redailouros · 4 months
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RedAilouros berkonsep dari red panda, red yang berarti merah dan Ailouros yang diambil menurut ahli zoologi Prancis Frederic Cuvier panda merah “Ailurus Fulgens” dan mengatakan itu adalah hewan terindah yang pernah ia lihat dan menamainya dengan Ailurus (yang berasal dari kata yunani “Ailouros” yang berarti kucing dan fulgens yang berarti berwarna api atau bersinar) dari sejarah ini kami mulai menyimpulkan untuk tema konsep yang kami ambil dengan makna, panda yang pemalu seperti kucing tetapi dia bisa bersinar seperti api tanpa kenal malu dia yakin bahwa diirinya bukanlah sosok penyendiri ia adalah panda sejati yang pandai bersosialisasi dan percaya diri. tugas kami disini memberikan yang terbaik untuk membantu kalian keluar dari rasa tidak percaya diri tersebut, mendukung kalian untuk menuju tempat yang lebih nyaman untuk bersosialisasi.
At RedAliouros, we're all about embracing the red panda magic. Inspired by the blazing red color and the name given by French zoologist Frederic Cuvier, we have built a concept around this beautiful creature. Cuvier called the red panda "ailurus fulgens-which is" ailurus "(Greek for cat) and" fulgens "(meaning to shine or fiery). We see a red panda asa perfect blend of shame and brilliance. Just like this cute little cat, you may be kind of quiet, but you have the potential to shine bright and confident. We believe you're not just an introvert; Your social panda is waiting to break free. Our goal here is to help you overcome your self-doubts and find your comfort zone in socializing. We're here to support you build confidence and become the best version of you. Let's light up the world together, like a red panda!
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redailouros · 4 months
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We are the caretaker of Red Ailouros, dedicated to creating a comfortable sanctuary where life flourishes in peace, with which we can encourage you to reveal what you truly are without fear and shame. We want to see you shine and socialize with care.
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redailouros · 4 months
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1. All stars are accepted, but must be a GENRP.
2. Be active, friendly, and can mingle with other OA mates.
3. No CIC. (circle in circle)
4. With a minimum 50 following, max 450 following and minimum of 200 tweets, and actively interacted with mutual and base.
5. Your username and display name should be related to your Muse.
6. We don't accept JFB or opfoll. Please don't retweet the ooc content that doesn't concern your Muse. Use the brackets for mun talk.
7. Max 3 OA & Max 3 SQ, including RedAliouros.
8. Potraiy your muse well. Free to update the character in any way, such as Retweet the post of official accounts.
9. Rated NSFW hours are allowed from 23.00 - 05.00 hours and make sure your muse is legal.
10. Temporary swaping is allowed for 72 in maximum
11. Follow every activity that RedAliouros provides. Tell us if you want to take Hiatus, Move, Change faceclaim or your username, and swap temporarily.
1. Short hiatus by 3 days and long hiatus by 5 days.
2. Changing character a max of 2 times, to move an account or changing an account there are no limits when an account is broken / trouble.
Warning Unverification
1. Being Inactive for 24 hours after verification
2. Inactive for 3 days without reasons
3. No interactions with your OA mates in 2 days (while your acc is active).
4. CIC (circle in circle).
5. Engaged in war both inside and outside oa.
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