redmasqued · 2 years
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    STARTER CALL.       capping at TWO!
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redmasqued · 2 years
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               ROLAND      ♚      PUNISHING: GRAY RAVEN
formerly a human who has been augmented into what’s known as a “ construct ”. he’s basically a cyborg.
he was experimented on and thrown aside when his survival instinct was destroyed.
roland is infected by “ the punishing ”; a virus which swept across the world and corrupted machines to the point humanity was nearly wiped out.
part of a faction known as the ascendants--- a group of constructs infected by the punishing but have learned how to harness and become stronger for it.
with his survival instinct lost, roland had no reason to live, but found it in his work with the ascendants.
Wow! another walking existential crisis.
we live in a society.
*slaps his chest* this baby can fit so much trauma.
still a shady bitch though.
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redmasqued · 2 years
feeling a bit more confident so here i am to reapply for roland from punishing: gray raven! app can be found through the navigation menu or under /A
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Roland!
You’ll be staying in TOWNHOUSE 210!
You will be returned everything you were given previously.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ taygeta.
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redmasqued · 3 years
       WHAT ARE THE ODDS? birds of a feather, caged together, it seems! no matter how gilded their prison, it was just that: a prison, and here they are, wings clipped and bound, left to fend for what remains of their existences. how pitiful, he laments, however there is little to be done at present. the matter of their reunion is a far more pressing engagement, and thus roland makes himself known with a languid approach, every step whispering its echo into the dark. he regards her amusedly as his silhouette breaches the shadows, bleeding into the dying light. it floods his features, upon which a smirk is etched.
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             ❝  hooh--- careful now, alpha. those eyes could slay a man.  ❞ fortunately, he hadn’t a single iota of fear to give, ❝  i could ask the same of you, couldn’t i?  ❞
       he parts his hands in gesture, as if to present himself unto her scrutiny. he had nothing to hide, after all.
             ❝  it’s not by choice, i assure you.  ❞
A NUISANCE. EVERYTHING THUS FAR was nothing but some farce, she’s come to conclude. arriving here was an annoyance, something else that strips her of a chance to fight back, yet hearing of some dance was only grinding salt into already festering wounds. an almost mockery in her eyes, one which deterred her from the blinding city lights to the silence of yesteryear, electing to remain here for days than return just yet. it was a strange form of solitude, keeping her presence at bay after learning that many of its citizens, too, would keep their distance no matter the proximity.
just another place where she does not belong, something familiar to her, as she remains perched atop a ruined building. eyes remain steady, observing the oddly serene vicinity, before a trickle of movement garners her attention. and, before along, footsteps to match an all too familiar frame which approaches. ah, he must have taken note of her, a glance of frustration aimed his way. not particularly at him, but rather something far more deep-seated.
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❝ Why’re you here? ❞ not within yesteryear, no. rather, why was he in this forsaken place far from her sister, too?
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redmasqued · 3 years
a collection of starters adapted from benjamin alire sáenz’s novel ‘ aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe ’  /  change pronouns as necessary.
part one  /  part two
    — the different rules of summer
❛  sometimes when people talk, they don’t always tell the truth.  ❜ ❛  laughter is another one of life’s mysteries.  ❜ ❛  i was ashamed of myself for being ashamed of myself.  ❜ ❛  the world is a dark place.  ❜ ❛  i was mostly invisible.  ❜ ❛  why couldn’t he just talk?  ❜ ❛  maybe everyone is a little sad.  ❜ ❛  how do you put up with this guy?  ❜ ❛  someday, i’m going to discover all the secrets of the universe.  ❜ ❛  i’ve never seen you that mad.  ❜
    — sparrows falling from the sky
❛  i’m always looking for you.  ❜ ❛  don’t be an asshole.  ❜ ❛  you’re not afraid of anything.  ❜ ❛  i have bad dreams too.  ❜ ❛  all i did was smile at him.  ❜ ❛  we’re too nice, you know that?  ❜ ❛  i don’t always have to understand the people i love.  ❜ ❛  where does that leave you?  ❜ ❛  i woke up and i felt lost.  ❜ ❛  everyone expected something from me — something i just couldn’t give.  ❜
    — the end of summer
❛  i remember screaming his name.  ❜ ❛  just don’t cry.  ❜ ❛  when am I going to stop feeling like crap?  ❜ ❛  do you know how much I love you?  ❜ ❛  no more crying.  ❜ ❛  i almost got you killed.  ❜ ❛  i’m just a regular guy.  ❜ ❛  what is there to forgive?  ❜ ❛  i’m not going anywhere.  ❜ ❛  when will i know who i am?  ❜ ❛  you don’t have to say anything.  ❜
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redmasqued · 3 years
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First impressions can be tough to get through. That's okay. To get started , here are some general sentences to get things going
❛ i'm sorry , i didn't mean to bump into you . ❜
❛ hey , are you lost ? ❜
❛ sorry , people here don't really like new faces . ❜
❛ have i seen you before ? ❜
❛ where are you from ? ❜
❛ oh my god ! you scared the shit out of me ! ❜
❛ you should be careful. this area is pretty shady. ❜
❛ hello ? i think i'm lost. ❜
❛ can you take this picture for me ? ❜
❛ excuse me , i think you dropped this. ❜
❛ you shouldn't be here. ❜
❛ can i borrow your phone ? ❜
❛ holy shit ! are you okay ? ❜
❛ may i sit here ? ❜
❛ i think they got our orders mixed up. ❜
❛ hi , i'm looking for a _____ . is that you ? ❜
❛ sorry , i'm new here. ❜
❛ i'm so sorry ! let me clean that up for you. ❜
❛ hey it's you ; _____ ! ❜
❛ you should watch where you're going. ❜
❛ can you hold this for me ? ❜
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redmasqued · 3 years
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❝ Oh. So you’ll fight back? Fine by me. ❞ she preferred it like that anyway.  ❝ But if you fight back and I fall into the abyss instead. What’re you gonna tell Luna? ❞ full brat mode enabled.
       HIS SMILE FALTERS--- if only for a mere second, though in the wake of her remark, it appears faded.
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             ❝  ... in case you hadn’t noticed, miss luna isn’t here right now.  ❞ the tension ebbs away from his expression, and roland resumes his former demeanor as if nothing had swayed him, ❝  that aside--- what made you believe i was going to throw you in?  ❞ 
       he places a hand over his heart, a smirk tugging at his lips to spite the feigned offense lilting his tone, ❝  it’s almost as though you don’t trust me, alpha. i’m wounded.  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
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❝ What? Did you throw out that mockery of an item they gave us? ❞ she’ll ignore his initial comments for now. ❝ If you don’t give it over, I’ll throw you in. How’s that for a good time? ❞
       HE DROPS HIS COAT, regarding her with an amused chuckle.
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             ❝  how thrilling--- i’d be delighted to see you try.  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
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       i wouldn’t mind feeding an idiot or two to the void
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redmasqued · 3 years
“I don’t think it is. At least not your version of it.” She seems almost incredulous at his thinking people aren’t that naive sometimes. So much so that she gives an exasperated huff and crosses her arms.
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“Yes they would! Seriously, have you seen how gullible some people are? I’m gullible sometimes, too! I’m sure there’s things you don’t know either which also makes you gullible. One day it’ll be you asking the questions and taking things seriously then you won’t be laughing!”
             ❝  pfft---  ❞ a smile spills onto his features, ❝  ahahahahaha!  ❞
       he can’t help but laugh away her sincerity. there’s no denying naivete is prevalent in most, if not all, sentient beings--- it was simply amusing that she admits it so readily. no-one has a sense of humour anymore, it seems! how tragic.
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             ❝  you don’t say? if that’s the case, perhaps we’ll see then, won’t we? i would keep an eye on your belongings if i were you.  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
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❝ That so? ❞ she doesn’t believe a damn word. ❝ Then give me what’s yours. Or I’ll just take it myself if you don’t wanna prove it. ❞
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             ❝  oh? don’t threaten me with a good time, alpha.  ❞ he parts his coat aside, flaunting an empty belt, ❝  a compelling offer though that may be, i’m afraid i haven’t much to give.  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
“Okay there’s fun and there’s.” She waves her arms up and down to accentuate the absurdity of what it is that he suggests. “This.” 
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“Now you’re just being mean and trying to get someone hurt!”
       OH DEAR, it seems someone has heard him--- what a shame! he barely stifles a chuckle. her vigour is nothing short of endearing.
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             ❝  all in good fun.  ❞ he raises a brow, ❝  do you truly think the citizens so foolish? surely they wouldn’t be convinced by my word alone.  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
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             ❝  ohooh? if you offer someone else’s possessions to the abyss, i hear you’ll reap an even better reward. don’t be shy now!  ❞
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redmasqued · 3 years
  well, he certainly was unique, wasn’t he? if that even is the proper word to describe it. his actions and demeanor reminded her of mages back home who used their charm to get what they wanted and were aware of their skills. perhaps this one is like them, perhaps not. 
       nevertheless, there is a promise that any conversation from this point on would be hardly boring. 
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   her free hand comes to rest atop his shoulder as her posture remains proper. all those dance lessons certainly paid off growing up, didn’t they? a nod is given, and then, “ You may. Though do not be surprised if I take the lead later on. It’s a habit of mine, I will admit.“ 
       UPON HER AFFIRMATION, roland places his hand at her waist, and in the other, he holds hers aloft. he can feel her eyes piercing through him, searching for something; perhaps a motive underlying his approach? a meaning behind his smile? well, he can hardly blame her for her mistrust of a stranger’s intent, but alas, if it is a story she seeks, she may discover a few crucial pages torn from his seams. 
       meeting with her gaze, the ascendant ushers the pair into the melody, stepping in time. her gumption is... charming--- it seems he shall be spared of his boredom after all.
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             ❝  is that so? my my.  ❞ with a chuckle upon his lips, he regards her amusedly, ❝  i look forward to it.  ❞
       deftly he guides her into a twirl--- and then back into step without a stutter. 
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redmasqued · 3 years
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             ❝  OHH?  ❞ a smirk tugs at his lips amusedly--- what a fine point the fair stranger makes! it seems they are of like minds, ❝  someone after my own heart.  ❞
       it would be a tragedy to while away the evening’s festivities without just one more dance, and thus, roland accepts her hand, holding it aloft in his own. the night had certainly made up for its earlier languor, for he hadn’t an interest in the food, nor games. the novelty of its glamour wore thin rather fast, and so he sought a new means of entertainment.
                                                                    ---and so did she, evidently.
             ❝  shall we?  ❞ he inquires of his company in velveteen tones, and gestures toward the dance floor.
     ❝   You look like you’re light on your feet,   ❞   SHE   all but coos, already extending a gracious hand. Aelin’s lost count of how many times she’s done this— swooped into the sidelines, plucking off a straggler lingering by the walls instead of twirling on the dancefloor. She vastly prefers coming to a ball without an escort for exactly this reason; why have one dance partner when you can have an easy dozen ?  Thus far, she doesn’t think she’s had more than a couple rejections. Overwhelming success, shocking no one. 
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     ❝   And, what a coincidence — we’re both lacking partners. Care to fix that ?   ❞
@redmasqued​ : latesummer night’s soiree.
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redmasqued · 3 years
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    an eyebrow raises in question, head tilted to the side. that’s the first time she’s been asked to dance tonight, but she had been spending most of the time in the basement of the castle….. a pause is given, eyes glancing at the one bowed before she extends her hand out. he had a point, did he not? a soiree was meant for dancing– she might as well get the most out of it. “ Of course. If you know how to dance, that is. “
       TO HIS DELIGHT, she bestows him her hand, which roland accepts in his own gently. without urgency, he leads her out onto the floor, chuckling away her remark.
             ❝  but of course! if there’s one thing i know how to do, dear stranger---  ❞ upon assuming a space amid the throng of swaying bodies, he angles toward her with a curl of his lip, ❝  it’s put on a show.  ❞
       cradling her hand in his, he hovers the other shy of her waist inquisitively.
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             ❝  may i?  ❞ perhaps his evening shan’t go to waste after all.
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redmasqued · 3 years
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> more pgr castmates > Becomes Evil
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