reggioemiliacarissa · 4 years
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“Make the rich pay for covid19 / ACAB”
Seen in Turin, Italy
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reggioemiliacarissa · 4 years
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
“The cells in your body are completely loyal to you; they work for you in harmony. We can even say they pray to you. You are their God. That is absolutely the truth. Now what are you going to do with this knowledge?”
Miguel Angel Ruiz
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
“Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”
— Oracle of Delphi
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
“Suffering is not bad. If you understand it rightly, suffering is a cleansing. If you understand it rightly, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ever have. A person who is simply happy is always superficial. A person who has not known sorrow and has not known sadness, has not known the depths. He has not touched the bottom of his being; he has remained just on the periphery. One has to move within these two banks. Within these two banks flows the river.”
— Osho (via minuty)
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
“To be aware of little, quiet things, you need to be quiet inside. A high degree of alertness is required. Be still. Look. Listen. Be present.”
Eckhart Tolle
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
“The person who really experiences the Truth will be more silent than others. Silence is the edge of the experience. To be humble, to be as quiet and silent as possible, is a sign of great wisdom. Wise people don’t speak much. Just a few words here and there is enough. They don’t need to say more than that. People learn just by seeing them and by sitting in their presence.”
— Swami Satchidananda
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
I guess I never realized how much I pushed love out and then continued to love. I want to be able to love with kindness and by being true to myself. I want to be able to love. I am ready. I know I know it is coming. I need to re-aligned some of my core beliefs but I am SO ready to love.
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
I don’t think I’m too good for love. Or that I don’t understand or deserve love. I deserve the BEST love that I could ever receive. Yes, you heard that right universe ~ I deserve the best love that I could receive. That is what I’m interested in. And I’m not even going to ask again, but yeah, I know you know what I need. I trust in you. I trust in love. I’m a magnet to love. I attract love and fun so easily. I’m a magnet to cute amazing boys who want to love me. That happens to ME
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
I believe that love is coming to me, that it is mine: I believe that a job is coming. A new living situation that is GOOD is coming. I believe that a life that allows me to live to the fullest and be the person that I want to be is forming itself. I am amazing. I am funny. I am capable.
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
okay, new view; 
maybe instead of criticizing myself, I will notice the many bonds, relationships, and friendships that I’ve had with guys. 
because honestly, yes, that is always where I go to when I feel insecure and down. and yes that is kind of what is holding me back from everything good in my life, because it’s bringing down my own self worth. my self love is dropping at high rates. listen, you beautiful woman- 
when you were in middle school/high school you were in love with a boy named Julian and you two were really close, on a spiritual level, and he was the kindest and softest boy that ever existed. truly julian is a gift from God. forever and always. he taught me that it is okay to be soft, and let someone touch you in a beautiful way, it is okay to love, you should be proud to love because you are everything in the world. 
when you were in later high school you met Emilio. and he was your best friend and he made you laugh more than anyone else ever had before that point. he was your friend when you needed comfort and love. he was beautiful. he taught me so many things about how to love and trust and build a family and a friendship. Emilio is a gift from God on how to be friends with someone you love. 
when you were in college you met Joey. and he made you fall in love with him in like an hour. and he made you feel good. and he made you just feel something. like magic. and he was just cool. he was goofy as fuck. he was just the definition of flirt and connection. Joey is a gift from god on how to demand respect, but more importantly, how to respect and treat your lover. 
and you know what- maybe, maybe I did fuck up. but so did they. and you were just as beautiful to them as they were to you, and you fucking know it. you have been loved and you have had suchhhh beautiful relationships with boys. you are loveable. you know how to love and you know how to be the best version of yourself that you can be.
and guess what ~~~ 
magic awaits you, my dear. love will always come. love will always be there. stay open. stay goofy. stay loving. and remember, love is on the way. 
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
It’s my responsibility to be able to be myself when necessary, in order to fall in love. It’s my responsibility to be kind to the guy that I like/love. it’s my responsibility to look good and feel good about myself so that I am able to take care of others and be there for others. it’s my responsibility to be positive and honest with life and myself ~ are you being the source of happiness and love that you can be? are you being the fullest and best version of yourself? that is your responsibility. love that. 
it’s your responsibility to finish this paper. it’s your responsibility to go downstairs and eat some food. its okay to take mental breaks. it is okay. but you must go back in strong. you. have. to. finish. this. paper.tonight. and. you. will. 
I want to kill my ego that says that I can’t, and the only way to do that is by doing what I want ~ being what I want ~ which is happy and loved. I deserve to be happy and loved, even when I am alone. that is my lesson right now. 
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
When I look back on my life I see a girl who didn’t make time for love. wasn’t trying to be in love, but just wanted to hook up when it was there for her to do. 
someone who was so insecure and not able to do the things she wanted because she didn’t have the courage or knowledge that that was okay to do.
I’m different now. 
I understand the importance of self-love. I understand how amazing of a human I am and how people would be so lucky to be my friend and have me in their lives. SO- stop focusing on the past. and start focusing on the NOW.
you WILL get an opportunity to hangout with J when it is meant to be. you have to start to be the happy and loving person that you are and start to realize that it is not just with him that you have made these same mistakes. you’ve done this with many people. 
you fucking run when a decent guy comes in your path because you were scared. but now, when a decent guy does come in your path, you aren’t going to run. you are going to meet it. and embrace it. no more feeling bad for being single, THEN BE IN A RELATIONSHIP GOD DAMNIT. you can totally do this. someone would totally totally love you and you are so more than capable of opening your heart up AND it being the right person.
Forgive yourself for the past and accept that you are different now, so your life will form in a different way. you will find a really fun and amazing guy to love <3 I promise you. it is just around the corner- I have high hopes for you and spring quarter that it will bring you all the love that you can even imagine. SPRING QUARTER LOVE SPRING QUARTER LOVE PLEASE PLEASE SHINE DOWN ON ME. I AM OPEN AND READY AND THRIVING AND HAPPY I CAN DO THIS AND I CAN BE CLOSE WITH SOMEONE, I believe in myself so fucking hard. 
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reggioemiliacarissa · 6 years
NO MORE EXCUSES. I need to get aligned with the universe, RIGHT NOW and I need to stop being such a fucking whiner, and get up and love my life. I AM SO FUCKING AMAZING. I’m such a great person, I am such a happy person. I have so much to offer to the world, and I want to get aligned with the universe ~~ I have asked the universe for what I want in my life , and I have prepared myself enough that when I get something good I WILL hold onto it and cherish it. I am ready. please bring the blessings. I am so FUCKING ready and I KNOW and have FAITH and believe that they are on their way. Feed good, live good. feel as if you already have an amazing boyfriend in your life. Feel as if it has already happened. 
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