redheadconfections · 2 years
STOP the fucking song and back it up to the start we didn't think about the right thing at the right time our head music video is all messed up what the fuck guys come on
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redheadconfections · 2 years
Armin Arlert Relationship Headcanons
Seeing as my post about Eren did well, I decided to write some headcanons for what I think a relationship with Armin Arlert would be like.
Be prepared, as Armin does put himself down a lot. He doesn’t do it as much as he used to, but he doesn’t have a ton of self-confidence.
Armin is very good at reading people, but he’s not always 100% right. Regardless, he will still be able to tell how you’re feeling so often that it can get annoying to certain people.
He is very selfless and will put you first.
He has a sense of humor and isn’t afraid to joke around with you or tease you sometimes.
He’s pretty awkward when it comes to flirting.
 Armin loves to compliment you to see you smile, but has a hard time believing you if you compliment him.
He may feel overwhelmed with too much physical touch.
He is an excellent listener.
Armin wants kisses with you to be calculated and perfect, so he’s always looking for just the right moment to do it. 
Not very cuddly, as physical touch kind of overwhelms him sometimes. He’d never push you away, but it’s just not really his thing.
Automatically smiles every time he talks about you. And like 90% of the time he’s around you he’s a smiley boy.
Every time he learns something new, he tells you all about it with so much passion. He loves to talk about the world and all the fascinating things he wants to see.
Boasts about your accomplishments and automatically smiles whenever he’s talking about you.
Sometimes likes to buy little things for you just because “this made me think of you”.
Sometimes reads out loud to you from books he finds interesting.
Sleeps like a log – he is so quiet and still you’ll barely notice he’s there.
He might stay up a little, though, because he likes to read before falling asleep.
Ngl he has the cutest bedhead every morning and is just overall cute when he’s sleepy. He’s not very chatty in the morning, though.
Expect to hear from him “I’m so proud of you” a lot.
Just like Eren, you will catch him watching a lot when he thinks you’re not looking.
For a date, he would LOVE to go to a museum, zoo, aquarium, literally anywhere he can tell you a bunch of useless (but interesting) facts.
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redheadconfections · 2 years
Eren Jeager Relationship Headcanons
Will be starting a small series where I do headcanons about relationships with the characters, starting with Mr. Eren Jaeger (assuming um... that moment at the end of season 3 never happened (cough cough His dad’s memories cough). Kinda short but I don’t like to write anything as a headcanon unless I’m really sure it’s probably true and it makes a lot of sense.
Eren wants to do things for you, even if you don’t ask – he is actually very protective and would die for you in a heartbeat
He’s very honest about how he feels. If he has a problem with something you’re doing, he will tell you upfront.
He is not afraid to cry in front of you.
Eren is very observant of how you’re feeling – if you have even the most subtle change in mood, he’ll notice.
Words of affirmation is Eren’s preferred giving love language. And physical touch slightly as well.
He will be very supportive of whatever you want to do. He believes in his own freedom, but he believes in yours, too.
Eren is rather insecure, and because of that, if you try to smother him the way he does to you, he will not respond too well and will insist he’s not worth it.
You will definitely catch Eren staring at you when he thinks you don’t notice. Doesn’t mean he’ll stop if you look at him though.
Will call you a nickname from time to time – believe it or not, he has a sense of humor. But he just does it to tease you.
Eren trusts you and will listen but won’t always do exactly what you tell him. He believes in his own freedom.
Eren is a natural at flirting but if he has really strong feelings for you, he might get too nervous.
Even if he doesn’t show it, he thinks about you all. The. Time. Like he gets distracted because he’s thinking about you.
Isn’t actually very cuddly, but he may fall asleep on your shoulder. And he always wants to be near you.
Boasts about your accomplishments to other people even if they don’t care.
(Modern AU) Expect long phone calls late into the night from Eren just because he wants to hear your voice.
He’s kind of an annoying sleeper? He tosses and turns all night and hogs the covers.
Loves to have long deep conversations with you.
Is constantly flabbergasted by your beauty.
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redheadconfections · 2 years
AOT Characters React to an S/O Berating Themselves
There are a million and one ways someone could berate themselves, so I’m gonna keep it as something vague like “I hate myself”, “No one likes me”, or “I’m worthless” instead of anything specific.
Eren hates hearing you put yourself down and doesn’t understand how someone as badass as you wouldn’t see that about yourself. “This again? Quit putting yourself down. You’re enough.” Insists that you would have to be blind not to see to see all the good things about you. Would bring up your past accomplishments to show how far you’ve come. “Do you think all that means nothing?”
Well, technically, we already have an example of this in canon, when Eren berates himself and Mikasa tears up and says to him, “Stop. That isn’t true.”, followed by telling him all he’s done for her. So, yeah, there’s your answer for Mikasa :).
“You know, I’m not a ‘good person’ either. I don’t think ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people really exist. We’re all good to some people and bad to others. So just, try to do the best you can, okay?”
“What are you talking about?” Jean doesn’t know exactly what to say because he’s not super soft when it comes to trying to comfort someone. But he puts it as bluntly as possible. “Look, all of us are trying to do our best, okay? But we can’t do our best if we’re just sitting around moping about ourselves. We can’t win every battle.” 
Sasha might even smack you in the face if she heard you talking really badly about yourself. She might even cry, too, and say, “How dare you? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”
“Worthless? That’s absolutely ridiculous!” He chuckles a little. “You don’t really think that, do you?” Starts listing all the good things about you. “You’re funny. You’re nice. You’re smart. You’re pretty. It’s pretty hard not to like you.” 
“You tried your best, right? As long as you have no regrets. You did what you thought was right and that’s that.”
“Well, we’ve all failed at some point. That’s human nature. Not much you can do about it. I’ve done things I regret myself.” 
“Maybe you are, but... I’m still always going to be by your side!”
“I think I am too.” (I’m sorry but I really can’t see picture him saying anything other than this)
“Calm down. You’ll burn yourself out trying to please everyone.”
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redheadconfections · 2 years
AOT Driving Headcanons!
Yeah, we’re doing this. Set in modern AU
Believes he’s an excellent driver. 
Sometimes gets distracted by his own thoughts.
Refuses to listen to music because it distracts him. He takes driving safely a little too seriously.
Got extremely frustrated when he failed his driver’s test the first time.
Always drives at exactly the speed limit.
Doesn’t mind listening to music but doesn’t really listen to it because she’s focused on the road.
If she’s driving with someone else, does that thing where she holds her arm out to protect the other person when she hits the brakes hard.
Almost never gets distracted.
Passes her driver’s test the first time.
Overall almost a perfect driver.
Is so nervous.
Knows all the rules and has memorized exactly what all the signs mean, what to do in certain situations, etc. He’s pretty much memorized his whole driver’s ed book. 
Always lets pedestrians pass, sometimes to the annoyance of other drivers behind him.
Always looks at an exact map of the route he needs to take before going; memorizes where the rest stops are, all the turns, pretty much every detail of the trip beforehand. If you are driving with him, you don’t even need to remind him to turn up ahead - he already knows to.
Slams the brakes hard first time he sees a deer and almost gets rear-ended by the car behind him. Has a really hard time calming down afterwards.
Tries to abide by all the traffic laws unless he believes they’re unreasonable.
Has no problem listening to music without getting distracted and listens to it constantly.
Road rage. Awful road rage. “OH MY GOD ARE YOU BLIND? THE LIGHT’S GREEN GO!!!!”
Slams the brakes hard.
Gets mad at other people speeding but then always goes at least 3 miles above the speed limit.
Gets distracted so easily, especially by roadside attractions or animals. (*points* “COWS!”)
Also gets really nervous when she makes a mistake and has driving anxiety.
Blasts the music loud and sings along.
Would probably cry if another driver cussed her out or got really angry at her.
Also believes he’s an excellent driver. (”I’m an excellent driver.” *runs over a squirrel*)
Has definitely drove past a stop sign/red light before because he got distracted and didn’t see it. 
Sharp turns.
If he sees a dog in the car next to him, he will not move from that spot until another driver honks their horn at him.
Overall probably the worst driver in the 104th.
Doesn’t have much road rage, but will flip people off occasionally.
Speeds but flips other people off when they speed.
Knows how to fix a car pretty well and how they work.
Will cut people off if they’re being assholes.
Finds cars fascinating and also knows how to fix them.
Knows all the rules to driving just like Armin.
Will not let anyone tell them how to drive because they believe they know exactly what they’re doing.
Likes to listen to music while driving.
Can be careful if they need to be.
Also bad road rage.
Speeds but not as often as Jean or Levi.
Can also get distracted sometimes talking to the person next to her.
Also slams the brakes hard.
If she sees a bird in the middle of the road, swerves around it instead of stopping. If she can’t do that, she stops and yells at it to move the fuck out of the way.
Is pretty nervous but is still a pretty good driver. Never really speeds and has no trouble with directions.
Can get mad at other drivers but doesn’t really show it.
Sometimes talks on the phone while driving which is the only time she’ll ever really get distracted.
Has no problem driving other people places. Need a ride? She’s always up for it.
Always stops for animals in the road, whether it’s a deer, a squirrel, or the smallest little pigeon.
Is a pretty good driver and is also pretty calm, but one time he almost hit a deer and lowkey kinda panicked and had trouble calming down.
Kinda speeds a lot but still has somehow never even gotten close to an accident (except for the deer thing).
Is much more careful when driving with someone else.
If he’s angry while driving, drives much more aggressively (faster and with sharper turns).
Is also a pretty good driver, surprisingly calm and knows what he’s doing.
Rarely gets distracted, unless he’s really nervous about something in which case he might get lost in thought.
Overall, almost as good a driver as Mikasa.
Makes sure everyone is safe and wearing their seatbelts before taking off.
Speeds. And does not give a shit if you criticize her driving. Has still never come close to an accident.
Is super focused and follows all of the rules except for the speed limit.
Rarely talks while driving.
Got pulled over for speeding once. Was kind of annoyed by receiving a ticket but didn’t really show it.
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redheadconfections · 2 years
AOT College Headcanons
(Characters: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie) Was gonna write it for more characters but it’s really long already and I got lazzyyy
Writing these purely out of boredom and trying to think of as many headcanons I can for each character in university. Some characters I don’t even think would go to university. This is assuming everyone that does go is going to the same university, although I’m not sure how likely that would be.
Eren attends university only because he’s unsure of what else he’s supposed to do. But he takes a gap year or two before he actually goes to try and “find himself”. Realizes he wants to go into politics and so he goes to college to study that. 
Chooses to room with Armin (obviously). 
Doesn’t really break any dorm rules because he doesn’t see a reason to. Is relatively clean. Obviously talks to Armin sometimes as his friend and roommate, but he’s not extremely chatty. 
Goes to bed pretty late because he procrastinates on the assignments for his boring gen ed classes.
Is often daydreaming in class and has trouble paying attention, especially in classes he doesn’t find interesting, which causes his grades to slack.
Actually generally pretty likable around campus and gets along with most other students, but still keeps to himself a lot. He knows a lot of people but doesn’t have a lot of close friends. 
Often talking on the phone with Mikasa late into the night.
Ends up changing his major multiple times because he has trouble figuring out what he wants to do. Experiments by taking art classes.
Tries joining a bunch of clubs but doesn’t find any of them very interesting.
Has the worst diet and probably eats way too much pizza. Sometimes he waits until midnight to eat dinner when everything is closed, so he just heats something up in the microwave like mac and cheese.
Has been to a few parties. Tends to have a good time but doesn’t go to parties super often. Has gotten high multiple times. 
Ends up dropping out of college in his second year because he feels like it isn’t for him.
Goes to college because she’s also unsure of what she wants to do. All she knows is that she’s good of taking care of other people. Initially considers going into politics with Eren, but reconsiders after a while.
Didn’t have anyone to room with, so she chose a random roommate assignment and got roomed with a girl named Annie Leonhart.
She and Annie never really speak to each other, but they don’t hate each other.
Is a model student; gets good grades on everything and is very well-liked by professors.
Isn’t extremely social, but most men on campus think she’s pretty. She notices and usually ignores anyone that tries to flirt with her.
Is on the wrestling team and is great at it.
Considered being an RA but decided against it given how quiet she is. 
Has band posters on her wall in her dorm.
Tries to encourage Eren to eat better than he does. Eren always says “okay, okay” and then completely forgets about it later.
Often asks to study with Eren even though she is already doing well in her classes just because she wants to spend with him.
Sometimes gets disappointed when she goes to ask Eren to study with her to see that he is already studying with Armin.
Always goes to bed on time, but on certain occasions, she’ll let Eren talk to her for a little past her bedtime.
Overachiever, is usually seen studying.
Joins a poetry club to try and make some friends but is still pretty quiet. The people in the club like her anyway, though.
Only chooses to go to parties sometimes when Eren goes to them but doesn’t really enjoy them. She doesn’t hate them, but they’re not particularly her thing.
Goes to college to get a higher education and also because he doesn’t really know what he wants to do yet.
With Armin’s curious nature about the world, he decides to major in Geography.
Is very good at following the rules the RA sets and tries to make sure he and Eren are both happy in their living space. Pretty easygoing roommate.
Is a pretty good student and excels in most of his classes but gets stressed easily. Sometimes has breakdowns when thinks he’s gonna fail and jumps to conclusions that failing a test means he’s a complete failure.
Not super popular, but the people that do know him like him (mostly because of how smart he is; people often ask him for help on studying for tests). He’s had multiple occasions where people have asked him to help them study, but then after he helped them, they realized he was a pretty nice person and started talking to him more. Because of this, he knows a fair amount of people. But, he’s definitely also had people take advantage of this kindness and only talk to him when they need help on an assignment, which kind of irks him, but he’s too shy to defend himself.
Is president of the anime and manga club, which Mikasa occasionally attends.
Has never been to a college party.
Usually studies in the library.
Is such an overachiever in his studies, but not in the sense that he wants to impress his professors or anything. Rather, he’s just really curious about not only geography, but also conservation biology and takes a bit of an interest in political science after learning more about it from Eren. He’ll read ahead in the textbooks in these classes just because he wants to. 
Hangs out with Mikasa pretty often in his free time.
Sometimes loses sleep because Eren is talking to Mikasa late at night which causes him to be sleepy during his morning classes. He has almost drifted off during classes a few times. Luckily, he tends to make up for it with all the work he does outside of class.
Goes to college to get a higher-paying job for when he graduates, but doesn’t know exactly what he wants to do.
Eventually decides to go to law school after studying philosophy for a while.
Rooms with Marco but can be kind of a messy roommate and doesn’t like being told to vacuum or take out the trash or anything like that because he’s not used to doing it (he grew up spoiled). 
Doesn’t make terrible grades because he is naturally smart, but doesn’t take it super seriously so he’s definitely not a straight-A student. 
Sometimes when he’s struggling he asks Armin to help him in his classes.
Actually takes an interest when Armin starts talking to him about biology, which sparks a small friendship between the two.
Goes to bed really late for the first few weeks of school, but then realizes it’s affecting his performance in his classes, so he tries to stop (keyword: tries).
Is constantly tapping his pencil on the desk in class and it annoys anyone within 15 feet of him like oh my god someone needs to snap his pencil in half.
Has trouble getting used to the dining hall food.
Has been to a few parties, but he doesn’t get invited very often. Has gotten high at least once.
Is usually seen hanging out with Marco. 
Despite what some may think, doesn’t really try to get in Mikasa’s space too much. He gives her space to herself and really only approaches her first on a day when she seems upset. It’s only from there that they start talking a little more often, but they’re never super close friends.
Mikasa kinda brings out Jean’s soft side, so when he sees her at a party (that she only agreed to go to ‘cause of Eren) trying to ignore a creep oogling at her, he becomes kind of protective and tells him to piss off, sparking a fight which Mikasa ends up breaking up herself, saying that fighting is for children.
Is actually pretty good at keeping group projects going smoothly, even if he is a bit bossy.
Doesn’t originally like the idea of attending university, but decides to go after her Dad encourages her.
Doesn’t go to the same school as Eren and the rest because she decides to go to culinary school.
Abuses the dining hall privileges and uses up her meal passes early on in the semester.
Can be kind of a loud roommate and can be heard laughing at memes on her phone late into the night.
Gets so excited talking about the material in class just because she’s so passionate about food.
Has a few friends, but also often has her head in the clouds and doesn’t really mind being by herself too much. People often find her very quirky which can make her feel a bit lonely sometimes. She often misses her friends back home, though. Sometimes Connie comes to visit her on campus.
Doesn’t get invited to a ton of parties but loves to go to the ones she is invited to. Steals a lot of the refreshments.
Meets an upperclassman named Niccolo later on and they instantly form a connection.
Goes to college to make his family proud, as he would be a first-generation student.
Doesn’t really know what he wants to do but believes he’ll eventually figure it out.
Eventually becomes a theatre major. Makes friends in the theatre department.
Since Jean is already rooming with Marco, I’m guessing Connie gets paired up with some random side character (maybe Samuel (if you know you know 👀))
Isn’t the messiest roommate, but is lazy and doesn’t like being asked to pick stuff up or take out the trash.
Has fallen asleep in class a few times.
Has a lot of close friends.
Joins Armin’s anime club out of curiosity; doesn’t pay a lot of attention to what’s going on in it.
Asks Armin for help on assignments; sometimes he, Jean, and Armin have study sessions.
Tried to throw a big dorm party but only his closest friends showed up (Armin, Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt) and Eren. Had fun but was secretly disappointed on the inside. 
Often wishes Sasha was there whenever he cries.
Is kind of a class clown, but not as loud as he was in high school due to being a bit more insecure. Is generally liked among his classmates.
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redheadconfections · 2 years
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in other words, I have Connie brainrot. and I’m tired. shut up I can explain.
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redheadconfections · 3 years
How the AOT Characters would handle an S/O having a panic attack
Yeah, this is just a weird little headcanon I came up with because I suffer from panic attacks myself and it helps me calm down sometimes to imagine these. 
I think Eren would freeze up at first upon seeing you and try to (albeit kind of in a panicked manner) ask what’s wrong. If you answered or he figured it out, he would probably try to use logic and optimism to try and tell you everything is going to be okay and why. If he couldn’t figure what was wrong, he’d probably get kind of frustrated or confused (”Hey, you need to tell me what’s wrong!”). He’s not trying to be mean, he’s just not an expert when it comes to this kind of stuff, but he’s trying so hard to understand because he genuinely does care. If he thought you were in danger, he might panic and try to get some help from someone who knows how to handle this better than he does.
Mikasa would be very worried, as she hates seeing her loved ones cry, but would try not to panic as she wouldn’t want to make it worse. She would try to be as calm as possible and tell you that everything is going to be okay because “You’re stronger than you know”. If that doesn’t work, she’ll try to seek out a real solution to whatever is causing you harm, assessing the situation and seeing what the best course of action is. If she thought you were in danger, she’d probably panic a little and run off to try and get help. 
Armin is immediately worried and rushes to your side, pulling you into a hug. He tries to listen as best as possible to understand what’s wrong and would probably try to find some way to relate to your situation. If he couldn’t relate at all, he might feel a little awkward but would try to offer whatever advice he could. If he couldn’t get you to calm down or speak, he would try to get some help but would never let you out of his sight.
Jean immediately wants to know if you’re hurt or not, or worse, if someone hurt you (”Are you okay? Are you hurt?”) If he was able to figure out what triggered it, he would immediately try to eliminate whatever was causing it or make sure that you never saw what triggered it again if possible. If that wasn’t possible, he would try to take you to the quietest place he could think of where you could be alone. If he couldn’t figure out what was wrong and thought you were in danger, then he would actually register what was going on (”Oh my goodness, they’re having a panic attack”) and wouldn’t really know what else to do if talking wasn’t working. The next best thing he could think of would be to just hold you until you felt better, and if that didn’t work, he may even try taking you to a hospital. 
Sasha immediately reassures you that she’s here for you, to listen, to do whatever it is you need her to do. On the inside, she’s panicking because she’s never handled this kind of situation before. She may try to recommend to you whatever she does to help her calm down (”You know what always makes me feel better?”) (lord forgive her if she offers you a potato, she’s just trying her best). If she thought you were in danger, she would panic and call someone else for help.
Connie immediately panics as he is worried to death about you. He would try to ask you what happened, and, like Jean, try to eliminate whatever may be triggering it. He tries to reassure you that everything is going to be okay and that he is there for you no matter what. He would also just try to listen as best he possibly he could, trying to understand and trying to relate if at all possible. If he thought you were in danger, he would try to ask you to take a deep breath, and if you couldn’t, he’d just panic and take you to the hospital.
Yeah, Levi’s not gonna be super comforting if you are having a panic attack. He’d probably leave and maybe try to get you something he thinks you might need, like maybe a glass of water or whatever he thinks might help with the problem at hand. Then, he would sit, be quiet for a moment, and go “There’s a library down the hall if you need to go somewhere quiet.” If you didn’t respond, he’d probably just escort you there himself. If you couldn’t breathe, he’d probably just take your hand and try to take deep breaths with you, syncing your breath with his. If that didn’t work, he would ask you, “What do you need?” If he thought someone had hurt you, he would make that person pay. I know some may think Levi would be cold, but he’s not heartless and he’s probably seen a panic attack before and knows that they happen. If you were having a panic attack on the battlefield, though, he would not be like this because to him, this is not the time for this (”Get up!”).
Hange may not register at first that you’re having a panic attack and may just ask, “Do you need me to leave you alone?”. If you didn’t respond, they’d just approach you and try their best to be sympathetic, but it’s not their strong suit (”Hey, you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”) They would listen, but don’t really know how to be empathetic or compassionate in these kinds of situations. They’d probably try to come up with a solution to whatever your problem is. If they couldn’t figure out what was wrong, though, they would probably say something like, “I know it hurts. I’m sorry. Do you want me to get someone to help you?” They really don’t know how to handle this kind of stuff since they’re not great with emotions.
Historia would rush to your side immediately and ask what’s wrong. She wants to reassure you that everything is going to be okay and that you can pull through this because “I know you’re strong. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met!” If someone had hurt you, she would swear to make them pay. If she thought you were in danger, she’d tear up and calmly go “Come on. We need to get you to a hospital, okay?”
Oh, poor Reiner. He would just tear up and put a hand on your shoulder, going “I’m sorry” before pulling you into a hug. He’d probably try to think of what’s cheered you up in the past and use that to try to calm you down. If that didn’t work, he’d try to uplift you a little (”Hey, you’re gonna get through this, alright?”) He is not leaving your side and is trying to be as gentle as possible. He feels quick to blame himself, too, wondering if there’s anything he could’ve done to prevent this.
Yeah, Annie is kind of terrible at this. She is concerned, even if she doesn’t show it super well, and doesn’t want to leave you alone, but she’s not very compassionate. She would ask you if you need anything. If she thought you were in danger, she would probably show more concern and would try to figure out what the best course of action is when someone is having a panic attack, as she’s pretty much clueless.
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