redeemedqueen · 1 year
@redeemedsoutlaw continued from x | “ with your lips on mine there's less bullshit coming out of it, so i guess there's that. ”
A brow rose and lips curved. “You don’t have to find an excuse to kiss me again, your majesty.” It was too hard to pass up the opportunity to tease. Ever since the night heightened frustration led to tangled bodies something changed. Cracks of who the mother of his son truly was began to shine through. “This bullshit may have saved your skin.” Angry townsfolk had come for blood and left emptied handed. Regina may have been the Evil Queen but she was still the mother of his son. “But if you’d like the bullshit to stop by all means.” He smirked.
"Ah, there’s that bullshit again,” Regina sneered, standing firm in place with her arms crossed as she glared at the man who might have just saved her life. “You think so highly of yourself, don’t you? Do you really think I want to kiss you again?” she mocked, shaking her head in disbelief at the audacity of that man. True, they did share some very... heated, passionate moments, but it meant nothing then. Or did it...? She thought she was only using him for her benefits but Regina would only lie to herself if she thought being near Robin hadn’t stirred something in her. Something she thought was lost long ago. But everything was different now. The curse was broken, truths revealed, and nothing in Storybrooke has been the same. Regina was no longer only the mother of Robin’s son, she was the Evil Queen and everyone in town knew that. Including Robin. He was the Savior and just as predicted, he destroyed everything she worked so hard to build. And now Regina was powerless in this realm. So powerless, that she was ashamed to admit these idiot townspeople could have taken her down if it wasn’t for Robin’s interference. “Why did you save me?” she asked. “It would be so easy for you to let these people kill me, so you could have Roland all to yourself. Wasn’t that your goal all along? Play pretend family with my son? The son I’ve raised and loved for his entire life while you were... God knows where!”
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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Kbet’s Forever Faves | Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time)
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
It was surreal to be kneeling before Regina Mills asking to spend their lives together. Many of nights were spent dreaming of this exact moment. Their life before the breakdown was bliss and after the intrusion of Cora turned tragic. For many evenings the attorney sat dissecting time together in an attempt to find where he went wrong only to prevail further into the dark. By no means had Robin Locksley been the perfect boyfriend but he tried. Anything to provide a safe, stable, loving home for the woman had been met. Their happiness turned sad swiftly stealing the breath from Robin. In a split second Regina was packing bags and running out the door located directly to his left. Dreams of a future together washed down the drain the moment Regina was spotted with a brilliant smile on the arm of Graham. Bitterness rolled in nausea knowing that illusive smile was one previously only directed his way. The time apart forced growth in every facet of life leading to a stronger more intelligent man. FATE was not done with the couple which is what led their current positions.
The agony of waiting never presented as Regina answered the question quicker than expected. A brow arched over his left eye and lips twitched to a lopsided smile. They were finally in the same chapter on the right line. Fingers pulses around the hand held as a reply to the expeditious response. YES. A wave of emotions crashed into the man eliciting tears in blue eyes, racing heart and unsteady breaths. There was no uncertainty on the response Regina would give after watching her walk about with their former engagement ring wrapped around her finger but nerves had still festered. A beat was taken to secure this moment to memory. Everything needed to be remembered. There was no pomp and circumstance surrounding the question or commemoration scheduled for after yet everything felt right. Right person right time.
Laughter pushed free as the ring was finally slipped upon Regina’s left hand ring finger with attentiveness. Blue hues watched every centimeter taken before the band came to rest in the perfect place. The lopsided smile grew tenfold before the newly decorated hand was pulled to lips for a chaste kiss. “It’s perfect.” Attentions were turned back to the woman’s eyes to finish thoughts. “You’re perfect.” There was no urgency to rise so Robin did so at his own pace releasing his hold on her as he did so. “We’re perfect.” Hands lazily reached out to graze her hips before applying just enough pressure to bring Regina a step closer. “It’s always been you.” No woman would ever compare to the one at fingertips. No woman would ever be considered. This moment defined the rest of their lives. Knowing they would soon embark on a journey none could break swelled his heart and quickened bloodflow. Forever. Legal proceedings and a ceremony would need to solidify Regina’s response but these would come later. The weight of an engagement was not to be taken lightly by either party yet it felt the easiest transitioned they had made so far. This was meant to be.
It did not go without notice Regina had worn the previous ring for sometime. These days could have led to a connection to the former engagement ring Robin did not have. The choice wasn’t one he should make on his own which is what prompted the following statement. “If you prefer the other ring I don’t mind.” The new one was larger but both very fitting for the recipients personality. “Or if you would like to wear both you’ve more than enough fingers.” 
What Regina found more difficult in this moment than forcing herself to keep quiet and let Robin propose the right way this time, was controlling herself not to throw herself at him and kiss Robin senseless. He took his time as he slipped the ring on her finger, he took his time once it was perfectly placed where it belonged, at last, and he took his time as he kissed her hand and slowly rised up. He wanted to cherish the moment, and so did Regina. In no way she was perfect as he claimed. Regina Mills was a flawed person. A flawed woman who broke the love of her life's heart once before and left a deep scar for them both. But they were perfect, indeed. They were perfect together, despite past heartaches and turbulences, and Regina's smile grew wider and brighter to hear these words. It was them now, about to start - already started - something magical together, and this time there were no doubts about this step. As Regina took a step closer, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, so caught up in the moment, so caught up with him. "I know," she breathed into the small space between them with a gentle smile as he confessed it's always been her. She knew that, a long time ago already. It was her she had doubts about. Was she ready to be Robin's everything back then? She thought she wasn't... that he deserved better. It took losing it all to realize it wasn’t true. “I think... part of me knew all along that it will always be you or nothing for me,” she muttered. “I just wish it didn’t take me so long to realize that.” Now that she had it again, Regina was going to embrace it and never let go.
When Robin spoke of the rings, Regina took a moment to look at the new ring he just placed on her finger. God, it was gorgeous! It was bigger than the first, but it felt like there was no weight to it, at all. It was the ease and certainty that made it feel so light. Maybe it had a psychological effect on her, but knowing this ring was a symbol of their new beginning, marking the start of another chapter in their relationship, Regina could swear that the new ring was even more beautiful than the other! She still had a soft spot for the first ring, she had since the moment she found it, but Regina didn't hesitate when she gave Robin her answer. “No.” She gently shook her head with a soft chuckle at the idea of having enough fingers for both rings. Having two engagement rings was a nice thought, but not what she wanted. “You’re right, that ring..." She glanced at the counter where the first ring was left. "I love it, both of them, they’re... god, they’re perfect, thank you. But that ring doesn’t come without a... massive baggage... we need a fresh start. We deserve it.” The reminder of their past would always hover over them. They didn’t need the extra baggage on top of it. There was something fresh, pure and symbolic with a new ring. It was their new beginning. They were getting married and expecting a baby, that was one hell of a future to look for! Reaching out to rest her palm against Robin's cheek, Regina beamed at the thought. "I can't wait to be your wife, you know that?"
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
Standing in the middle of a bar midday was a proper testament to the parenting skills of Rowan Oxley. The owner of the establishment could praise him all she wishes but at the end of the day a nanny had been chosen to watch his offspring and failed. If Rowan was more attentive to the ongoings of the hired help they may not be standing here. It also went without saying the child chose to ignore boundaries laid down by both father and nanny which showed the cracks in parenting. The single father was thankful Roni was a patient warm hearted individual or this could have ended may ways one of which could have been losing custody. Thinking of a life without Wren twisted every organ unpleasantly. Eyes remained focused on the child as several scenarios played out in his mind each one worse than the one before. Roni’s voice brought Rowan back to reality.
Lips curved upward as a menu was plucked from the center of the table and ink scribble across. This turn of events was a pleasant surprise. Warmth pulsed within as laughter escaped. “I’m quite certain I can handle anything you throw my way, milady.” The offered menu was quickly laid back down on the table top so Rowan could program it directly into his mobile device. Too many films had phone numbers lost to the elements and he didn’t wish to reenact any. Once the digits were entered the menu was folded up and placed in the back pocket of jeans just in case. The playful gleam still twinkled in eyes as heart hammered and stomach delightfully lurched. It had been some time since Rowan found interest in another which was both exhilarating and terrifying. This woman had an unexpected edge encasing from what he could tell was a large warm heart. She was an enigma wrapped in a riddle he wished to solve and truthfully unwrap. He would be lying if he didn’t admit physical attraction.
How he wished the offered drink could be obliged in this moment. The scare of the day needed something to take the edge off but doing so in the company of such a stunning woman would sooth all worries away. Alas there wasn’t time to indulge in selfish pleasure which is one of the woes of being a single father. You have my number now... only one response came to mind. “I do.” It didn’t escape how many octaves his tone dropped in reply. A nervous swallow followed thankfully after Roni had left him alone. Years passed since serious flirtations presented. There had been others on the receiving end of playful charms but none worthy of backing up desires. Rowan was befuddled on how to proceed with someone there was an actual interest in.
“Thank you.” The coffee was taken with great care to avoid brushing fingers. If they touched Rowan would find a way to spend more time in the establishment which wasn’t appropriate with a young child. Glancing in the young Oxley’s direction a smile took lips despite the heart-attack she inflicted just hours prior. He really was a lucky man to have such a bright daughter. “Wren, gather your things and say goodbye. We need to be on our way.” Once he took note of the child following orders he turned back to the bar keep. Her next words were peculiar eliciting furrowed brows. The offer to aid in babysitting wasn’t what stunned him. He quickly injected a reply before they could move further. “I have NO right to question your capabilities or responsibilities. You have taken care of Wren and kept your business running without fail. Questioning your skills never arose.” Words were said firm but soft to make known the truth behind. A hand quickly reached out to cup her elbow to keep bodies close as he continued. The shock of something throughout his body when fingers met bare skin was ignored for the time being. “Please know your chosen profession is not one of irresponsibility. You run a successful establishment that seems to be quite popular which entails a friendly personality and willingness to listen to others. You are over qualified to be a nanny. I will never be able to repay you for what you’ve done this afternoon. I am incredibly grateful you are the person who found Wren.”
As if on cue the young girl made herself known by wrapping an arm around Roni’s leg trying to give a hug of thanks. Thank you, Roni! Burst gleefully from little lips as brown eyes looked up at the woman. It was clear Wren had taken to the woman and Robin could not blame the child a bit. The scene before him almost washed away the agitation from prior behaviors. Almost. “Ah I see what’s going on here….” He drew out with a grin while looking at his daughter. “This nice lady only gave me her number to spend more time with YOU.” Rowan leaned down just enough to playfully poke at his daughters side before scooping her up off the ground. “I suppose my excitement was wrongfully placed.” He teased as he glanced over to Roni with a smirk. “I do believe it’s time for us to take our leave. I hope we meet again soon.” Fingers itched to brush Roni’s soft skin again but kept to his side as things were gathered. With great reluctance the Oxley’s headed out of the bar and towards their home.
A need to make it known an open line for any communication was open. When they arrived home and Wren went to put things away Rowan sent a quick text to the captivating woman they just met. Should I save your number as Wren’s Favorite in my mobile? I’m certain I can make myself scarce if the two of you ever wish for privacy. A playful tease leaving the door open for most anything or allowing Roni the opportunity to shut the door entirely. After adding a smirk emoji the send button was pressed, phone locked up and left on the kitchen counter. It was time for a long conversation with his daughter about this day.
Roni cracked a smile and said nothing as Rowan promised he could handle anything she’d throw his way, and didn’t even hesitate as he immediately inserted her number into his phone. Whether he was being cocky or just over confident in himself, she wasn’t sure yet, but the bar owner was very eager to find out. While it was true that Roni grew to despise these kinds of men, Rowan wasn’t like any of them, she knew it from the second she saw him. If there was one thing Roni was confident in, it was her ability to read people. Not that it did her any good before, she still made some bad choices in the past but walked right into them with her eyes wide open. Whatever might happen with the man, Rowan wouldn’t be one of those mistakes. She hoped. 
It flattered her not to be judged and hear that Rowan thought she was over qualified to be a nanny, but reality showed her that she was, apparently, extremely underqualified to care for a child. Maybe she should have told him that. If Rowan was going to consider her offer for babysitting seriously, shouldn’t he know that the state refused to put a child in her care? Why would a man she just met trust her enough to leave his child in her care again once he knew about it? A lot had happened since, though. Roni wanted to believe she was a different person today, a better person. She could come clean and tell Rowan about that part of her past. If it changed the first impression she left on him, so be it. He was still just a stranger to her, and far beyond her league. Maybe she wouldn’t even hear from him again and she’d never have to tell him any of that. Roni’s mind was so ahead of itself, she was probably overthinking about this whole situation. Rowan had her number now, he knew where she worked. There was no reason to jump ahead. If he ever contact her, it would be a very pleasant turn of events, and if she’d never hear from him again, well... it would be disappointing... disappointing, but it wouldn’t be Roni’s first or last disappointment in life. For now, she simply thanked Rowan for his kind words.
Even if she wanted to confess of her past, the little girl chose that very moment to make an appearance again and she ran over to give Roni a hug and thank her, melting Roni’s heart and making it even harder for her to say goodbye now. Roni raised a brow, smirking at Rowan’s words as the man scooped the child off the ground. “I guess you’ll have to call the nice lady to figure it out,” she made a final tease before she tapped Wren’s nose with her finger. “Be a good girl for your dad, yeah?” she reminded her, after Roni explained to her earlier that she should never take off on her own, no matter who looked after her, because her dad would be worried sick for her if she disappeared again.
It was difficult to take her mind off Rowan and Wren after they parted ways. Roni really wished she’d see them again. Was it crazy to even consider going to the police station and ask officer Rogers for Rowan’s number if she didn’t hear from him? God. Yes, completely crazy and not to mention, desperate.
Roni’s phone buzzed in her back pocket as she organized the alcohol supply at the bar. It only took a moment to realize the unknown texter that appeared on her screen was no other than Rowan himself, and that brought an immediate smile to her face. She almost giggled like a smitten girl as she read his text. For god’s sake, what did this man do to her? Roni finished unpacking the last couple of bottles and put them in place before she decided to take a break.
Such a tempting offer. You do have the most adorable girl. She quickly typed back, now that she was in a more private area near the bar. But make no mistake, this nice lady actually did give you her number because she was hoping to spend some time with you, too. Roni sent it without much of a thought and smiled to herself before she continued to type. If you’re still interested in hearing those inappropriate things I spoke of. Adding a winking emoji, she hit the send button again. Roni saved Rowan’s number into her device as she sat back in her seat. Nothing to do but to wait now. It was hard to believe she even heard from him, and so soon after he left! Maybe she wasn’t the only one so eager for more after their chance meeting.
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All: [24/?]
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen
Once Upon a Time (2011) | 1.11 - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
@redeemedsoutlaw continued from x | “ i’ll kiss you right now to prove that i don’t feel anything for you. “
The thought was intriguing to say the least. In the midst of a heated discussion their conversation morphed to something entirely different. How they managed to get on the topic of attraction was confounding but not discouraged. "If you felt nothing for me you wouldn't try so hard to push me away." Whoever hurt this woman to the point she didn't think or want love deserved to spend an eternity in the depths of the darkest loneliest of hells. Constant barriers and walls were thrown up when Robin began to get close. Just when he began to think they were going to get somewhere harsh words and killer glares began. A step forward was taken without caution. Regina spoke of disliking the thief with such disdain but had yet to back up those very words. A smirk tugged lips upwards as the thrill of what could follow his next words sent his heart into overdrive. "Go on then. Prove it."
It was a power play, by all means. One that Regina was more than eager to win. He had nothing to lose, and if she backed down now, he'd think it would only prove his idiotic claim and that dumb beautiful smirk on his lips would grow ten times wider! She could just walk away, though. She should. Throw her pride aside and not give him the satisfaction of knowing he managed to tempt her into kissing him. Yes, she certainly should walk away... because what if Robin wasn’t wrong? What if this thing she just felt deep in her stomach actually proved exactly what she was trying to refute and deny for too long? Every part of her body screamed as Regina’s determined eyes slowly moved from his eyes to his lips, then back to catch his gaze, her breath hitched from the intensity of the moment. And there was that stomach flip again! Despite every warning that her brain sent, her body had a different idea. Regina didn’t wait a moment longer before her hands reached out for his jacket as she pulled Robin towards her to meet her lips halfway for an intense, frustrated kiss.
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills — in Once Upon a Time 2.12 “ In the Name of the Brother"
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
Panic, alarm bells, smoke and explosions fired off within. A very attractive very pregnant woman happened to go in labor as the elevator failed? If anxieties were running rapid Robin would surely chuckle. Whatever the two were undoubtedly about to endure could be directly from a romantic comedy skit. This would be the part the bachelor pulled his heard from his arse and realized he wanted a family while the woman fell for the man pulling babies out of her. This wasn’t a script. There were no cameras trying to get the best angles while the two encased in the small lift read lines. Once seated a pause was taken to center. Having a child in a lift was unquestionably not first choice but it seemed the only. A low rumble of a chuckle vibrated at the mention of a physician. It became clear humor would help even if only a miniscule amount. “I’m afraid not. I have seen enough Grey’s Anatomy I should be. Who needs medical school when there are pointedly accurate medical dramas on television.” A lopsided smirk took to lips as fingers moved to brush across her forearm to comfort. “Will it be suitable to sit beside you?” Enough television shows and movies portrayed women in labor with anger and rage which prompted the question. Never would be intrude upon another’s personal space without permissions. However there was no estimate on the arrival of the calvary to save them from this hell and he was surely more comfortable than a metal wall. 
It was a long shot that she’d happen to be stuck in an elevator with a doctor... but there were also very slim chances of getting stuck in an elevator just as she was on her way to the hospital to give birth, so the best she could do was at least try to hope this stranger would have ended up being a doctor. Not so lucky, apparently. She did laugh at his Grey’s Anatomy comment, though. “No offence, but if I had to choose, I’d still pick a real doctor.” With another short laugh, Regina tried to adjust herself to sit more comfortably as she felt his fingers gently brushing her forearm. It was a small gesture but it did ease her just a little to know she wasn’t alone. “Please, do,” she said in reply to his request to sit with her. If it was asked in fear of making her uncomfortable or upset her, out of a very realistic fear he had of getting yelled at by a heavily pregnant woman, she added, “I promise I’m not going to yell at you.” If they were lucky. With a smile, she waited for him to sit and Regina immediately sought his comfort. Maybe not very appropriate, by any means, but given the circumstances, she was currently in pain that she tried to relieve. Who knew how long they were going to be there? “I’m sorry you were dragged into this,” she muttered then. “I’m sure the last thing you wanted today was being stuck with a grumpy pregnant stranger, but if I’ll be completely selfish for a moment, I’ll say I’m really glad you’re here.”
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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REGINA MILLS & the Four Pillars of being a Witch Bitch™ (x.) happiest birthday @rebeccasweltons <3!
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
Sulking after a trying heist had never been an attribute associated with the leader of the Merry Men. Today had crawled beneath the thief’s skin the moment horses were returned to their stalls. It seemed immature and selfish for Daniel to approach Robin as he had. If a conversation about a future was in order a proper meeting could be set where the pros and cons would be outweighed. Accosting the men as they exhaustedly returned was never a good decision. Somehow guilt weighed heavy on Robin but as they why he was unclear. Reminding Daniel of his place would normally not phase the man but the young chap came with a woman who had stolen Robin’s affections. It was disloyal to engage in private thoughts of the taken woman but dreams did not agree. It was devastating to know his decision could ultimately elate or crush the runaway bride.
After the loud burst of opinions, Robin found solace in the privacy of his tent. Boots removed by the entrance, flap down to keep out unwanted visitors, jacket and vest hung before body cleaned the best possible with the water and oils left inside by one of the camp women. Washing the heist off alleviated some tension. Instead of focusing on the prior encounter the days events were gone over to understand where it all went awry. Comfort was found by laying on the makeshift mattress with feet crossed and arms rested behind his head. Muscles screamed with the stretched position but it was best to pull now to prevent stiffness later.
Robin prided himself on the uncanny ability to know when someone was near. Sounds of footsteps softly brushing against the earth alerted the bandit to a womanly presence but it was the warmth which radiated within the tent the moment she entered that gave away just who it was. It was impossible not to offer a small lopsided smile in spite of what she most likely heard just before. “I never mind your company, milady.” The young woman provided a since of calm while setting every nerve ending on fire. It was a peculiar mix of feelings never before felt but something he was quite keen on. Feet pressed to the earth beside the bed as he rose to a seated position as not to make the brunette uncomfortable. “Something on your mind?”
Robin’s ability to know when someone was near was something Regina thrived to achieve herself one day (even though weirdly enough, Regina quickly realized that ever since joining the Merry Men, she had a weird ability to feel it whenever Robin was near.) It was an extremely useful survival skill to possess when you were running away for you life, and this was just one of the many reasons she didn’t wish to leave the camp in the near future. They had so much to learn from Robin and the men if Daniel and Regina ever wanted to make it on their own. It was easy to fool herself into believing that was her main reason for staying when in fact it was the man who was now sitting in his tent right in front of her eyes.
With a soft smile, Regina went to join the outlaw and took a seat beside him. “I couldn’t sleep,” she answered simply and honestly. Regina’s eyes were fixed on a random point on the ground and she couldn’t bear to look Robin in the eyes just yet. The man was obviously aware she heard everything from the harsh exchange of words with her fiancé earlier that evening, but it wasn’t anger that made her avoid his gaze - it was shame. Daniel has brought out a side of himself she has never seen before and it was easy to get the wrong impression of him after that. And while he's been acting extremely disrespectful towards the man who saved their lives, it was important to her to set things straight with Robin. She breathed out before looking up to meet his eyes. “Daniel is a good man. He means well, please do not hold it against him,” she asked. “I want you to know how grateful we are, how grateful I am for everything you’ve been doing for us. For keeping him safe, keeping me safe... I don’t take it for granted, and he shouldn’t have spoken to you the way he did.” 
Regina paused and swallowed down the lump of emotions in her throat. Except for Daniel, Robin was the one comfort in her life and the only other person she knew she could safely come to to unload whatever was weighing on her heart, and it seemed as if she had plenty to unload and confess... something she didn’t dare to express out loud before, but came to think about too often lately. Saying it aloud would only solidify the cracks Regina tried to patch and ignore. Her stupid fiancé had too much pride to admit he may not be able to give her the life they imagined while all Regina always wanted was just be with him and settle for what they had - not what they didn’t have. Staying in the camp and still not being able to be useful and join heists didn’t help the situation that simply blew up tonight. “He’s not... talking to me anymore. I think he’s miserable... and ashamed that he can’t give me the life we wanted, and it kills me but we can’t leave. I don’t want to leave, this is the safest I’ve ever felt.” The way she captured Robin’s gaze as she said that was too intense. It was him, and him alone, who made her feel the safest. It was him that made her feel much more than just that.
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
Comfort was easily achieved in the mayoral mansion of Storybrooke bringing a hint of amusement upon features almost every time the threshold was crossed. Years were fought to avoid those in titled positions due to the selfish desires leading their people into poverty. Regina Mills had come far from the former Evil Queen of the Enchanted Forest. Storybrooke residents thrived under her direction. No longer was there a need to steal from the rich to give to the poor or bring down the hierarchy which had the former thief battling with who to be. This eve the man was content existing while sitting beside his soulmate in the warmth of her home. An arm naturally spread across the back of the sofa allowing fingers reach to dark hair. Gingerly the strands were combed through and twisted as the conversation began. It was hard to hide amusement when seeing Regina’s expression after her admission. Now was time to be serious but there would be time for joking later. “I know.” A lopsided smile etched on lips. His hand left raven strands in favor of tracing her sharp jaw. “Does that bother you? I can correct him if you would like.” The choice of words left no room for questioning Robin’s feelings on the matter. Roland calling mom was natural and easy for both Merry Men. The role was one Regina slid into without hesitation only solidifying her right to the position in Roland’s life.
The ease and calm in which Robin has spoken surprised her and all Regina could do was gaping at the man in confusion as she tried to take it all in. Robin was seemingly okay with his son calling another woman - a former Evil Queen, no less - his mother. It was clear to her that if it was Henry calling Robin his father, Regina would burst with so much love and pride. But this was different. Henry wasn’t raised in the shadow of a late father. He didn’t even have any father figure in his life before Neal. It would be natural if her son embraced Robin as a father one day. No matter how much Robin loved Regina, it must be difficult for him to see his son accepting another woman in a role that was meant to be for someone else... a role that was meant for a woman he once loved deeply, a woman that never even got the chance to see her adorable little boy grow up. But as surprised as she was, with Robin’s next words Regina was quick to clarify her worries. “No, no - that wasn’t... my intention,” still confused, Regina kept looking at him. This was a sensitive matter, but there was no point to push it back and avoid it any longer. “Is this truly okay with you? You know I love Roland as my own, nothing will change that, but I know it can’t be easy... I wouldn’t want to overstep.”
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
The actions of the woman were not telling of someone who was used to being on their own. Everything about the brunette SCREAMED nobility which would normally raise red flags but not today. Not this woman. This woman was clearly running away or outcast thrusting her into an unknown environment. Robin thought back on his first days on the run and felt a need to protect. Not everyone appreciated someone willing to throw themselves in the line of fire without conversing first which is why lips remained pursed. Unquestionably fear radiated from the slender brunette but there was a subtle strength most would overlook. An unexplainable feeling buzzed through veins alerting the outlaw to the possibility of much more than meets the eye. The anomaly of what laid beneath was intriguing but disregarded in favor of giving attentions to his babe. It was arduous to pass over the demand to bestow safeguarding but Robin hoped if assistance was needed they would cross paths again. He found himself hopeful they would in-spite of the circumstances which collided the two together.
As leave was taken the sound of heavy boots caused alert. Brows rose skin pricked knowing the Sheriff was NO honorable man. An undeniable ease washed over as the rouse continued from a few moments before. Fingers quickly danced across the lower back of the brunette before settling on the hip opposite in what could be perceived as a possessive yet protective action. “I’ve got you.” Law enforcement or the sheriff himself stirred up something in the woman which would be befuddling to some but not Robin. Too many run ins with less than honorable men claiming to do good tainted the former prince’s opinion. Her labored breathing was noticeable as their frames met in a frantic yet gentle manner. A spark of something different caused pause. The new sensation was peculiar but not unwelcome. There was no longer a need to gently protect the others ego if one actually existed. Now witnessing the full fear of what could have been changed his mind. The offer to find him was off the table in favor of keeping her by his side. The soft cries of the child began to settle as blue eyes laid upon the woman. “Care to hold the babe?” This would only solidify the act they were playing. No one would second guess a woman holding her child walking alongside of her husband. Never had Robin been more thankful those who truly knew the outlaw wouldn’t speak of the scene if they witnessed it. Whoever had the woman spooked need not know the truth. “I hope you don’t mind sharing space with a strange man and a babe for some time. I certainly don’t plan to allow your leave without knowing you are safe.” There was no shining armor or white horse to whisk the woman away but he could provide a comfortable place to lay ones head, a warm meal and suitable attire. “What do you say, milady? Will you accompany your pseudo family back to their dwelling for a meal, chat and slumber?”
From a very young age, Regina had learned she had no one else to rely on other than herself. Life had taught her that. Mother had taught her that too, ironically. Even her own father was powerless to protect and keep her safe at the times she needed it most; and her tragic affair with the stable boy had taught her that even her very own Prince Charming couldn’t save her from a fate dictated by her mother. Her last attempt to break free costed Daniel his life. The grief numbed Regina and in that most delicate state, her mother took control again. But not anymore. Regina might have been completely on her own right now, but at least she was free - that is, except for the fact that she was the most wanted runaway woman in the country.
Her instincts to count on a complete stranger have shaken her. If the man hadn’t already thought she might be in a state of extreme distress before, he would certainly think that right now - and yet, it raised no alarm from him. On the contrary. His fingers slowly pressing against her lower back and then settling on her hip pressed Regina even closer to him, as if he was protecting her. His words of affirmation quickly followed the action. He got her, and for some reason, Regina truly felt safe - a feeling she didn’t want to let go of even after hearing the door shutting down behind the Sheriff. When the man brought their attention back to the baby in his arms and offered Regina to hold his child, she glanced at him with a bewildered frown. But then his ruse was revealed to her. He was willing to solidify their act by letting her carry the baby as they left the village. All, seemingly to help her escape without any harm, and with no questions asked. At least not yet. It surely was her safest way out, especially with the Sheriff still out there somewhere. Regina wasn’t certain about the slumber at his dwelling part of the offer, but gods, she could really use a good meal right now. She sensed that she could trust him for a reason. If the man’s intentions were to turn her in, wouldn’t he had done it already when he had the chance? Besides, she didn’t have to stay the night. It was too risky for her and too risky for the stranger’s family. Regina would keep her real identity to herself and just leave the first chance she’d have. After a long reflection on the offer and another glance at the child in his arms that made her stomach flutter, Regina nodded. “I suppose the least I could do to thank you is letting you use the food you bought,” she let out a short laugh and placed the ingredients she was holding on the table next to them for him to grab, freeing her arms to take the baby. “Although, I’m not sure how comfortable your wife is going to feel about some questionable woman playing pseudo family with you and your child.”
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
Karma had a strange way of coming full circle for the couple. When they are up they are invincible but when they’re down…. well everyone saw how that could turn out. Ever since Regina entered the flat again a breath was held waiting for the inevitable downfall. For a great time his stomach rolled each and every time the woman walked out the door. It took time to rebuild trust. The relationship blooming from the arrival of the small babe now grown a bit was incomparable to the one prior. Each person had grown from the distaste brought upon by the influence of an outside source. There had been much learnt when Robin found the truth of Regina’s motivations all that time go. Understanding of the full situation was inconceivable while the heart was bleeding but with time the patch began to become more permanent. Lasting enough to visit a jeweler to reconstruct what could be a symbol of their future with one another. Placing a symbol of who they once were upon Regina’s finger seemed damning. A fresh start necessitated just this.
A low chuckle rumbled free as Regina wandered into the direction of a room often avoided. Metaphorical boxes still required unpacking but they had the rest of their lives to visit past mistakes should they wish. Elation rose with the line of questioning. Their reunion seemed to place them side by side through all decisions made. The beating of his heart quickened as an arm extended and hand opened palm up. Fingers wagged to signal the want for the new box but impatience had feet planting firmly on the floor to help close the distance so those digits could wrap around the box.
“Regina.” A shock of electricity accompanied the soft saying of her name. A warm smile quickly lit up as questions were slowly answered. “Why did I buy this one?” The box was waved in the space between them briefly. “It seemed appropriate to start a new life together with a new symbol of my LOVE for you.” The answer was nonchalant as if it should have been plain as day but he knew it wasn’t. “How long have I had this one?” This one had lips pursed. Did the time in which the ring inhabited the home truly matter? His free hand moved to cradle the apple of her cheek allow his fingers to gingerly caress her skin. Nerves had the man quaking inside but touching her calmed them. This is where they were meant to be. “Long enough. Too long.” A chuckle was soft enough as to not ruin the mood but loud enough to be heard. A step forward was taken for lips to brush against Regina’s forehead before he rocked back just enough to slowly drop down to one knee.
“Let’s do this right.” As a knee met the ground the atmosphere sparked. “We haven’t had the easiest go of things. There were times when it felt as if the world was against us. Though the time apart was almost unbearable it brought clarity.” The hand holding the velvet box moved to rest on the bent knee as the other moved to take hold of her left one. Fingers absentmindedly played with the now bare ring finger knowing it would soon be taken forevermore. “There are so many things I love about you that I don’t even know where to begin. I love your kind heart and the way you always put others before yourself. Your intelligence and your unwavering passion for your interests. I love your sense of humor and how you always know how to make me laugh. I love the way you look at me, and how you make me feel like I’m one of the most important people in the world. Most of all, I love the person you are and the way you make my heart feel. You are my everything, my soulmate, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you if you’ll have me.” A pause was needed to reign in the sudden rush of love pumping through veins. They had been through much more than most couples but they made it through. He brought her hand to lips for the briefest of kisses before he finally asked what she had been waiting on. “Will you marry me?”
As Robin closed the distance and his fingers wrapped around the box in her hand, Regina’s baffled expression quickly changed into a soft, tender gaze upon the man in front of her. The soft whisper of her name brought a smile on her face before he even answered her questions, but his answers brought an even bigger smile. Starting a new life together with a new symbol of his love was exactly the kind of things that Robin would do, she should have guessed. And too long he had it - another answer that should have been obvious, but Regina wasn’t so certain he’d even wish to try and go down that path again. He already bought a ring once before and they knew how that time ended. Even with that in mind, he still bought her another right and planned to propose one day despite his fears, and that just showed how much he cared for her. For them.
It was silly to blame Regina’s overemotional state on pregnancy hormones alone. For as long as she could remember, she always felt deeply and it often got her in troubles for simply expressing how she felt - even if it was a bit... extreme at times. When Robin dropped down to one knee, it was certainly one of those moments. He already asked, and Regina already told him she’d marry him, but seeing Robin holding that box, on one knee, holding her hand and speaking of his love for her made it even more surreal than it was when he popped the question before. The bare ring finger he was now holding and absentmindedly played with suddenly felt heavier even after taking off the old ring. A symbolic weight that in just a few moments would turn into a symbol of their forever commitment.
Holding back words that threatened to slip off the tip of her tongue, Regina remained silent as Robin spoke. Thinking of the bad times when the world was against them still hurt and it wasn’t something they could take away. It was part of their history that they managed to overcome, and they only grew from that experience. There was still so much she wished to tell him in reply, and every word he said made Regina even more emotional that tears started to slip down her cheeks, but it wasn’t the time to say anything in return. After the hell and challenging times they’ve been through, now was the time to do this properly - let Robin ask and then give him the answer. Simple as that! Regina wasn’t going to risk it by saying anything that would only delay their big moment again. This time, she’d make sure Robin would have not a single doubt about her answer and how much she wanted it. How much she wanted him. God, she also couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life showing him how much she loved him! Regina’s heart picked up the pace when Robin paused. They’ve been through so much and everything came down to this moment, it didn’t feel real. When he brought her hand to his lips for a brief kiss, Regina squeezed his hand and she let out a shaky breath. As soon as he finally asked the question she longed to hear, the answer already slipped out much quicker than she intended. “Yes,” she whispered in an uncontrollable whimper before she manage to hold it back, long enough to let out another confirmation, for good measure. “Yes, I will marry you, just put it on!” She laughed through the tears and wriggled her fingers in Robin’s grasp.
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redeemedqueen · 1 year
@redeemedsoutlaw continued from x  |   ''you matter so much to me.''
"..... and you to me but is that enough?" The situation had grown difficult. Life pulling both in separate directions after spending much time wrapped up in one another. Robin was the future King of his country and the weight of knowing what was to come was petrifying. Much time was spent working for the Royal Navy and much of the rest attending working function for or with his family. There had been a few trips with male friends which drew the publics attention in less than desirable ways but none in which Robin strayed. "I think we need to take a break."  Tabloids were splashed with horrid nicknames for Regina and cameras at her every turn.  Flashes of what happened to mother left him paralyzed with fear. Nightmares of Regina ending with the same fate. "Time to figure ourselves out." The words felt horrid on the tongue and split his racing heart. None of life was fair or right for either at the current time. "The timing isn't right." A horrid excuse but not necessarily wrong.
“Shouldn’t it be enough?” The words slipped past her lips as soon as his question was asked. What started out as a friendship between two university classmates casually jumping into bed together - not just to destress and have a break from their hectic lives, but because they simply couldn’t control themselves around each other and there was no point to try and resist it, quickly blossomed into a beautiful relationship that was out there for the world to see. Robin was the future King of the country and Regina wasn’t blind to that fact, but it has never scared her off. It wasn’t always easy, hell, it was far from it now that they graduated, with the press breathing down her neck every step she took! But none of that mattered, it never did. She could handle all of it if it meant being with the man she loved - and god, she loved him. Robin was her best friend. Her soulmate. And there was absolutely not a chance that this feeling wasn’t mutual. Hearing Robin saying they should take a break - that the timing wasn’t right - punctured her heart. It was like hearing a completely different person that was so foreign to her. “You don’t actually believe that,” she said, frowning in disbelief like her entire world just collapsed. It really did. “I don’t need time and I sure as hell don’t need to figure myself out. Do you?” They might have been young, but of one thing Regina was certain, and that should be enough. “I love you. You make me happy, Robin, and I believe... I know, I make you happy. Isn’t that all that matters?”
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