you were dying. he’d say anything to get you to be his avatar. how do you know he’ll move on? how can you even trust him?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
open starter //
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“    i owe khonshu my life, i’m not just going to turn my back on him. you got that ??     ”
“so you’re just going to keep killing in his name, for the rest of your life?” daisy raises a brow at him. “what about steven? i’m sure he doesn’t want to be beholden to some ancient god forever.”
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rebellmade · 2 years
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marc. there’s that name again. the name he’s heard before, and not in the nice way. why do people keep calling him that ?? specifically, why is a person with a gun who had just caused a fucking crash behind him, calling him that ?? bloody hell, this was – this was insane. he shakes his head; a delayed response as he glances, briefly, over to her … but he mostly focuses on the road. all things considered, he’s doing a pretty good job. 
“    i’m– i’m not marc, why are you calling me that ?? i’m steven. steven.    ”    emphasis on the V.     “    who are you ?? ‘cuz at the moment, right, you might seem really epic and that, but you’re just a stranger with a gun in my car. my– not my car. this isn’t even my car. and i can’t drive—- i’ve only had three lessons and quite frankly, the instructor was an arsehole who didn’t know what he was doin’. so if you could – maybe tell me what the hell is going on, that’d be really great !! yeah ??  ”
okay, something is very, very wrong here. it's as if marc has vanished, replaced by someone named steven who has an accent and no idea how they got into this situation. the fact that he doesn't even know her freaks daisy out from than it should, because she's used to dealing with weird situations. but this? this has got to be one of the strangest. "stop the car," she tells him quietly, calmly. they're out of immediate danger and can take the time to focus on whatever the hell is going on with marc - steven - whoever he's calling himself right now. "pull over where you can and just - *stop* freaking out. it's not helping the situation. can you do that for me, steven?" they're not going to get anywhere with her waving the gun around and him having a panic attack while he's driving. they need to stop and assess the situation.
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rebellmade · 2 years
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“     daisy, if you’re offering me food, i’ll take anything. the whole … moon knight shit really takes it outta you.    ”     and he’s not wrong. the power may come from khonshu, but in mental exhaustion alone, putting up with the god is enough to earn something. anything daisy can throw at him, food wise, is appreciated.
“leftovers it is.” she gives him what she hopes is a cheery smile (and not a grimace) before standing and moving over to her fridge. digging out the styrafoam boxes filled with lo mein and rice, daisy sticks them in the microwave to warm up. after a moment she grabs two glasses from her cabinet, and a bottle filled with amber liquid. she pours them each a finger or two, and hands one of the glasses to marc.
“when i was getting used to my powers, i’d get bruises all up and down my arms,” she says, taking a sip of the whiskey. “so i get it. it can really suck.”
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rebellmade · 2 years
@rebellmade​ asked:  “ i’m here, i promise . ” (to marc from daisy via rebellmade bc HE NEEDS LOVE) || meme
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and he laughs. not at her. it’s mostly … out of relief. he misses layla, and frenchie. he even misses steven. even if their life were intertwined, it’s not like they have a good relationship. not yet, at least.       “    thanks. thanks, i uh. i needed to hear that.    ”
she can hear the pain in his voice, the words raw, scraping against his throat. when she leans forward and puts a hand on his knee it’s more to comfort rather than through pity. “do you want something to eat? i’ve got leftover chinese in the fridge. or - something a little more potent than chinese?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
closed starter / bucky for @rebellmade​ (daisy)!
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His mission isn’t too complicated, but it’s DIFFERENT than what it is most of the time. He’s used to shoot his target, to kill them, then to disappear. He’s a ghost. That’s why they keep saying to the soldier. He knows nothing of who he once was. He has flashes sometimes, of course, but it never lasts. Maybe they experiment on him; he can’t be sure, and he can’t say he cares. He’s a weapon to Hydra. It’s his purpose.
However, this time, he’s not here to kill. He’s here to catch someone, to bring her to Hydra. He doesn’t know why; he doesn’t know what makes this girl so special. But he doesn’t have to know that. They never give him much information.
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For now, he’s just waiting for her to show up.
It's rare for them to separate during a mission, but there are so many leads with this one that they all decided it was practical, just this once. They're in each others' ears, of course, a constant chatter back and forth about what they see, who they encounter. Daisy's not sure how she got stuck patrolling the fish market, with its smells and wet floors, but she likes the commotion of it all. Easier for her to slip through and observe without being noticed, just another customer looking for the freshest catch. They'd gotten word of an arm's deal going down, one involving some very dangerous Chitauri artifacts. Where the deal is supposed to go down is vague, hence why they're patrolling different areas of the city. "All quiet here so far," Daisy intones, with Coulson replying much the same. May doesn't check in, but that's to be expected; she likes to keep things completely covert whenever possible. Turning down a new stall, Daisy scans the crowds, watching.
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rebellmade · 2 years
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“    shit, yeah. yeah, i’ll just– drive this really nice bloody care away from the other nice bloody cars that are chasing us and is that a gun, you have a gun ?? why do you have a gun ??   ”    and she fires that gun and steven makes noises that sound a lot like words, but aren’t really. what the hell was happening ?? he takes in the knowledge that he had with that one pillock of a driving instructor and manages to keep the car at the same speed, and somewhat stable. miraculously.    “   i would really like it if you explained— something- anything. and maybe-- stop trying to kill people !!    ”
letting out a slow breath, daisy squeezes one eye shut, aims - bingo. the bullet strikes the tire of the last car chasing them and it veers wildly, crashing into a tree on the side of the road. with the imminent danger taken care of, daisy slides back inside the car to finally address whatever the hell he’s yelling about. “i’m sorry, would you rather they kill us?” daisy looks at him in confusion, though far less than what he wears on his face. “what the hell are you talking about, marc? did you get hit on the head or something?”
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rebellmade · 2 years
so this blog is going over a major overhaul; right now the only character i’m writing as is daisy (skye) johnson. i’ll likely be adding more muses in the future but right now i’ve gotta figure things out before i do!
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