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so I’ve been mia for the past few days and I won’t be able to get online properly for the next week or two. I have exams and a lot of studies to do so consider this a semi-hiatus. 
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so I’ve been mia for the past few days and I won’t be able to get online properly for the next week or two. I have exams and a lot of studies to do so consider this a semi-hiatus. 
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“When was the last time you slept?”
not doing so good sentence starters | accepting
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   “That depends on what day it is?” She asks, her eyes red from the days of not sleeping. Every time there was a war or attack on the camp, Kate found it impossible to sleep. She stayed up all hours of the night, obsessing over what she else she could have done, or should have done. Always before she knew it, the sun was up and she wouldn’t be able to get any sleep. Not that she even wanted to sleep.    “Wait, how do you know I haven’t slept?!” 
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Not-doing-too-good sentence starters
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“You took that hit pretty hard…”
“Don’t stand up yet.”
“That definitely looks broken…”
“Walk it off.”
“How are you feeling?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“You look like shit.”
“Have you been eating enough?”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Why are you limping?”
“You’re really pale…”
“Did you just go throw up?”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”
“That looks infected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“I told you you’d get sick.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”
“Look at me–you’re safe.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Are you bleeding?!”
“How’d you get a bruise like that?”
“What happened?”
“Let me help you!”
“Can you hear me?”
“You hit your head pretty hard.”
“Don’t move.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
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         “While the surface has the sun, I would much rather be down here with you.”
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                           ❝   The true soldier fights                              NOT because he hates what is in front  of him,                                                                         but because he  loves                                                                        what  is  behind  him .  ❞ 
                                                               art  ©  || emirra
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      “—- I am frightened of what she could do to innocent people.” Like what she did with plague and drout . He didn’t want that to happen. “But none the less I am happy to see you.” He smiles lightly.
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   “You do have a point but I did leave her a note saying where I was and for her not to freak out. Maybe that will keep her calm.” She said, biting her lower lip before smiling softly, “I’m glad to see you as well.”
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“I’m hugging you, shut up.”
sentence starters. | accepting
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    “Watch your mouth, young one. I merely want to know why you are hugging me.”
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( ☠ )  —— ❛ @reginamortuorum liked this.
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                ❝   your  mother  wouldn’t  be  happy  to  see  you  here  my  princess.   ❞
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“Mother is never happy in my decision making, especially if it involves coming to you, my king.”
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“So you’re telling me that…. You didn’t eat this because you thought it was mine, and I didn’t eat it thinking it was yours… Oh I’m eating this now.”
sentence starters | accepting
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          “How about we split it instead.”
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                                     ——- “Greeks!” Percy yelled.
                                                           “Let’s, um, fight stuff!”
                                      They yelled like banshees and charged.
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Me Before You - Behind the Scenes with Emilia Clarke
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               "I am still surprised he collects the bones when he could eat them up in one bite. Or that he does’t fight himself for them.” He chuckles and pushes them away from the shore when she gets onto the boat, “Any interesting ones? What do you mean by interesting?”
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    “For all we know, he can be saving them for a snack when he has a slow day or he might just like them. I know sometimes he’ll bring Hades and I some on occasion. None us know for sure why he keeps them but they appear to make him happy.” She suggests, glancing around the boat before returning her gaze to him. “Entertaining, maybe?"
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       She wanted to tell the other girl to go away; that this was hers and not the others. But that is where she would be wrong since the lake technically belonged to camp. Kenna also had to admit, there was slight admiration towards the older girl who didn’t suddenly coddle her upon hearing the word cry. 
     Of course she was sure there were other campers that were the same way but a few of the campers she met instantly wrapped her up in her arms the minute she looked as if she were about to cry. Please, she knew the world was no plush cushion, so it was nice (strange as that was) to be treated differently. 
     A small smile pulled at the corner of her lips ever so slightly. “You’re different.” She had pointed out before she stuck out her hand. “I’m McKenna.”
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When she first arrived at Camp Half-Blood, she probably would have asked the girl what was wrong, probably wrapped an arm around her and told her everything would be okay. But Kate has been at camp for three going on four years. She’s learned that everything wouldn’t be okay. You might get through the battles, the wars, the constant threat of attacks, but you wouldn’t be okay. You just survive and you keep on surviving until you don’t.
Different. She knew she was different, hell, she wasn't even supposed to be born due to the oath Zeus, Poseidon and Hades all made. The prophecy was something she never feared because she knew it would never be about her. She wasn’t just a demigod daughter of Zeus, she was also the granddaughter of Demeter.  She wasn’t half-mortal, half-god. She doesn’t even know how much of her blood is that of a god and the other mortal. 
“How exactly do you think I’m different?” Kate questions, keeping her hands upon her hips. “I’m Kate.”
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“But I..uhm…” Frank sputtered a bit, reverting back to his old, awkward self for a few seconds. “Fiiine..I guess I do like puppies…” He finally gave in, sighing in defeat while he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Lead the way, then..” The Roman would pause for a second as a thought crossed his mind, his eyes widening slightly. “Oh! I’m saying this now, I hope your dog hasn’t seen you doing any..personal things…things would be all uhm..awkward and stuff..” Having said what he wanted, Frank looked away from her, more so to hide the heat rising to his cheeks than anything else. 
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Kate freezes in her tracks, glancing over towards him. Her little dalmatian puppy has seen things that would get her into trouble, despite her attempts at making sure he sees nothing. Pogo is a smart puppy and she doesn’t need him ratting her out. A change in plan would be necessary to make sure her  secrets   stay  her  secrets.      “You bring up a good point. How about we go try the pegasi instead? Or Mrs. O’Leary?  Anyone but  Pogo. I don’t need you running off to tell Chiron.“ 
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“Nice to meet you too, Kate.” AJ replied giving his new sister a friendly smile. After the small introduction AJ went back to tidying up the place which was basically clearing out all the junk that may have fallen to the floor. While picking up two paper airplanes off the floor and throwing/guiding them to the trash can with his wind manipulation, he spoke, “Oh and don’t worry about the whole ‘one of the big three claiming you’ situation Kate, this kind of stuff usually blows over in about a week or two. After that, everyone should see you just like any other camper.”
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    The brunette watches the paper planes land in the trash. She wonders if she has that ability - aerokinesis. It did seem like a neat ability, being able to manipulate the wind to one’s will. The only ability she knew she had at the moment was one she inherited from her grandmother, Demeter, and that was limited to just roots. 
    “I hope you’re right and until then I’m not leaving this cabin. I don’t want everyone watching me or whispering around me. It’s creepy.”
reginamortuorum was struck by lightning
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prowessinbattle replied to your post:"What did they do to you?"
why does it hurt so much to read this ? ?? shit. debating whether or not to turn this into an angsty thread
it hurt so much to write. we should totally do an angsty thread, though. 
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