redpinpricks · 4 years
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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“You led me by the hand through the darkness. Blue Dragon, you are my moonlight.”
★ Happy Birthday, Shin-ah! ★ 1.3
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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just like before, wei wuxian called his name with a grin, and he looked over as well. from then on, he could never move his eyes away again. —grandmaster of demonic cultivation, chapter 133
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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a winter story.
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redpinpricks · 4 years
what do u mean it’s ooc it’s perfectly in character LBH is that whipped for his shizun 
Just me posting unfinished scumvillain stuff at an ungodly hour. Might be OOC.
I probably won’t finish it but it was fun to draw c:
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redpinpricks · 4 years
Sparring Headcanon
So throughout the MXTX novels, there are scenes about the main couple fighting against some big bad together. And it’s always some epic teamwork that proves that they’re meant for each other, and it’s great.
But maybe it’s just me, but I want more scenes about them fighting each other, like sparring. I know there are a few instances of the main pairing fighting/sparring in pre-relationship times (very good for sexual tension, I approve), but it’s just not the same as post-relationship sparring. Hear me out:
I always have this nagging little thought at the back of my head about how post-relationship fighting/sparring would work with each couple:
~SQQ would be the one to bring it up in some blunt manner (he’s been around Liu-shidi too much recently), maybe at breakfast one morning ~“Binghe, let’s fight.” *LBH stumbles and nearly pours a bowl of hot congee down his open robes* ~LBH has a hard time understanding why SQQ wants to spar with him. He’s very much afraid he will hurt his husband. ~SQQ was really only nostalgic while watching his disciples train and now that things have settled down, he hasn’t had much of a chance to really use Xiu Ya. ~He is also completely aware that there is no way he will win against LBH, but he doesn’t want LBH to hold back either. ~LBH definitely holds back. He gets hit by the fan several times when SQQ realizes. ~When LBH finally actually puts some effort into sparring (but still holding back a bit), he pins SQQ after a decent match (considering SQQ is sparring the protagonist) ~They’re lying on the ground, SQQ under LBH. Xiu Ya is embedded in the ground some feet away, and Zheng Yang is held near SQQ’s throat. And there is something hard poking at SQQ’s thigh. ~Almost every sparring match ends this way (even if SQQ takes care of that business first), and after a few days of being ravished in the middle of the day, SQQ doesn’t ask LBH to spar anymore. ~LBH asks hopefully a few times, but SQQ just tells him to go fight his Liu-shishu because he cannot have his students see his disheveled, post-sex face in the middle of the day again. ~Eventually they compromise and spar at night instead.
~It did not start as a spar. LWJ was correcting the juniors forms in the training yard one morning, and WWX had just woken up. He sat sleepily under a tree near the training fields, eating carrots meant for the rabbits.  ~After a bit, he got bored, so he decided to go play teaching assistant. He followed behind LWJ, giving additional tips. ~LWJ is fondly exasperated, and he tells WWX to stop teaching the juniors unconventional forms when they were supposed to be learning the Lan techniques. WWX argues that what he is teaching is Lan techniques. ~One of the juniors asked how WWX knows the Lan techniques. WWX boasts that he knows them very well, simply from observing LWJ. ~Not that LWJ doubts his husband’s abilities, but his Lan pride does not believe that someone can learn their family sword techniques simply by watching ~The juniors definitely add fuel to the flame by wanting see WWX put these techniques to use. WWX tries getting out of it with his usual excuses of how he can’t wield a sword as well without spiritual energy, etc. ~LWJ mentions that sword techniques don’t need spiritual energy to perform. He says that all the disciples are not allowed to use spiritual energy in their attacks until they are proficient in the techniques. ~WWX is eventually persuaded and digs Suibian out from some closet. He is definitely rusty with the sword, but after a bit of warm-up, the muscle memory kicks in. ~He performs the Lan clan sword forms almost perfectly. The juniors are amazed, and LWJ is pretty impressed as well. The juniors want to see if WWX can apply those techniques to a fight and they banded together to encourage a spar between LWJ and WWX ~Feeling confident with his ego boosted so much, WWX challenges LWJ to a fight, purely using the techniques, no spiritual energy. ~LWJ succumbs to the pressure (he can’t say no to WWX). ~They end up more or less evenly matched. LWJ strikes faster and is mostly on the offensive, but WWX is able to predict his moves in advance, so he’s able to block with incredible accuracy. ~They spend most of the morning sparring without one person having more of an advantage over the other. Eventually, it’s time for other lessons for the juniors. ~LWJ is a little bit embarrassed about getting so carried away, but he doesn’t say so. He just sends the juniors away. ~WWX is pretty gleeful, feeling like he won because he managed to hold off LWJ for so long. LWJ gives him the win, of course, because he’s both impressed and doesn’t care for winning or losing. ~WWX breathlessly says he’s happy to spar again anytime. From that day forward, Suibian sees the outside of its sheath more often. 
~XL finds out one day that no one actually taught HC how to fight. He just kind of picked up a sword and swung it around and winged it this whole time. ~XL, a martial god with an obsession with martially talented youth, is both amazed and horrified. He takes it upon himself to teach HC. They spend a few hours every other day going over proper sword forms. ~HC likes these lessons much more than the calligraphy ones. But of course, he pretends not to know what he’s doing, “messing up” the most basic things so that XL would put his arms around him and wrap his hands around E-Ming to show him ~(E-Ming sometimes acts out a bit too just so that XL would hold him) ~(XL eventually finds out and puts E-Ming in time-out to watch while HC uses a non-sentient sword to practice. E-Ming behaves perfectly afterwards.) ~XL is not stupid either. He knows that HC is purposefully messing up (he does the same thing during calligraphy lessons, after all). So he eventually he tells HC to concentrate and to do it properly ~Of course HC listens. And when he actually puts in the effort to learn, he’s an incredibly quick study. Within an hour, he’s got everything down. ~XL tests him with a match, and he is very generous with his compliments during the match, and HC of course, has to reciprocate. ~”San Lang, your footwork is very good, just like I taught you!”  “It’s all due to Gege’s splendid teaching.”  “No, no, San Lang is just an incredibly talented student! You pick up on things very fast and your memory is very good too.” “Dianxia is too kind. I am only trying to match Gege’s martial skill to be somewhat of a worthy opponent.” ~It becomes more of a verbal battle than a physical one, swords clashing and literally being held there while they exchange words in close proximity ~It would be a ridiculous match to witness (not that HC would let anyone witness it and live to tell the tale) ~Eventually, HC’s smooth talking gets XL flustered and HC wins on accident ~XL jokingly accuses HC of distracting him to win, and HC immediately takes XL’s hand and presses it to his own chest, against his heart, which is beating much faster than it should even though they were “sparring” ~”You’re wrong, Gege. It was you who was distracting me.” ~It’s disgustingly cheesy and XL didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He decides that he sucks as a teacher, or HC sucks as a student because there was no way they can get anywhere with any kinds of lessons when all they end up doing is flirting.
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redpinpricks · 4 years
hi i need your help,,, if anyone knows the real artist of this fanart pls tell me because ive been searching for them since i followed them 2 years ago on twitter i think they also have an pixiv acc
pls help a poor soul
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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Boyfriends on a date in outer space.
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redpinpricks · 4 years
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I love height differences
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redpinpricks · 4 years
Karma: no way in hell i’m launching into space, you guys can say literally everything, i am not gonna change my m-
Nagisa: i will go; what about you Kar-
Also Karma: *literally launches into space*
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redpinpricks · 6 years
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Now you’re mine. And you know it.
source: x
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redpinpricks · 6 years
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Call demon
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redpinpricks · 7 years
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old meme
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redpinpricks · 7 years
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I made this entire piece just to draw topless dudes.
I mean, let’s have an innocent Nekoma crew + KuroKen skit ~  (=゜ω゜) Happy Weekends, everyone!
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redpinpricks · 7 years
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[Updated by July 2017] I thought it’s a little too plain with just lineart, so I decided to put colors in. Sighs, I still like this short piece a lot…
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redpinpricks · 7 years
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the moment when you’re about to defend ya boy… and then remember saying “kenma’s not lazy about stuff he actually likes” to your mutual teammates might be a shade demotivating…
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