So it goes.....
So it goes…..
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Reckless love is now Inspire Her Life. Did you know that God will leave the ninety-nine to save the one… He sure will. He is able to take your mess and create a message.
The process is oh so worth it. Don’t give up… Give it another try and see how God is able to do it. God is enough!!
1 Peter 5:10
After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and…
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Forgiveness is not turning a blind eye to the offence against your heart and saying “God will take care of you”; the true freedom and power that comes from forgiveness is when in prayer we face the offence, face the pain and trauma that was caused within us, face the person(s) who did it to us and choose to cancel their debt upon our hearts because Jesus chose to cancel ours. THEN we release the…
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The Fall
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Vulnerable and Authentic I’m filled with His Presence to share my encounter with prayer that you will be Encouraged and Inspired.
As I was thinking about my 33rd birthday coming up in only 2 days the Lord took me back and showed me moments of my life.
The Fall…
The day has come and she is born. A day many will remember as she brings light for a dark world. Today she is all grown. A women of God…
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True story by Lilly Rabassa
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4 years ago I battled with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. I was facing three back-to-back failed relationships and ended up a single mother of two. In the end, I had given my life to God bc I had nothing left to lose, I literally had lost it all. This particular night I was reflecting and feeling the pain of turning away from a loved one who had abandoned me.
This was…
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In the Midst of the Storm
In the Midst of the Storm
Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.
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September 2, 2019 As many prepare for the storm I sit and ponder as I have truly not taken any precautionary actions. I was saying to myself you have to be ready but truly I must say I have such a huge sense of peace that it has not allowed me to do anything. I hear the Lord saying you have…
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New Wine Skins
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New Wine Skins
There is an outpouring
There is New Wine
I could not be satisfied with just being healed and delivered. God
wanted to make US whole….
Something needed to be done in my soul. And let me clarify there is always something needing to be done!!!
There is a new wine… who’s ready?
It’s a Process
He will do whatever it takes to get you to that place where He is able to open…
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“So they got up early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe and trust in the LORD your God and you will be established (secure). Believe and trust in His prophets and succeed.””
Who am I?
Who are we?
Who are you?
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“…I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
He will make a way where there seems to be no way. In the toughest of situations, this seems to be God’s specialty. And aren’t you thankful?
God has it all figured out. So we don’t have to worry.
He’s working on our behalf even when we can’t see it all. He has a plan and purpose in whatever we walk through. He can…
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Heaven has endorsed you
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“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Be Free…. don’t allow anyone or anything to hinder the plans God has for you. Not everyone will understand His plan for your life and you have to be ok with that. I remind myself daily that it’s ok not everyone gets it and…
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Block block block
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Writer’s Block, like the law as a mirror, shows me the need for a Savior. I’ve hurt someone by my words again. I’ve wounded someone by not speaking up again. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many hours I spend writing, rewriting, and editing, I can’t be perfect. When I focus on myself – as a writer, in my other vocations, or simply as a human being – I will always be found wanting.
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The enemy is defeated.
The enemy is defeated.
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Have you ever found yourself fighting a battle that has already been won.  I do this often… I waste my energy and the enemy steals my peace. God constantly saying No… Don’t listen STOP and ignore the nonsense block the darts that are being thrown in your direction.  He says it clearly “Don’t give into it”.  Truly, I confess it’s hard as a believer can we even begin to think of the non believer….…
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The Outpouring
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out·pour·ing noun
something that streams out rapidly.
Here we are the second week of 2019 and God could have not shown me more of what He has declared and decreed for this year to be. It’s truly amazing to see how true in fact when you press in and believe God wholeheartedly you see the manifestation of His glory instantly.
Would I have ever thought it to be so true….. I see the…
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Page 1 of 365
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We welcome you 2019 with open arms. God the author of my story (your story as well). He has the pencil in His hand and He has begun to write the best story.
Last seven minutes of 2018 we stood in a circle and declared into existence what we will see in 2019. Promises and Opportunities that we will testify about.
It was different this NYE…. usually we are in the church having a special service.…
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2018 Year of Fulfillment
Ready set go…..
Set goals…. stick to them no matter the odds.
Remove whatever gets in the way that try’s to hinder you from accomplishing and fulfilling that goal from taking place.
2018 I was challenged to read the book Soar by TD Jakes. What can I say… as my Apostle Juan Mendez would say “We Stay Soaring”. Above the storm…
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365th day of 2018
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Farewell 2018…. you have been good to me. Never would have thought I would be saying this today. Each storm, each trial I’m grateful for. I learned so much from it. It made me stronger and greater. You are such a faithful God for my days are numbered.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16
It was all necessary, it was much needed…
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Vision Caster
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This message has been inspired by the Holy Spirit and meant for every vision caster out there. I pray that as you read this message the Holy Spirit illuminates to you and you remain in obedience to what is being illuminated.
God has chosen you to write the vision on the table for a reason. Many have been told to write the vision, many have begun the process and many have advanced as well many…
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It’s a wrap…. another year done and gone. We are about 11 days out 2018 is coming to an end,  I am sitting here thinking to myself when was the last time you opened up your site to type a blog… heavy sigh. Today is a new day!  Let the joy of writing lead strong. 
This morning my amazing husband wakes me up and says I need to share something with you…. he began to weep heavily.  He says God has…
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