redapplechai · 1 year
☽ logging out to create my back up because I got a warning about my blog contents. brb ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
why do they plaster pictures of decaying lungs and health warnings and testimonials and shit on every pack of smokes but they dont do the same for alcohol????
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ I am perpetually confused by all the excuses not to eat people have. Like, for me, if its a favorite food & I haven't binged or hit met - Absolutely going to accept it, then portion control so it fits under my met or limit, or accept it and pack it for the next day. BUT, if I binged, I'm over met/budget, or I don't like the food- Sorry, no, but thanks that's so sweet of you; or, I don't really like that food/texture/flavor/etc; or, I'm not hungry thanks for offering though.☾
☽ Because, when I come up with 1,000 excuses to not eat I actually binge way more. And maybe its adult privilege & high res privilege, but people don't ask why I'm not eating/why I eat so little. it's suspicious as hell to say I've got stomach ache & then the next day, I ate a big lunch & the day after that I'm eating with a friend. Whereas, straightforward just politely turning down food may also be a little suspicious to the people who know I've got eating issues, but if you're polite & straightforward I've learned most people are less likely to comment on it. ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ Fell asleep waiting for the kitchen to be cleared out. I still haven't exercised longer than 10 minutes, & I am not eating right after waking up, so I gotta go exercise & I guess I'm eating 8-9 am to 2 pm today. ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
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More mealspo I found<3 🌷
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redapplechai · 1 year
looking for those old "this is not a meal" slideshows on tiktok and using them for mealspo...im up to extremely scandalous activities
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redapplechai · 1 year
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redapplechai · 1 year
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mealsp0 <3
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ Started exercise but about 1.5 mins into stretching someone came into the kitchen for water & now I'm waiting to be sure the coast is clear & listening to my subliminals so I'm at least doing something aside from doom scrolling Tumblr. ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
decided to do my measurements on the 1st day if the month instead of the last, & I was worried that from july 24 (day account opened) to August 01 (today, obviously) I wouldn't have any progress & I was blown away! What a difference 7 lbs/3.2 kg makes!
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redapplechai · 1 year
Current fav mealspo ~☆
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redapplechai · 1 year
I am not a gym rat now, current focus is on walking, barre, yoga, & pilates - none of which are very high burn but are great for slimming down & preventing loose skin. BUT, I am working up to that for when I hit my ugw.
I wanna be the girl who goes to spin class at 6 am & gets green juice with my besties after. I wanna go on runs through the park and participate in marathons. I wanna ride my bike everywhere instead of walking or getting a ride in the car. I want to learn martial arts & boxing. I wanna get into parkour. I wanna progress from barre to actual ballet, do pilates in the gym confidently, & join a yoga studio.
I want to spend 4-5 hours a day doing exercises, & still juggle a job & school & responsibilities - while making it look easy. Once I get the dainty fairy body I long for, I wanna keep it, but also gain muscles & stregth. I want to be the aesthetic athletic skinny girl. I want to be flawless & effortless.
Are there any athletes/gym rats on here? People who suck at restricting so they eat as clean as possible and hit the gym everyday and keep the cals as low as they can.
That’s actually how I lost most of my weight. It started with just going to the gym/playing soccer and eating healthy and slowly led to eating as little as I could while still being able to workout.
I know a lot of y’all do home workouts but are there any people here who lift , run , swim or any do sports?
I feel like a lot gym rats/athletes have ED’s but idk if they use tumblr since most of them don’t really see it as an ED.
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ August, my love. The end of the summer, the beginning of fall, school comes back, all the stores start carrying autumn scents, Halloween decorations start drifting onto the shelves & then are here all at once, apple trees start dropping fruit, pumpkins come to the stores, my thrift store rearranges the shelves so the sweaters & jeans are on the racks, and as the summer seasonal depression leaves I stop struggling with binges & laziness. Ah my favorite season has arrived. ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ Happy Autumn! Who's ready for ana autumn? ☾
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redapplechai · 1 year
“i’m in kind of a weird mental place right now” i say, as if there are times when i am not in a weird mental place
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redapplechai · 1 year
It’s so hard to not eat a lot when you’re home the whole day, you can’t walk around outside because of weather and you don’t have any hobbies!!!
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redapplechai · 1 year
☽ Lunar rhythm eating is so fascinating! I like to call it the werewolf diet in my head. Lunar rhythm fasting/eating is a type of intermittent fasting based around the moon phases, that combines 5:2 & 16:8 fasting.
You eat from around 6 am - 2 pm & you fast/restrict on the four major moon phases (full, new, first & last quarter/half moons) & mondays; OR the eight major/minor phases (full, new, first & last quarter/half moons, waxing/waning crescent/gibbous midway between the major phases). I am debating doing a combination, 8 phases + mondays, but I can barely restrict properly let alone fast 12 days a month yet.
You eat more around the full moon (which I already do because of the monthlies) & less as you approach the new moon. (which, again, i already do!) You keep your diet rich & healthy, allowing for snacks/treats in careful moderation, & your last meal is recommended to be simple. (A fruit mono would be a great choice.)
I'd have to adjust my waking schedule so I was up by no later than 3 am, so I could exercise before, & go to bed by 9-10 pm, definitely no later than midnight. I'd sleep three to six hours; five or six is ideal for me, I can function on less if I get a nap around mid day (at 2 pm, right after dinner basically). If I could be nocturnal I'd be set for life but, alas, I am trapped by responsibilities for the foreseeable future.
It's literally perfect for me, I just have to change my current sleeping schedule or I risk binge eating because I am eating too early after waking up/without exercise first. Honestly, I think I should just go for it, try it for the rest of this week. At worst, I waste a couple days binge eating & give up on the 6-2 schedule, with plenty of time to lose weight this month. At best, I adopt a perfect eating schedule for restriction, & annoy all of my family members. Which is a bonus, not a problem. ☾
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