regan-raine 1 month
Cursed Price on heroforge.
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Just my Cursed little bean. <3 He's a shape shifter who took the form of Captain Price becuase he likes how Price looks.
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regan-raine 1 month
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I used the "Person On Leash" meme. [Ik the characters looks crapy in this but I didn't really try, gimme a break] !!This is NOT a ship and this is not the same Alternet Universe where Cursed kills some of the 141's members!! Cursed is a Chaotic shape shifter who joins the 141 after Price finds him near his house. At first Price was scared of Cursed, but then warmed up to him after getting to know him. Though Price needs to make sure Cursed doesn't cause to much mayhem in the Barracks.
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regan-raine 1 month
Cursed Price.
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So, this is Cursed Price. I made him [with my friend's help a while back]. Theeeen I made a small story about him.
"One mission Captain Price went MIA for a while. He went Radio Silent, task force 141 combed the mission ground for days, calling in other task forces to help. No one knew the whereabouts of Captain Price, until he was found, or rather, he found the search party. Everyone was worried and confused, but he acted normal, apart form not knowing he was missing. After he was checked up everything seemed fine, until one night at the base, he was acting strange, being standoffish, keeping his head down, his hat blocking vision of his face. Later that night there were strange noises coming from task force 141's barracks, sounds of growling, yelling, and gunshots. A separate task force went to check on task force 141 but when they entered all that was to be found were the deceased bodies of 141, and a humanoid figure with black eyes, thin yellow pupils in the middle of the pitch blackness, four sharp bloodied teeth peering out of its mouth, with the appearance of Price, watching them. Before they could react-it ran at them, wiping out the second task force before disappearing off into the night.
In the morning the two task forces were found, they're written up as KIA, and Captain Price is once again, MIA." And that's the story. Anyways. He's a shape shifter expariment who broke out of a lab facility and took the form of Captain Price.
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regan-raine 4 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 馃コ I DON'T REMEMBER POSTING THIS
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regan-raine 1 year
Rung head cannon.
I like to think that, when Rung has had a stressful day and has no one to talk to about it he'll go to a mirror and talk to himself and make himself feel better. Or he has a mirror in his office that whenever someone asks about he's like "Oh, it's just a mirror. Nothing special". But when he's alone he'll put the mirror opposite to him and give himself a little session.
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regan-raine 1 year
FNAF Mapbot idea
Mapbot:.*holding a gun in one hand and a map in the other* Directions. Or death?
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