redentpg · 5 years
Task 3 Final Body of work:
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redentpg · 5 years
Task 3: Proposal of work
Title of work: Bond
My final photographic work consists of a paint on photograph technique. I chose to work with this technique to visually show how one can feel when  forming a bond with another person. The paint on photograph is there to show multiple different feelings, example; curiosity, confusion and love, using different colours and strokes for each individual piece.
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redentpg · 5 years
Task 2 Experimentation :
When i started out with my experimentation phase i did not exactly know what i wanted to focus on. This Task was a stepping stone in me trying to find that ‘thing’ i wanted to focus on.
I already knew what i wanted to focus on but it was too vague of a subject so these experiments really did help me find that.
My first experimentation was creating focus on forms with natural sunlight. I wanted to find hidden forms in what we see in our daily lives. 
In my opinion these experimentation's look basic, i want to create something different with my photography. Making it stick out from the rest and not just look like random old photography.
Outcome of experimentation:
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After that; My first physical experimentation for this unit was creating a Kaleidoscope. Although it might look a bit childish the outcome of the shots come out interesting and different making the experience really fun to work with.
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Figure 1: Untitled by Alvin Langdon Coburn, [photograph] 2019 (studentartguide 2019) 
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I grabbed 3 same length pieces of glasses (15cm x 5cm) and created a triangular shape with them. The outcome of the Kaleidoscope might look a bit sloppy but the images taken with it have a neat and different outcome.
Outcome of Kaleidoscope experimentation:
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The Kaleidoscope experimentation was fun to work with. There was a lot of possibilities to create. But i still want to focus on hidden forms on my final work. These, while fun to take, look childish and unprofessional and i don’t want that.
After experimenting with the Kaleidoscope i decided to move on and maybe work with some shapes. These cut out shapes represent how the subject can still be read trough their form.
Outcome of Shape experiments:
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These experiments came out ineffective and i do not plan on continuing on collaging for this unit.These collage type works were inspired by my previous work for this unit. 
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The collages made me realize we’re surrounded by shapes. All we need is a bit of help and that is why i tried to create some somewhat Bokeh experimentation
Outcome of Bokeh experiments:
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After experimenting with Bokeh i found this in my gallery. This picture, although looking unprofessional looks mysterious making the exact identities and objects taken remain unknown. This photographic technique allows the emphasis to be placed upon light, tone and colour, resulting in an intriguing and suggestive image.
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Outcome of Mysterious forms experimentation: 
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Creating these blurred forms inspired me to continue on abstracting my works. I tried creating scans and blurring them but that came out ineffective so i tried to replicate that feeling digitally. This was hugely inspired by the works of Maykel Lima.
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Figure 2: Untitled by Maykel Lima, [photograph] n.d. (Ignant, 2019)
Outcome of Scanning experiments:
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Outcome of Stretching Pixels experimentation:
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After experimenting with stretches my significant others skin and body made me realize we humans are made out of forms. Which set me up to photograph these interesting forms and try to create something from what we usually portray as normality.
Outcome of Human form experiments:
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After several experimentation i started to get dry on ideas for my photographs so i started researching some other photographers and how they perceived Form through their Photography. Amy Friend uses poked holes to create pinpoints of light to create a magical glow over portraits. These little forms of light inspired me to create my own magical portrait of my significant other.
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Figure 3: Untitled by Alvin Langdon Coburn, [photograph] 2019 (studentartguide 2019)
Outcome of Friend’s Technique experimentation:
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After experimenting i decided to take a short rest and listen to some music while i draw which made me come across a particular looking album cover which really inspired to create something like it. It’s the definition of forms added onto a photograph of the artist.
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Figure 4: Beck - Colors by Jimmy Turrell, [album cover] 2017 (dezeen, 2017)
Outcome of Album cover like experiments:
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After experimenting with forms on Photoshop i decided to continue creating some more experiments digitally. I decided to do this because i was curious how much post production can do to enrich a photograph and bring out a new meaning through the photograph.
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Experimenting with Photoshop made me realize how products can enrich a photograph and make it a new subject form. Which is why i tried adding products onto my photographs to create different forms and photography.
Outcome of Product experiment:
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This experiment was a big mess! but surprisingly enough, egg brings out colour from a photograph which i found really intriguing.
After experimenting with adding onto a photograph i decided to go on and try Ricther’s technique and add paint onto my photographs. This technique really caught onto me. I would love to pursue this and create something like it for my final Task.
Outcome of Richter’s technique experiments:
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Gerhard Richter’s technique consists of paint on photographic works to create these colours, creating an abstract feeling to the photograph.
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Figure 5: 15.2.98 by Gerhard Richter, [multi media photograph] 1998 (gerhardrichter 2009)
Richter’s technique is great to work with, the rash and bold paint really make the photographs fun and new. And that’s what i want to achieve with my work.
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redentpg · 5 years
Task 1: References I used for Research
Gagosian, 2019. Overpainted Photographs. [Online] Available at: https://gagosian.com/exhibitions/2019/gerhard-richter-overpainted-photographs/?fbclid=IwAR00xbkAZLzgXQVVa0XdLfk5k1Ph6aZHkBPgB2APla4vCrG8nxpRt8iA7RI [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Jiménez, E., n.d.. Emilio Jiménez. [Online] Available at: https://emiliojimenez.es/ [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Kitajima, T., n.d.. turntable00000. [Online] Available at: https://www.instagram.com/turntable00000/?hl=en [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Mishchenko, V., 2016. Vyansheslav Mishchenko. [Online] Available at: http://vmishchenko.com/ [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Morby, A., 2017. Cover for new Beck album Colors is designed to be customised. [Online] Available at: https://www.dezeen.com/2017/09/30/beck-album-artwork-colours-customisable-design/ [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Richter, G., 2011. Overpainted Photographs. [Online] Available at: https://www.gerhard-richter.com/en/art/overpainted-photographs/family-88?p=1&sp=32&categoryid=88 [Accessed 21 July 2019].
Skirmantė, 2015. A Magical Miniature World Of Snails By Vyacheslav Mishchenko. [Online] Available at: https://www.boredpanda.com/snail-macro-photography-vyacheslav-mishchenko/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic&fbclid=IwAR3AtjbBcbKWSYUikqmA4pZx-YXOUdjqaWLnHbc1czo6W-HvslE_hggqMHc [Accessed 21 July 2019]
. Student Art Guide, n.d.. 100+ CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY IDEAS: TECHNIQUES, COMPOSITIONS & MIXED MEDIA APPROACHES. [Online] Available at: https://www.studentartguide.com/articles/creative-photography-ideas?fbclid=IwAR0FHG45CmYelyiHlA8Njri67j9Th8paAPdqwb3WZNn2hnEBcpiiRXC6f-8 [Accessed 21 July 2019].  
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redentpg · 5 years
Task 1: Mind mapping and Research
When i started the Idea generation phase for Task 1 i started by researching how i can depict the starting point, “form”. I did this to get inspired by artists and projects that worked in this field of work.
I created a Mind mapping process of different techniques artists used and how they worked out everything to bring out a finalized piece.
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I started off by brainstorming on the word “form” and the first idea that came to me was Shadow play, how shadows can be depicted differently through symbolism and similarities and how shadows can create different types of forms which might be an appealing outcome.
Here are some great examples of what i meant about shadow play:
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Figure 1: Fishnet Stockings? by David Basanta, [photograph] 2012 (Flickr, 2012)
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Figure 2: Sand Fence by Fernand Fonssagrives, [photograph] 1930 (michaelhoppengaller, 2012)
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Figure 3: Untitled by Victor Pictor, [photograph] 2011 (facebook, 2011)
‘They're simple, they're clever, and they're beautiful, without a shadow of a doubt.’ ( Nėjė, n.d.)
A great photographer who has a series of work similar to these is Emilio Jiménez. Jiménez is a Spanish photographer who’s the creator of “Natural Wild Anatomy” (Anatomía natural, salvaje). This is where he focuses on the nude female body with shadows depicting shapes and forms of nature onto them. With his incredibly artistic eye, “Emilio plays with light and shadow, looking for the perfect angle to cover women in nothing but beautiful shadows of leaves” (Grašytė, 2016)
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Figure 4: Natural Wild Anatomy by Emilio Jiménez , [photograph] 2018 (emiliojimenez, 2018)
As can be mostly seen in this photograph alone. This photograph was fully planned out composition wise which made post production not a key factor in it at all.
This photograph also doesn’t care about the rule of thirds. Why? I think this is to give it a humane approach giving it a not so, contructed feeling resulting in a more natural outcome. But Jiménez, not using the rule of thirds came up with a more effective framing method. He created a somewhat box of light where we need to focus which really gives emphasis on the subject.
This photograph has a nice balance of values. The high contrast between the subjects bright skin and the shadow of leaf brings out this. This really brings out the effect and message this picture is trying to give out and what it’s about, nature.
Theres also effort in the way the subject is positioned. If the subject was laying flat down facing up, this photograph wouldn’t be as effective and would’ve came out stale and boring. The way she’s positioned in a fetal position really circulates the shape of the leaf around her body, making it a pleasing photograph to look at.
Also, what i really think is effective about this photograph is the use of texture, this is really effective. The use of texture contrasts the subjects skin, which all layers up to the point of the shadow of the leaf. Three contrasting layers.
This is an experiment i worked on based off of Emilio Jiménez’s shadow plays.
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After experimenting with Shadows, i found several unfocused pictures in my library. People work deliberately with these and create beautiful landscapes out of unfocused lights. 
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These are called ‘bokeh’. These really inspired me to try and focus on abstract photography and how different focal points can creating interesting mysterious forms.  “Bokeh are shimmering orbs of light that appear when a camera lens attempts to record unfocused points of lights.” (studentartguide, n.d.)
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Figure 5: Bokeh attack by Dayne Topkin, [photograph] 2017 (Instagram, 2017) 
A great artist who works with Bokeh is Takashi Kitajima. Kitajima is a software engineer that mostly works with different photographic techniques and visual effects. He also prefers to work in night view because he finds these unique and raw capturing a unique and radiant semi-abstract urban landscape. 
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Figure 6: Tower in the rain by Takashi Kitajima, [photograph] 2017 (Instagram, 2017)
This composition contains a single focused area, surrounded by circular, glowing ‘bokeh’ - “Bokeh are shimmering orbs of light that appear when a camera lens attempts to record unfocused points of lights” (studentartguide, 2017). 
The focus is achieved by planning out a one-point perspective grid through composition. I immediately see that the city is the main element of this photograph since there is such a huge contrast between the depth of field of the city next to the depth of field of the lights. These gives emphasis to the city. 
The way the circles are dilating towards the city Really capture you in, making you look at the city without even wanting. They show speed and motion but also help strengthen the one point perspective statement i mentioned before. In my interpretation, the speed and motion in the circles are there to indicate and symbolize how fast the city life is.
The colour palette is also super effective in this photograph. It experiments with both warm and cold colours by putting them together in one scenery. This creates a vibrant photograph. 
Not having a subject infront of the photograph, like most bokeh photographs have really makes this photograph in-humane, empty and cold. I think Kitajima intended this to show a serious and the segregated feeling showing us how the city life in general is.
The final outcome of this photograph has a nice balance in colours, cold and warms. The blur used in the foreground really gives emphasis on the subject on the back. Making the small city the main subject of this big fully lit photograph.
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Figure 7: Reversed truth by Octavian Rosca  [photograph] 2017 (Instagram, 2017)
After seeing a bunch of bokeh lights which are mostly different colours i really got inspired to even use a multi media approach in my experimenting. What if i put colour onto my photographs? Paint to be exact.
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Figure 8: Solemn Land by J.E.H. MacDonald [multi-media photograph] 1919 (Painted Land, 2016)
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Figure 8: Ireel by Flora Borsi [multi-media photograph] 2014 (floraborsi, 2014)
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Figure 9: Mixed media by Stev’nn Hall [multi-media photograph] 2013 (stevnnhall, 2013)
A visually pleasing photograph which i fell upon before this unit was done using this technique. It’s still one of my favourite photographs to this day.
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Figure 9: 11.2.98 by Gerhard Richter [multi-media photograph] 1998 (jmcolberg, 2011)
The visual weight of photograph is mostly focused on the eyes of Richter’s subject. Her eyes appear to be bloodshot as if she’s unwell, or notionally through looking at the other pictures in Ritcher’s series of works include the woman herself with a baby, as if she has just given birth. 
Unlike most of the photographic painting back in the 1960′s “in which he translated found and personal photographs into interestingly lifelike, out-of-focus paintings” (gagosian, 2019), the works in this series keep their value as a printed photograph even though they’re painted on. The complicated merging of paint and photography create a reproduction of abstract materiality.
But mostly this weight is achieved by post production. Post production is a main factor in these types of photographs. The paint really helps the composition and the colour scheme of the photograph form, making the photograph a better version of itself. Ritcher covered her other important features with strokes of paint which created emphasis on her complementary eyes.
The photograph wouldn’t have been as effective without the strokes of paint covering the unneeded background space, they create balance with composition because they centered the subject while also creating the focus on her bloodshot eyes. This is happening while also creating a complementary colour scheme with the varied paint chosen by Richter himself, making this photograph as effective as ever.
The final outcome of this photograph has a nice set of colours which complement and help each other stick out. This is achieved by Ricther’s background in painting helping him pick out the best colours for the final photograph. The border around the subject really gives emphasis on the eyes,  while also creating a grid which creates a seemingly perfectly shot photograph. 
Another world of new forms and textures can be opened with a popular technique used with macro-lenses. An ethereal feeling emerges from these types of photographs because they are at such an extreme scale that they seem to be of a miniature, undiscovered world.
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Figure 10: Dandelion by Jana Konrádová [photograph] 2014 (pixabay, 2014)
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Figure 11: Dewdrops by Domenic Blair [photograph] 2013 (pixabay, 2013)
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Figure 12: Arnold by Jo Wroten [photograph] n.d. (unsplash, n.d.) 
A great photographer who works with Macro photography is Vyacheslav Mishchenko. Mishchenko is a person that’s fond of nature which is responsible for making him a creative and professional macro photographer.
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Figure 13: Untitled by Vyacheslav Mishchenko [photograph] 2019 (vmishchenko, 2019)
First thing i noticed in this photograph was the huge contrast between the shot and the actual subject. I think the artist meant to do this to show us the actual size of the creature through photography. The size of the mushroom and snail actually strengthens the Visual weight of the image, mostly with the help of the huge contrast between the depth of field of the subject and of the background.
The size of the mushroom and the snail can also be analyzed with the huge leaf behind them. This might be seen as a distracting element at first but i think Mishchenko used this as an advantage and based his photograph around scale. The leaf gives a feeling of dynamic tension because it doesn’t really fit in the photo but really should.
These shots really brings us in perspective of how the natural world might look like if we could see it through the eyes of an ant, snail or lizard (​Skirmantė, n.d.)
“I photograph all insects but snails have touched my heart particularly. I think that snails are simply extraordinary not only in their shape and form but also in their beauty and behavior. They are magic creatures for me,” (Mishchenko, n.d.)
Mishchenko shoots all his insects in their natural habitat. He tries to create a story in his photos. His photography is a question of luck to be in the right place at the right time.
This photograph is positioned to show us the obstacles the small snail is ready to overcome. It’s showing us how after it climbed this mushroom it is ready to venture onto bigger planes and is ready to climb a bigger feat, the leaf seen in the background. I think this is a symbolized way of how Mishchenko see’s life. As a series of obstacles and us being the snail ready to climb these obstacles, taking our time.
Here's a photograph i took with the influence of Mishchenko’s works; 
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Another photography technique i find interesting but don’t want to go into too much detail into is the one used by Lucas Simões, Simões purposefully targets the faces of his subjects with fire, giving beautiful and abstract burn marks on the photographs while also leaving a single eye, which in my opinion gives a Mona Lisa effect to it.
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Figure 14: ausência by Lucas Simões [photograph] 2010 (lucassimoes, 2010)
Here’s an experiment i got inspired to create using Simões’s technique.
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Speaking of random forms and shapes; another camera technique that is mostly experimented with by Photography students and is counted as one the simplest type of photographic image is a Photo-gram, also known as a ‘camera-less photograph’. The Photo-gram is created by placing different objects onto the photo paper in a dark room and later exposing the arrangements to light for a period of time. These objects create shadows of various intensities. The intensity of the shadows depend upon the strength and duration of the light as well as the transparency of the items. (studentartguide, n.d.) 
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Figure 15: Untitled by Joanne Keen [photograph] n.d. (studentartguide, n.d.)
I wish i had the time a resources to create some of these but unfortunately i do not. If i have some spare time throughout the holidays i’d like to create some of these because they’re quite interesting.
Mood board to get inspired with:
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redentpg · 5 years
Task 1: Process and outcome of ‘Proposal of initial idea
First thing i did when i started out on this project was search up on the word ‘form’. Form as a word can be used in several cases. Example; Form of the human body, forming a bond and distorted forms. I wanted to find something that really moved away from the plain visualizations of this subject because I want my project to feel fresh and new. I needed to get inspired which resulted in me researching on how artists interpreted the word differently and how they visualized it.
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Figure 1: Head Down by James Nares, [oil on linen] 2010 (artsy, 2019)
Nares achieves the sense of weightlessness in his forms by isolating them. Nares’s views on form is that it’s free and can be expressive ever. It’s a type of abstract route which i think will be a big part in my project.
On the other hand some artists portray ‘form’ differently. Form as the human body.  I’d like to create something right in the middle of this. An abstract unity with realism.
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Figure 2: Atelier de Givenchy by Sarah Moon, [photograph] 2008 (artsy, 2019)
After much research i decided that for my final embodiment of work i want to create something based off of the hidden forms in plain sight and how these hidden forms become beautiful pieces of art once they are shown. The true question is how i want to bring out these hidden forms from their hiding.
For example; Showing hidden colours in the human eyes using forms of natural light.
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I could also add onto these forms using Gerhard Richter’s technique which consists of paint on photographic works. This type of photographic technique really helps us look at the subject more. Richter creates negative space to give importance on the features of his subject.
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Figure 1: 13.2.98 by Gerhard Richter [multi-media photograph] 1998 (jmcolberg, 2011)
But all in all, what i need is experimentation. The experimentation needed in task 2 will help me find out; how i want to bring out these hidden forms of our life.
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