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okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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I am a friend to all cats. Yes even the mean ones. They have their reasons.
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something I saw on a walk
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i do this to u
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many problems are caused by the mindset that the world is divided into good people and bad people and the bad people can be "found out" and removed, eventually leading to a utopia containing only good people.
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also absolutely hate when people say "this is set a million years from now and there's still racism and homophobia? #problematic" and then you read it and it's a scathing and concise yet meticulous examination of our current views on race and gender and sexuality. you don't understand what the point of science fiction is. escapism is not the pinnacle of the written form that all genre fiction should aspire to. you're annoying me
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our beloved ancestor
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Bite of the moon
Our socials
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The void appears to be the TVA's Loki dumpster. More Lokis are living in the void than any other being. This also means that Lokis are imperishable.
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Our Loki follows his variants to their dwelling place, listens to their banter and even participates. The entire atmosphere is oddly comforting. The way the Classic Loki talks about his Thor confirms that he's had an exceptionally strong bond with his brother. This Loki had only Thor in his mind as he lived a solitary, unbearable life. This is so different from the kid Loki who somehow managed to kill his Thor.
Our Loki is left baffled as the contradictory lives of his other variants get revealed.
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Only when we observe ourselves as a third person we realise what we truly are. Lokis spending eternity with each other in the void makes each one of them consciously aware of what their deepest desires, strength and weaknesses are. All of them are trying to survive anyhow. And our Loki, who seems to be the closest in his realisation to the Classic Loki, is amused and embarrassed to witness his variants causing chaos while being highly dramatic.
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The kid Loki mentions that every time a Loki, across multiple timelines, tries to fix themselves, ends up getting arrested by the TVA and pruned. So, every single Loki, at some point, goes through the same emotional metamorphosis our Loki has already gone through.
Our Loki, who's always kept his feelings hidden and let his insecurities cloud his thoughts, is no longer afraid of baring his soul to the people he trusts and loves. The way he bonds with Sylvie and other Lokis verify that.
However, the way he initiates a solid long hug, no one even knows after how many years, shows us exactly how much our Loki is emotionally reconstructed.
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The unyielding determination to face Alioth points us towards the metaphor of Loki knowing and believing in his full potential. He's ready to face the last of his inner demons. He knows that the only way out is through.
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The Classic Loki and Sylvie are probably the only other variants our Loki relates the most to. Then again, he seems to have the perfect balance of everything his other variants have had, a perfect symmetry of the good and the bad. That's the reason why he wants to get to the end of it and risk it all to get not only his but also his other variants' lives back.
Our Loki no longer wants to just survive. He wants to live the peaceful life he so rightfully deserves. Even when everything seems futile, that hope alone is enough to show him the way.
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being an adult is just dragging urself kicking and screaming to things that you will enjoy and that will be good for you
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Bats that look like little dumplings while they’re being held by biologists, like if u agree
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Spider Pot, porcelain, 2022
The spider pots and crab pots are more angular than the tentacle pots and tend to look more aggressive and intimidating. These are more complex to make than the tentacle pots as the legs are made of multiple parts and if one breaks off it is far more problematic than losing a single tentacle.
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the traits “likes spooky stuff” and “is a genuine coward” CAN coexist within one person. it’s me i’m in hell
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🥦 Grocery clerks 🥦
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Water snake
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