reesesmith433-blog · 5 years
Let’s connect on Instantgo now and add me to your favorites. Instantgo lets you get paid for the time you spend on the phone helping others https://www.instantgo.com/knowthyself19
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reesesmith433-blog · 5 years
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reesesmith433-blog · 6 years
Lilith overlays in synastry
Lilith in the other person’s 1st House:
Strong physical, sexual attraction. Lilith might be obsessed with the House person’s apperance and behaviour, something draws them in. The House person sees Lilith as someone who has a lot in common with them, someone who they can show their rebellious and darker self almost instantly. 
Lilith in the other person’s 2nd House:
A strong possession. Lilith may use the House person as their sponsor, someone who can provide them the material possessions they need. The House person might like the investment in Lilith, they feel empowered and like feeling “used”, if they even realize it. The House person might be rough on Lilith with their physical contact, too strong, act like they own them.
Lilith in the other person’s 3rd House:
Lilith is the one who gives the House person very dark, often bad ideas. They put the House person’s mind in a new direction, where they can be thoughts that are unusual to them. They might be scared of them. They see the Lilith person as the little devil on their shoulder who gives them the “you know it’s going to end up bad, but why not do it anyway” advice.
Lilith in the other person’s 4th House:
The home-wrecking placement. Lilith might be the one to bring the House person out of their comfort zone, their morals, the way they were taught to think. The House person sees Lilith as something exciting, something that can stir up their home, their family. Sex can be very unusual for the House person, they will likely discover new things.
Lilith in the other person’s 5th House:
Sex between them might be filthy, there is no shame between them, bdsm and orgies might be included. Lilith introduces the House person to dangerous, thrilling hobbies that are also full of pleasure. The House person knows they are wrong, but their inner self is curious about them and can’t resist them. Lilith might also put the House person in danger, risk them for their entertainment.
Lilith in the other person’s 6th House:
Lilith can cause rebellion, chaos, adventure in the House person’s daily routine. Lilith will want them to leave work, school to go somewhere with them, they will want their whole day to be spend with them. They will want to influence what House person does. The House person needs Lilith, they will enjoy and seek that excitement, the escape from the normal, plain life.
Lilith in the other person’s 7th House:
Mutual manipulation, they can bring out the worst in eachother or pair up and turn into a villain couple. Provocations, pushing limits in relationships, seeking other people just to use them for their own benefit. They can drain eachother, Lilith might use the House person as a connection to other people/future victims. 
Lilith in the other person’s 8th House:
The most intensely erotic one. Lilith will show the House person darker sides of sex, they will explore it together, try it together. Intimacy feels wicked, the house person feels raw, like someone finally understands what they needed the whole time. Lilith can manipulate the House person into revealing secrets. They will idealise death, make it seem exciting. 
Lilith in the other person’s 9th House
Lilith will show the House person a new side of the world, a new side of spirituality. They might introduce them to cults, dangerous beliefs, manipulating them into a new mindset. They will make them use their spirituality in dangerous ways, brainwash other people. The House person will feel inspired, they will see the world in a new light, sometimes not sensing how bad it can be. Sexually open relationship, can bring other people into it. Causing trouble while travelling together. 
Lilith in the other person’s 10th House
Lilith will use the House person for their own gain, career growth, reputation,etc. The House person’s reputation can turn bad only by hanging out with the Lilith person, their public image can be destroyed. Lilith will use sex as a way to have influence on the House person. 
Lilith in the other person’s 11th House
Lilith will introduce the House person to new people, people that might not be good for them. Sex cults, a drug crowd, people that the House person would’ve never thought they will be around. Lilith will try to change their ideas and view of the world, put sinister ideas into their thoughts. 
Lilith in the other person’s 12th House
Lilith will bring out dark dreams, fantasies from the House person. They can cause fear, negativity and self-destruction in the House person. Lilith will fulfil all of the House person’s sexual desires. They might be obsessed with the house person’s hidden self, they will need to fully explore their character, which can take a long time, because the wall between them is never fully destroyed. Lilith wouldn’t want to leave them alone, they’re excited by the mystique. The House person might feel suffocated. 
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reesesmith433-blog · 6 years
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Thinking may have a non-linear and differing quality then other peoples.  The thinking can be more insightful.  The mind goes over experiences more. Learning is different and information is processed through subconscious thinking patterns as opposed to conscious thinking patterns.  
Doubts may center around learning, and this person can struggle with communicating their thoughts.  This can be from a reduced sense of confidence in the validity of their ideas.  Communicative reactive skills may be slower, as the mind needs to process incoming information different then others.  Sometimes the mind works so differently people may believe this person possesses a learning or speech disorder due to their offbeat mind and communication style.
Due to abstract thinking partners these individuals have a tendency to be their own best teachers. They ask lots of questions and have trouble accepting things at face value.  Mercury retrograde learns at a different pace then others due to their different thinking process.  Mercury here works best expressing itself through the hands by doing music, drawing, or painting instead of verbal communication.  
As with all planets in retrograde the nature of the planet can be “passed off” to others externally.  With Mercury Retrograde communication might be handed off to others due to issues with passive responses.  The thinking patterns may be slower in learning so need to learn may be “passed off” by requiring tutoring or more patient teachers when attempting education.
Mercury Retrograde karma centers around a past life where the person could of relied to much on others for teaching. They may not of asked enough questions to enhance their learning.  They may of communicated things out of context and now are to learn to “think twice.” about what they communicate.
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Venus in retrograde people may appear deeper then the standard Venus sign. They may be more introverted then then a normal Venus can be.  Socializing isn’t superficial and relationships are very important and taken very serious.   They don’t make social contacts just to be social, their relationships have purpose.
These individuals may have troubles communicating love or being affectionate in expression. Can ask a lot of questions around love.  May wonder a lot about commitment and loyalty.  Struggles can center around a reduced sense of self worth believing they are good enough in love.  Can come from thinking themselves into despair regarding being worth love.  Self esteem of the person suffers in many cases.
Life may be seen and measured in terms of value of love.   They may be wrapped up so much in the fear around losing love they don’t put themselves out there.  Forming the bond of a relationship can be problematic due to their self sabotage tendencies within thinking.  Opening themselves up to believing relationships are good for them despite their fears can be troublesome especially in early years.
Overindulgence in eating (food is a luxury seen from Taurus after all) can be a problem with Venus retrograde.  They may emotionally eat to make up for the lack of human companionship due to holding themselves back.  Loneliness may be a problem due to their troubles communicating their desire or affections for another.
Since the nature of retrograde planets shows passing off responsibilities of the planet to others; there are many ways Venus retrograde can work.  For one Retrograd Venus can show a shyer personality that needs friends or potential lovers to first approach them.  A reduced sense of self worth tends to make retrograde Venus “pass” the instigation of business or partnership off to another’s advancanced.  Another manifestation can show someone who struggles with artistic talent but instead indulges in others creativity instead.  Since Venus can rule buying decisions the decision to purchase items may be passed off to someone else to decide for them.  
The Karma of Venus in retrograde centers around past lifetimes where relationships and love may of been misunderstood, neglected, or troublesome. The current lifetime tends to carry on pain from the previous life love endeavors.
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Mars likes to fight by nature but internalized retrograde Mars needs to sort out whats its fighting for.  Needs to seek and internal purpose that they think is worthwhile.  More times then not they relive actions they have lived in their lifetime in their head.  This person can work hard and more efficiently when given a second chance at retribution for their mistakes.  This individual can be one that works so hard at retribution they forgo taking care of their vital needs.
Not accomplishing goals can cause over-reactions as a result of the the internalization of their shortcomings.  Sexual side can be more internalized and their lovers may feel they are selfish or lack expressive sexual sides.  
Retrograde Mars can show the Martian responsibility “passed off upon” to others in various ways.  A lack of ambition may for a need to have someone else show ambition before instigating a project.  Another manifestation potentially can come in the way of sexuality.  Sexually Mars retrograde can be very passive and could need a partner that instigates intimacy for them to get involved.  
Karma for Mars retrograde can center around reliving actions already lived in prior lives.  There may of be a desire to attach to people that represent something from a previous life.  This may also mean recreating situations by living somewhere or doing tasks again in this life that can from a previous one.  There can be a perpetual feeling of living past lives, and coming back to accomplish missed deeds in a prior form. Shortcomings and failures may subconsciously be relived with a desire to to relive the past life in this lifetime.
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Since retrogrades rule internalization, Jupiter retrograde symbolizes internal expansion of the person.  Morality, ethics, and philosophies come from their own internal thinking.  Others may think their belief systems, morals and philosophies are not of the norm.  They make struggle with higher education and be prone to being self educated more.
This retrograde offers an avenue for a higher spiritual nature in life.  They may be inclined to compile their own idea of religions by picking over from many other religions.  They think more about religion and foreign culture and may infuse them into a pseudo-religion that makes sense more to them.  Luck may not come so easy to them, so they think more about what they can do in the moment to make good things come to them.  
The responsibilities of Jupiter being “passed off” onto others can certainly seem exalted in a sense.  Since Retrograde Jupiter likes to seek out it’s own belief systems; the learning and exposure to ideas Jupiter needs to build can actually come through being exposed to the ideas of others.  As the desire for higher education is “passed off to others” with Retrograde Jupiter, this can manifest in someone seeking others to educate them.    
The karma of Jupiter Retrograde may come from blindly following other philosophies, religions and morals in a previous life without consider your own personal values with them.  Now the person must consciously consider their faith around their opinions and thoughts.
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Fear and self doubt can rule their life.  These people can possess a conservative approach in life.   They fear losing and fear rejection; causing them to not want to take chances.  They can feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Limitations are brought on by their own doing.  Saturn in Retrograde can produce a person who fears letting people down. The odd twist of fate is that they really let themselves down.  Following strict guidelines can be very different for Retrograde Saturn.  These people may feel nervous about fulfilling expectations others have of them.
Saturn’s responsibilities being passed off to others can show through a lack of personal ambition and letting others be the boss or authority in life.  The “passing off” effect may also come about when there is struggles making choices and sometimes let others make the choices for them.  Issues with career decision may mean having jobs but passing off “careers” as something else others can do.  In the case of being a boss or father in a forced role, there may be passiveness that leads to someone else needing to fill the shoes.
Karma says that Saturn retrograde indicates that there was trouble fulfilling oneself in a previous lifetime, and it is to be relived in the current one.  Some with Saturn in Retrograde feel like they have more weight upon their shoulders then others.  Besides the fear of not pleasing others, they may subconsciously feel failing in this lifetime from the souls remembrance of failure in a prior life. Failure in this lifetime is a state of mind they create for themselves by their own negative self image carried over from a prior life or soul experience.
The current lifetime can be about using the wisdom of hardship to their advantage.  To realize that there is rewards for struggle, and retribution comes in the form of personal sacrifice.  Reputation and acknowledgment can come only when Saturn in Retrograde realizes the only person holding themselves back really is themselves.  Karma can be worked through but it’s up to them.
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Internally their can be a great unrest centered around familiarity.  Instead of showcasing their originality to the world as an Aquarius would they can feel inclined to internalize what makes them original and unique.  Outside to the world they may seem like conformists, but consciously in there head it’s another story. This can stem from a childhood that may be symbolized a lack of self expression and individuality allowed.  
Internalizing originality gives a belief that others cannot take freedom from them.  A great struggle can exist in contradiction.  A feeling where this person may have to do one thing to conform, but really there is desire to be their original selves.  Embracing being a free spirit is something inside themselves they have aspirations, hopes and wishes for.  Yet the Retrograde gives them struggles in bringing it out.
People with Uranus retrograde may struggle and feel lonely because of this position.  Due to struggles expressing their individuality there mat be troubles being apart of social groups.  Their can be struggles with assimilating with network groups, or gaining a following on networks due to internalizing their individuality that makes them unique and different.  
When Uranus “gets passed off” to others it can show a person who needs others to invite to into a group setting.  Another manifestation can show a need for others to accept their individuality before they feel they can fit in.  instead of actively pursuing integrating into society, they may in turn be a loner and just “let someone else” take responsibility in being innovative.  In some cases the need to help others can show the effect.  Instead of helping others directly and showing humanitarian spirit; the responsibility of helping fellow people may be simply “past off to someone else” so they can do it.
The Karma of Uranus retrograde can center around previous lifetimes where they expressed to much rebellious or individual behavior and didn’t consider their impact.
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Neptune in retrograde can create a more hazy, confused and distorted perception.  Common sense may be a struggle as the physical world does not come easy to them.  Internally they challenge the idea of their compassionate nature.  While they may be more consciously aware of the spiritual side of life they be more apt to keep private.  Since Neptune is water and contains psychic ability, Retrograde here may indicate a more psychic nature in the person.  This is because retrograde forces the outer planets energy to be absorbed into the conscious more.  This makes a person recognize Neptune’s intuitive and psychic ability and be more apt and develop it.  They are more likely to put it to use. The dreamy side of Neptune can be internalized as well, leading them to keep their dreams to themselves.
The Neptune retrograde can cause the passing of practical life “off onto others.”  Since being involved in reality can have have confusion, others may be leaned on to take care of real life choices in general.  Since giving compassion can come hard quite simply an attitude off “leave it others to show compassion” is very possible.  While Neptune retrograde may wish to show love and help the suffering others they may be confused how to do it; and just encourage others to do so instead.
Karma dictates then in this life Neptune is retrograde to give the person a sense of the purpose of dreams.  Not just to act on dreams, but consider their validity in the real world.   The dream world and physical world can feel separate to them, making them feel they exist on two different levels.  Karma also shows here that person may of had psychic ability but failed to develop it in a prior lifetime.
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Retrograde Pluto can make Pluto’s energy more consciously a part of the internal world of the person.  There can be inner intensity in their consciousness, along with thoughts that something is either loved passionately or hated just so. Internal thoughts may be very extreme in nature in this way; yet to the outside world they keep them hidden.   There can exist deep intuitive and psychic powers here since they are seen from Pluto.  They can be more a part of the persons living consciousness and not even realize their abilities are of a psychic nature.  Internally they may suffer with fears.  They can fear being controlled and manipulated.  
This individual can struggle showing their power in the real world.  This leads them to having the door open to being manipulated by others. They internalize the desire to have control of others and consider it’s value.  Yet coming out with it in the real world is reconsidered as the use of their power is now conscious a part of themselves.  They consider the effects of their actions more internally. These individuals may stop to consider how their actions help anyone.
The nature of Pluto retrograde can be passed off onto others in a multitude of ways.  The struggles with inner intensity can lead to encouraging others to be intense.  In a sense this can help the Retrograde Pluto person match up to their level in a situation, especially when it comes a competitive or emergency riddened environment.  The ability to conquer fears can be so deep with Pluto retrograde that any drama experienced may be “passed onto others” in a unique way.  The person may relieve their traumas may potentially projecting their pain or sometimes by seeking situations or others out that can help cause them to relieve what happened.
Pluto in retrogrades karma centers around transformation.  In previous lifetimes the person may of had much power but failed to utilize it to transform others in a positive way.  The retrograde Karma may be forcing the person to relieve situations so they can relive situations and see how to handle them differently through change.  Now they have a second chance in this incarnation to help stress the positive side of Pluto energy.  This is to use it to heal humanity instead of destroy or hurt others.  Another potential darker possibility is being forced to relive abuse that perhaps was caused upon others previously, now they must live through the consequences of the actions being dealt upon them.  This in itself is the universes way to force transformation of the soul to come to an understanding of it’s dark power or manipulative practices prior.
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Courtship: Venus Signs
This will be categorized by the elements
Earth Signs want commitment and a lasting partnership.
Capricorn Venus: You can come off extremely aloof, but you know damn well what you want in a partner. Time is not a problem for you, because you can go the rest of your life alone waiting for the person that is up to fulfill your needs and meets your standards. While other Venus signs may battle with depression if they are single, you focus your energies on building your career or finances. However, if you have a water Mars sign, this can create a bit of an imbalance because while you are perfectly fine being alone, you might hear a voice in the back of your head that wants to be loved and partnered with. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Scorpio & Aquarius)
Taurus Venus: The ideal partner is in your mind, you might feel as if no one around you is worthy. The heart of the Taurus Venus works a lot like the show, The Bachelor. You will have many suitors but none of them might meet the mark. Perhaps you have many and they are all eligible, this would be the time for you to test them to see who is willing to go the farthest in the name of love. Luxury and comfort are important to you, so those who want to win over a Taurus Venus should keep that in mind. Much like Capricorn, you can wait forever until you find the one. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Libra & Pisces)
Virgo Venus: Virgo, you do not chase anyone, you let them all come to you. Those that are partnered with you might not understand you. You are the doting lover but will not reciprocate any warmth. Virgo Venus prefers to be practical in their relationships, including demonstrations of love. Do not expect them to shower you with compliments, text messages that are filled with lovely words or orchestrated performances. They will provide you with what you need. If your Virgo Venus partner sees that you need help financially to pay for a class, she will go out of her way to pay it for you. This Venus sign is practical and not emotional. Virgo Venus tests their partners covertly to see how devoted they are. If they feel betrayed, they will silently dream of greener pastures until they feel that it is the right time to move on. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Scorpio & Cancer)
Fire Signs want the thrill and excitement. An intoxicating romance.
Sagittarius Venus: Love is a game and people are here for entertainment. You will point to your partner with your invisible bow and arrow and then hope that they are captivated with you. It is hard for a Sagittarius to understand what love means, especially when they can fall in love with multiple people (or so they think). When the Sagittarius falls hard, they truly understand the meaning of love, the problem is that even if they are in a comfortable scenario, the ache to find something better will always fill the back of their minds. If a partner is able to provide them with the right amount of freedom, they will not feel restricted and will flourish in the relationship. Boredom, like Gemini can creep in and make them want to vanish, which is why they are drawn to the most creative and the most unattainable. The more impossible the prospects of the relationship are, the harder the Sagittarius falls. It all boils down to balance. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Wild Card would be Aquarius & Libra)
Aries Venus: Aries loves the chase because they love going after what they want. It is easy for fire to fall, but keeping that flame alive is the true battle. This sign is no different from Sagittarius in that they need to be stimulated physically and mentally in order to stay in love. Aries, you are the spark and you will easily go after you want, the issue will be that once you’ve won the person, the game is over and you might get…bored. You enjoy being in love, you enjoy being paired up but your lack of commitment can make you seem selfish. Do not be surprised if an Aries Venus promises you the moon and the stars on Monday and disappears on Tuesday; chances are they have promised the same thing to someone else. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Wild Card would be Aquarius & Scorpio)
Leo Venus: Leo loves the glamour and the grandiose declarations. They will choose their partners and show them off to the world with genuine pride. Their partners are an extension of them. Unlike Aries and Sagittarius, Leo is a fixed sign, so they will be a bit more…loyal. After all, Leo is ruled by the Sun and their ego is tied to their partner, so they want someone committed and loyal to them, someone who will stick by them and make them flourish. The lion needs a lioness that will rule with them. Leo Venus, you like to give your lover the attention they need. You go out of your way to send loving messages and make them feel special. You also want your partner to reciprocate every once in a while, as well. The Leo Venus partner can get overwhelming when they become self-absorbed (more so than the norm) and it is up to their partner to bring them back to reality and learn to be a bit more humble. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Wild Card would be Capricorn & Libra)
Water Signs want the beautiful fairy tale romance.Searching for a Prince or Princess.
Pisces Venus: Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it is not surprising that you are the best match for everyone. Shy Pisces Venus will rarely chase after someone that they are attracted to, but they will make cute gestures to be closer to those they have their sights on. Not all elements will value or understand your great worth because they see you as weak due to your affectionate nature. You are devoted to your partner, sometimes to the point where you lose yourself in the relationship. Pisces Venus must learn that they should occasionally be more selfish in relationships because they will go above and beyond to satisfy and please without expecting anything in return. This is how Pisces gets taken advantage of, your natural loving nature gets used to the point where it makes you doubt yourself. Hold your greatest gift, which is love, and wait for the person worthy of you. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Taurus)
Cancer Venus: The mother in the relationship. Cancer will not pursue you, she is already magnetic and alluring, so everyone will gravitate towards her. She will love and care for you, she will be there for you but she will fight if she is being used. Unlike Pisces, who throws themselves into the relationship, the Cancer analyses and evaluates. If someone is taking advantage of you, you are going to push back. Security is important to her, like Taurus and harmony in her home will take precedence over any tumultuous partnerships. The Cancer Venus will give you the boot if she deems you unworthy, she will cry and be in pain but once she has recovered, she will be cold as ice and out of your life. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Taurus & Virgo)
Scorpio Venus: When the Scorpio wants someone, they go for it. Scorpio loves a challenge. This Venus sign embodies the sensual, alluring and mystic qualities we all wish we had. There is something about him that pulls everyone to his direction. He gives off the aura of chaos and harmony and he will bring the boisterous times for those that are ill prepared. Scorpio Venus is the detective and he will test you to see if you are worthy, but these tests can become psychologically painful since no one can read the Scorpio or know what is brewing in their mind. Scorpio, you do not trust anyone and it does not matter how perfect your partner may be, you will never feel content. However, once you open up and give yourself to their love, the wave of emotions might dissipate. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Aries, Capricorn & Virgo)
Air Signs seek the innovators. A romance on the intellectual level.
Aquarius Venus: You are fickle when you are courting people. She will court the person she wants and she will captivate them with her eccentricities. This is the sign that enjoys technology and aesthetics. The Aquarius Venus wants to take lots of pictures with their lover. They enjoy showing them off on social media sites and they are the types to amass countless photos of their previous relationships. She lives in the past, the present and wants to eagerly see what the future has in store for her. A partner that is able to give her freedom of expression, loyalty and stability will be someone she admires. Aquarius will run free, her logical façade will shatter, and she will feel depressed if her partner does not make her feel valued and cherished. Although Aquarius will never express these thoughts, as a fixed sign they crave stability and loyalty. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Aries & Sagittarius)
Gemini Venus: Much like Sagittarius, the Gemini is hard to catch. He does not want to be controlled, he needs his freedom and independence. Geminis will make the first move and they will be shameless about it. Communication drives them, so expect endless hours texting or talking on the phone. As long as you can mentally stimulate the Gemini, they are yours to command. What pushes them away are ignorant people. If you are not the intellectual type, they might lose interest fast and their eyes will wander. The Gemini Venus needs to have a partner that bounces information to them constantly. The more you know, the better. They have a short attention span, so someone spontaneous and intelligent will always keep them glued. It is also easy for Gemini Venus to use people for sex, even if they do not have an intellectual connection. However, they will use the person temporarily until someone else can captivate their minds. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Aries & Leo)
Libra Venus: Libra sits comfortably in Venus, because this is her ruling planet. She loves beauty, luxury, comfort and diplomacy. Libra does not court anyone, they all go to her. Those with this placement will have beautiful qualities that will serve as a magnet, drawing in potential candidates like honey. She does not do well when her harmony is destroyed; after all, her sign is represented by the scales. She needs to feel safe and nurtured because if there is a wave of chaos brewing, she will likely pull a disappearing act. The Libra Venus can easily get depressed when she feels that she is not being cared for or valued. She will grow bitter and angry if she is in a toxic relationship, channeling her sister sign, Aries. A Libra that has been pushed to the limit will be harboring a rage that is unmatched and a fury that frightens. She is gentle and kind, committed and loving. Libra knows her worth and although she will never outright demand respect, she will manipulate you into thinking that you do. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Leo & Sagittarius)
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
The Natural Planetary Trines
Often when thinking about aspects, we consider the signs which natural form them. For example, the same elements forming a trine, or the same modality forming a square. Whilst aspects rely on the degrees of planets, there is still something to be said about the energy and bond of signs that will usually form aspects with others. We can say that earth signs are harmonious with each other as they is understanding and mutual respect, and this can be seen through the trine aspect that they may form with each other.
What is less talked about, however, is planets that form aspects. Some planets have a mutual reception and respect for each other due to how the ruling sign of them interact, which is what will be discussed in this post. The ruling trines of the planets are what I like to call ‘natural trines’ as the planets involved relate to each other due to their ruling signs. This theory can also be used with sextiles, squares, or any other aspect.
The trine aspect represents a link between planets which is beautiful, harmonious and understood. It is considered to be an easy aspect to have with luck affiliated with it. For this reason, if you have an aspect between two planets with this natural trine, you may find it is easy for you to develop or see within yourself. It may also bring you luck, as there is innate harmony between the planets, even if they are not in the signs they would usually rule.
Read about the planetary trine concept here!
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Fronts the Signs Put Up
Aries: Agression - Arians are bold and strong but not naturally aggressive in the sense that most think. As the children of the Zodiac they can struggle to express themselves and view emotions in a somewhat immature way. They feel that revealing the soft, loving, delicate part of them that hopes and dreams in ways that no other Sign could ever is a weakness, so they cover it up with a mask of aggression.
Taurus: Confidence - Taureans can seem like the most put-together, strong, and intelligent individuals of the Zodiac but deep down they are afraid. They don’t feel secure emotionally so they put up a front of being above such feelings and are typically materialistic - objects won’t let them down or turn them away, people do. When they feel weak, alone and they need something to rely on, they fake it till they make it.
Gemini: Know-it-all - Geminis have a lot of information swirling around in their heads and they are very intelligent. But they can use this intelligence as a mask. They act like they know it all, as if their knowledge makes them better, because at times they feel like that’s all they have. And if they have nothing to offer, no one will listen to them, no one will talk to them or value them.
Cancer: Sensuality - Soft Cancerians, so desperate for love, will use their sexuality as a method of receiving attention, to make up for feeling unloved, or because their gentler, romantic view of love is not always viewed favorably by today’s society. They need love and true connections which can be stunted by the harsh world around them and lead to this coping method or front.
Leo: Pride - We all know about a Lion’s pride but very few realize why Leos put up this front. In short, it’s because they are insecure. They boast and seek to control the world around them because on the inside they are in fact self-conscious. The next time a Leo seems too abrasive or pushy cut them some slack, they are doing what they can to feel secure.
Virgo: Dependability - Virgos are dependable, don’t get me wrong, but they try very hard to be. Their biggest fear is to be useless. When they are being your shoulder to lean on, in a strange way they are leaning right back on you. They need to help others, or at least be needed by them, to feel worth something. Though they may see so stable all on their own, they truly need others but they aren’t always ready to admit it.
Libra: Perfection - Librans feel they must be perfect at all times, they allow themselves no room for error, all because they care so deeply about what others think of them. They must meet the approval of others, this is their greatest desire, so they seek to appear as perfect as possible whether perfection to them is top grades and a clean appearance or appearing as if they don’t care and are above it all. In reality they are just like the rest of us behind that mask.
Scorpio: Cynicism - Scorpios are not cynical and dark to their core, they are simply afraid to hope. They know the dark inner workings of the mind and society, so love and success can seem like a mere fantasy to them no matter how desperately they want it. Pessimism becomes a shield protecting them from being let down or worse. No matter how distant they may seem, on the inside they are still hoping.
Sagittarius: Independence - To Sagittarius, independence is perhaps the most important thing in their world so when they are in need, instead of seeking out support or someone to lean on, they pretend to need no one. Despite being social creatures who seek to communicate and learn from those around them, they can’t admit that they need someone to come home to at the end of the day, making them sometimes appear hot and cold to others. Instead of seeking out what they need, they put up a front.
Capricorn: Seriousness - Capricorns are ruled by severe Saturn so it only makes sense that they work so hard to seem strong and mature, but this is only another front. On the inside they are trapped children who often didn’t have a proper childhood - sometimes this is simply because they themselves expect too much. If you give them the chance they’ll show you just how awkward, loud, and immature they really are.
Aquarius: Intimacy - Aquarians have a complicated relationship with society. They have a lot of friends and are very social but no matter how outgoing and intimate they may seem they are truly closed off. They want to be social and popular but at the same time they are afraid to grow close to another person, to open up and share their emotions. They fear that they will always be outside looking in yet they also fear what might happen if they truly let go. So they get as close as they can and hide their fear behind a mask.
Pisces: Lightheartedness - That Pisces that always seems to be in their own little world, who giggles and never seems to take things seriously? They are burdened by thoughts and feelings beyond what your average person experiences let alone handles. Their lighthearted, unsophisticated behavior is all a front in hopes of lessening that burden. If you were haunted, would you be strong enough to bear that smiling mask?
- Lavinia Amoun
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
The signs as emotions you feel but don't know the word for
Aries: Hanker Sore - Finding a person so attractive it actually kinda pisses you off Taurus: Pâro - The feeling that no matter what you do it’s always wrong Gemini: Adronitis - Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone Cancer: Anemoia - Nostalgia from a time you’ve never known Leo: Catroptric Tristesse - The sadness that you’ll never really know what other people think of you, whether good, bad or if at all Virgo: Monachopsis - The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place Libra: Heartworm - A relationship or friendship you can’t get out of your head, which you thought had faded long ago but is somehow still alive and unfinished Scorpio: Ambedo - A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details Sagittarius: Fata Organa - A flash of real emotion in someone sitting across the room, someone’s eyes glinting with vulnerability or cosmic boredom Capricorn: Mauerbauertraurigkeit - The unexplainable urge to push people away, even close friends or people who you really like Aquarius: Mal de Coucou - A phenomenon in which you have an active social life but very few close friends Pisces: Liberosis - The desire to care less about things
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
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Isidorus Hispalensis - The Four Elements, “De Responsione Mundi et de Astrorum Ordinatione”, 1472. Earth - being the Subsidence or remains of that Primitive Masse, which God formed out of Darkness, must needs be a faeculent impure body, for the extractions that the Divine Spirit made, were pure oleus, aethereal substances, but the crude phlegmatic indigested humours settled like Lees to the Centre. Water - the most ancient principle and the Mother of all things among visibles. Without the mediation of this, the Earth can receive no blessing at all. The common Element Water is not altogether contemptible but there are hidden treasures in it. Air - this is no element, but a certain miraculous Hermaphrodite, the Caement of two worlds and the medley of Exteremes. In this are innumerable magic forms of Men and Beasts, Fish and Fowle, Trees Herbs and all creeping things. Fire - it passeth through all things in the world and it is Nature’s Chariot, in this she rides: when she moves, this moves, and when she stands this stands, like the wheels in Ezekiel whose motion dependeth on that of the spirit. This is the mask and screen of the Almighty.
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Astrological Houses as parts of a House
The 1st house is the overall style and build of the house.
Imagine looking at a house from the outside, the lawn, shutters, doors, etc. It’s the intial impression you give off overall- sets the tone and basic structure of the rest of the houses.
The 2nd house is the trophy room.
Where collections and valuable possessions are stored, physical and tangible security. Items of personal comfort. Objects money can buy, and reflect personal values/interests.
The 3rd house is the neighborhood. It’s also your mailbox.
It’s the immediate environment, how you interact with it, and the impact it has on your house. Rules communication with environment as well. Where you receive and send out writing such as letters.
The 4th house is the bed room.
It’s where you go to rest and restart, private and for family affairs. Personally and fundamentally vital for an individual’s pysche. A center of the home for the native.
The 5th house is the living room.
It’s where people go casually for entertainment, and for fun. Where hobbies are usually performed and friends are greeted.
The 6th house is the kitchen.
A daily necessity for life, essential for health. Especially vital for diet. How this house is treated will decide on the overall health affairs.
The 7th house is the guest room.
Where people staying in your house reside, people apart of you and your daily function, you may not claim to be apart of you, but is a reflection of who you are. Describes the type of people you encounter and that compliment you.
The 8th house is the bathroom.
Important for security of the individual and their health processes. Private. A few trusted will see the happenings of this house. Personal secrets or doings are done in there.
The 9th house is the library.
Where knowledge is stored, religious texts, and old Collage textbooks. Photo albums of trips taken long ago will be scattered among the shelves. A globe is probably hidden somewhere.
The 10th house is the office.
Where work is done in order to ensure the desirable public image. Momentums of the desired profession scattered, awards and prided accomplishments placed deliberately around.
The 11th house is the gameroom.
Where huge gathers happen, with games, food, and drink. Family reunions to highschool friends, bringing people you haven’t met personally but are bonded over a common cause.
The 12th house is the attic.
It’s where dust gathers on everything you hide away. It’s quiet and there’s boxes filled with the prized possessions of ancestors, as well as documents detailing events you forgot about. It creeks but there’s a light switch, in the darkness of night it can prove difficult to find the switch.
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Ascendant/1st house: I am the mask you forget you're wearing
Moon: I am the face you wear when you cannot cope anymore
4th house: Inside, you are actually me. I safeguard your birth chart
3rd house: I am the voice you talk with and the eyes you see with (remember we perceive with the mind, not the eyes)
5th: I am the big kid in you
6th house: I am the face you wear at work
Venus: I am you when you satisfy your needs for pleasure, love, comfort, and beauty
7th house: I am the lost parts of you hiding in other people
Mars: I am you when you feel threatened
Jupiter: I am you when you feel in peak condition and confidence
Pluto: I am the face of your therapist, the face of your aggressor, the face of your healer.
9th house: I am you when you travel overseas, start university, and study astrology
Saturn: I am the voice of the parent who criticised you
10th house: I am the face that the world can see, they all see my success, they don't see my work, trauma, labour, and resilience
Neptune: I am your psychic faculties, you source spiritual inspiration from me
12th house: I am the face that nobody sees
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
chiron, the wounded healer
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The Chiron in Aries wound relates to your identity. Feeling like you are not worthy, that your qualities are not acknowledged and a fear that you have no value at all- all of these are indicators of an Aries Chiron. This is your silent wound: feeling unworthy and self-neglect, impotence of the self. This results in hypersensitivity to criticism, offended dignity and difficulty in asserting yourself. It also suggests physical abuse, wound, deformity and other issues.
The Chiron in Taurus wound relates to neglect. Feeling like you didn’t get enough of something (emotional, physical, material, mental, spiritual, etc), also expecting to receive more attention than you did, feeling unfulfilled and undernourished in some way- all of these are indicators of a Taurus Chiron. It all comes down to your sense of worth; a kind of void that won’t go away, and even if you try to fill it, you can’t as it seems like a dark hole. This is your silent wound: feeling neglected, in some way or another. Either because people don’t value you as much as you deserve to be; or because you’re expecting too much from them.
The Chiron in Gemini wound relates to a pain of doubting yourself, your ability to communicate clearly and feeling misunderstood. Feeling like you are not capable of speaking effectively, or that no one will listen to you or believe what you have to say- all of these are indicators of a Gemini Chiron. This is your silent wound. Even if you try to cover it up by emphasizing your mental capacities, you are very sensitive (psychologically) to what other people say.
The Chiron in Cancer wound relates to lack of nurture/ love. Feeling like you’ve been abandoned, or like you can’t form strong ties, personal protection and belonging issues, fearing challenges and seeking safety above all- these are indicators of a Cancer Chiron. It’s also very common for people with this placement to feel unworthy of love to some extent, and thus, always give more than what they get.
The Chiron in Leo wound relates to not being able to fully express the things that are within you. Feeling like people don’t give you the chance to shine, having a life that doesn’t stimulate your essence, not being able to feel joy at its fullest, not believing in your abilities, and not being recognized for your gifts and talents - all of these are indicators of a Leo Chiron. It all comes down to your self-expression; and this is your silent wound: lack of self-expression and hurting ego, in some way or another. Either because people don’t let you be yourself; they overlook your talents; or because you for some reason feel like you shouldn’t express yourself.
The Chiron in Virgo wound relates to compulsive behaviors fueled by perfectionism. Feeling like you can never do something perfectly, or that you are not good enough are indicators of this placement. It suggests anxiety, pressure and stress issues, uncontrollable urge to control everything around you/yourself as much as possible. Self-doubt is very common- you’re too critical at times. Your silent wound is the need to fix in order to make thing perfect.
The Chiron in Libra wound relates to hurtful relationships. Feeling like you trust the wrong people, getting hurt over and over, getting caught in a co-dependent relationship, unrequited love- all of these are indicators of a Libra Chiron. You may feel like people in general keep disappointing you, or maybe you feel like it’s you who are disappointing them. This is your silent wound: hurt when it comes to relationships. Either because they’re abusive or play with your feelings, or because they’ve made you cold and you don’t know how to trust anymore.
The Chiron in Scorpio wound relates to fear. It can have many manifestations, depending on which house it is placed: fear of loss, of the unknown, of persecution, confrontation, death or ever change. As Scorpio is also the sign of ‘power’, this position brings about many power issues, such as you being drawn to dangerous situations to feel empowered, or constant feeling like you’re out of control.
The Chiron in Sagittarius wound relates to feeling confined in a mundane existence. Wanting to break traditions or spiritual teachings, feeling like they have no deep wisdom, feeling like they can’t achieve glory, searching for the truth desperately - all of these are indicators of a Sagittarius Chiron. This is your silent wound:  a desperate need to find meaning, in some way or another. It’s common for people with Chiron in Sagittarius to feel like they are an eagle inside, but are tied and cannot fly. There’s a lingering fear that you can never be glorious or live life like an adventure.
The Chiron in Capricorn wound relates to not being recognized. Feeling like you are not heard, that your efforts are not acknowledged and a fear that no one will listen to you and recognize your value- all of these are indicators of a Capricorn Chiron. It all comes down to how you’re seen regarding your potential. This is your silent wound: feeling underappreciated, in some way or another. Even if people recognize what you have to offer, in your own mind there’s always a deep-rooted fear of failing people, not doing your best at something or not succeeding, which would imply an identity crisis.
The Chiron in Aquarius wound relates to feeling different. Social rejection, fear of large groups of people, a need to withdraw from the public- all of these are indicators of an Aquarius Chiron. You may feel like you don’t belong, or you don’t share the same interests with the people around you, so you feel alone, isolated. This is your silent wound: not fitting in, somehow. Either because you’re disconnected from the world, or because you feel like the world disappoints you.
The Chiron in Pisces wound relates to the pain of disconnection. Feeling like you’re not “whole”, you’re not who you’re supposed to be, or that you can’t come to terms with higher forces or even with humanity in general- all of these are indicators of a Pisces Chiron. You can lack faith in yourself, in others and in the universe. You may feel like you can’t quite understand how the world works, like you know God works in mysterious ways but you can’t fully accept this. You don’t trust your ability to survive.
by crystal melbourne | within the zodiac | these are excerpts from my upcoming book. pre-order it via e-mail at [email protected]
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Saturn in the Houses: our deepest fears
Saturn in the 1st- fear of not being enough, not strong or bright enough, fear that others will not know who you are. fear of losing your essence Saturn in the 2nd- fear of losing what you cherish the most & fear of losing touch with reality. fear of insecurity, instability and inconsistency Saturn in the 3rd- fear of not being able to move, explore, live. fear of being idle, silenced and alone. fear of not having contact with others Saturn in the 4th- fear of being unloved and of not belonging anywhere. fear of being utterly alone, emotionally. fear of not having a safe space to go to  Saturn in the 5th- fear of not being able to create, dance, write, sing. fear of having your talents overlooked, fear of not being original enough. Saturn in the 6th- fear of the unexpected, uncontrolled, untested. fear of losing your daily routine. fear of imperfection, low standards, degradation Saturn in the 7th- fear of being alone, fear of unsafe relationships. fear of rejection, never settling down, being incomplete, not finding your soulmate Saturn in the 8th- fear of letting go of control, opening up, giving in. fear of sharing too much, too soon, too recklessly. fear of (superficial) intimacy  Saturn in the 9th- fear of having wrong beliefs, values or morals. fear of not asking the right questions, or not questioning things enough Saturn in the 10th- fear of disappointing others. fear of not keeping up with your responsibilities and duties. fear of being powerless and invisible Saturn in the 11th- fear of failing humanity. fear of having all your dreams and aspirations remain unrealized. fear of not fitting in, of being ostracized  Saturn in the 12th- fear of exposure, confrontational situations, being out in the open. fear of disappearing into oblivion, fear of being nothing -crystal melbourne | within the zodiac | “where’s my saturn?”
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
visible emotional disposition ::
leo moon, leo mars :: the emotions are theatrical tragedies or grand celebrations, melodramatic emotions, emotional about love, children and happiness. emotions bright and warm like the sun, equally blinding and burning. self-victimization rooted from fear of abandonment. pain received by others taken to heart and feel like direct punctures to the ego.
jupiter contacting the moon or mars :: big jupiter tears and thunder laughs, inflates and magnifies emotional experiences, easily forgiving and likewise easily angered, can begin as tears of joy that hyper-activate all emotional response and end with tears of anger, sadness, hopelessness, frustration etc. fluctuating optimism and pessimism, big and loud emotions.
mars in the 1st, aries asc, aries moon, aries mars :: instinctual and immediate reactions, alertly sensitive to the given environment; easily prompted to react explosively. combativeness and aggression rooted from feeling misunderstood by others. “lone warrior” fights battles even when there are no battles to be fought. feels threatened and alone which expresses outwardly as frustration, irritability and aggressive episodes.
moon in the 1st, 4th, cancer placements :: directly governed by emotions, especially 1st decanate cancer. teary and glassy eyed by nature, neediness of the abandoned child or needless mother, moody, melancholic and sentimental temperament, ..especially cancer placed on the ascendant or under feminine energies (moon, venus).
pisces placements, strong 12th house :: universal empathy and hypersensitive to the vibrations of others, emotionally psychic, teary about criticism and “meanness,” sorrowful temperament, identification and relating with the Victim, emotionally confused, teary episodes trigger pains of the past. unexplained emotional pains.
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
What the signs crave
Aries: Captivation. Someone who not only captures but holds their flickering flames of interest, someone they can’t look away from if they tried, who melts their hearts with slow burning lava. Taurus: Fluidity. In the midst of their sturdy calm, someone who will surprise them and move them, who pushes them to their limits, who is exasperating and irresistible. Gemini: Adoration. Someone who loves the quickness of their minds, who thinks they are the world’s most beautiful puzzle, who touches them like they are a map they will never quite completely understand. Cancer: Security. In the depth and curves of Cancer’s love, they crave someone who is unwavering, who will forever hold their hand. Leo: Passion. Someone whose heart burns as brightly as theirs does, someone whose fierce spirit matches their own, whose kisses are intertwining flames. Virgo: Understanding. Someone who studies them carefully, who knows that they try their hardest, who loves their quirks and reads their bodies, who makes them feel like their every movement is a blessing. Libra: Determination. Fearful Libras with fleeting hearts crave someone who will go to the ends of the Earth for them, someone who proves with every smile that they hold unconditional love. Scorpio: Acceptance. Someone who knows their darkest shadows and brightest lights and loves it all, who never lets them forget that love. Sagittarius: Freedom. The spirit of Sagittarius is untamed, and never will be; they crave someone who will travel the world with them, who looks at them like they are the universe but will always set them free. Capricorn: Romance. The misunderstood, intricate heart of Capricorn craves boldness and sweetness, romance and adoration that overwhelms them, makes them feel like they have the world in their hands. Aquarius: Excitement. Someone who startles them, who takes their hand and leads them to new worlds, who makes them laugh harder than they ever have, whose mind is filled with things they never knew existed. Pisces: Fascination. Someone who delves into their worlds, who explores them and listens to their soft spoken stories at 3 AM, who theorizes and hypothesizes with them, who never tires of hearing them speak.
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
Astrology: 5th House love VS 7th House love
There is often subtle confusion about the nature of romantic relationships between the 5th and 7th houses of a natal chart.
While the 7th is “you and me” romance and love, the 5th House love is more focused towards ones self and what they have to offer. 5th House says “I can give these qualities to you” while 7th house says “We share these qualities together” - this is why the 5th/7th Sextile.
The 5th House is about expression oneself, in the same nature and way that the sun expresses itself as it naturally resides in that house (as well is traditionally rules by Leo, a romantic fire sign). The 5th House is all about the glamour and fun of romance and dating. It shows what you like to do on a date, and how you express yourself romantically to your partner. It’s all about giving gifts in a generous offering of the self, as well as giving ones time and attention. There is still a great sense of separation from “you and me” in the 5th, hence why it’s often associated with ‘casual dating and sex". The native in this house isn’t ready to commit, but is willing to give some parts of the self for fun, but it’s not to share - it’s simply to show.
In the 7th the self (1st house) is then combined with another in a relationship/compromise. It’s where 2 individuals (1st house) become 1 again together. The 1st house is about ourselves alone and where we stand in the perspective of the world around us. We identify qualities and project the qualities we don’t associate with into our partners, close friends and people we openly dislike due to great amounts of indifference. In the 7th house, the other person forms a sense of completion within the self as someone who possess the qualities we don’t, and together, become a whole.
The 7th house describes who you attract to complete you (1st) and how you act in a compromising relationship with another (7th).
In the 5th, you are still an individual, but in the 7th, you must make a compromise to work together as one.
©ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr
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reesesmith433-blog · 7 years
The signs and the sign they least get along with
Aries: Pisces // They’re the dreamers. The quiet ones. The ones you could never understand if you tried. You don’t understand their silence, their watching. You don’t understand how they’re never up and around and socializing like you always are. You don’t understand how they can be so silent when communicating and living can be so fun. But at the end of the day they soothe you and calm you and the craziness in your world.
Taurus: Aquarius // They baffle you. How they sweep from emotion to emotion vexes you. How they go from being bubbly to shutting down completely irks you. They’re too aloof. They’re too confusing for you. You can’t keep up with their mental processes. But they also let you open up and feel free–if only for a minute.
Gemini: Virgo // Though you share the planet of Mercury, they’re too headstrong. Too immaculate. Too anal. They’re pragmatists but you’re free thinkers. You go with your thoughts and you run with them, but they need to sit down and plan it out. They’re too stubborn for you. But they’re also the intellectual equal that can not only challenge you, but complement you as well.
Cancer: Aries // They’re too high energy, they’re just too much. Their minds move a mile a minute and so do their actions so not only do they exhaust you mentally, they exhaust you physically too. They’re too flamboyant and too dramatic. Overall they can be too extra for you. But at the end of the day, you know you couldn’t live without them.
Leo: Capricorn // They have an abrasive personality to you. Not only are they silent and serious, they can be know-it-alls too which are all turn offs to you. You need big personalities, ones that intrigue you and make you laugh. People that make you feel good, not just in general but about yourself as well. But they’re too quiet and too calculating. However, they also challenge and push you and will always help you up if you fall. You’d make an unstoppable team.
Virgo: Libra // They’re too dreamy. Too optimistic. Too unrealistic. They’re the zen ones, the ones that always seem to have everything in control. You can’t understand how they seem to push past everything with a sunny disposition. You can’t seem to fathom how they keep themselves together. In the end, you dislike them because they’re everything you wish you could be.
Libra: Scorpio // They’re too twisty. And confusing. You enjoy peace and ease but they’re just so…? There’s no word for it. You can’t describe it. It’s vexing. They’re alluring and enthralling, but overall a recipe for disaster for you. But they’re also the ones that you can say anything to and spill your soul out to and though that’s difficult for you, it’s a necessity.
Scorpio: Gemini // They’re too flighty. Too intuitive. You feel like they can see right through you and that’s something you do NOT want. You like your privacy but they’re too inquisitive, they want to know every detail of you and that’s way too intrusive for you. That’s YOUR job. You like to analyze and figure people and the world out from afar, but they do it out loud. And personally. But at the same time, if you sat down with them and actually talked one-on-one, you could probably come out of the conversation with the whole world figured out. 
Sagittarius: Taurus // They’re too steadfast. Too stubborn. They’re the bull but you’re the bull fighter. You need to be free and float. You need to explore and dream. But they need a plan and they need consistency. They’re oil and you’re water. But they’re also the ones that bring you back down when you drift too far up. They’re your rock.
Capricorn: Cancer // Though they are your sister sign, you dislike how they wear their heart on their sleeve. You dislike how they bleed, live, breathe emotions. They drown you with their affections and love. Their fickleness. And the second you open up the second they pick at your vulnerabilities. And you abhor their constant mood swings. They vex you completely and utterly. But they’re also the ones that taught you that it was okay to show the slightest bit of emotions and they were also the ones to teach you there was kindness in the world if only you let yourself see it.
Aquarius: Leo // They’re too big. Too proud. Too egotistical. Their personality is stifling to you. Sure you can be big, you can be proud, but at the same time you know when to be quiet. You know when it’s too much. They don’t and you can’t stand it. You’re more aloof, more calculating, more meticulous. They’re more gregarious, more easy going. They’re the social butterfly and you’re the introvert. But you also know that if you got to know them, you’d discover that not only do they have a golden personality, they have a golden heart too. 
Pisces: Sagittarius // They’re too loud. They’re too high energy. They’re too dramatic. Their presence and overall personalities are draining to you. They need to be active and they need to know and do everything in the world, but you just like to lay back and experience. They live too fast and you feel like they cause more trouble than it’s worth. But they can also make you laugh and bring you out of your comfort zone, which is good every once in a while.
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