reddie1234 · 2 years
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Normalize Eddie making fun of Richie’s taste in fashion 
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reddie1234 · 2 years
One line any fic! Rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
I was tagged by @glorious-spoon and I am a Reddie slut through and through so that's what y'all are getting (with one or two exceptions)! I picked slightly at random as far as fics, so I hope you enjoy!
Some of these are vaguely NSFW, so be awareeeeee!
now let me at the truth (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“The man stabbed you first, so sounds to me like you did good there,” her hands shake but her voice is steady and light. “And Rich’ll be back. He wouldn’t leave us.” She nods, as if trying to convince herself, too. 
“You’d know, you’re his best friend,” Eddie says, hissing at the shock of pain as Bev applies the cream. Bev scoffs and lightens her touch.
“You’re kidding, right?” She gets the needle ready and takes a breath, all with a smile. Eddie thinks perhaps he abandoned his signature anger too soon. 
“Hmm?” he asks, the pain of speaking getting to be too much. Bev puts her hands up, a passive warning that the needle is coming. Eddie closes his eyes. 
“You’re Richie’s best friend, Eddie,” she says, sticking the needle into the skin of his cheek. Tears sting at the corner of Eddie’s eyes and he grips the bedspread tightly. “You don’t see the way he looks at you?”
2. High On You (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“We can take it down a notch, if you need. Want you to live the stoned night of your dreams, Eds.” 
Eddie snorts, climbing onto the bed, lube in hand. 
“Oh, don’t think you’re getting out of it that easy, Tozier.” He pours some on his hands, afraid the thick feel of Richie’s fingers could set him off. 
“Your idea of easy almost killed me. You just put a plug in me after eating me out for an eternity. I’m still not sure how I haven’t blacked out.” 
3. the night we met (take me back) (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“Y’okay, bud?” he says, and Eddie blinks once, giving his head a shake. Richie feels gradual breathing stretch out Eddie’s lungs, ribs expanding under his hand. 
“Yeah, just,” Eddie clears his throat, gesturing to the room where all the Losers are meandering about, “overwhelming at first. When we’re all together.” Richie nods, patting gently at his back. 
“Indeed, my good sir, these fellows are a lot—”
“Please don’t do the British one.”
“—but they’re some of the finest— ow!” Richie stops, hissing in pain when Eddie smacks his knee, hard.
“Stop it,” Eddie says, eyeing him. “Don’t pretend like you’re not also freaking out.” Richie fidgets in his seat. 
4. Suddenly You're Mine (IT: Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon)
The way Bill listens when Mike talks is so intent it’s like a warm hand holding tight around his heart. All Mike can offer back is a comforting hand on Bill’s shoulder while he talks right back. 
“I never stuck around in any place long enough to make friends,” Bill says, fidgeting fingers around a cooling cup of tea. Mike palms at his knee, bony and bare, peeking out from the blanket covering the both of them in bed. “Developed the stutter when we moved to Germany. It still pops up sometimes, even though my parents spent a fortune on speech therapy.” 
Mike shrugs. “I think it’s kinda cute.” 
“Oh my god.” Bill sprawls onto his back. It feels like an invitation, so Mike crawls over him. 
5. Lumber Jack Me Off (IT: Eddie/Richie)
He smooths fingers through the hair Richie’s arms and his face and it gets in Eddie’s mouth when they slide their tongues together and when they break apart to breath he reaches up to pull at the gorgeous gathering of it on Richie’s chest. It’s overwhelming and fucking sexy. 
Richie is a good kisser, but when his hands drag a path down Eddie’s own t-shirt to arrive at his belt, Eddie freezes. 
“I don’t have to,” Richie says, kindly, and that makes Eddie want it even more. Who the fuck is he? Is this what Bev meant when she said he might surprise himself? Because this is definitely surprising. 
Eddie nods. 
6. your beauty must be rubbing off (IT: Richie/Eddie/Ben)
"Can I throw something out there?” he asks. Ben and Eddie both grunt encouragingly. “Could we- could we make sure this doesn’t, like, fuck anything up?” 
Eddie hand quickly finds his other thigh. 
“Of course not, Richie,” Eddie says. Ben hums.
“Yeah, man, we’ll always be friends. And if it gets too weird, or if it starts too weird, we can always stop.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, fiercely. Richie kind of wants to cry. Classic mood-killer. He breathes through it and focuses on the feel of warm palms holding at his legs.
7. The One With the Prom Video (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“I don’t have a ticket, dad,” young Richie says. Went blows air through his teeth.
“Eddie’s got two tickets, who cares who uses them? He paid for them, right?” 
Maggie laughs from behind the camera. “Always the opportunist.” 
Everyone back in Bev and Ben’s living room are silently glancing around, clearly confused, but not wanting to alert Richie in the box. Eddie feels frozen. The young version of himself, if he remembers correctly, is still rocking back and forth in that chair, totally clueless that the boy he’s crushed on for, realistically, and unknowingly, years, is actually thinking about white-horsing it in a dusty old suit and saving the night.
8. Can't We Just Talk? (IT Miniseries: Richie/Eddie)
“That was much more pleasant than you made it out to be,” Eddie tells him as they climb into the car, and Richie stops to stare at the roof of his convertible.
“Damn that last glass of wine or I’d have us feeling the wind in our hair the whole way home.”
Eddie groans. “I can’t decide if that would be lovely or completely disastrous.” 
“Ah, my favorite spot: the gray area,” Richie snorts, nixing it to swing back into the car alongside Eddie. “But unless you’ve got a whole can of something in that gorgeous mop, it’d probably tend toward the latter.” He reaches out to tousle the hair in question, and it gives easily. Eddie does, too, swaying with the touch. 
9. Whipping It Out (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“Listen, Eddie,” Richie says, sitting up in his seat, “I’m really sorry I… I threw that on you, man. We can wait til we get back to your place to talk. I just didn’t expect the waterfall of dick pics, alright?”
“I’m into you too,” Eddie says, matter-of-factly. “I was going to tell you on this trip.” He looks down at the crumpled picture of his cock shoved between his seat and the console. “I didn’t plan the waterfall.”
Richie starts to smile, and Eddie wants to touch him so badly his fingers twitch.
“If this is your seduction technique, you should really try better quality pictures,” Richie says, twisting a picture to the side and squinting.
Eddie scoffs. “It worked.”
10. Praise For the Morning (Our Flag Means Death: Edward Teach | Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet)
Stede breaks off to strip them both of their clothes, his fingers nimble and quick, skilled and spreading apart fabric like he’s on a mission. Ed is breathless in the face of it, letting himself be led and liking it. He’s already hard before he’s fully naked, and then Stede is toppling them both onto the couch, the luxurious glide of their skin breaking a moan from each of them.
“You’re amazing,” Stede growls into his neck, kissing, biting, writhing their hips together until he beckons another shaking whine from Ed. He insinuates himself fully between Ed’s legs, and Ed takes the opportunity to wrap his legs around Stede’s middle, feeling like a blushing maiden but hardly caring. Stede’s kisses are all-encompassing. Stede’s touch is blisteringly hot. Fingers and thumbs and palms slide and push and press and they rock, pricks dripping onto their stomachs until Stede jolts up and fists both of them in his hand. “So hard,” he mumbles, as if he doesn’t know he’s saying it.
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it, and @tthael, @tinyarmedtrex, @stitchyarts, @pineapplecrushface and @skeilig!!
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reddie1234 · 2 years
Richie: *sniffs* mmm, Eds, is that a new perfume?
Eddie: that’s mosquito spray-
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reddie1234 · 2 years
ao3 writers be like "sorry if its out of character i wrote this for myself when i was half asleep" and then its the most beautiful well thought out character analysis youve ever read
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reddie1234 · 2 years
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starin’ at your crush comics 
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reddie1234 · 2 years
I like to think of Steve relying on Eddie as his nerd interpreter when the conversation starts to get over his head. Instead of having to ask the kids what a lycanthrope is, he just kind of sidles over and gives a "???" look to Eddie who leans in and whispers a quick explanation without making him look dumb to everyone. This works great when the subjects under discussion are related to Eddie's hobbies and interests but sometimes they turn more academic, because these kids are science nerds as well as science fiction nerds, and when he "???"s at Eddie, Eddie whispers, "Super flattered you think I might know, but remember my grades are worse than yours." Then he takes the bullet for Steve by asking the dumb question out loud so he can hear the answer too.
On one occasion Lucas makes a sports analogy, Eddie looks baffled and doesn't even have time to look for Steve before he's whispering to him all excited because he can finally help him back.
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reddie1234 · 2 years
Eddie posts a video where he tells Steve that some people on the internet think that Steve’s more badass than him. Steve is like, “Yeah. Because I am.”
Eddie: That’s not true
Steve: Ed, you don’t even crack the top five most badass people we know.
Eddie: Uh, I preformed live on stage with Judas Priest. Who is more badass than me?
Steve: Nancy
Eddie: Besides her
Steve: El. Hopper. Will. Joyce went Russia. Me. Max. Lucas is badass. Dustin, too. Jonathan Byers! You ever see Robin work through her anxiety? That takes strength.
Eddie: Am i the top of anything? Besides you.
Steve, unamused: You top the leader board of dumbest decisions anybody has ever made when you decided not to follow the plan in ‘86
Eddie: Psh, not like I died.
Steve: You did die! For three minutes. I had to do CPR. You were in the hospital for a month!
Eddie, calling after Steve when he walked away: Wait, you didn’t say Mike. You think I’m more badass than Mike? Only Mike?
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reddie1234 · 2 years
Nancy: excuse me she asked for no pickles
Robin: <3
Jonathan, high as hell: excuse me he asked for….. for?
Argyle: no pickles my dude
Jonathan: no pickles yeah
Eddie: excuse me he asked for extra pickles
Steve: NO I DID NOT 
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reddie1234 · 2 years
argyle is the person you want on your team in an apocalypse
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COOKING skills
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GUYS????? argyle needs to and will hopefully become an integral, ESSENTIAL member of the big kids gang. he knows so much and this is only addressing his survival skills
in THIS HOUSE, we love argyle!!!
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reddie1234 · 2 years
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sports talk (with lucas and bipanic!steve)
this got a lot of attention on twitter! hope it will receive a great amount of love here too!
i'd like to think that Lucas and Steve would get along pretty well! and Lucas being comfortable about his sexuality with his friends is my favorite!
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reddie1234 · 2 years
When Mike is jealous it's comedic, comical, hilarious, awkward, you can see the jealousy eating him alive and it's funny because we know Will likes no one more than him.
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But when Will is jealous?
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Devastating, painful, heartbreaking, emotionally damaging, depressing, sobbing, crying, throwing up.
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reddie1234 · 2 years
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reddie1234 · 2 years
this comic, but as a video (on tiktok)
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reddie1234 · 2 years
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(Insert stranger things opening theme)
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reddie1234 · 2 years
People trying to flirt with Richie, and Eddie seething next to him. He hates it. And he only has a short time to feel insecure before the dude asks ‘so who’s this guy.’
And Richie suddenly looks way more invested in the conversation he was dragged in to. He has a huge dorky grin, and he’s looking at Eddie with this overwhelming look of adoration. “That’s my husband,” like it’s the most unbelievable shit, like it’s unimaginable that he’d have ever bagged Eddie.
And the guy looks confused, and Eddie knows it’s bc he probably thinks Richie’s being intense or overcompensating, and it brings a flush to Eddie’s face when he remembers that that’s just how Richie looks at him a handful of times a day
But Richie doesn’t see it like that, that’s not how he takes the look. “I know, man. I’m just as shocked as you are that he settled for me,” Richie laughs when Eddie elbows him - he doesn’t care if it’s getting somebody to fucking stop flirting with his husband, he won’t stand for Richie talking about himself like that.
Idk Richie probably starts talking about Eddie like somebody talks about their favourite TV show
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reddie1234 · 2 years
I think it’d be really great, personally, if Steve one day dressed like he used to just to fuck with everyone, only for Eddie to absolutely love it.
I’m talking the ridiculously high and over-gelled hair, super preppy shirt with a little preppy collar, and khakis. The whole suburban goodie-goodie ‘I’ll have your daughter home by 8′ experience. The King Steve™ chic. 
The kids all howl when they see him. Dustin pretends to gag. Max asks if Steve lost a bet. Mike appears seconds from a breakdown, because the last time he saw Steve like this was when he was dating his sister, and lord help him if that headache returns to his life. It’s pure pandemonium. Robin cracking joke after joke between her loud, wheezy laughs doesn’t help, either. 
The only one who seems to be without a snarky comment is Eddie, because while he does agree with the peanut gallery that this version of Steve looks way-too-stuffy and borderline dorky, it’s also the version he originally fell for. He watched this Steve command the halls of Hawkins High and pined after him with reckless teenage abandon. He grew up knowing nothing ever could possibly happen between him and someone dressed like that, but still secretly dreaming about it when pre-calc got too confusing or Gareth’s rants about his little sister ventured into boring territory. This Steve had hooked Eddie from the start. This Steve had been his teenage dream.
So, when Steve saunters up to Eddie in his khakis and stuffy shirt, gazing up at him with the tender eyes of the newer, softer, caring Steve Eddie’s come to know and secretly love, asking for his opinion? Well, Eddie doesn’t quite feel like keeping his feelings secret anymore. Instead of commenting on his clothes, Eddie chooses to rumple them in his fist and pull Steve impossibly close to plant the very same passionate kiss he dreamed of delivering in high school to his lips. 
Imagine Eddie’s delight when, soon after, he finds the new Steve, his Steve, smiling back as if the kiss were his high school dream, too.
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reddie1234 · 2 years
sluttiest thing a man can do is lean on something
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