redevot · 4 years
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-She is called “Miss Fairy” or “Fairy” by most people because she carry various of plants and flowers. Since childhood Casia grew up studying different types of plants that could be used as medicine or food.
-Her parent are both pirates, the most infamous one is her father. He is known as the Robin Hood of the sea, stealing from the rich and help the vulnerable. Her father was formally an admiral who seen so much injustice that he want to change the world for the better, even if it against the World Government.
-Her mother was a beautiful pirate that many men fawn over and was often targeted by the Celestial Dragon. Both mother and daughter look similar. Casia’s mother is from a tribe that is located in a small island within the West Blue. The tribe went missing for 50 years due to the hunt for their crystal like eyes and unusual sliver hair. Most who have been hunted down are sold into slavery. (I will write more in-depth info about the tribe in the future)
-Casia only have small memories of her parents. Both of them were assassinated when Casia was only 5 years old. When the World Government found out Casia’s existence she have to be burden with the fact that they will hunt her down, not only because she is a daughter of two infamous pirate but also born with amethyst like eyes and silver hair that are desired by the Celestial Dragon. Most of her childhood was just her and the guardian that were former crew member of her father. They raised Casia deep within the forest in a rural country in the East Blue.
-Her childhood is similar to Luffy. She was taught survival skill at a very young age. She was often exposed to many dangerous situation in a form of training by her guardian. This includes being forced to hunt dangerous animals or how to use her strength to attack ferocious beast. This form of training was taught so it allow Casia to defend herself if she was ever faced by any World Goverment officials/ Bounty hunters who are hunting her down. She was also educated on basic learning skills. This in turn help her read and learn more about the world around her.
-Understanding that her appearance is dangerous she tried her best to hide, especially her eyes, when she is visiting a village. She often wear a hood or sometime hats to hide her face. (Younger Casia would have longer bangs that covers her face) When she meet the Staw Hat pirates they encourage her to hide herself less. Especially when she’s already a wanted criminal there isn’t a way to not prevent herself from getting hunted by people. (People within the tribe that are much more weaker than Casia would most definitely try whatever means to hide themselves, as for Casia she have better defense from people.)
-Casia is close with the Straw Hat pirates. She is especially close to Nami and Nico Robin. Casia often enjoy making outfit for both of them and both of the female pirates treats Casia as if she is their little sister.
-Many who worked with Casia consider her extremely reliable. She always go out her way to do the most for everyone. Especially stock up on herbal plants that could be resourceful for Chopper. Many times Ussop would an get earful from Nami because Casia would always agree to be his tester to experiment on whatever weapon he is trying to make.
-Casia try to be useful around the ship as much as she could. She often does so much that the Straw Hat pirates have to forced her to stay put to relax. It got to the point that she would pass out in the middle of the ship. Nami tried to teach her to put more importance on her own interest rather than others. After that Casia spend most of her time either making clothes or study and train at the crow’s nest.
(This is all I have for now, I will write more on her relations with others later!)
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redevot · 4 years
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Wanted to do a quick sketch of my One Piece oc Casia to help myself write how the Straw Hat pirates saved her. Ehehe I tried to make the sketch look emotional and I'm happy with the result!
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redevot · 4 years
I apologize for whoever find this tumblr account and only see couple of artwork. I’m mostly active on twitter these days but I want to post more work here as well.
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redevot · 4 years
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So uhhh, I used to be part of this community years ago. My username used to go by Fruitic on tumblr. I remember how nice everyone is here and I wanted to make a come back again. I wasn’t as active as I was before because of school so I hope to make friends with everyone again. Anyway I yet made another One Piece oc that I had in mind for a long time. She’s still underdevelopment so I will try to make put more info about her. ;v; I also hope to bring back my old oc Ron. AAAAAAA I’m glad to back again ;A;
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redevot · 6 years
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A less serious work where I drew another one of my oc from 2012. As you can tell I played around with hair a lot, trying to find way to make it more wavy and messy like. As for her outfit I definitely had a lot of fun creating the folds of the fabric. This is one of the artwork I had fun creating
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redevot · 6 years
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Spider Girl
Back in high school my art teacher wanted us to play around with surrealistic style. As we are doing that I try to created an artwork where I morphed a spider with a human girl, so I created my spider girl that day. This artwork is my latest work of her trying to see what I could do to improve her look.
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