rei-dlonzo-blog · 7 years
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Inner Release! One of the best looking animations from the new skills 🙈
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 7 years
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Casually holding up Susano's giant sword 😊
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Rei is no longer a moon kitty but now a beautiful highlander ☺️
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
Seriously can't wait for 4.0!
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High Quality Official FFXIV Stormblood screenshots!
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Sorry for my inactivity! I've been busy busy busy with new patch and content and gearing up like a crazy person 😮 but Rei is no longer an Au Ra lady but now a moon kitty ☺️
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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My Lich alt (half naked man kitty on the right) had a friend visit (Nia the pant less kitty on the far right) so we all got in big line and done a ranger pose ☺️
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
Follower Milestone Piano Cover Giveaway!!!
Yes, it’s time for a giveaway and since the best thing I can give is a piano cover, I thought why not? :3
Rules & Terms:
To enter, you just have to reblog this post with the title of the song/piece and the artist in the tags.
Any song/piece will do and I will try and cover it with the best of my ability!
Bear in mind that I’m still a hobby pianist in training so please be reasonable with your expectations but hope you will enjoy the outcome nevertheless! To get an idea of the final product, please feel free to listen to my previous covers here: http://kmahna.tumblr.com/tagged/music
The giveaway will be closed off from applicants on the 10th of September and the winner chosen with the use of random.org
I wish good luck to all of you and think carefully about your choice!
Please look forward to it <3
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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My cape disappeared in Weeping City so everyone could see Rei's cutie bootie 🙈😂
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Was doing some of the ranger poses with @simalight whilst @kiwi-clothilde was chatting FC talk ☺️ also got a cheeky shot of Sima's cute little bum 🙈
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Turned my alt character Liete Elencia into a sexy, sassy, cute Elezen lady 😍
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Zodiark shenanigans 😂
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Got my 230 anima weapon the other day! So happy! 😍
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
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Rei chilling with fellow FC friend Camonmile Tea 😄
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
I'll be abroad for 2.5 weeks!!!
I just wanted to let you know before I disappear for half a month because I know you guys enjoy my music as much as I enjoy arranging and creating them :3
I have other pieces planned so please don’t worry! And don’t forget, reblogs are always welcome! If more people get to learn and play them on piano, the more the happiness of those pieces will spread which is really my aim! So again, thank you for all the feedback and who knows… Maybe one day, your favourite piece will pop up on my blog ^^
Thank you, Kmahna
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
Either you love it or you hate it. My piano cover of Pa-Paya!
Secondary player if Tumblr breaks and also download in same link: http://picosong.com/tXni/
Piano Sheet Music: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-WkFk0zutrdYzQ1VEtSem0wT0E
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
Stuff like this is what makes the game a bad place to be... people shouldn't be making others feel like crap or make then feel like that have to call them out to the rest of the community to make them stop.. don't be a dick or a creep guys! Be a friend and be understanding, if someone's doing some stuff with other friends for the day, you go and do some other stuff! There's a big world in game and lots of people you can make new friends with and do new things with! Help some newbies or something ^_^
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So I blocked this guy a few days ago due to /tell spamming and trying to make me feel bad since I wouldn’t hang out with him and do roulettes while I was spending time with my girlfriend instead of him. And now he follows me around sitting literally right on top of me while I’m rping with a friend or anywhere I go. Another person posted what he was saying in /say and spamming emotes on us.
I’d suggest to stay clear of Evani Voldani on Balmung, other players have had issues with him as well. He is obsessive and it’s getting completely out of control. I don’t like to call out people usually and its probably frowned upon but I don’t care, this pushed me over the edge. This guy has issues and is straight up creepy. He changed his tumblr URL so I don’t know that but at least can look out for the name and stay clear.
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rei-dlonzo-blog · 8 years
It's sad that there's horrible people like this in the game 😕 ilvl 220 would probably be the cap of the dungeon but silly tanks like that forget that the entry ilvl is 200 so if you qualify then you'll be doing enough dps to clear it ☺️ maybe the tank doesn't know their own rotation and can't WAR very well so they beat down on others to make them feel better maybe? This is another reason why I don't try and join training parties for new content... There's always a rager about
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Gotta love the people who shit on the community and make me wish I never renewed my sub for FFXIV. 
I’m not censoring any names, this chick is toxic and I want to make sure everyone is aware of it so they don’t come across the same shit I did.
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