redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
It had taken him quite some time until he had the right idea of where he would take her without seeming too... aware of what she liked. A small japanese place that was selling some delicious sushi was his top pick in the end so he started to type his message just to realize that a phone call would be more appropriate for this.
The Reaper selected her number out of the list, hesitating a moment before finally dialing it aswell. This was so weird to him as it was the first time he felt genuine interest towards someone. What should he say? Should he pretend like he had forgotten or should he do it different. Oh, what would be the best way.
When he heard her pick up he kept silent for a few more moments before he started to speak up. “Hey--.. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to call you yet, been.. pretty busy with my job. But I hope that you have time tonight, maybe...?”
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
The Reaper withdrew his phone from her the moment she was done, eying the number and then the name. She had saved herself under the name of Mink on her phone which made him wonder. Was this some sort of nickname or did she try to fool him to get out of the entire situation. Was he such a horrible catch?
Slowly, a smile made his way back on his lips as he nodded then. “Nice name. I hope you’ll have some time for me soon.”, he whispered before taking a glance around. He should get out of the train before anyone would arrive, was there probably a good reason why it had stopped so apruptly. “Can’t wait to see you again”, the Reaper purred before he spun around on his heel and walked of into the mass of people that tried to leave the train.
What about her? She wasn’t really eager letting all the people around her know what her name was nor how her phone number went. With discomfort showing the female lowered her gaze for a bit before silently reaching out for the phone he was holding. She’d just type the number in and save it all under a name so he’d be happy, if he would go as far and hand her over something as important as this without her saying anything about it.
Surely he thought she was rude or weird for not speaking, however Mink couldn’t really care less about that now. This entire meeting was freaking her out enough and the man at her side not being happy about all of it as well made her only more uncomfortable than already. This ride was supposed to help her calm down and maybe sort some of her thoughts, not make her even more stressed out because of people.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
A wide smile appeared on his lips as she actually agreed to having a dinner with him, or anything similar to that atleast which made the man really happy actually. He could actually put all the knowledge he had about her to proper use. Hopefully it wouldn’t creep her out or anything that he would always pinpoint what she liked..
Would make him look like some weird stralker, right?
Rezin lowered his gaze then onto his messenger bag before he pulled it off of his body so he could check for his phone. She should give her his number and he’d text her the place where he’d pick her up so they could proceed to their date.
“My name is Rezin.. What about you..?”, he asked with a curious look on his face even though he already knew about it. Her name was Mareike. She was about to turn 23 and she had a rough life so far.. and a suit cat called O’Neill who was her everything. Hopefully, he’d be important to her aswell the more she’d get to know him that evening.
Unlike her, the guy next to her was anything else but happy about the situation, did he fall onto his feet as well and he had received no apology or whatsoever from him. An unpleased grunt came from the Reaper then as he narrowed his eyes at the other one.. “Can’t you see I’m occupied right now.”, the male hissed almost before he turned to the gorgeous beauty again.
“I’ll send you everything. And to be honest, I’m already looking forward to it..”
With averting her gaze the female had actually ended every cominucation with the other, had made a cut under what just had happened and already pushed all of it behind herself when the voice of the man rang again, asking her to go out all of the sudden – which kind of was a weird way to put it, she thought. Go out, like… on a date?
Didn’t strike the ebony-haired once that this guy could be interested in her. Just the way he spoke threw her off a bit; the wording he chose. Now, it did confuse her a little if she had to be honest. Ask her to make up for something so trivial, willing to waste precious time and money on a stranger he didn’t even know. On a stranger he didn’t owe anything to.
Mink turned her head again to look at him, unsure how to respond. The blue-eyed wanted to give her something, but she was everything but comfortable to accept. “ …I-I–”, the far smaller one stammered insecure as this situation made her feel, paused again although her lips where still slightly in motion as if there was something to add. The red-haired guy made it sound like there was something he had to make up for, when in fact all he had done was kiss her boots. So if someone had to make up to the other it would be her. 
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“ …I–don’t think–” It came in another unclear outburst of words not giving either a yes or a no to the question. Mink tried to think about it. It was a nice move from him, to invite her to whatever it was he had in mind. That wasn’t it. The girl already had a hard time making herself do everything; to keep on going after the break up still stuck in her bones. Date or not, she simply couldn’t tell if it wasn’t too early still going out. Especially since she wasn’t really up to dating anyone anytime soon. On the other hand…
He did seem nice. And… cute, kind of, with the embarrassment still in some parts of his features. It would be rude to say no to that offer, besides which… maybe it really wouldn’t be such a bad idea trying to find distraction after all that had happened.
“…a-alright–I guess–…”, she finally let him know. More silent again and uncertainty audible within her voice, did she wish not to hide from the man that she was unsure if this would be a good idea or even okay. Now she only needed to know when, and where. He surely wasn’t eager taking her along now, especially since she was kind of a visual mess – and still tipsy.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Why out of all possible things had their meeting gone this way? How would he ever be able to make up for such an embarrassing moment. It made the Reaper rather insecure at the start before he managed to swallow silently and make his way back up onto his feet, but not without taking a closer look at the woman again from his current perspective. Even from down there she looked gorgeous to him, and especially that stare she had given him...
Was she interested? Or did she think that he was some sort of creep now that he had gotten so close to her without her pribably wanting something like that to happen in the first place. So many possibilities came up in his head now. Perhaps.. asking her out, as a way to apologize would show him what she was thinking.
The Reaper grabbed hold of one of the silver rails so he wouldn’t fall over at the next stop again, looking at the woman with a curious gaze before he opened his mouth, barely noteable at first till.. “Would you like to go out with me? I want to apologize for the inconvenience I just caused you.”
Oh, hopefully she’d say yes. He knew so much about her, what she liked to eat for example. He’d prolly treat her to some sushi or something like that as he knew she was into seafood. And maybe.. just maybe he’d get her number on the normal way as he could easily gain access to it already at the moment.
She didn’t realize it until it already had happened and the pressure appeared against her feet, a bright attention-grabbing red out of the lower corner of her eye appearing the same second the weird feeling did. Now, of course she slightly turned her head at first, barely checking what it was that she felt all of the sudden against her feet, angered a bit guessing someone had thrown his bag onto them to let go of the feeling of heaviness for a bit. Instead her eyes widened at the obscure sight, leaving Mink blink several times yet without trying to stroke the ink-colored hair out of her face to see better. What she was seeing was already enough.
There was a man. A tall, lean body huddled over onto the ground with his head exactly where her shoes where resting. The smaller one found a rather handsome face looking at her in return with the most memorizable thing not being the crimson bangs keeping a part of his face hidden to her. These… amazinly clear, bright blue eyes resting on her–a blue shimmering so strong in color Mink couldn’t remember to ever have seen a pair of eyes as intense as the almost luminescent-seeming gaze of the handsome dude lying there. 
It caught her off-guard. His looks more than the actual fact that he was lying there, probably caught off-balance by the sudden stop of the subway just like she was now with his presence. It was his voice pulling her out of her sort-of trance, making her blink again only to end up hesitant a second longer. What was this encounter anyway. Nothing. 
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“…no harm done…–”, it escaped her; her voice hoarse–more silent compared to the other words echoing through the iron coffin of conversations other people where holding. It hadn’t hurt or anything, so there was no reason for the guy to be sorry for something that wasn’t his fault in the first place. Mink imagined him lying down there was embarrassing enough, and she had no interest in making him feel awkward even more. She didn’t feel like doing anything to be frank. Anything but turning her head away again only to continue staring out the window.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
That he had found her was something he never thought would happen, but there she was, just a few steps away from him. A smile adorned the reapers features as he slowly but surely made his way to the woman, wanting to take the seat next to her which was unfortunately taken by some other male.
Rezin narrowed his eyes at him, wondering if the two of them knew each other, if he was a potential lover or just a stranger that was lucky enough to share the same row of seats as her. In just a few more moments, the Reaper was rather close to the two of them so he was able to overhear any sort of conversation that might take place that involved her.. but nothing. Noone said her name even though he wished for that. He had only heard it during the memories of the other male and even then it sounded anything else than.. happy.
Once he was near enough, he finally had the chance to take a closer look at her even though most of her face was covered by her hair as she was still looking outside with her head leaning against the glass. Such a beauty, she looked even better in reality which made him stare at her in awe... too long to even realize that the train was stopping apruptly and he ended up falling on his face.. or rather, someones shoes. Those boots seemed.. familiar... Well, of course they did, had he eyed the woman from head to toe.
Thanks to him not paying attention his body was sent of flying in a way, unfortunately right onto the floor in front of the woman which would make their very first meeting even more awkward than he had planned. Only when he felt that the train had indeed stopped, he moved himself slightly, looking up at her legs, trying to catch a glimpse of her face...
“I’m really sorry--”
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Mink didn’t bother once looking around in the crammed compartment she was in, stayed leant against the cold wall and window rather, with her gaze fixated onto the outside of the tunnel. Nothing of interest was there to see anyway, the opposite rather, given that the meanwhile 22-year-old did indeed dislike being inbetween crowds. She wasn’t happy, didn’t feel comfortable around a higher amount of people – knowing them or not. So she didn’t even bother looking around eyeing who entered or left, didn’t feel like examining their expression and spend her time on wondering why they where happy or why they weren’t. What where emotions worth anyway.
To her – nothing. most likely nothing, for now. Mink didn’t dare to claim she would never ever be affected by them, and somehow even… wished that maybe one day there would be someone appreciating her enough to not feel ashamed showing it. A dream, she knew. There where so many more, more pretty, better looking, better behaving. Successful. Everything she wasn’t. She looked average – if at all. Boring. Sad. Weird. Lazy too. Full of traits bad enough having others not wanting to bother with someone as troublesome in  a world already troubling enough for everyone on their own.
There was hardly anyone not having a harder life due to a relationship. Dating was time-consuming and expensive. Either you’d have to arrange a meeting, which would get hard only after one week of being together with either one having to work within incredible hours work usually was packed with – or you’d have to interact via social media or intercoms, which swallowed your credits faster than you’d be able to refill them.
Mink knew. Mink had experienced it first hand. There was nothing sweet about being with another for longer. Sure, with feelings strong at first and mind blinded with the thought you’d manage everything together reality would quickly come and pull you off your own feet. Maybe… maybe it wasn’t even true love people thought they’d find. Maybe it was more the desperation nagging at you, the hope of maybe not be alone as others, not alone for longer than you already where.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
...I guess it doesn’t interest you that much in the end..
I am sure I have something that might interest you aswell.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
I am sure I have something that might interest you aswell.
Oh, then go ahead and try~
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Oh, then go ahead and try~
Not only.. but it’s a nice way to start.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Not only.. but it’s a nice way to start.
Then how about you wiggle a bit with that butt.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Then how about you wiggle a bit with that butt.
How about I fuck you over.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
How about I fuck you over.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Ever since that day, he had been looking for the woman, trying to get more information about her. Where she was living at the moment, where she was most of the day. What she liked, what she hated. Whom she was with at the moment, where she was working. Anything. He wanted to know everything. Everything about her was important to the Reaper as that would give him a clear advantage when he would try to seduce her. After all, he couldn’t just go up to her and tell her that he saw her in her ex’s memories and wanted to fuck her.
...Fucking wasn’t the only thing he wanted from her anyway. He wanted to get to know her by himself, wanted to see her smile as that hadn’t happened even once in the memories he had been viewing. But well, of course. Who would be smiling during a breakup anyway..
The Reaper made his way to one of the trainstations as he had finally managed to find out where she was living and was on his way to her place. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to just bump into her, able to start a conversation randomly. Oh, what would he say anyway.. He might be a man that was able to hold a conversation with his clients; if he was talking to them himself, but he was also rather inexperienced when it came talking to someone he was interested in, had no woman spark the interest in him yet. Noone but her. What was it about her anyway..? Right at this time, he couldn’t tell yet.
The train finally arrived in the trainstation and the male got instantly onto it, looking around for a place he could sit on but there was none. It was crowded, the air still clean however as the air conditioning was flawless. Atleast something decent here. Rezin then tried to make his way through the people as he would be on the train for a while and he didn’t want people to shove him around whilst they tried to get on or off of the train when... he saw her.
His clear blue eyes stared at her and his mouth opened just a bit.. Finally.. Finally he had found her.
If she had to describe her life with one word it would be average. The daily life of an average centrite. A boring day. A boring life. The long magnificent, obsidian-faked strands of what most likely seemed like early bed-hair in its messed-up state didn’t bother her to some extend. How could it, with her not giving a flying fuck about how she looked at this point. And that not due to her almost-drunken state. There was no reason for her to try attract any possible partner anytime soon – if ever again. No, she was completely done and fine with that, too.
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A worn sigh escaped the sluggish female’s slightly parted lips, partly her nostrils too while slowly yet surely her thick-in-clothing-wrapped frame slid deeper down into the seat she was getting comfortable on. With the steel coffing packed with quite a bunch of busy Centrites on their way to wherever they went to – work most likely, school maybe too. All seats where taken and even more people standing, prushing into each other and against the cold walls and windows, while the people sitting could call themselves lucky only getting an elbow or the edge of a purse or backpack into their heads.
Being the small girl she was compared to all these tall individuals Mink could easily avoid being punched or poked by anything, if she would be in that situation. There was no need to however, this time, with her small frame resting sideways against a windowed seat; back leaning against the coolish wall and the plastic seat alike, while her head – heavy from all the thoughts and despair she felt – rested against the window to her side with no real view to enjoy. From time to time her eyes met sunlight, or more the artificial light sources high up spreading over Central’s sky, illuminating the cleanest and richest parts of the mega-city. No matter the time of day, in Central it was alright bright. Too fucking bright for her taste.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
However, the woman wasn’t the only one who had such an idea, to purge her memories from what she had experienced and start fresh in a way, did her former lover think of that as the best way he could do to deal with his breakup.
Her former mate had actually even managed to sell his memories to Re:Memory as they valued a wide variation of memories that could be experienced, would it give the watcher an idea of what he could have coming to him in the future; and a break up was surely one part of that. They were happening every day after all, right?
Who would have thought that him having the same trail of thought as his ex girlfriend would make the Reaper find the person he wanted to be with forever.
Rezin had an assignment to find certain memories for a client, one that actually involved a breakup. He was only minding his business, reaping what needed to be reaped, saving everything on his handy little companion before he actually froze in motion. That woman was so.. beautiful. A true beauty and her voice.. Even though this was just a memory of someone who might even be dead at the moment, her voice was clear and so goddamn lovely.
The Reaper drew in a sharp breath as he stared at her from the eyes of her former lover, listening to what she had to tell him and why they actually broke up. Then she left the apartment and the memory turned more fuzzy until it actually kicked him out. He had to find out who she was and especially if she was still alive.
It didn’t take him too long to get the details of her ex-boyfriend which led to him just checking the private data of him as everything was filed. Relatives, lovers, even their pets were listed in this huge database. ...Everyone was watched but this time it was actually in his favor..
Emotional traumas often demand to be overwhelmed by levity. Her family and friends had always advised her to distract herself with happier things following the inevitable disappointments of life. Listen to your favorite songs. Seek out exciting activities. Enjoy the reassuring company of loved ones. Drink, but never alone.
Instead, Mink often choose riding the subway.
Several weeks after a particularly messy separation from a long-time partner, she found herself fleeing into the steely embrace of Central’s Metro system. Stumbling down the escalator in Northern District, her gaze fell upon the inscription in the granite walls above the north entrance, an excerpt from Kaine, head of Re:memory, the one and only place to regain Retros - remembered treasures of the forgotten past. Everyone has had too much of now. From mega-cities, like Central, to the vast and desolate Outlands. Nobody wants more of it. How it used to feel is what the people want, and Re:Memory offers them exactly that.
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A few bourbons deep, Mink wondered what the hell it was that made people want to remember a time long forgotten, when she found herself struggling enough wanting to forget possibly all of her past events in her sorry life, which barely to never had been kind of bright for her. Maybe she should venture into  Re:memory’s halls and get rid of some, if not all she had within remembrance.
Within minutes of dumping herself into a small plastic seat in the midst of Central’s rush hour commute, she realized that no one would be stupid enough buying off memories of someone as boring as her; like her - a nobody. Memories in which navigating the gritty catacombs of Central’s sprawling subway system with no destination set, partly drunk, wrapped in steel and plastic and surrounded by strangers would be the the most action-packed phenomenon she’d been experiencing throughout her entire depressive life.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
Even though she'd probably not admit it, her acting like that made her look even cuter in his eyes. How she was hiding herself now from him, averting his gaze like that. Slowly, he placed his arms around the petite woman too, hugging her close to himself.
The female winced slightly at the sudden feeling of him doing that to her, making her body shiver as she slowly rose her arms to grab him by his shirt resulting in her tugging slightly at the fabric before burrying her face against it.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
"Trust me, my dear. You do..", he purred then before biting her into her earlobe, nibbling at it gently before letting go off of her again. ".. Especially when you try to deny it.. Your cheeks go all red then.. So cute..", he added with his eyes halfway lidded and another purr escaping him the next moment..
"…I-I don’t…", the smaller one answered more in a silent mumble in an attempt to defend herself from all the shameful things he said. Of course she wasn’t mad at him for talking like that. In fact she silently appreciated his words of encouragement, trasured them and him and the way his voice sounded when he was talking to her, which barely had happened the last weeks.
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redmohawkmayhem · 9 years
The Reaper could see the reddish glow on her cheeks, how she was obviously embarrassed about what he was saying. But she had also wanted him to talk to her and what better thing was there than their intimate moments which he cherished so much. .."You look so adorable."
Flustered she finally managed to turn her head away, just as the red on her cheeks flushed even brighter. The far smaller one stood there then, not sure what exactly to respond since - even after all this time they now lived together - she was still everything but confident about herself, especially when it came to ‘that’
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