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She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell.
Nikita Gill (via thequotejournals)
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Yup. The #REALIST.
Just some words of real shit -
Be careful who you have unprotected sex with.
Be careful who you vent to.
Be careful of how you use the word ‘love.’
Know when to let that shit go.
Be careful who you speak to about your finances. 
Calm down before making decisions in anger.
Some bridges need to be burned.
Know the difference between like, lust and love.
Trust your gut.
Write it down; you’re not gonna remember.
Find an outlet for your stress/anxiety. Run, yoga, drink/smoke in moderation, write, meditate. find something that works for you.
Once it’s on the internet, it’s nachos anymore.
Stop trying to please everyone. It is impossible. Someone will be offended. Someone will be unsatisfied. 
Drink more fucking water. 
Memorize important numbers by heart. Your phone may not always be available.
Love yourself. Learn to if you do not know how. If you put yourself first in all that you do, it will come to you soon. 
Stop caring so much about what people will think and say. Because fuck em. 
Stop lurking through his/her shit. Mind your got damn business and live.
Try to be considerate of how your actions or lack of can affect others. You never know what people may have going on. The inconvenience can cost time, energy and money.
Communication kills assumptions.
Cum often.
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Just some words of real shit -
Be careful who you have unprotected sex with.
Be careful who you vent to.
Be careful of how you use the word ‘love.’
Know when to let that shit go.
Be careful who you speak to about your finances. 
Calm down before making decisions in anger.
Some bridges need to be burned.
Know the difference between like, lust and love.
Trust your gut.
Write it down; you’re not gonna remember.
Find an outlet for your stress/anxiety. Run, yoga, drink/smoke in moderation, write, meditate. find something that works for you.
Once it’s on the internet, it’s nachos anymore.
Stop trying to please everyone. It is impossible. Someone will be offended. Someone will be unsatisfied. 
Drink more fucking water. 
Memorize important numbers by heart. Your phone may not always be available.
Love yourself. Learn to if you do not know how. If you put yourself first in all that you do, it will come to you soon. 
Stop caring so much about what people will think and say. Because fuck em. 
Stop lurking through his/her shit. Mind your got damn business and live.
Try to be considerate of how your actions or lack of can affect others. You never know what people may have going on. The inconvenience can cost time, energy and money.
Communication kills assumptions.
Cum often.
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I do not want people to have high expectations of me and then disappoint.
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Shit happens 🌚🌚🌚🌚
Salty: Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius Shady: Capricorn, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo
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positives to the signs
Aries: your volatility and impulsivity is taken as directness, but your energy and movement comes from your complete trust in your intuition that it's perfect for you - even if it hurts
Taurus: materialism is the only other place you find your home, other than in your closest friends and family. you know they won't leave you when times are tough
Gemini: your socialite nature and constant craving of people stops you from feeling so lonely and split within yourself, you will always be moving towards knowing everyone so you can know both sides of yourself
Cancer: you feel everything deeply, but you are an excellent businesshead and your creativity and follow through for new projects are unparalleled, your strength of emotions make you an unsuspecting dangerous player
Leo: attention seeking and over dramatisation makes up for your need to reach an unrealistic state of perfection, as you strive to get to the ideal state of yourself
Virgo: your attention to detail stops you from over thinking and falling down into a pit of insecurity that is only ever created by your head
Libra: your relationships can cloud level-headed judgement, but you are so wise, just, and merciful, and you are driven equally by yourself as by others, your love for relationships are not weak
Scorpio: your darkness and iciness appears to be dangerous, but you're really just over-loving and self-protective because you can see the darkness so clearly, and you don't want to be hurt
Sagittarius: your lack-of or contrastingly intense direction and expansion only covers your intuitive knowledge of the makeup of the universe, you speak the language of the stars
Capricorn: your intensity and self protection masks a soft and gentle soul, forever incredibly deeply loyal to those who prove themselves
Aquarius: your rebellion covers your fears for humanity and yourself, your independence covers your love for closeness and understanding
Pisces: your aloofness masks your deep connection and bridge with both spiritual and earthly realm, knowing if you get too attached to one, you will become unbalanced and terrified
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“Talking to oneself is a recognized means to learn, in fact, self-speak may be the seed concept behind human consciousness. Private conversation that we hold with ourselves might represent the preeminent means to provoke the speaker into thinking (a form of cognitive auto-stimulation), modify behavior, and perhaps even amend the functional architecture of the plastic human brain. Writing out our private talks with oneself enables a person to “see” what they think, a process that invites reflection, ongoing thoughtful discourse with the self, and refinement of our thinking patterns and beliefs. Internal sotto voice conversations with our private-self provide several advantages, but most people find it difficult to maintain self-speak for an extended period. Internal dialogue must compete with external distractions. Writing allows a person to resume a personal dialogue where they left off before interrupted by outside stimuli. A written disquisition also provides a permanent record that a person can examine, amend, supplement, update, or reject.” 
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
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