regansheasparks Ā· 5 years
Our Pregnancy Journey:
Pregnancy Journey:Ā 
We started trying to get pregnant in August of 2018, every month there was more and more negative pregnancy tests. I kept taking them even though I knew I wasnā€™t pregnant just hoping for a positive to show up. By January 2019, I was having very intense periods. They came with crippling pain that just seemed to not be letting up at all. I had always had really rough periods but they were just getting worse I felt. I started asking my doctor what we could do because I felt that there might be a bigger issue than just a normal period. We talked about a few different conditions and medical conditions that ran in my family on my moms side to see if that could be an issue. We ended up doing an Laparoscopy on February 13th, 2019 to see if I had endometriosis. After surgery, I was told I did indeed have endometriosis and that he cleaned it all out while I was in surgery. That was good and bad news. I knew that it can and will always come back and I was worried that I wouldnā€™t be able to have kids. He reassured me that I still have just as much of a chance as anyone else. I was feeling very good about it all. The healing process was about a week or so, and then I started feeling much better.Ā 
On the 26th of March I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and had this very weird feeling that I needed to take a pregnancy test, but I was like no - just go to the bathroom and go back to bed so I wouldnā€™t get my hopes up. So then I got up and was getting ready for work and decided to go ahead and take it. I hadnā€™t even had a period since my surgery which was so odd. The test was faint but it was positive, I immediately started freaking out and was like yeah thereā€™s no way this isnā€™t real - I just had surgery and my levels must be messed up right? So, I took another two tests with me to work and decided that I would give it some time and then I would take another one. Well the next one was positive too. I still was like freaking out but in denial that the tests were faulty. Then I took a 3rd test, still thinking it was fake positive. (Usually if you get 2 theyā€™re realā€¦ā€¦) So on my lunch break I drove to the store and got the digital pregnancy tests by Clearblue that come in a pack of 2! I was sure these would be negative. I took one and it was FAULTY - it said error and was defective so there was no result. Of course by this point I have to wait a little while because I donā€™t have to go to the bathroom yet. Itā€™s been about a few hours or so I want to say and I took that test and gave myself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror while it was loading (YES - I know iā€™m weird). About 2 minutes later I go to grab the test and it says *PREGNANT*. If you know me at all, you know that I am shaking and crying and extremely overjoyed but also freaking out all at the same time. I knew I had to tell Derek that night because I canā€™t keep a secret or a surprise from him - its sooooooooo hard. I texted my friend who has a cricut and was like look, I get off in a few hours can you please make me a baby onesie that says ā€œFACT YOUā€™RE GOING TO BE A DADā€ with the Dwight Schrute glasses on it. I then told Derek I had to run an errand for a surprise for him when I get off work. I ran over to her house and grabbed that onesie and headed home. I havenā€™t gotten to post this video anywhere so I will post it below of his sweet face when he found out he was going to be a daddy.Ā 
We had an appointment to see how far along we were on Friday - April 12th, 2019. We then found out that we were about 6 weeks along! Later on that night I started having some really intense cramping and was starting to get scared that something was happening. It let up and I went to bed and just tried to relax. Saturday morning April 13th, I was having some more pain and slight bleeding. I called the doctor and they said if the bleeding is not bright red and heavy to not worry. The pain became intense - I had another appointment coming up that following tuesday and I was trying to make it to then but the pain became too intense and the bleeding got heavier. I was in so much pain - I had Derek take me to the Emergency Room. After a few hours of being in the ER and having ultrasound and blood work done, we were told that we lost the baby. As you can imagine this was one of the hardest things we have ever dealt with. Time heals all wounds and this was not something that we would just heal from or forget. This would take time, and a lot of it. Even though we lost this baby at 6 short weeks the pain of losing him/her was unbearable. Any and all loss is hard loss.
On May 18th, 2019 the day we got back home from seeing System of a Down in Ohio, Derek told me that I needed to take a pregnancy test. I was like oh hush, thereā€™s literally no way Iā€™m pregnant right now. So I took a test just because he said I should and wellā€¦. it was positive. Not even faint, this was VERY POSITIVE. I was SHOCKED. Our first doctors appointment was on June 7th and we found out we were 8 weeks pregnant already. I had no idea how this was even possible and my doctor couldnā€™t believe it either. They said its possible that I was pregnant with twins and lost one, but the timeline still does not add up. Nothing makes sense as to how weā€™re pregnant and how far along we were at the time we found out. Itā€™s literally a miracle, this baby is a miracle. As Iā€™m writing this it is October 29th, 2019 and tomorrow I am going to be 29 weeks pregnant with this rainbow miracle child.Ā 
He is due on January 15th, 2020 and his name is Kai Anthony Sparks.Ā 
Iā€™m writing about our pregnancy journey to show those struggling with pregnancy loss not to give up. We stopped trying and it happened again for us. I hope that our story helps one of you who might be struggling with pregnancy loss. Please reach out to me if you need to talk or ask me any questions that might help you get through your journey.Ā 
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regansheasparks Ā· 5 years
About me:
Hi guys! My name is Regan Sparks.
Iā€™m 25 years old and 5ā€™7.
Iā€™m currently living in Kingsport, TN.
Iā€™m happily married to the best man Derek.
The Office is the best tv show ever created.
I have a little brother.
I have 3 dogs and a cat.
Jodii / Nala / Mowgli / and Felix.
Iā€™m a dreamer with a huge imagination and big goals.
Graduated from East Tennessee State University with a bachelors degree in criminal justice and a minor in psychology.
Iā€™m a huge advocate for mental health and recovery.
I met my husband Derek at a Bassnectar concert on New Years Eve of 2015-2016.
We got engaged at the same location in Birmingham, AL for Bassnectar New Years Eve 2016-2017.
Then got married on October 15th, 2017 at this beautiful old mansion.
I am always up for adventure and traveling.
Bassnectar is my favorite artist and we chase him all around the states.
Music festivals are a huge part of our life.
Iā€™m not the best at writing so please bare with me.
I have a huge heart and I love trying to help others and learning about others.
Iā€™m aspiring to be a blogger.
Expecting a sweet baby in January of 2020 *you can read more about our pregnancy journey in a new post!*
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